All patriotic people know the Landeryou Clan believe obeying the law is for the little people.
Dimberley Ditching is no exception. When she was bankrupted amongst the hundreds of thousands she owed was $6000 in parking fines.
No wonder most patriotic people suspect she perjured herself! Contempt for the law in one aspect of a life is always reflected in contempt for the law (and contempt of court!) in others.
Dimberley Ditiching has been publicly exposed, yet the criminal and sleazeblogger Andrew Landeryou still hopes to make her his proxy parliamentarian.
What a disgrace!
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
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What's that about "the hundreds of thousands" Dimberely owed? She owed millions, almost as many millions as fat Andrew stole
ReplyDeleteAndrew and Dim are already making plans for when they roll Kelvin Thomson and install Dim as member for Wills.
ReplyDeleteThey plan to charge constituents for meetings with Dim, $500 for the first 15 minutes and $250 for each subsequent 10 minutes.
They also intend to levy 15 per cent of every pension etc they help constituents secure.
Andrew and Dim will offer cash discounts and further discounts will be available to ALP members as long as they are members of Unity and can prove they backed Dim in the preselection.
I hear there will also be a letter-box style slot in the door of the Wills electorate office with a sign on it saying "BRIBES"
ReplyDeleteLanderyou wants Kimberley to become a MP because of all the free food and drink he will get when he accompanies her to functions.
ReplyDeleteNo news on Poxnews today
ReplyDeleteBuddha Boys has no real sources in Canberra and no insights even he thinks is worth sharing
48 hours since Poxnews last got updated...
ReplyDeletePoisonous, creepy Christopher Pyne was on Lateline tonight. The Libs are already busily back-stabbing one another.
ReplyDeleteMy humble forecast is that Tony and Julie Bishop are buggered, although they don't know it yet.
Morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryoy will be buggered. Bashed and buggered and bashed and buggered and bashed and buggered day in and day out in Barwon Jail until he either goes utterly insane or suicides.
ReplyDeleteOne update on Poxnews in 96 hours. Landeryou has either been paralyticly drunk or plotting some new evil or knowing the fat crim as we do quite possibly both
ReplyDeleteThings are soooo awful here!
ReplyDeleteAndrew got into a Michael Huchence thing last night with butt plugs in various places, strung up in a cupboard.
The Sarge, manfully, scolded Andrew and told him to wise up and stop being so gross.
Andrew is doing a correspondence journalism course with Swinburne Uni. He is very far behind in his assignments and has been told to mind deadlines or rejoin the queue of wannabe journos.
My mistress Big Kim thinks that Andrew is a "Horrible Slob" and spends a lot of time on The Age Domain looking for a new place for us to live.
Andrew fell asleep in my dog bowl last night. What a drunken idiot he is.
I wish that Ronnie was a bit smarter and could give us Landeryou's address. I've been dreamin' about paying him a visit, Landeryou that is, and boxing his ears real hard.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I can tell Landerfat only bothered to update Vexloadofbitterandtwistedlies twice over the last week, despite all the momentous political events that unfolded
ReplyDeleteKinky frotteur Mark McInnes and the entire board of David Jones should commit hara-kiri forthwith. Nasty scum, sub-humans.
ReplyDeleteA former secretary says that when the retailer’s former chief executive, Mark McInnes, worked at Black & Decker in 1990, he harassed her, by 'casually' touching her breast and on another occasion rubbing his crotch against her, and another time fondling his penis when she walked into his office to hand him some papers.
The new statement of claim says that when the secretary asked him to stop touching her, Mr McInnes replied: 'You are overreacting, it’s just what I’m like'.
OK, Mark! You're so bloody right. You are just a horrible little Prick!
Victoria, the Nazi-style Police State! More, grander fines! More coercive search powers.
ReplyDeleteAdolf Brumby and his lazy government sat on their hands while this catastrophe was developing. They even secretly helped bring us the Big Australia with the unwelcome peasant hordes, including violent criminals, from Asia and Africa.
Years of trouble ahead. Not for the cocooned politicians in their lives of luxury. Just for us bozos they back-stabbed.
Ted Bailleau has his own odd nazi-style punitive policies--but he is years behind the Brumby Gauleiters who have turned Victoria into an undemocratic hell.
Prior to hibernating for the weekend, the world's most criminal editor-in-chief had a small offering in store:
ReplyDeleteAndrew Robb, the federal shadow minister for finance, has been shopping for a new car says scoop reporter Andrew Landeryou. It coulda been a Lexus LS400, a full-sized luxury sedan considered the Lexus flagship that costs around $200,000 drive-away. Vexnews doesn't seem to know whether the dopey shadow minister dropped big bucks or not.
Saturation TV advertising continues about the nasty new powers of the Victoria Police State. These are weird new nazi laws that seek to curtail the anti-social activities of 0.1% of the population by stripping away the rights of 99% of law abiding Victorians.
ReplyDeleteThis is political lunacy from the pollies who helped deregulate the financial system bringing us the global financial crash. Then they opened the floodgates for unregulated immigration for which no infrastructure exists.
Victoria needs a government that supports Victorians and not strange, vocal new people who don't share Australian values. That some of them are of criminal pursuasion suggests that the Department of Immigration and UNHCR aren't doing their jobs either.
Lazy, occasional nazi hate blogger Landeryou may take every weekend off. But that doesn't mean his fat fingers are far from a keyboard. His continuous fake comments (which will be his undoing when his hard-drive is analysed by AFP) are grossly libellous. Sydney's Cardinal Pell and Manager of Opposition Business Christopher Pyne should get serious legal advice. On Vexnews:
ReplyDeleteI think I will have to give Brother Abbott a push from behind
Posted by Taking of Pell 123 | September 12, 2010, 21:29
I’ll go seconds.
Posted by Pissy Chryne | September 12, 2010, 22:18
Shitty stuff!
ReplyDeleteWho would want to be a copper today? Imagine dealing with clever dick crims like Landeryou, slimy CEOs like DJ's Mark McInnes whose life focus is his dick, and many of the new immigrants who don't share our values and cost endless police hours and efforts.
Landy has made his old blog private.
ReplyDeleteWhat has he got to hide?
Jeez, I gotta stop watching the ABC.
ReplyDeleteJabba the Hutt / Landeryou look-a-like; high-lifer and porky mining magnate Clive Palmer ruined tonight's Q and A with his pompous airhead views. He is a looney like Landeryou. Clive should start a wacky nazi website like Vexnews. He is a grade-A nut just like Landeryou.
Then there was dumb Nicola Roxon on Lateline who talked for what seemed like 30-minutes (it was only five) without drawing breath. She could talk the legs off a table. In was all vacuous nonsense with many references to how wonderfully close Nicola and Julia actually are. Reading 'political-speak' closely showed this meant there is some tension there, because Nicola mentioned this close relationship so often.
Nicola at the end thanked the ABC. "It was a pleasure". But, as I always add when silly pollies say this, "for you, but not for us".
Warren Truss as usual talked shit on Q and A too! In fact Q and A is becoming a showcase for shit-talkers. Clive Palmer only represents greedy mining profit-takers like himself. All that fat didn't result from running up-and-down mulloch heaps.
ReplyDeleteThe politics of Q and A and Lateline are becoming increasingly weird.
Mr Landeryou has been hassling my employer to shut down the multitudinous references to him as an accused crim in The Age archives. It would, of course, be a horrendous crime to expunge these many references to a still unpunished criminal fraudster, stalker, libeller and a person who continually interferes with democracy.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou should be boiled in oil. Why hasn't anyone taken him to the Press Council since he claims that Vexnews is a news source?
