Monday, December 29, 2014

Royal Commission nabs fat cunt Andrew Landeryou, transvestite Kimberley Kitching and retard gimp Sasha Uzunov

Hello Patriots

Ever since our revelation that Kimberley Kitching sought solace in the arms of Andrew Bolt while "her" "husband" Andrew Fatcuntcrook Landeryou was off in Costa Rica. we've pretty much kept to ourselves.

The Kangaroo Court of Australia site has carried all the details you need to know about the criminality of the Landeryou/Kitching crime cartel and lackeys including Diane Asmar and brain addled moron The Sarge Sasha Uzunov (using his latest false name) at the Royal Commission into union corruption here.

For a bit of extra background, drop by this old Landeryou chasing website and check out the details of the criminality involving one of the people named in the Kangaroo Court of Australia report, Clinton Carey.

We, Patriots, forecast that by the time 2015 ends Brutus, Bubba and the rest of the Hot-Rodding men will have covered greater distances shoving their mighty man meats up the arses of fat cunt criminal Andrew Landeryou, female impersonator Kimberley Kitching and retard Sasha Uzunov (or whatever name he is using) and the arses of their criminal collaborators such as Dean Sherriff to cover the distance to the moon and back 10 times over. Even more fun will be had when their mate Bill Shorten joins them in Barwon Jail as a convicted rapist, And God only knows what the lizzies will do to Diane Asmar.

This is only the beginning...



Saturday, August 23, 2014

Dimberley's Dutchboy

During hubby's attempt to evade justice in Costa Rica, Dim Ditching sought solace in the arms of:


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Andrew Landeryou in MH-17 horror scandal

Hopeless inadequate and pants-wetter Anthony van der Craats of the Corrupt the Electoral System lobby, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Landeryou criminal gang, used to live until not that long ago in the Ukraine, from which he procured children for paedophile rings while abusing the people who attempted to expose him with the grossest smears.

Landeryou erupted when he heard about the tragic fate of MH-17. "Van der Craats could have been looting bodies for me but he's back in his bedsit above a takeaway on Lygon Street! The shit! How the fuck did the cunt let that happen? That turd better have some fucking rellies back there who can fucking steal some fucking shit that I want."

Landeryou wanted to be able to sell this on Craigslist.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lucky for Bent Bent Bill social workers weren't so active when cunty was young

The real and reputable journalist of the ABC have reported that a morbidly obese WA toddler put in state care after doctors say her life is at risk.

Authorities say that the three year old weighs over 30 kilos, more than double the weight for a child of that age as measured by the World Health Organisation.

At that age Andrew Landeryou the notorious thief and fraudster "married" to the female impersonator beneficiary of theft and fraud Kimberly Kitching, weighed 90 kilos.

His corrupt and criminal father, Big Bent Bill Landeryou, took advantage of his child's obesity to pimp him out to particularly perverted pedophiles.

He used the money raised by prostituting his son to pay for fake memberships of the ALP used for branch stacking and to bribe state and commonwealth officials.

The trio are are criminals and should all be behind bars, their sentences exacerbated by violent, painful and frequent prison anal rape.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Take a hike, the pair of you

The coming Victorian state election will be vital for the chances of the ALP's revivals. It will set the tone for next year's NSW and Queensland state polls, as well as offering the chance for an almighty boost to morale in Canberra.

Yet there are problems. The Trade Unions royal commission is the first of these. The fact that female impersonator and beneficiary of millions in theft and fraud Kimberley Kitching is now an official of the HSU and employs her former con husband Andrew Landeryou on an inflated wage will do nothing to help.

Yet this is the case. Landeryou's former centre of criminal defamation Poxnews has, on first appearances, been taken off the web after it cost Kim at least four preselections and chances for the criminal couple to milk the taxpayer for millions, but a quick Google of specific subjects shows it is still all available in all its horror and defamatory lies.

The pair of crooks and Bill Shorten are as close as Lara Bingle is detached from reality.

Not a good look!

Our illustration shows a shot of the fat cunt enjoying Victorian state government hospitality on his return from Costa Rica. He will soon experience more.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Who else bets fat cunt criminal Andrew Landeryou has shown this article to his lawyers?

Morbidly obese thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou is no doubt leaping with joy. He now has a medical justification for his multiple crimes. It's called Prader Willi syndrome or PWS.

The ABC reports "People with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) feel desperately hungry all the time, no matter how much food they eat... Carer and advocate Cate Fogarty.... says the drive for food is so strong, sufferers will literally eat themselves to obesity and death, unless they are under constant supervision... She says PWS sufferers are 'very, very conniving' and will 'do anything to get food... if they can see something on the ground, or if they can see a wallet that's sitting by, they're just always, always thinking where that next piece of food is going to come from'."

No doubt fat cunt Andrew Landeryou will say that is why he committed his catalogue of crimes.

Friday, March 28, 2014

What don't you get, Andrew Landeryou?

In the space of four days two people accused of ripping of the HSU have been sentenced to jail.

What don't you get, Dim, Diane, Fat Cunt Andrew Landeryou...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Thommo got a year for $25 grand. How many will Andrew Landeryou get for his millions?

So, Patriots. Craig Thomson got a year in jail for stealing $25,000 from the members of the HSU.

Fat cunt criminal Andrew Landeryou stole 160 times this amount from Solly Lew alone. Then there's the MUSU loot, all his other dodgy business ventures and - most ironic of all - the cash he is currently defrauding from the HSU now that his "wife", female impersonator Dim Ditching, is part of a criminal cartel currently looting its poor members further.

You can yell all you want, sweet thing, but get ready for at least a decade's worth of having more traffic up your arse than the Bolte Bridge in rush hours.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Red faces, read underpants, criminals caught red handed: Bill Shorten's Labor and the Landeryous

Andrew Landeryou is a wanted criminal who weighs close to a tonne.

He is married to a "female impersonator" who's weight is also near  to that.

"Her" amateurish and criminal efforts to become a member of Australia's parliament have been backed by the buffoon Shorten.

Let the record show: a picture of the incisive and decisive  and gravitas rich leader and all roux idiot people would throw pebbles at when he went down to the bakers in the morning Shortarse take shortly before he goes to prison.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fat cunt crim Andrew Landeryou back on the electoral roll

Greetings, law abiding patriots. We here at Slanderyou New happened to wander past an electoral commission office recently and thought it would be fun to drop in. And guess what? After being the only political commentator (we use the term loosely)  in Australia ineligible to vote because he wasn't on the electoral roll, fat criminal cunt Andrew Landeryou has signed up, at an address in the loser-poser ville of Brunswick West, after giving away his online defamation gig in order to rort what's left of the cash belonging to the hard-pressed workers of the HSU.

His criminal father, Big Bent Bill, is back on the roll too, in Brunswick proper.

Dim has retained "her" "silent" listing. No address is given for "her:" "She" clearly believes men dressed as women who have lived the life of Riley on the proceeds of their "husband's" theft and fraud deserve official protection.

The reality is that now that Tony Abbott has declared his royal commission into the union movement all this is irrelevant. When it is over Andrew, Dim and Big Bent Bill - and most of their mates - will be unable to vote. They will be serving prison sentences of such length that they will have lost the right.
