Slanderyou New is changing focus, Patriots. It is time to end the knockabout stuff.
Andrew Landeryou let something slip earlier this month when he put this post up on the site:
Cait Catt said...
Kimberley [Kitching] is a great lady. When she was a Melbourne City Councillor she was the only councillor not to claim ANY allowances from the public purse. We need her in Parliament.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010 8:11:00 PM
The Age has also reported on plans to make the courtroom amnesiac Kimberley an MP. What a contempt against Victorians that would be!
Andrew Landeryou, Kimberley Kitching and Bill Landeryou are pieces of shit on the soles of the shoes of Melbournians. All three belong behind bars. So do many of their friends and associates.
This blog is going to remind the people of our state why.
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You could say Cait let the cat out of the bag!
ReplyDeleteGood work, Slanderyou New. These people are no laughing matter. They are evil and out to corrupt our democracy.
Whatever happened to the expected Legislative Council inquiry into the links between Landeryou and Newnham?
ReplyDeleteLanderyou appears to have decided he doesn't need to update Poxnews yet again today even though there's an election. How did he ever summon up the energy to engage in all his thefts and frauds?
ReplyDeleteIf there ever is a Legislative Council inquiry or a royal commission it should also look at the shonky stuff that went on between David Feeney and his fellow fatty Landeryou. Feeney's office is in the middle of the Landeryou clan's Sydney Road stomping grounds. That fact may offer some clues to their future plans for Kimberley.
ReplyDeleteSlanderyou New it is true that all the people you mention and most of the Landeryou gang and their criminal associates deserve to go to jail but I hope the judge will let Sasha Uzunov off with a suspended sentence on account of him being mentally sub-normal.
ReplyDeleteNo update on Vexnews at all today! Thank Heaven for small mercies!
ReplyDeleteThere hasn't been a father and son in here since George and Carl Williams. Me and my Hot Rodding men look forward to giving both Andrew and Bill Landeryou plenty of our special hospitality.
ReplyDeleteWe also look forward to welcoming Kimberley, as my contacts in the Corrections Department say they have no doubt even a cursory examination will reveal she is actually a he.
Landeryou still has a lot of explaining to do about just how he supports himself. "On the proceeds of crime" isn't much of a reply.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't help Kimberley's ambitions much if she is providing the means for Andy to continue his reckless and malicious defamations.
Buddha Boy weighs close to 900 kilograms. That is a mighty heavy millstone for Dimberley to have around her neck.
ReplyDelete"A gambling addict who stole more than $170,000 from her employer has been given a suspended jail sentence," the ABC reports.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou stole at least $5,000,000 from Solly Lew and MUSA to feed his addiction to KFC. Will he get off with a suspended sentence too for stealing that amount? Decent Victorians will be angry.
Landeryou has spent years cultivating the ultra-right of Australian politics like the heirs of former Nazi Party member Lyenko Urbanchich in the "Uglies" faction of the NSW Liberals and old-school social arch-conservative Catholic homophobes in the ALP.
ReplyDeleteNow it has been revealed on the Slanderyou New blog that his "wife" Kimberley Kitching is actually a man.
Landeryou has committed yet another crime by going through a fake marriage with a man in drag. No doubt this will be yet another item on the charge sheet when he is finally dragged kicking and screaming before the courts.
It will be bizarre to see this toady of the extremist right exposed as the sexual weirdo he clearly is. It will be even weirder to see the like of same-sex marriage advocate Rodney Croome come out and defend him.
According to the breaking news the electoral commission is saying that over 14 million Australians are enrolled to vote on August 21. If any patriots are walking past an electoral office they should look up the rolls to see if that 14 million includes Andrew and Bill Landeryou.
ReplyDeleteYou are constantly frigging about and changing this site. That is your right, because you run it.
But I am finding the endless changes tiresome. By changing from Slanderyou Two to Slanderyou New, you lost a heap of smart commenters. They seem gone forever.
Now you have inexplicably expunged all the Slanderyou New comments of the recent past. You now say 'Slanderyou New is changing focus, Patriots. It is time to end the knockabout stuff'.
So how come Brutus Beefcake has already appeared on the new, new Slanderyou? And how come there are several references to the former Mrs Landeryou being a man?
Dave, are you sure that you are not hitting the turps like Landy?
There is little that any of us--including you--can do to get Landeryou into jail. He seems protected politically or by the police.
If so, surely, all we can do is to use knockabout tactics to point out the absurdity of Landeryou's pronouncements on Vexnews, with regular references to his past criminality.
The humour and knockabout comments on this site are what has made it great.
And don't forget that your cookie, without which comments disappear here, is a constant reminder of the disgraceful, malware cookie that visitors to Vexnews receive.
I can't help comparing Aussie Julian Assange's WikiLeaks with Landeryou's pathetic Vexnews. WikiLeaks is on the world stage, dealing with world issues.
ReplyDeleteVexnews by contrast is village-pump politics, low level gossip, lies, and endless nazi hate fests on unions, state and local government politicians.
I haven't found another blog like Vexnews run by a proclaimed crim and fraudster like Landeryou.
I agree with Papa Doc (above). Far too many changes to this site recently!