As always Vexnews is first with the latest news. Today's great scoop is the attempt by ALP activist Lev Lafayette, with support from former Higgins ALP terrorist Diane Anderson, to become Chairperson of the Melbourne Unitarian Church. Read on:
ReplyDeleteLev Lafayette, a one-time lefty activist and perpetual student once revealed in our predecessor publication as being engaged in the production of erotic videos during his horny undergraduate days, has re-emerged as a central figure in a plot to takeover an asset-rich left-wing house of worship, the Unitarian Church in inner-city East Melbourne.
A member of the VEXNEWS Investigation with a long-running interest in the quirky church has been provided has obtained a number of documents that make it clear that Lafayette plans to takeover the Church and institute radical new policies that his opponents fear could destroy the old institution that has existed for many decades.
Insiders say Lafayette has stacked the Church with new members who will blindly support him, regardless of the risks to the asset-base or the organisation. It is not known whether this will be enough for him to roll the current Chairman, a former union official, Peter Abrehart
A controversial figure in the Church, Diane Anderson, who once terrorised the Higgins based membership of the ALP, has since left for her American homeland to so far unsuccessfully seize control of her mother’s estate although was previously aligned with Lafayette.
That close association is thought by many Church members to reflect on his judgment as she was considered a highly divisive figure before being expelled by the Church for heresy in a move that still causes old-timers to chuckle or shake their heads with dismay about how far they had to go to get rid of her.
The election will be held on the 26th of September.
Thanks Cait for drawing this to our attention. Diane Anderson was an important figure in the Victorian ALP before she returned to America. This was possibly due to Vexnews reports of her terrorist activities.
ReplyDeleteTrue. Vexnews, as Cait told us, is the news site of choice for both ASIO and the CIA for Australian political news. Where does Andrew get his scoops from? Orderinchaos, the Wikipedia editor, told us on this blog that Vexnews scooped everyone with its stories about the Greens MP liaison with a WA Liberal MP. No wonder ASIO looks at Vexnews so intensely.
ReplyDeleteThe Returning Officer at the Unitarian Church may in fact work for ASIO. An unsuccessful candidate at last year's Church elections claimed that the RO rigged the election and he did so because he was an ASIO agent. Any truth in this? Vexnews publishes a lot about this Church, and Cait tells us that ASIO reads Vexnews. What is the connection?
ReplyDeleteBut can we trust Cait Catt to tell the truth when she's been banned indefinitely from editing Wikipedia? Isn't more likely that Interpol, not ASIO or the CIA, that would have an interest in monitoring Vexnews because that's the group that investigates money laundering and people fleeing from arrest.
ReplyDeleteInterpol are useless. In World War 2 Interpol operated from Nazi controlled Vienna. How can we trust a Nazi style operation?
ReplyDeleteCait Catt is an honourable feline. She has a high hit rate. Don't knock her. Please.
As for Wikipedia, that's a left wing propaganda site. Cait was blocked by extreme left wing editors. Like the Greens-friendly orderinchaos.
Here are the contents of two files from the malware cookie I collected from verminous Vexnews tonight:
Otherwise, Vexnews is increasingly moribund with the usual half-baked 'stories' and plenty of fake comments from Lord fifty-tonne guts Landeryou. Which reminds me: I saw a great story on ACA or Today Tonight about the continuing great works of Les Twentyman OAM and former Victorian of the Year. He makes Landeryou look like goanna crap!
The reappearance here of comments about the Landeryou fake personality 'Cait Catt' makes my flesh crawl...
ReplyDeleteHe is an internet madman who runs an extreme-right nazi entertainment blog supported and protected by the Victorian ALP.
The fat crim should be doing time in Barwon Gaol and not polluting the internet with his wild, unsubstantiated, libelous blogs and fake comments.
Hey Big Ears,
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to mention that Landy still hasn't accounted for millions of dollars stolen from the Melbourne Uni Student Union and IQ Corp.
When is the porky prick going to come clean?
Guess who is the new junior vice president of the Victorian ALP...
ReplyDeleteDimberley Ditching
Kimberley is a great lady and will make an outstanding VP and she is also a future Premier or Prime Minister.
ReplyDeleteGreat comment Cait. Kimberley is really sweet. Great lady. Hope she's in parliament soon.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope orderinchaos stays in WA. All he does is remove all the entries on WP he doesn't like. A true Stalinist.
ReplyDeleteNew junior vice president of the Victorian ALP Kim Kitchen, although just a nominal post, shows just how corrupt the ALP had become. She is a person who in court develops extreme amnesia. She is close to former hubby and fraudster Andrew Landeryou, a notorious internet libeller, stalker and anti-democratic weevil.
ReplyDeleteIf the media was on the job, this sordid appointment would have been big news.
ReplyDeleteStill miffed about being caught altering Wiki entries, Andy?
ReplyDeleteJr VP Dimberley Ditching ...
ReplyDeleteAs the late Kim Beazley Sr memorably observed: "Once the ALP was full of the cream of the working class, but has now become full of the dregs of the middle class."
Just another reason to vote Green.
Just before hibernating for the weekend, loathesome libeller Landeryou fired off a set of disgusting defamations about Sydney's Cardinal Pell and federal manager of opposition business Christopher Pyne.
ReplyDeleteWhy a self-proclaimed 'editor in chief' would indulge in vile fake comments posted on his own blog is beyond me.
PS: Landeryou's weekend hibernation consists of seven flagons of sherry, a well-thumbed copy of 'Third Reich Nympho Nurses, no. 2', his favourite butt plug, and a wad of handkerchiefs. I hope Ronnie bites his dick off thinking it is a small dog treat.
The Age reports that HERALD Sun columnist Andrew Bolt is being sued under the Racial Vilification Act by a group of Aborigines led by 73-year-old activist Pat Eatock over two columns he wrote last year.
ReplyDelete...The document also states that the applicants "were offended, insulted, humiliated or intimidated" by Bolt’s writings. Bolt's musings attacked 'white' Aborigines.
If Andrew Bolt's people have been in Victoria for four or five generations, there is a great likelyhood that he has relatives in the Victorian Aboriginal community. I wrote a detailed article in a genealogical magazine many years ago mathematically demonstrating why this is probably so.
These 'Fair Ones' (who received disgraceful discrimination from their own Aboriginal communities, and from the European community) became true outsiders. For Bolt to pick on them shows what a woeful columnist he pretends to be.
Since these things are rarely discussed, does anyone here know who the political idiot(s) was who enabled muslim immigration to Australia in the modern era?
ReplyDeleteThe link points to a website mentioning the first terrorist attack on Australia in 1915. The perpetrators were two Indian/Afghan men who attacked a train.
We all know politicians aren't very smart. But why would they welcome immigration from muslim countries whose peoples are diametrically opposed to Australian custome, values, traditions and religion?
It seems a lot mad!
Comments by Historian to the Stars are racist. Just the sort of thing you would expect on Stormfront.
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous!
ReplyDeletePut on your thinking cap.
How can a comment about religion be racist???
Can anyone remember the good old days before the Tsunami of unrestricted Immigration rolled in? Australian governments are supposed to represent their constituents, and not people escaping poverty in foreign lands.
ReplyDeleteI'm a poor Aussie. Which government department can I apply to for help, huh?
