He wasn't handing out HTVs for Labor, mind you. He was handing them out for David Nolte, the defacto Liberal candidate.
The Liberals won 28 per cent of the vote in Melbourne at the 2010 poll. Nolte, despite a well promoted campaign where he made it clear he was the Liberal you have when you're not having an official Liberal candidate, had scored less than a fifth of this amount at midnight on Saturday.
Nolte, indeed, had scored less than Stephen Mayne, the man who Landeryou despises for selling his online business for a seven figure sum while Landeryou's web ventures resulted in failure, bankruptcy and public humiliation for himself, his perjurer wife and corrupt and loathsome old man Big Bent Bill Landeryou.
Where's the candidate Landeryou backed? Off drug dealing? Really?
Labor ignored Landeryou for this campaign and Landeryou ignored them. As a consequence, Labor appears to have won the seat while the candidate the morbidly obese criminal backed has received fewer than one in every twenty votes cast.
Andrew Landeryou's public support is the kiss of death.
Nolte is a pharmacist. Now that Landeryou has been seen supporting him there is already local talk that he supplies Triad gangs with precursor drugs for the manufacture of methamphetamine and is more than lax in his dispensation of benzodiazepenes beloved of addicts, let alone morphine. Have Landeryou, the perjurer Dim and/or Big Bent Bill been involved in criminal ventures with Nolte or, more likely, forced him into criminal misdeed? The men and women sworn to uphold the law are on their trail!