Andrew Landeryou’s criminality and incompetence lead to the bankrupting of the courtroom amnesiac and alleged female impersonator Kimberley Kitching, the bankrupting of his shonky old man Big Bent Bill and the bankrupting of the 900 kilogram man himself.
But the criminality and incompetence Big Bent Bill Landeryou lead to the bankrupting of the state!
Today Slanderyou New presents a world exclusive: Wednesday Walk Down Memory Lane.
It’s very different from Landeryou’s self-hyped Monday Madness, yet another fraud by the fatman. Anyone mad enough to log onto his sleazy site at the start this week found nothing of interest there but dsicovered 24 hours later Landeryou had stolen all their online banking and sharetrading details and cleared out their accounts thanks to the malware cookies his site leaves in the PCs of anyone foolish enough to go there.
Slanderyou New has a real story.
We take you on a trip down memory lane to reveal one of Big Bent Bill’s most scandalous crimes and the part his morbidly obese failure of a son has played in the cover up.
Fat Andrew Landeryou has used both his failed and abandoned Blog of Sleaze and the little-read hate site Vexnews to lash John Cain and the left of the ALP for sending the state’s economy down the toilet at the end of the eighties.
Why does he go so feral? Why attack John Cain so when everyone knows he is an honest and decent man who bought Labor back into government after a quarter of a century in the wilderness?
Wednesday Walk Down Memory Lane is here to remind all decent hardworking patriotic and law abiding people why the failure and criminal Andrew Landeryou behaves in this way.
The authority that racked up $110 million worth of losses on the taxpayer’s tab was the Victorian Economic Development Corporation.
And guess who gave one of his mates and business partners a key position at the top of this show without the most basic due diligence?
It was a man who thankfully only briefly served as a minister before he was sacked for being an ethical void…
Read on, patriots, as the Wednesday Walk Down Memory Lane takes you back to The Herald of December 9 1998:
EXCLUSIVE: How Minister appointed key man without knowing his background
VEDC director was a former bankrupt
By T Maher*
One of the directors of the Victorian Economic Development Corporation was a former bankrupt who admitted in court that he had falsified figures relating to a business venture, and attempted to deceive the Taxation Commissioner.
He is Mr David Efron, a 53-year-old Brighton businessman who served as one of the VEDC's nine directors from 1982 until August last year, a few weeks before the corporation was effectively abolished.
Records show that Mr Efron was declared bankrupt in 1971 and his bankruptcy was not annulled until February 1979, less than four years before his appointment to the board of the State Government's "business bank".
The Minister at the time who appointed him, Mr Bill Landeryou, told The Herald he had not known about Mr Efron's bankruptcy. He would not speculate on whether he would have appointed him had he known.
The transcript of Mr Efron's bankruptcy proceedings discloses that:
Mr Efron admitted attempting to deceive the Taxation Commissioner by providing inaccurate stock figures in the balance sheet of his family company, Witron Timber Pty Ltd; and
He admitted providing "falsified figures" to a prospective purchaser while negotiating the sale of the company.
Mr Efron's bankruptcy related to the collapse in 1970 of a deal to sell Witron Timber, a timber trading company owned by Mr Efron and his wife Lilian.
He left Melbourne, and was declared bankrupt on his own petition in South Australia in November 1971.
In his statement of affairs, Mr Efron listed his only asset as $15 "cash in hand" and said he owed more than $30,000 to 11 creditors. He said that he was "hopelessly insolvent".
During cross-examination, Mr Efron admitted that in Witron's annual return, the value of the company's stock had been under-stated by $10,000. The transcript records the following exchange: Q: "Are you saying that in order to deceive the Taxation Commissioner, the stock figures are not accurate?" Efron: "That is correct." Later in Mr Efron's evidence, he was questioned about the attempted sale of Witron Timber for $100,000 to a Mr Barnett.
Q: "The position is, then, that the figures Mr Barnett would have had when he was negotiating for the sale and purchase of this company would have been the falsified figures?" Efron: "Yes, that is right."