This website attracts some real nutters.
ReplyDeleteVexnews is turning into a broccholi, brussels sprouts and green capsicum salad!
ReplyDeleteHow green can you get?
Landeryou, by concentrating on The Greens, has become boring, predictable and tiresome. His diatribes about The Greens are ultra wacky. A real journalist could have done some real damage. An amateur, hate-filled nazi scribbler like Landeryou only provokes yawns and laughter.
He missed the State Liberal who has been bashing his better half. A BIG story that might affect the forthcoming State election.
Successful businessman Sol Lew was on Lateline Business last night bathing in the glory of excellent profit results.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder he completely whooped Andrew.
Too bad he hasn't unleashed official investigations into IQ Corp and its corrupt staff. Those crims should be doing time. You know it, Sol! So do we!
ReplyDeleteI blew the whistle on that whacker during the Melbourne University Students Union mega-fraud years earlier. Melbourne Uni never followed up either. I even gave a parliamentary speech exposing the extent of the fraud.
Mr Landeryou is one lucky crook.
Anonymous (September 22, 2010 1:14:00 PM), let's see what you have to say when the immigrant invasion reaches the doors of your gentrified neighbourhood.
ReplyDeleteI used to be a lounge room melting-pot afficianado too. But this has gone much too far. We have been betrayed by politicians pushing their own weird policies.
Australia will never be the same again.
I blame nutters like you!
Fat Landy has missed the biggest scoop of the year:
ReplyDeleteThe estranged wife of a Victorian Liberal MP is seeking a restraining order against him, just months before the state election.
The woman is making an application for an apprehended domestic violence order (ADVO) under New South Wales law.
...A NSW Magistrate can issue an ADVO if somebody has a proven fear of violence, intimidation or stalking from somebody with whom they have a domestic or intimate relationship.
In a statement to the ABC, the woman said her MP husband "works extremely hard and is very committed to his role".
Her statement seems to rule out most Liberal shadow ministers who are lazy slackos and time-servers.
Could be wrong, but. I have a niggling suspicion that Landeryou could wear a heap of eggshit over this one!
The nasty nazi blogger has published an amateur piece naming the Liberal MP (above) and proclaiming that he would not permit discussion of the possible charges. I knew this would get him into trouble.
ReplyDeleteThe first comment, which I think was there for seven hours before moderation and a quick edit, quoted Alexander Downer's memorable line 'Things that batter'. This was a gross contempt, caused by his own laziness.
I'm thinking of offering a kiddie's level course in the basics of Journalism and the Law. I will of course send invites to Landeryou and the Sarge, plus several journos at The Sun Herald who seem oblivious to these vital issues.
Visiting Vexnews tonight I received five malicious malware cookie files.
ReplyDeleteI'll check my bank accounts tomorrow in case they have been compromised.
It would be too horrible to contemplate that the fat crim is looking over my shoulder as I surf his abominable nazi entertainment blog.
Now Landy can pick your pockets lounging on his sofa!
ReplyDeleteVexnews censored my moderate comment about the State Liberal MP facing an ADVO action in NSW on Monday--perhaps only because I posted under the nom-de-plume 'Biffo'. Biffo is a well known character in an early anti-IRA british film.
ReplyDeleteI heaved a huge sigh of relief when visiting Vexnews to see this fake comment by the nazi, criminal madman:
ReplyDeleteThank the Lord Mary Mackillop was not around in my day to dobb me in.
Posted by Cardinal Pell | September 25, 2010, 10:54
My guess is that Landeryou won't be going to heaven. I doubt the Devil would want him either, as hell's reputation would be further sullied by the presence of the fat creep.
It would be beneath the dignity of the church to deal with silly Landy.
Today is election day at the Melbourne Unitarian Church, the Church where Diane Anderson was once expelled for heresy.
ReplyDeleteYou read about it first on Vexnews or its predecessor the OC. You'll be the first to read the election results from today on Vexnews too.
Great interest in Church elections. Like AFL football in Melbourne.
It's happened. Wait for the story on Vexnews. Footy action from our favourite Melbourne Church.
ReplyDeleteOff-topic guru Landeryou is again depositing his unwelcome nazi posts here.
ReplyDeleteElection results are published today in Vexnews!
ReplyDeleteAs Vexnews predicted, the candidate supported by Diane Anderson, the former Queen of Higgins, is now a failed candidate. Read the results and figures in Vexnews. The Returing Officer was criticised by another failed candidate for being an ASIO agent. Cait tells us Vexnews is ASIO's preferred news source, so no doubt the results will be put on ASIO's files.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou spent tonight cheering his former pal, Universal Censor Steve Conroy on the ABC's Q & A, and violently stabbing his Sophie Mirabella doll with a knitting needle. Sophie buggered Landeryou's wicked plans to rob every last asset of the Melbourne University Student Union when he was president. She has gone on to be an elected federal shadow minister. Landeryou runs a little read nazi entertainment blog called Vexnews.
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Julia Gillard has again, although she promised not to, raised the issue of the CARBON TAX which politicians and corporate crooks seem to understand--but which 99% of Australians cannot even begin to comprehend.
ReplyDeleteAnother tax noone understands!
Why should I care about the Melbourne Unitarian Church election? I'm not a member of its congregation. Has Vexnews become the parish pump? I thought El Gordo was Buddhist, modelling his physique after the Enlightened One. Perhaps Buddha Boy has turned to Jesus because He could turn water into fruity gordo, which would save Andrew Landeryou a bob or two.
ReplyDeleteHmnn. Talking about taxes, I got a couple of letters this week from Western Water. The first was a 'final notice' because I have refused to pay the ALP Waterways charge. I haven't seen a waterway here in the country for over a decade. Because I rang to complain about the 'final notice' I got a further letter with propaganda about the charge and reminding me that when I sell the government will recoup the money they say I owe.
ReplyDeleteF*ck them!
Did anyone else get the nutty letter from Energy and Resourses minister Peter Batchelor spinning the advantages of the electricity smart meters that will send most middle and lower income earners broke.
ReplyDeleteSettle down! Let's think this through...
The Kennett government without any mandate sold off lots of public assets including electricity. None of the promised 'competition' ever eventuated.
The privatised power vendors want massive profits to pay their CEO's gargantuan salaries. Electricity charges skyrocket.
Now the pathetic brumby state government wants us to pay for smart meters which will help power providers to comprehensively rip us off.
I will disconnect mine and take it to Spring Street. I will, if an opportunity presents, stick it UP minister Peter, saying 'No Thanks, Pete'!
Religiously, I have been watching the 'RBT: Random Breath Test' TV programs where people's rights vanish in front of their eyes, as they puff into measuring devices that can't differentiate body weight, metabolism, lack of meals, and a thousand other factors that politicians now have prevented courts from considering.
ReplyDeleteInside airports your rights disappear altogether.
Governments that protect and safeguard citizens' rights would place lawyers at airports and RBT stations to provide basic legal advice so that citizens' lives aren't destroyed.
I liked this comment on Vexnews:
I want a train line from my house to Parliament so that I can get to work when I lose my license for drink driving for a third time.
Posted by Colin B from Bundoora | September 28, 2010, 20:07
I don't support drink driving, smuggling, etc. But I also don't support big, uncaring government either.
Kindergarten-level news blog Vexnews, setting aside its nazi blitzkreig against the Greens for a minute, continues its attack on 'Red' Ted Bailleau. But Andrew has at long last recognised that Ted Mulder, the Colac carpet seller, never 'had the numbers' to ditch Ted.
