Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Patriots! As of this morning, Vexnews had been taken down. The "Put a Perjurer in Parliament"
push had failed. Andrew Landeryou and Kimberley Kitching had been humiliated. 
May they both remain that way (until they get dragged off to jail 
and further humiliated in some truly disgusting ways).

It is, we hope, victory for the hard-working, law-abiding and patriotic!

Victory, patriots! Victory!


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Andrew Landeryou linkage = death for Dim

The penny has finally fallen for Bill Shorten. He has suddenly realised that Dim is an even worse candidate for Lalor than Lisa Clusterfuck. Running a fat female impersonator perjurer who lived a life of luxury in Parkville on the proceeds of theft and fraud might not play well in Werribee, hey Bill?

Dim has withdrawn from the preselection race.


Suck shit, you criminal. Here's hoping you and Fat Cunt himself are soon behind bars. Don't worry. You'll have company. Talk says that the AWU fraud investigations mean Billy-boy himself and plenty of your other friends will soon be joining you.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Andrew Landeryou launches new criminal career?

We haven't bothered to update this site for several weeks, patriots, given that the morbidly obese thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou, sometimes "spouse" of the perjurer, HSU looter and female impersonator Kimberley Ditiching has barely bothered to update his, despite all the recent events and despite his claims to be an ALP insider, but tonight, patriots, we're worried.

Cunty Boy claims he is giving up blogging. Now, everyone knows that Landerfat is an even bigger liar - hard as it may seem - as Dim. But the timing has got us really worried.

Landeryou has always claimed to be a champion of free speech but praised the deranged and departed minister for communications Steven Conroy as "our greatest ever", even though Conroy would have censored him and his evil blog of sleaze, Poxnews.

Landeryou has always been the puppets of the ShorCons. If he is leaving, is he taking a job on Billy Boy's staff? Or is he assisting his "wife" Dim and belly dancer Diane Asmar stow what is left of the HSU funds offshore?

Whatever it is, our advice is "Be afraid. Be very afraid."

For whatever the criminal and former bankrupt Andrew Landeryou is moving on to is sure to be criminal and morally bankrupt.

This man associates with criminals - Andrew Landeryou,
Kimberley Kitching and Julia "Kerr St Fraud" Gillard amongst them.