In 1973 Mr Efron applied to have his bankruptcy discharged. The application failed, after the South Australian Official Receiver objected on the grounds that Mr Efron had tried to avoid his creditors, and a few days before his bankruptcy had sold shares he owned in various companies to a relative for a "nominal amount".
In 1979 there was another critical report by the Official Receiver, Mr Francis James Pearce, who said that in 1975 he had applied for a warrant for Mr Efron's arrest to force him to contribute $10 a week towards his debts. The application was later withdrawn after Mr Efron agreed to make the payments.
"I do not consider the conduct of the bankrupt (Mr Efron) has been satisfactory . . . it is possible that (he) may have committed offences under the Bankruptcy Act, but I have insufficient evidence to proceed with any action in this matter," Mr Pearce said.
Mr Efron had his bankruptcy annulled, after nearly eight years, in February 1979.
Interviewed by The Herald, he said he had "paid every penny back" and defended his reputation.
In August 1982, the Cain Government advertised for applicants to join the board of the VEDC. The advertisement said the Government was looking for "persons of proven ability at the most senior levels in administration, commerce, industry or banking".
The ad said: "Applicants will need to demonstrate a mature approach to commercial matters, an understanding of entrepreneurial skills and their applications, and a familiarity with high technology projects."
The Herald makes no suggestion that Mr Efron acted in any way improperly as a director of the VEDC.
What we are suggesting is that Mr Efron at the time of his appointment to the VEDC board did not appear to have the necessary qualifications as specified in the advertisement; and that Mr Landeryou did not make adequate checks on his background.
Mr Landeryou was sacked from the Ministry in 1983 after a report on his financial affairs found that he had created the appearance of a conflict between his Ministerial duties and his private interests.
Mr Landeryou said that he and Mr Efron had been friends since the early 1970s through their association with the Essendon Football Club's coterie group, the Essendonians. In 1982 Mr Landeryou appointed Mr Efron to his staff as a consultant.
Mr Landeryou said he had been aware that Mr Efron had "had his ups and downs" in business, but he did not know he had been a bankrupt until The Herald told him.
Mr Efron was made a director of the VEDC in October 1982, and left when his term expired in August.
Corporate Affairs records show that Mr Efron has been associated with about 20 companies over the past few years - some as a private businessman, and some as a VEDC-appointed director.
As a VEDC director he was on the boards of Horticultural Holdings Ltd, Sperry Transportation Systems Pty Ltd, Belah Pty Ltd, VEDC Leasing Pty Ltd and Hickory Fashions Pty Ltd.
Mr Efron told The Herald: "I don't believe my previous background impinged on my ability to be on those boards." As a private businessman, Mr Efron has been involved in property development, and hotels.
Mr Landeryou was also on the boards of some of these companies.
Mr Landeryou and Mr Efron were directors of Mitchell Park Estate Pty Ltd, which was involved in a profitable $700,000 subdivision at Sunbury between 1985 and 1987.
They were also on the board of Ledaway Pty Ltd, which operates the Skyways International hotel/motel complex at Airport West.
Mr Landeryou said he had resigned his directorships last April to avoid any suggestion of conflict of interest.
* Was the T Maher who wrote this story later Landeryou’s Crikey colleague Terry Maher?
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This is a disgrace. We need an immediate Royal Commission into the Landeryou family and their associates and their activities.
ReplyDeleteLanderyous pere et fils should both be charged.
ReplyDeleteOnly Brutus Beefcake and the Barwon Jail lads can deliver the sort of justice these outrages demand.
ReplyDeleteI would jail Andrew, Bill and Dimberley, institutionalise Sergeant Sascha Uzunov in a secure mental health unit and put Ronnie in a pound unless he agrees to turn Crown's Evidence
ReplyDeleteHave a look at which reviews Vexnew's online reputation. Scarey stuff.
ReplyDeleteAll law-abiding and patriotic people should follow the above link and visit Webutation.
ReplyDeleteSlanderyou the T Maher who wrote the expose of Bill Landeryou's crime is indeed the same Terry Maher who like Andrew Landeryou has been a Crikey contributor. Unlike Andrew though Terry used his own name rather than a false female identity.
ReplyDeleteGreat Blog!