ReplyDeleteBut who can forget the endless 'Choo-Choo' fake comments supporting Mulder that the loon posted all over his god-forsaken blog for years.
As a political commentator, Andrew is the pits. A five-year-old kid with a blindfold and a pin could have done better.
I noticed on the news tonight that Sophie Mirabella, Landeryou's nemesis, was sitting in the Opposition Leader's chair while Tony Abbott was elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteIf Landeryou had married Sophie instead of Kim, he might have reclaimed his squandered life and criminal preoccupations.
Sol Lew was on Lateline Business the other night and made a lot of sense.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, he has let Landeryou off the hook. The Channel Islands investors in IQ Corp, and many others, are still spewing. Sol got his pound of flesh (the Landeryou Parkville Mansion), but other investors have been hung out to dry.
I do hope Sol managed to find a way to share his windfall with other creditors.
Cyclops is wrong. Cait Catt is the most reliable commentator on this blog. 'Choo-choo" is not Cait, and doesn't write as well as Cait. Long live Cait Catt.
ReplyDeleteI'm not touching the 'anonymous' comment about Landeryou's alter-ego 'Cait Katt' with all the barge poles in Amsterdam.
ReplyDeleteAs punishment for all his hundreds of ludicrous 'Choo choo' fake comments, Landeryou should be locked in a stuck elevator with Terry Mulder for 36 hours.
Nick Minchin has disappeared from the senate only to be replaced by (ex-NZ) Tasmanian Liberal Piltdown Man Eric Abetz.
ReplyDeleteThis must be the first time the Libs have been fronted in the senate by a man whose uncle was tried for nazi war crimes in WW2. Poor old Eric entertains silly extreme right wing views too it seems.
It's a wonder that the pooves haven't twigged onto Landeryou's endless homophobic fake comments on Vexnews. Cardinal Pell amd manager of opposition business Chris Pyne are regularly libelled. I don't know if ALP's Craig Langdon flies with happy ducks, but Landeryou certainly thinks so. From Vexnews:
ReplyDeleteIt’s going to be cold tonight, I need the body of a warm male next to me.
Posted by Craig.L. | October 1, 2010, 18:14
Andrew Landeryou is one very sick, mentally ill individual. As a political assassin, he amateurishly tries to practice the black arts. But he is himself an accused fraudster, stalker and internet libeller.
Queerly, the ALP has never distanced itself from the abominable defamer and criminal Landeryou.
Andrew Landeryou is not a member of the ALP, or any other party. That fact gives his news site added credibility. Written by a non-party person it is able to express views a party member could never write for fear of expulsion.
ReplyDeleteVexnews truly is the greatest Australian news site on the web, as the fact that ASIO uses it as its news site of choice suggests. Lazy journalists who use Wikipedia as their sole source always get caught out. No so those who use Vexnews as a major source of tips and leaks.
Go Andrew. You are brilliant.
I am happy to see that my great grand-nephew 'Andrew of a Hundred Assholes' is still causing havoc on the internet in Australia. Of course, his family are former Transylvanian Roma who were admired for their endless deceits, scams and standover tactics.
ReplyDeleteAndrew's nickname came from his scores of fake personalities that he blamed for various forgeries, frauds and stalking activities.
I personally was taken with the whole family's ability to pretend to suffer from total amnesia when questioned in court.
Belated media interest in the ALP's dirty tricks department is a yawn here. The Dirty Tricks Dept has been the subject of many posts on this blog and its predecessors for many years.
ReplyDeleteThe Victorian Premier and Attorney continue to seem unconcerned about these vile anti-democratic processes which, among other things, render your votes meaningless.
Is there a Royal Commission where I can present documentary evidence about ALP interference in the Kororoit election in 2008 yet?
ReplyDeleteI have copies of printing invoices, signed by two people who have been endlessly mentioned here. I also have copies of delivery dockets for various consignments of printed matter which, judging by the signatories, are tied in with the repulsive ALP dirty tricks during the Kororoit election.
If my memory serves correct, the Prem OK'd all this shit.
I do hope Mr New*ham hasn't vanished overseas...
ReplyDeleteLanderyou's nazi propaganda campaign and photoshopped images of the NEEDLES lie he used to help decapitate the candidacy of Les Twentyman OAM, and former Victorian of the Year, disgusted Victorians, especially when the State Secretary and Premier endorsed this huge backstab.
ReplyDeleteThe Brumby Third Reich needs to be dismantled and scrapped speedily in November. I hope we never see their likes again.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, their malfeasance and laziness spread to the public service. An atomic bomb will be needed to separate the mandarins and their useless minions from their high-paying sinecures. Clear them all out, and start from scratch!
A new wing should be built at Barwon Gaol for politicians, It should be called the Kennett-Stockdale Wing with Bracks and Brumby upper and lower levels. A large annexe will be needed for man mountain Landeryou, the internet libeller and unpunished crim.
I have moved into my state election headquarters in the sewers under 104 Exhibition Street. Senior Liberal turds tell me that a tsunami of shit is being prepared to chuck at the Brumby government between now and November. The ALP will be swamped.
ReplyDeleteI had to move from my lair under the Premier's department. The paper shredders seem to be working overtime already. I felt like a Victorian public servant. I was drowning in paper.
Thank God Tony Abbott was too jet-lagged to visit us here in Uruzgun. We're undermanned, under-equipped and undermined. Tony and the Libs are part of the Afghanistan problem. He is as welcome here as forty farts in a tent on a hot day.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like your departure from parliamentary life was well timed. Now they're all doing a bunk.
Neglected families... Cameron, Batchelor - who's next?
If JB was smart, he would be on the 'phone to Ted Bailleau asking for Lib preselection.
The Vexnews coverage of the ALP Dirt Unit allegations led to this memorable exchange in the posts:
ReplyDeleteAndy, you can always own up to your undemocratic part in the Kororoit election ALP dirty tricks that trashed candidate Twentyman.
Posted by How soon they forget | October 6, 2010, 23:10
Nothing to do with me ‘how soon they forget’ but didn’t the ALP point out Twentyman’s support for heroin injecting rooms (a fact) and also make the political argument that a vote for Twentyman was a vote for the Liberals. When he had a swing to him, that’s certainly how the Age reported it, as an anti-Brumby swing.
On the OC/VEXNEWS, we did/do our own research into Twentyman and presented it for voters to make up their own minds.
Whatever it all was was not a ‘trashing’ of Twentyman, merely holding the bloke to account for his policies and conduct. Spinning all that as ‘undemocratic’ is false. It is in fact entirely democratic and healthy.
For all the far-left’s bluster there was not a single factual error in any of the anti-Twentyman material we saw or published.
The VEXNEWS Investigations Unit doesn’t mind a bit of dirt, but it must be true, well-sourced and evidenced as much as possible.
No political candidate is perfect or perfectly bad. None should be above criticism or scrutiny.
Posted by Andrew Landeryou - editor VEXNEWS | October 6, 2010, 23:24
Phil give us a lift down to Walter’s for happy hour it’s time for me piss intake, have ya enough room in the back for me iron lung?
Posted by Sir Lesley Twentytonneguts HRH | October 7, 2010, 0:01
Heroin injecting rooms were never part of Les Twentyman's Kororoit platform as mad 'editor' Landeryou well knew.
ReplyDeletePropagandist Landeryou just photo-shopped syringe images and misquoted Twentyman's biography for a month, day-by-day.