Landeryou on 'The OC' and on Vexnews has been censoring and blocking my comments for years.
ReplyDeleteBut now Slanderyou New is entering the same territory. By erasing my comments aince Slanderyou New began, you have silenced me yet again.
You might as well close down the blog, David. It's going nowhere; isn't as funny as before; is increasingly irrelevant; and down to a few real commenters you could count on a couple of fingers - probably yours!
ReplyDeletePop over to Vexnews and read a real blog!!
Some late night grumpiness here I think. Theft and fraud are serious matters and so are political corruption, thuggery and rorting.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is guilty of the first two on a grand scale and it will take the latter three to get Dimberley into parliament.
Keep the bastards honest, Slanderyou New!
Vexnews is dead.
ReplyDeleteGrub Street gnome Landeryou is celebrating some sort of win by the unpopular former political loser Theo.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou who hates the law and adjudicatos like the Ombudsman, lavishes praise on one of the nation's most pitiable, mangy old watchdogs, the Press Council.
It's all objectionable, childish drivel of course. Another suck-hole epic by a libellous fraudster with a pen.
For godsake Theo!
ReplyDeleteWhy did you have to send your triumphant email to that fat prick Andrew today? You know how he loves grovelling to you after Shortning and Conjob gave him the flick.
Now we'll have to put up with days of gushing insincerity. I noticed on Vewnews that he's already written 15 fake comments about his own blog praising you.
Time-waster Mr Landeryou has turned mediocrity into an artform.
ReplyDeleteHe is a literary drudge, churning out low-quality hack articles. These are often based on other people's ideas.
Writer George Augustus Sala said that during his years as a Grub Street 'hack',"...most of us were about the idlest young dogs that squandered away their time on the pavements of Paris or London. We would not work. I declare in all candour that...the average number of hours per week which I devoted to literary production did not exceed four."
Mr Landeryou probably has to 'work' a little longer than that, because he has trouble with his spelling and grammer. His blogs are disordered, too full of conflicting notions, pet hates, and inconsequential padding.
At the end of the day, Mr Landeryou is what we journos call a wacker, ooops sorry, I meant 'a wanker'.
But he thinks very highly of Andrew Bolt. Surely that counts for something?
ReplyDeleteBy citing Bolt Shirley hopes to pick up some of his following. All he will get is a long prison term.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou's disgusting 'Little Blonde Choirboy' fake comments defaming Tony Abbott are prima facie criminal libels.
ReplyDelete(Tip to AFP: all his libels are on his PC).
But Tony as a potential litigant faces the same problems as others besmirched on Vexnews. Where are Landeryou's stolen millions? Can he be sued? Does his 'news source' have an address for legal service as required by law?
Tony, suing this horrible piece of shit, win or lose, would send a powerful message to scum like Landeryou the crim who are punching well above their weight.
Landeryou was so drunk today that he did not realise it was Saturday so instead of taking his usual 3 to 4 day weekend he actually posted a new story on his Blog of Sleaze (that is if yet another tendentious Landeryou attack on the Greens can be considered a new story.)
ReplyDeleteLanderyou might as well have been in charge of Black Saturday. Like Christine Nixon and Russell Reese, he takes weekends off. He has no concept of duty, nor of community service. He is a contemptible waster, and occasional 'news source'.
ReplyDeleteChristine Nixon has no excuses. Ex-firee Russell Reese may have felt the situation was overblown when he went home.
ReplyDeleteAs a former CFA member, I was tuned into my listening set, and realized by 10.00 am there was a serious problem. Local brigades were responding to 'smoke in area' reports but ominously could find nothing.
After 21 years with the organisation, I was kind of glad I would not be called to what, it seems, was a mismanaged response.
Andrew can't remember where he was today, let alone where he was on Black Saturday.
ReplyDeleteI just thank god that Landeryou was never elected as a politician. Can you imagine how he would have rorted the system,
ReplyDeletePatriots who visit this site knew Christine Nixon was completely fucking useless long before the Black Saturday report came out because the criminal Andrew Landeryou remains at large.
ReplyDelete"I just thank god that Landeryou was never elected as a politician," a patriot writes. "Can you imagine how he would have rorted the system?"
ReplyDeleteNow he plans to rort the system by proxy by getting Kimberley elected to parliamnet.
Vigilance must be our watchword, patriots! Vigilance!
Former human Andrew is attacking 'The Age' yet again. What a drongo he is. The Age offers intellectual stimulation.
ReplyDeleteVexnews does not.
The ALP is going to be decimated at the November election. A few months ago this would have seemed impossible, given that Bailleau and his gang of back-stabbing cretins couldn't run a chook raffle let alone govern Victoria.
ReplyDeleteNow they are in an election winning position thanks to the incompetence and malfeasanse of the crumbling Brumby government.
This time, I'm in favour of a Jeff Kennett type enema of the public service, which has become a refuge for do-nothing, pompous, time-serving, dregs that earn fat salaries and bonuses while the community swelters in new taxes, charges and levies that they have concocted.
Smokers, drinkers, drivers are paying several times as much tax as ordinary Australians who dont drive, smoke and drink. Why?
ReplyDeleteThose creepy politicians just don't get it.