Saturday, December 22, 2012

The excesses of Andrew Landeryou

Christmas is a time when many people eat and drink too much. The morbidly obese criminal and sometime husband to the perjurer and disbarred lawyer Kimberley Kitching does that all the time. Each and every hour he eats and drinks as much as most gluttons do at Christmas.

How, one might ask? The answer is repulsive. Fat Andrew Landeryou is a massive abuser of enemas and laxatives.

At the top of every hour fat Andrew Landeryou takes a 100 pack of Ford Pills. At half past he makes the Sergeant give him and enema. Constant spouts of liquid shit burst from his rectum. The poor sarge has to clean it up. Criminal Landeryou tells him it is ASIS training.

Landeryou's laxative addiction has already damaged his arse. It is why he is so terrified of what Brutus, Bubba and the rest of the Rodders will do to it.

The fact that he is incapably drunk most of the time and his hands are too busy squeezing 45 KFC Family Feast Tubs into his mouth every hour means he cannot type either to update his Blog of Sleaze, Poxnews.

As patriots say, Andrew Landeryou is a shit, full of shit, but is so drunk and so busy eating, drinking and shitting that while Vexnews is full of shit, he clearly cares shit-all about updating it.

A happy Christmas from Slanderyou New to the Law Abiding and Patriotic.

May 2013 be the year when Fat Andrew Landeryou, the perjurer and female impersonator Dim, Big Bent Bill, Conjob and Shorty, the rapist Theo, Landeryou's birth father George Seitz and all the other Labor Unity tools involved in the disgusting conspiracy are sent to Barwon Jail and raped up the arse until they heamorrhage to death on the floor of their cells.

Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year!

Our photo below shows Andrew at 9.30 this morning (Council health officers had wiped away the pool of liquid turds he was lying in and disinfected the immediate surrounds).



Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fat crook Andrew Landeryou in perverse prison preparations smallgoods shame

The law abiding patriots who bring you Slanderyou New were deeply distressed to receive this email over the weekend:

Dear Slanderyou New

I am a hard-working manufacturer of artisan smallgoods. I do not want to give my name, but suffice to say I have been featured in The Age's "Epicure" liftout on many occasions, as well as publications such as Gourmet Traveller, D'Lish, MasterChef Magazine and Vogue Entertaining.

I was bemused to receive a call from what sounded like a very drunk man calling himself Andrew and speaking with his mouth full a few weeks ago lodging an order. I was tempted to dismiss it, but the detail of the specific length and girth and hardness of the sausage products he demanded made me reconsider. I believed I was dealing with a connoisseur and wanted to prove my worth.

I called Andrew when the orders were complete. Yet again he sounded drunk and was slurring his words and appeared to be speaking with his mouth full, but said he would send "the Sergeant" around to collect the goods.

I was somewhat shocked when 90 minutes later a clearly retarded man wearing a colander on his head, army disposals camouflage gear and carrying at least 20 toy cameras draped around his neck arrived.

"I'm here for my master Mistah Shirley's order," he told me as the drool darkened his "uniform". "Good eating," I replied, stunned and saddened at the sight of the retard and his clearly hopelessly backward nature.

I was even more stunned when the retard replied "Oh no Sir. These are not for eating. These are exact replicas of the massive man meats of Brutus Beefcake and the other leading lights of the Hot Rodding Men of Barwon Jail. My master Mr Shirley is going to prison sometime soon and knows he will be packed raped up the jacksy. He has ordered these so he can savage my sphincter with them to get some idea of the turmoil and trauma that will be caused by the inevitable regular anal assaults he faces."

I was so stunned and startled that I accepted a cheque in payment against my usual policy and let the retard leave my premises as I sought to collect my thoughts. The cheque bounced. 

I called the police. All they would say is "We know who you're talking about. Sorry mate, but he has powerful political protection. We thought things might change when Ted came to power, but it's been no go."