The Victorian Electoral Commission should have prosecuted him.
Come to think of it, VicPol, OPP, ATO, and several other agencies should be prosecuting him for earlier frauds, libels and stalking offences.
Eddie McGuire considers VEXNEWS “off-Broadway”.
ReplyDeleteCome off it, Ed! Vexnews isn't even off 'Grub Street'.
Everyone in the media knew who the naughty boys at Collingwood were. They just weren't stupid enough to publish their names like Vexnews.
I am still completing my RMIT journalism qual. I would have thought, based on journalism and the law tutes, that Mr Landeryou has prejudiced and compromised the legal rights of the two men he named on his blog.
I am quietly enjoying all this.
ReplyDeleteUntil now, Landeryou has been libelling people who think he is not worth suing.
But by venturing into matters like the present Collingwood FC 'pack rape' incident (so styled by him) he has put his neck on the chopping block.
I can't find any privilege defence to the sort of charges that might eventuate.
Landeryou claims that Collingwood’s lawyer David Galbally QC rang VEXNEWS for a chat on Monday evening.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Landeryou's version of the conversation, if it ever occurred, he cheeked Galbally by disputing several issues...
"In our chat", Landeryou waffled, "he initially asserted we needed to “withdraw the names” “for legal reasons”. We disputed there was any legal impediment to publication and noted that we’d reported the events carefully and responsibly in much the same way as a newspaper would in normal circumstances".
(NOTE: Andrew Landeryou is not a journalist. He has no media credentials or qualifications. He is just a minor league blogger. He is unable, for obvious reasons, to responsibly report anything. It is not yet clear if he has the means with which to be sued).
Orderinchaos peddled the same line. He removed Cait Catt's entry praising the respected journalist Andrew Landeryou on Wikipedia. Not very nice orderinchaos.
ReplyDeleteMedia c*cksucker Landeryou is getting lambasted even by far right critics for his prejudicial, foul calumnies about the naughty Collingwood 'pack rape' duo now under police scrutiny:
ReplyDelete"The daily Herald Sun's best columnist went after Neil Mitchell over the Collingwood players naming saga with an axe. But as he did he took a couple of swings at VEXNEWS which named the players in the first place. We reject Andrew Bolt's description of our site as a "gossip site" and challenge his own newspaper's initial decision to keep the identity of the players a secret from the people of Melbourne".
Oh Dear! Vexnews 'off Broadway' and a 'Gossip site'
The media should be asking why Andrew Landeryou HASN'T been presecuted for his Melbourne University Student Union alleged frauds or the IQ Corp alleged frauds. People in VicPol and the OPP haven't been doing their jobs.
Eddie McGuire, Andrew Bolt and others shouldn't be humouring nazi hate site Vexnews. They should be ensuring he is prosecuted...
What part of these don't the Melbourne media understand?
ReplyDelete1. Landeryou is not a journalist.
2. He is a humble blogger with a very limited readership.
3, His father was a former state ALP Minister with a chequered history.
3. Andrew Landeryou libels people weekly. He stalks them, and makes up lies about them.
4. He should be in jail. Fraud claims have been evaded and ignored by prosecuting authorities.
5. Landeryou undemocratically poisoned the candidacy of Les Twentyman in the Kororoit election by attacking Twentyman online every day for more than a month.
ReplyDeleteMitchell, McGuire, Bolt AND Landeryou...
Where are we heading?
Landeryou's expose of the Collingwood FC sex maniacs has earned him hundreds, perhaps thousands, of new enemies.
ReplyDeleteFootballers and their fans can no longer be considered idiots. I found this post on a Collingwood supporters' site 'Landeryou and Stalin! What a team!'
Collingwood googlers quickly discovered 'Big Bent Bill' and the MUSU frauds.
All that this proves is that the internet is a double-edged sword. Landeryou has used it to libel hundreds of victims.
Collingwood fans have used the internet to speedily compile a huge shitfile on Landeryou!
Crim Landy realised years ago that he had blown any chance of a political career.
ReplyDeleteThe Collingwood fans quickly have demonstrated that Landeryou and Vexnews are tainted. Laderyou has left a long trail of libels, stalking and alleged criminal activities all over the net.
Unionists and local government people libelled on Vexnews are too dumb to suss Landeryou out. The Collingwood fans saw through him in a nanosecond!
I've always said that Andrew Landeryou is a great journalist. His news site is regarded highly, both in this country and overseas. His readership is huge. Even ASIO and the CIA are keen readers of Vexnews.
ReplyDeleteWhy am I subject to the vilest criticism on this blog of SlanderyouNew filth? Not content with attacking the great man on this awful blog the lackeys of SlanderyouNew, among them the West Australian Green and failed political candidate orderinchaos, have removed my entries from Wikipedia supporting great journalistic talent.
Go away SlanderyouNew. The fact that you have been so lazy you haven't posted since 6 September 2010 suggests you have given up. I hope so.
Jeez! No wonder Landeryou hasn't been prosecuted for his frauds.
ReplyDeleteToo much funny business at the OPP - and too little legal business.
Poontang and cronyism do not a happy office make!
ReplyDeleteJerry needs the royal order of the boot and not lukewarm support from the Attorney. Cronyism is poison that infects every cranny of an organisation.
ReplyDeleteDi would make a below average legal secretary. Her elevation has caused apoplectic rage in Victoria's legal ranks. Me included.
I hope the Attorney needs to get a real job after the November election.
Bloody hell, Theo!
ReplyDeleteIt won't be long before someone suggests that our prosecution last year was fudged by the dysfunctional OPP where the bosses aren't speaking to one another.
What part of the word 'malfeasance' don't the OPP and Brumby 'government' understand? Public officials deliberately not doing their highly-paid jobs is anathema to Victorian voters. It all began during the crooked Kennett years where public assets were sold to mates for bugger-all. The lazy, authoritarian, Brumby government turned out to be 'right' of Kennett! They sold off any public assets that remained. They deregulated the Victorian public service and let them do as they liked.
ReplyDeleteThe OPP is just one agency of many that demonstrates the abject laziness of Brumby minsters.
Everyone I know has worked in a organization where the boss had favourites who were often young, or former pals, and often incompetent in the extreme.
ReplyDeleteThis placed, in my experience, impossible pressures on the organization to succeed.
The OPP cannot fail to succeed. It is a pivotal agency. It has now been shown to be an Augean Stables well beyond the abilities of the Brumby government to fix.
Sack them all and start again!
Jerry needs a shave, a guide dog and a new job!
ReplyDeleteI can ensure that his work performance, not including time spent on the nest, gets carefully 'audited'.
ReplyDeleteVexnews was a latecomer to the Rapke roadkill scene, but he has caught up quickly with imaginative new slurs:
ReplyDelete1. There is also concern in legal circles that it might not be the first time Rapke has enjoyed an intimate familiarity with female members of the OPP. And that even another person might have been promoted in those circumstances too (vexnews).
2. Normally it is customary for married blokes of Rapke’s age to lavish jewels or overseas trips on pretty young things they hope to have “inappropriate relationships” with (vexnews).
Landeryou says Rapke is 61, presides over a $50M budget and even got in a huge slap over Theophannous's lucky break in the Melbourne Magistrates' Court. The jury of public opinion is still out on the Theo cae.
It is not everyday that a crim with prosecutions pending gets to attack the head of the agency that, if it ever gets around to putting him in court, might win several convictions.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is a fraudster, libeller, stalker and internet serial pest.
