Monday, September 6, 2010

Casual contempt for the law

All patriotic people know the Landeryou Clan believe obeying the law is for the little people.

Dimberley Ditching is no exception. When she was bankrupted amongst the hundreds of thousands she owed was $6000 in parking fines.

No wonder most patriotic people suspect she perjured herself! Contempt for the law in one aspect of a life is always reflected in contempt for the law (and contempt of court!) in others.

Dimberley Ditiching has been publicly exposed, yet the criminal and sleazeblogger Andrew Landeryou still hopes to make her his proxy parliamentarian.

What a disgrace!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dimberley Ditching lies like her husband

Morbidly obese criminal oddball Andrew Landeryou will never admit it publicly, but he knows his plans for a political career have been dashed. But he has a Plan B and a proxy.

His porcine wife Dimberley Ditching can become an MP and collect all the bribes etc that Landeryou hoped to pocket.

The only problem is that this plan, like all the plans hatched by fat Andy, is fundamentally flawed.

Dimberley enjoyed an ostentatious life of luxury on the proceeds of his thefts and frauds, yet when claimed she knew nothing when she was dragged kicking and screaming into the dock amongst cries of "Privilege!"

Many patriotic people suspect Dimberley of perjury.

Unfortunately for her political career and her criminal husband's hopes for more ill-gotten gains she also has a publicly-documented record of dishonesty, as reported by Melbourne's most reputable news source The Age.

Read on, patriots.

The Sunday Age January 9 2005 page 20

By Lawrence Money

Kim sure can stretch a dollar

REAL estate gnomes say the towering edifice at 114 Park Drive, Parkville, has to be worth $4 million. That makes it all the more puzzling why the sole registered owner, former Melbourne city clowncillor Kimberley Jane Elizabeth Kitching, was among those thrown out of office in the November poll.

In a casual browse through the Labor Party membership rolls last week, Spy noticed that young Kim, who bought her Parkville mansion in 2001, paid ALP membership at the $45 rate each year since. That equates, under Labor's salary-indexed charges, to an income of under $32,000! Talk about stretching a buck.