ReplyDeleteSo, it wasn't just genes that turned Andrew to crime. Living in the same house as Bent Bill was exposure enough to devote young Landy to a lifetime of fraud.
Bit of a waste really. But the guy is a big tit anyway.
Swinish Landeryou who, illegally, is not on the voters' roll, is still publishing criminal libels on Vexnews. Here is the latest:
ReplyDelete"Melbourne Greens party candidate Adam Bandt believes stealing is legitimate if you're short of a quid. Fortunately, he's pretty well off himself, splashing down $800,000 for a delightful Flemingon property recently. Naturally, VEXNEWS has pics".
Interfering and undermining democratic processes is Landeryou's contribution to modern Victoria. For a person who himself does not vote, and if in jail (where he should be) could not vote if convicted of fraud, his libellous blog should be eradicated.
Unfortunately, all the government watchdogs are long dead, leaving the repugnant crim free to dispense defamation from his vile, nazi hate site.
Lounge lizard and wannabe journalist Landeryou has had little to say about the federal election. But this will all change when the default Brumby government in Victoria comes up for re-election in November.
ReplyDeleteThe Victorian ALP is so desperate, after years of idle inactivity and malfeasance, that Landeryou suddenly looks good as a possible, though undemocratic, dirty-tricks saviour.
We now have a good idea how long Landeryou might be enjoying the company of Brutus, Bubba & Co:
ReplyDeleteA former senior accountant who embezzled more than $19 million from collapsed retailer Clive Peeters has been sentenced to eight years in jail.
Sonya Causer, 39, from Lilydale, pleaded guilty to 24 counts of theft in the Victorian Supreme Court.
The court heard the fraud contributed to the collapse of the retailer after she falsified payroll records over a two-year period while working at the whitegoods firm.
Causer will serve a minimum of five years in jail before being eligible for parole.
The court heard Causer bought 44 properties, luxury cars and $17,000 worth of jewellery over an 18-month spending spree.
Now that is seems obvious that the Mad Monk will sneak in on Saturday, I have begun drafting letters to him, Sofie Mirabella and Ted Bailleau urging them to make an example of hate libeller, crim, fraudster, stalker and cyber-creep Landeryou.
ReplyDeleteBut then, I thought that the people the Liberals represent are elitists, millionaire CEOs, white-collar criminals, Swiss bank account and bottom of the harbour addicts, and stoney-faced nazis.
Oh Damn! Back to the drawing board. Labor don't represent workers anymore, and try to be right of the Libs. The Libs just want to restore Work Choices.
On Saturday we will be voting for people who will comprehensively screw us silly!
Oh, well! We might as well bend over now...
ReplyDeleteI'd love to stick a big, fat keg up each and every one of those pompous political shysters! Never have so many done so little for so few.
Light blue paper and retire.
The public servants who came up with idea of indexing taxes, levies and charges--while taxpayers sink without pay rises--should be deported to Antarctica.
ReplyDeleteVexnews has been attacking the Greens for weeks. Landeryou should have been attacking slothful Labor state governments instead. Their lamentable performance for years has turned voters against Labor altogether. Here in Victoria, Brumby's eternal intransigence didn't help. Neither did Theophannous's rape case. Hulls is a classic dud. We deserved better. But didn't get it.
ReplyDeleteNow we face four years of a crippling Abbott government.
Same Shit! Different Day!
ReplyDeleteMore of the same, overtaxed, Crap!
The election result demonstrates that most Aussies are far too thick to vote.
ReplyDeleteWho, in their right mind, would vote for the Mad Monk and all the stoney-faced Howard remnants?
A hung-Parliament has long lasting, bad effects. This will work against Australian stocks and shares, jobs and national stability. Overseas investors will think we are creepy!
Thanks for nothing all you scared, weird, little Liberal voters who have buggared us all!
Michael Kroger disgraced himself with his mad, hate outburst against Treasurer Wayne Swan on Channel Nine's election panel. This was unforgiveable, low-life, venom and totally out of place. Kroger is becoming increasingly dangerous as a hate driven nutter. What an utter twat!
ReplyDeleteThe election result is a frightful national disaster.