Maybe Associate Crown Prosecutor Diana Karamicov can get her teeth into him, and do him slow in court!
Because of the appalling chaos and mess here over the past couple of years, Mr Landeryou won't be going to court anytime soon. My computations show he MIGHT front a beak in about 17 years but for the statute of limitations having long run out by then...
ReplyDeleteMr Landeryou is a fine journalist. The best in the business. He scoops the rest by a country mile. Well done Andy.
ReplyDeleteAs was said by an earlier patriot here:
ReplyDelete1. Landeryou is not a journalist.
2. He is a humble blogger with very limited readership.
Fed Manager of Opposition Business Christoper Pyne is going to rue the day he came up with his 'back alley bitchiness' quote. On Vexnews, it will haunt him perhaps forever.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou has been adding many fake comments on his blog using names like 'Pissy Chryne' and similar to denigrate Pyne and to suggest he is a profligate homo who is connected to another fake commenter 'Pell'. The libels against Pyne and Pell are endless on Vexnews.
But the pooves are giving Landeryou a free pass to continually rubbish them and attack Pyne and Pell.
Ludicrous nutcase Landeryou thinks it is OK for magistrates and judges to chuck out potential prosecutions of ALP grubs like Theo Theophannous and George Droutsas.
ReplyDeleteJustice, of course, needs to be 'seen to be done' and not smothered by political coverups.
The Law is supposed to be separate from the executive. Yet legal appointments are made by the executive.
Now wonder children are confused as they grow up by the disgusting lies in every level of 'the system'. Sickening!
Andrew seems to be getting rather gay himself, as his continuing fake comments suggest:
ReplyDeleteI’d love to be under Tony and be the wind beneath his wings.
Posted by Pissy Chryne | October 12, 2010, 11:38
I love it Greek, especially hard and deep.
Posted by Pissy Chryne | October 12, 2010, 23:22
Please Cardinal Pell don’t make me visit your parochial house tonight.
Posted by Little Blonde Choir Boy | October 12, 2010, 15:33
People libelled on Vexnews could face a terrifying new horror.
ReplyDeleteA website in the UK critical of budget air carrier Ryanair has been handed over to the airline because authorities said the webmaster had made money from the site.
What does this mean for the hundreds of people libelled on Vexnews who might be awarded the site?
What would Ted Bailleau, Les Twentyman, Phil Cleary, Dean Mighell and hundreds of others do if awarded Vexnews as legal reparations?
Would they have to take care of lazy, sofa-bound editor-in-chief Landeryou, his spooky 'One-man media army' Sgt Uzunov, 'Ronnie' the voracious company-papers eating hound, and forgetful former spouse Kim Kitchen?
MTR - Men Talking Rubbish - radio is bemoaning its disappearing audience, now down to an average of about 6,000.
ReplyDeleteGiving unpunished crim Landeryou a go as a commentator six months ago gave listeners a taste of the nazi outlook and culture of the wayward station.
Even MTR radio was quick to see Landeryou as a one man ratings crash and jettisoned the fat twit pronto.
The Age says that PREMIER John Brumby has warned all political parties against spreading rumours and gossip.
ReplyDeleteMr Brumby was responding to questions about a report in The Age that Labor was deciding how to exploit rumours about a senior opposition MP having an affair with someone in an industry body related to the MP's policy interests.
The Premier's edict seems to prohibit Vexnews from publishing anything. The nutty site publishes nothing but rumours and gossip.
The pot calling the kettle black Cyclops. That's just what SlanderyouNew commentators do.
ReplyDeleteWhen are we going to see a new posting on SlanderyouNew? Has this site given up the ghost? Geelong had an anti-ALP gossip site, called Geelong COGG watch after its council, and run by a lady called Gheri Malop. After she decided to stop publishing on her blog the number of comments went up to 371, including several that referred to the OC, the predecessor to Vexnews, before contributors gave up too. How many postings will this site get up to now there appears to be no Slanderyou any more?
I've been watching the Commonwealth Games for a week...
ReplyDeleteBut back to 'reality' tonight with TV News and Lateline. Weird Climate Change guesstimators everywhere, and the shonky Murray River irrigators who dried it up. They were screaming abuse while their wallets shrink.
But let's not forget that nutcase politicians started all this. They sold the water rights to the irrigators who got ever greedier and bled the river dry.
Politicians are ruining many Aurstralians. My Super, thanks to the Global Financial Crash is buggered.
Loathesome Andrew leaving creepy messages on this site again (Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:26:00 AM).
ReplyDeleteLanderyou has far too much time on his hands. He should be applying for access to a beginners' journalism course. Some community groups offer these, but they are very basic. I think Andrew would find them illuminating and instuctive, though.
A particularly revolting 'Pyne' fake comment on Vexnews, attacking federal manager of parliamentary business Christopher Pyne, is too revolting to be laid before patriots like us. I have kept it to myself.
ReplyDeleteIf you have to, go the Vexnews. But remember, update your anti-virus software, and set your browser to block all cookies.
Vexnews is presently sending out a rather nasty malware 'cookie' for lazy surfers.
I have slowly begun to revise my bad opinion of Andrew Landeryou. Hitherto, I considered him a complete madman with criminal and stalking proclivities.
ReplyDeleteBut on this site, he is demonstrating care and concern, even is misplaced, about the administration and updates of this site. But his own Vexnews site is regularly criticised for lack of updates, so he must know what he is talking about.
Rebel without a cause, serial internet pest, libeller, crim and stalker Andrew Landeryou is now trying to publicly dismember Victorian DPP Jeremy Rapke online.
ReplyDeleteIt seems a bit cheeky. After all, if the establishment decides that Landeryou and Vexnews should disappear, they probably will.
The continual Vexnews attacks on the Victorian Ombudsman, Electoral Commission and now, the Director of Public Prosecutions are defamatory, anarchic, undemocratic and--if measured carefully--are eventually worthless.
Landeryou rarely presents evidence on Vexnews that could stand up, even in a kangaroo court. He waffles. He dissembles. He makes stuff up. He lies.
Landeryou is also an insufferable bore whose literary pretensions far outstrip his devotion to mediocrity.
ReplyDeleteThe David Jones management of moral midgets and dollar devotees seems to have wiggled out of its sexual harrassment catastrophe cheaply.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of cruds.
I hope someone is alerting federal MP Christopher Pyne about the increasingly vile fake comments about him on Vexnews. Several of these recently are of a criminal character rather than being simply defamatory.
ReplyDeleteCardinal Pell was contemplating a holy crusade against the godless Vexnews wasteland. But Bishops wisely advised him against tangling with the venomous nazi madman. They reasoned that Landeryou's blogs are so poorly written, and his fake comments so transparent, that only mentally deranged people would believe them.
ReplyDeleteOh Dear, Theo is up to his ears in shit again!
ReplyDeleteThe Age says "Huawei, the world's second-largest telecommunications network provider, is believed to be preparing bids to supply almost all the equipment the NBN needs. Former Victorian minister Theo Theophanous is lobbying Canberra on Huawei's behalf".
The Age says "SECURITY experts are alarmed that a company with links to the Chinese military [Huawei] is bidding to supply equipment to the national broadband network, warning that the equipment could be used to spy or launch cyber attacks on Australian governments and businesses".
Some people would call that a conflict of interests.
ReplyDeleteSome people would call it TREASON.
