Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Who else bets fat cunt criminal Andrew Landeryou has shown this article to his lawyers?

Morbidly obese thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou is no doubt leaping with joy. He now has a medical justification for his multiple crimes. It's called Prader Willi syndrome or PWS.

The ABC reports "People with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) feel desperately hungry all the time, no matter how much food they eat... Carer and advocate Cate Fogarty.... says the drive for food is so strong, sufferers will literally eat themselves to obesity and death, unless they are under constant supervision... She says PWS sufferers are 'very, very conniving' and will 'do anything to get food... if they can see something on the ground, or if they can see a wallet that's sitting by, they're just always, always thinking where that next piece of food is going to come from'."

No doubt fat cunt Andrew Landeryou will say that is why he committed his catalogue of crimes.