ReplyDeletePeter Costello was only slightly less hate driven during Channel Nine election coverage than born-to-rule madman Michael Kroger.
ReplyDeleteMichael, make a full, public, written apology to Wayne Swan!
Then hang your head in shame, you spoiled twerp!
Oh, well.
ReplyDeleteThe big end of town wins again!
What a sickening outcome!
ReplyDeleteA month ago it was unimaginable that a flawed individual like Tony Abbott, who couldn't remember if he had fathered a love child (he hadn't) or whether he had met with Cardinal Pell a week earlier, and has a lot of trouble dealing with the truth, might be Prime Minister soon.
I hope no-one tells me they voted liberal next week.
We have the closest election result in 70 years and possibly the first government to serve just one term in 80 years and yet fat thief Andrew Landeryou is too
ReplyDelete* lazy
* drunk
* busy engaging in criminal activity
* all of the above
to update his evil Blog of Sleaze.
I suppose we should be grateful that Landeryou is too incapacitated to update his forelorn, creepy nazi blog. The fat crim could add little to this national disaster.
ReplyDeleteLet's see what happens on the stock exchange tomorrow. Another dive! My Super was already f*cked, now its going into the red.
Can The Greens get me back into the black? Or should I squeeze under a bridge with the other derelicts?
'Mad Monk' Tony Abbott's government-in-waiting, the abject remnants of the totally rejected Howard government, couldn't run a good chook raffle let alone Australia. Should they attempt to govern, they would be treated with deserved derision and contempt by thinking Australians, Labor and Green voters.
ReplyDeleteTony is sixteen zillion miles away from any mandate. He got a free kick because the Rudd/Gillard governments tripped over. Australians are spooked because of this political instability, their disappearing savings, super and pensions. That's not to mention sky-rocketing electricity, water and other charges. Politicians seem devoted to supporting the privatised public assets they sold for a song to benefit their disgusting, corrupt, corporate mates. The community once owned those assets.
Those crims that sold community assets to their mates aren't in jail yet. Why?
This was white-collar crime gone mad. It continues today.
Jeff Kennett corrupted us all. The trouble is that he only began the rot. There are political players today who think he only made a slight incursion into what's available. They want the lot, and will probably get it.
Jeff Kennett, among other things, these days fronts 'Beyond Blue', the depression site.
ReplyDeleteYou can rarely get through. I found this out when I tried to ring on behalf of my daughter.
If you are feeling suicidal and can never get through to get help, what's the point?
Jeff, get more funding quickly and stop posturing so that Beyond Blue can function properly. We don't want a site that always rings engaged while our sons and daughters desperately seek answers.
Yet another 'solution' that doesn't work!
I daresay Kennett's then treasurer Alan Stockdale is still reeling in big bucks. Last I heard he was doing so as a Transurban consultant. Geez, where did all our taxes go before tolls began?
ReplyDeleteI hope there is a special hell for so called 'people' like him.
The Landeryou's reel in big bucks through crime.
ReplyDeleteMrs Bill is dead but Dimberley gave her hubbie cover with perjury
Criminal and hate purveyor Landeryou couldn't resist this link on his god-forsaken nazi hate site:
ReplyDeleteMirabella’s primary vote slips (
Sophie was one of the first to blow the whistle on Landeryou's frauds at Melbourne University Student Union.
She went on to a stellar federal political career. Landeryou is 'editor-in-chief' of a laughable, small-time, nazi hate blog.
Andrew often wakes up screaming from a nightmare in which Nurse Sophie is approaching his hospital bed donning rubber gloves and pushing a trolley piled high with intrusive medical probes.
ReplyDeleteThe current political crisis:
ReplyDeleteThey are all unrepresentative swill without a statesman or stateswoman among them...
No wonder voters are quaking with terror!
I'm just loving this shit!
ReplyDeleteLabor and the Libs are squirming and squinting in the full glare of democracy.
One of the Independent 'Three Amigos' wants an end to the two party system that has divided the nation since Federation. Another envisions mixing up left and right pollies so they can better represent us voters. A first in Australian politics if they wing it.