I do hope that Theo didn't set up his lobbying gig with Huawei while he was Victorian Minister for Industry and Trade, He was of course SUPPOSED to representing the interests of Victoria and its taxpayers--and not himself.
ReplyDeleteTheo has miraculously survived many serious allegations--will this be yet another 'nolle prosequi'?
Ok, so we made a big mistake with theo, shortning, conjob and, ahem, one or two others... Ok, a lot of others!
ReplyDeleteBut we have a new crop of eager young tax-grabbers and shonks moving up the ranks.
ReplyDeleteFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VEXNEWS is a rubbishy Australian electronic hate site. It was founded by Andrew Landeryou, a wannabe journalist and failed businessman who had previously written an equally defamatory blog called The Other Cheek.
Crapulence sounds very much like orderinchaos. Wikipedia is a left wing site that rubbishes anyone who is a little right of centre. Ignore Slanderyou. Support Vexnews, Australia's greatest news site.
ReplyDeleteHey Aussies!
ReplyDeleteLots of good luck with multiculturalism! Our version ist kaput!
Andrew "anonymous" Landeryou (October 18, 2010 8:04:00 PM) strangely had nothing to say (above) in favour of priapic simpleton Theo "Huawei" Theophannous.
ReplyDeleteEven Landeryou has his limits. Defending the morally indefensible like Theo and himself are eventually impossibly exhausting.
Australian forces in Afghanistan have been given a HUGE political backstab by today's politicians and the politicised ADF. Three soldiers will be court martialled...
ReplyDeleteIn 1860, Commander William Norman of HMCSS Victoria landed a naval brigade for service ashore during the First Taranaki War in NZ. He allowed them to be incorporated in the Imperial Naval Brigade, but refused to subject them to corporal punishment then popular in the Royal Navy.
Australian governments helped save three members of the Fifth Victorian Mounted Rifles unfairly sentenced to death during the second Boer War, but could not save Breaker Morant.
During WW1, the Australian government constantly intervened on behalf of diggers.
Now, in a disgusting backstab, the diggers in Afghanistan have been abandoned.
No-one with a brain would now enlist in the ADF where they will probably be betrayed by the australian government and loungeroom generals in Canberra.
ReplyDeleteThe PM on ABC Lateline talked ignorantly last night about 'rules of engagement'. What would she know?
Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston emptily promised the three soldiers a 'No expense spared' defence. Sickening. Is he mad?
This was treachery so vile, so abhorrent and so abominable that Houston, Gillard and Abbott should all resign at once.
I'm an old Vietnam era digger who tried to enlist for service in Timor but was a year too old. I feel like a complete fool now that this repulsive and treasonous betrayal has taken place.
ReplyDeleteI was conscripted in 1970. Notwithstanding the unfairness of that weird tattslotto-style selection system, we weren't then subjected to 'rules of engagement', direct political interference or even Canberra level senior military involvement. None of that existed then.
We were just launched into Australia's military history without any fanfare, and with very little thanks from the nation.
I very much object to the disgraceful treatment of the three Afghanistan based soldiers.
Phil Cleary is getting the full Vexnews hate blitzkreig, complete with Landeryou fake comments.
ReplyDeleteBrumby has put Steve Bracks in charge of subduing the Greens. This must piss Landy off no end. Bracks isn't into Kororoit style dirty tricks.
Landy thinks Bracksy is a wimp!
Millimeter by millimeter Landeryou is trying to edge into media respectability. He brayed yesterday about The Age quoting Vexnews (I don't know whether it did or not). On his Wikipedia entries for himself and Vexnews, Landeryou lies that he is a journalist. He isn't. He lies that he is a radio commentator. He had one gig on Radio MTR (Men Talking Rubbish) which him a radio commentator does not make.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is a lying liar who lies.
If the Melbourne media errantly gives Vexnews a single column centimetre, it is at their peril. Landeryou's personal history involves serious criminal allegations and episodes of courtroom amnesia. Since foraying into internet blogging, he has defamed countless people, stalked some of them (revealing addresses, photographing homes and 'analysing' the biographical and autobiographical details of his victims). Several AVOs resulted. He attacks the Ombudsman, DPP, VEC and other government agencies with apparent impunity.
During the Kororoit bye-election in 2008, he interfered with the campaign of candidate Les Twentyman every day for a month. It was a disgusting display of anti-democratic propaganda. It was capped by Landeryou's shameful Heroin shooting rooms lies which were never part of Twentyman's platform.
Landeryou is a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Landeryou is an appalling liar.
ReplyDeleteVexnews should take note of Google being forced into revealing the identity of an anonymous person who criticised a US business consultant.
ReplyDelete"The internet cannot become a safe haven for harassers and stalkers," says Carla Franklin.
The Age adds that "The postings were humiliating, creepy and potentially hurtful to Franklin's professional prospects, she and her lawyer have said".
Andrew, I have told you several times before that destroying your hard drive with an angle-grinder won't help. Your ISP has copies of all the fake comments you have posted on Vexnews. Eventually, you will be exposed as one of the the most pernicious internet propagandists of the new millenium.
Besides, I fancy that ATO, AFP and various Victorian government agencies are looking over your shoulder.
Landeryou is just putting off the day when he feels the sting of justice.
ReplyDeleteHis vile calumnies will reap a vast harvest.
I will dance on his grave for all eternity.
ReplyDeleteI plan to long outlive the useless sod. But if not, I will join Dean later on in trampling Landeryou's last refuge!
ReplyDeleteLanderyou has been proclaiming on Vexspews that there is no such thing as an ALP dirty tricks unit.
ReplyDeleteThe Age says now there is another wicked undemocratic unit devoted to whacking the Greens.
"A Labor strategist said that if there was such a campaign it was spontaneous and not co-ordinated.
"George Svigos, a spokesman for Mr Brumby, said: "Mr Bolitho has said he is on leave. What he does in his private time is a matter for him".
The Age says that Christine Nixon, the lazy former Chief Police Commissioner, didn't like criticism of her from the Bushfires Royal Commission report--even although she was absent from her post at the pub while people perished.
ReplyDelete"Ms Nixon had left for the pub with friends minutes after being told the fires on February 7, 2009 could become a disaster and people would likely die.
"Ms Nixon did not contact anyone in command during crucial hours - when the majority of Black Saturday's 173 victims had died - and no one in command attempted to contact her".
It was well known in VicPol that the CCP's 'phone was frequently beyond human reach.
The Victorian Premier unswervingly supported useless Christine to the very end. Pathetic!
ReplyDeleteThe Victorian electorate's disgust with the administration of justice in Victoria could be partially remedied by shoving the prosecution of Andrew Landeryou to the front of the legal calendar.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou, with his libel playgound Vexnews, is still unprosecuted despite outstanding allegations of fraud. Is he impervious to justice?
Just watching ABC's parliamentary question time replay this morning.
ReplyDeleteThe complexities of modern life in Australia and the world are well beyond the abilities of the 226 imbeciles who are currently attempting to run the nation.
The nation would gratefully accept their mass resignations.
The nation would also gratefully welcome multi-millionaire CEOs being given the 'bum's rush' by disguntled stock-holders and millions of superannuants. Those CEO's are a national embarrassment.
Long-suffering Victorians will kick the Brumby government out next month. Councils need a hefty kick too.
ANZ chief executive Mike Smith earned $13 million in 2008 despite the bank's share price halving. There were also soaring bad debts and hundreds of staff due to be sacked.