Still startled days later I fed the words "Andrew Shirley Hot Rodders retard with a colander on his head" into Google and was immediately directed to your site.

Now I properly understand the story of Andrew Landeryou and his sometime wife the perjurer Dim I feel your readers should know of this latest outrage, hence my communication.

Yours sincerely and hoping Andrew Landeryou goes to prison before he can inflict more pain on poor Sasha Uzunov.

A decent member of the Victorian community.

Friday, December 7, 2012

A big day for patriots; a big day for fat crim Andrew Landeryou

It's been a big day for the patriotic and law abiding and a big day for Andrew Landeryou.

Firstly, we learned this morning from Melbourne's oldest and best loved news source The Age that fat boy has added hit and run driving to his list of crimes.

Later in the day The Age also reported hard working and decent youth worker Les Twentyman has taken out an interim intervention order against the slothful and drunken fat crim Landeryou. Contempt of court proceedings cannot be far behind, along with defamation action given the vile lies and smears Landeryou has posted in the comments thread of this patriotic site and his own sleazy and malware ridden Blog of Sleaze, Poxnews.

There was a third piece in The Age as well, as photo of a lunatic from Melbourne training as a mercenary in the Ukraine dressed in a Bambi costume. Could this be "Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov, we wondered for a minute.

The answer came quickly. The bloke is obviously thick to pose for happy snaps in what could be seen as a terror training camp, but not stupid enough to be photographed committing contempt of court on fat crim Landeryou's orders the way Uzunov was.

We hope there will be more news Landeryou in the papers before Christmas; news finally of his arrest and charging with multiple counts of theft and fraud, slander and perjury.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Andrew Landeryou shame: new claims

A patriot writes:

Dear Slanderyou New

I am a former senior Vice Squad detective from Melbourne. In the late eighties I had sound evidence that proved Big Bent Bill Landeryou had received extravagant sums from pedophiles to watch his morbidly obese "son" rape his ugly "daughter" Anne-Marie. These monies had been used to underwrite illicit activity in the ALP that was both against state and federal electoral laws and the party constitution. I informed my superiors was about to make arrests of persons including several state ministers, a corrupt AWU official by the name of Wilson and his ugly girlfriend, a ranga by the name of Julia, when I was told that I had been reassigned to parking meter duty in Mildura. I stayed there on this beat until earlier this year when I retired back to Melbourne and heard new information that has encouraged me to come forward.

I hear that Big Bent Landeryou is sitting upon a vast sum of wealth he has accumulated through illegal means  despite bankruptcy and the "son" who was actually fathered by one of his fellow criminals through the rape of his wife also raped his alleged "daughter" and now runs a criminal blog of sleaze named Poxnews - but nothing can be done because said ranga is now Prime Minister and has been in receipt of considerable bribes and is supported by two criminals in her cabinet who have also benefitted from said funds by the names of Conjob and Shorty.

May justice prevail!

A law abiding patriot

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Andrew Landeryou in AWU Gillard corruption shock revelations

Law abiding patriots! We bring you the most shocking revelations ever about the morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou, his corrupt and loathsome "father" Big Bent Bill and his female impersonator "wife", the perjurer Dim.

Why is Fat Andrew Landeryou turning a blind eye to the serious allegations surrounding Prime Minister Julia Gillard?

Slanderyou New has documents that show why. Her corrupt and criminal boyfriend Bruce Wilson and the AWU bribed criminal elements in the Victorian ALP, including Big Bent Bill. They used illegally obtained funds to pay for the university tuition fees of... Fat Criminal Andrew Landeryou!!!

PS Fat Thief, Fraudster and Criminal Libeller Fat Andrew Landeryou claims Ralph Blewitt raped his sister. FACT: Fat Thief, Fraudster and Criminal Libeller Fat Andrew Landeryou and his ugly sister Anne-Marie were pimped out to paedophiles from age three by Big Bent Bill Landeryou to raise money to fund illegal and unconstituional branch stacking activites.