But Australia today is a very nasty place. There are hundreds of thousands of middle-men who have been ripping off the community for decades. They won't like searchlights in their cavernous sewers. The millionaire CEOs might feel a slight testicular squeeze from a very grumpy electorate. That goes for Westpac's Gail Kelly too!
The pollies have their disgusting excise taxes - the 38 cent per litre petrol tax, grog and ciggie taxes, and hundreds of other levies and charges that ever creep upwards.
The whole Australian political system needs a massive clean up.
I'd like to see public service department heads and their hangers-on sent to the Simpson Desert for 40-days in the wilderness. No cheating now! No wimpish water and food supplies.
ReplyDeleteFind out what is is like to be destitute in modern Australia, the Lucky Country you turned to shit!
Following orders isn't a defence.
Vexnews demonstrated a great maturity in its scoop about the resignation of Craig Langdon as the MLA for Ivanhoe. We are not told the reason, just that there are legal problems and anyone trying to state the likely reason will be permanently banned from posting on Vexnews.
ReplyDeleteThis is bad news for ASIO, but probably not the CIA who are unlikely to be very interested in the politics of one of Melbourne's least sexy suburbs. Vexnews is the news site of choice for both spooky outfits, or at least Cait Catt told us so.
We will find out eventually, but this is bad news for the Brumby government. Why did Vexnews get this scoop first?
Is that the same Cait Catt that wrote a Wikipedia entry on Sir Robert Risson, junior? The same Cait Catt that edited Bill Landeryou's entry and was tagged by Wikipedia editors as a sock puppet of Carola56, who sanitized El Gordo's entry. The same Cait Catt that is indefiniely blocked from editing Wikipedia? Why do I find it difficult to believe anything Cait Catt, Jenny Hansen or the late Rita Randles writes? Why is that, Buddha Boy?
ReplyDeleteArmchair constitutional lawyer Landeryou imagines four Liberal winners on Saturday night might be chucked out as they were serving local government councillors when elected.
ReplyDeleteMy bet is that the dumb klutz wouldn't have made a good law clerk in real life. A constitutional lawyer he ain't.
ALP right-wing propagandist, crim, libeller and stalker Landeryou won't get a gig in the Victorian ALP dirty tricks department for the forthcoming Victorian election after his current, ludicrous attack on ALP defector Craig Langdon on Vexnews.
ReplyDeleteIt is hardly my job to point out to Landeryou why his hate attack failed. Kindergarten kids could probably explain it to him better than I could.
That the ALP hasn't ever explicitly or officially cut Landeryou and Vexnews adrift is a big worry. It can therefore be inferred that they think he provides a very cheap innuendo sewer, with no links to the party machine.
Not true, I'm afraid. I have two printing job dockets from 2008 that demonstrate several ALP connections in a very dirty campaign.
Landeryou would understand completely, I'm sure, why I have passed on the dockets to The Age.
From Vexnews, the anus of the internet comes:
ReplyDeletemmmm [deleted - homophobic]
Posted by Anonymous | August 25, 2010, 20:13
Sounds like Chrissy Pyne's lawyers might have sent Landy a 'please explain' letter.
Craig Langdon--the current Landeryou bete noir--is just another whistle-blower telling us what everyone already knew. The Brumby government are lazy slobs. The overpaid Victorian public service, taking a lead from their political masters are even slacker. I'm still waiting for a decent reply to a Ministerial I sent two years ago. If only I had the money to put them all through the legal wringer.
ReplyDeleteTed Bailleau, as shadow Arts minister might be able to provide a non-autistic response to my 2008 question when elected Premier in November.
As the ALP slowly spirals into a spectacular crash dive, Bill Shorten and unelected AWU boss Paul Howes are emerging as creepy, smiling assassins who are buggering the political expectations of Australian workers.
ReplyDeleteWhen Steven Conjob and disgraceful Theo are brought into the equation, Landeryou's negative contribution to Victoria resolves into focus.
These nasty far right ALP scum of course dumped Landeryou when his criminal activities were exposed years ago.
That does not, of course, mean there has been no intercourse between all these verminous weasels since then.
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