ReplyDeleteThe pay packet made Mr Smith, recruited from HSBC, the highest-paid bank boss in Australia after he received a one-off $5.1 million sign-on bonus.
The fat overpaid pig had the gall to appear on ABCTV Lateline last night attacking dumbass Joe Hockey's mild criticism of the greed and defects of the big four banks. Hockey has zero street cred. Smith, in my humble opinion, is a white collar crim. His salary is an abominable obscenity. A lot of the corporate crooks should be doing time in jail - and not pontificating rubbish in public.
I think the ABC has a doco on billionaire airhead Twiggy 'money grows on my trees not yours' Forrest planned for next week. Projectile vomiting isn't my thing. So I will contemplate my navel instead.
Andrew has crept into weekend hibernation without updating his unholy nazi hate blog beforehand. Not that I'm complaining. Silence on Vexnews is golden.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the vile buffoon was called to an ALP dirty tricks conference, there to discuss the evil undemocratic plans that are afoot to help destroy the Greens.
Too bad Ted Bailleau doesn't have a bio or autobio for the the rotten crim to do a twentyman on Ted!
Proof that Landeryou and 'Cait Catt' (Landeryou) are mendacious and ludicrous when then say Vexnews is read by the CIA and ASIO is shown in this Age article today:
ReplyDelete"A site which makes it easy to keep a track of what MPs have said in parliament has been blocked by a government department.
"Employees at the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service have been denied access to on the grounds that it has been classified as a blog by its third-party internet filtering system, according to the site".
Vexnews, a low-level, much avoided blog of little consequence would be filtered by government sites on a number of criteria -- irrelevance, hate content, blather, and many criminal activities including stalking, criminal libel -- and silly village-pump politics.
I was a strong supporter of Julia Gillard until I saw her spruiking MORE 'reforms' in Parliament on Thusday. We have had more than 20 years of reforms that led absolutely nowhere. There was no competition as promised by pollies. There were plenty of job losses, though, and workplace 'agreements' were divisive and among hundreds of extremely unpleasant results.
ReplyDeleteI may be thick, but I have been unable to figure out the ETS, or, its derivitive 'Carbon Price' which Julia was busily selling in parliament. I have no idea what a carbon price means. BHP's Marius Kloppers does, but I don't.
All I know is that my family is going to be hit with a gigantic hike in electricity costs. Jeff Kennett sold off the SEC, a vital public asset that wasn't his, or his government's, to sell. We have been paying for Jeff's nutty ideology ever since.
Now Julia wants to empty our wallets for a carbon price that few, if any, taxpayers comprehend.
I now think she is a useless dud that lost the plot. The very last thing Ausralian families like mine need is another mad ALP tax. We are going down the gurgler while she waffles about reforms and carbon prices.
At last Landeryou has revealed what he gets up to over the weekend while recovering from his onerous job of providing one or two boring, poorly researched blogs each week on Vexnews.
ReplyDeleteHere is what happened to Landeryou this weekend:
"Another fun weekend and another painfull tear in my rear end".
Posted by Pissy Chryne [Landeryou] | October 31, 2010, 23:21
'Pissy Chryne' is, of course, one of Landeryou's sixty or more fake commenters on Vexnews.
How does he get away with it?
In the absence of many real comments, Andrew is manufacturing heaps of fake comments on Vexnews thanking the blog for great reporting, etc., etc.
ReplyDeleteVexnews must be going down the tubes again. It has a readership of 63 - Landeryou, Sgt Uzinov, Cait Catt and sixty other fake commenters...
Visiting Vexnews tonight I spied a huge headline HYPOCRISY. At fist I thought the blog was a mea culpa from Landeryou. But no it was an attack on a greens candidate and legal eagle Brian Walters.
ReplyDeleteCrim, internet libeller and minor gadfly Landeryou in his blog pontificates thus: "VEXNEWS has no objection to the rich getting richer as long as everyone else gets a go too".
Andrew has already had a big 'go' at acquiring millions or rather, making them disappear.
Landeryou is probably the biggest hypocrite in Victoria. Vexnews is a cesspool of modern nazi spin.
Moral mutant and poltroon Landeryou will whine loud and long if he gets a defamation writ from Brian Walters. He is a strong supporter of free speech insofar as his 'rights' are concerned.
ReplyDeleteMost of Landeryou's victims are innocent of his mad accusations. All it would take is one courageous individual to shut Vexnews down forever. In a court case, it would be wise to explore punitive financial damages. But a wiser counsel would also seek orders that kneecap the Vexnews site and prevent its reinvention and continuation.
This is shit!
ReplyDeleteI bet that for five kilos of eye fillet, Landy's pooch Ronnie would boobytrap his master's fave buttplug with enough gelignite to...
Wishful thinking, OK. But Landeryou has been making many enemies who have long memories. He is on borrowed time.
Treasurer Wayne Swann thinks the Commonwealth Bank, by raising its interest rate yesterday, are guilty of a 'cynical cash grab'.
ReplyDeleteThis from a government that gets 38 cents a litre from petrol, billions of dollars from grog and ciggie excise taxes, plus the hundreds of other taxes and charges that are bleeding Aussie families dry. Income tax once paid for all this. Nowadays, pollies and public spend most of their time thinking up new taxes.
Wayne and Julia want to spring a carbon price on long-suffering Aussie families who are already nearly broke.
The New Australia features layers of political, corporate and council malfeasance.
You rotten shonks!
ReplyDeleteAndrew Landeryou has at long last done us a minor service by publishing those legal documents from Greece that you emailed him yesterday.
Andrew has, in his own inimitable way, managed to turn a minor molehill into Mount Vesuvius.
Those Greek judges are a cheeky bunch. Grappa and the law don't mix! Jeez, Theo, we've been lucky so far as the legal systems in Victoria and Greece are concerned. So many free kicks for us and penalties for that mad woman!
How is your $10 Mill suit against her going?
That nolle prosequi awarded by the magistrate last year was what we call in Scotland a 'Not Proven' verdict. The magistrate said as much. Not enough evidence for committal.
ReplyDeleteIt was all highly unsatisfactory.
The Theophani brothers brothers Andrew and Theo contributed little to their electors other than embarrassment. Dodgy 'little' people. They were too busy pulling power levers for themselves, shonky deals, and shifty tricks like branch stacking and other undemocratic nastiness...
ReplyDeleteThe plot just keeps thickening. This post from Vexnews:
ReplyDeleteHow hilarious that you, the fearless defender of free speech, should support a place where defamation is still treated as a crime. Or maybe you’re just supporting your wife’s former employer, Theophanous? Hmmm?
Posted by anon | November 3, 2010, 16:32
Dim and Theo - the mind boggles!
I can't find the name 'Dim' anywhere in my diary index.
ReplyDeleteVexnews today gives good advice to Tony Abbott. Read on:
ReplyDeleteFRIENDS LIKE THESE: Australia’s leading anti-Semite claims Tony Abbott and he “go back a long time”
By Andrew Landeryou ⋅ November 4, 2010
Australia’s leading anti-Semite Fredrick Töben yesterday claimed an association with the federal leader of the parliamentary Liberal party Tony Abbott, telling The Australian:
“Tony and I go back a long time.”
His claim followed Abbott and Töben having a chat after a protest meeting addressed by the Opposition Leader of Adelaide residents complaining about the imminent arrival of asylum seekers in their neighbourhood.
It might have been best for Abbott to turn his back on the leading Holocaust denier and convicted criminal rather than have a polite chat with the man who served a seven month sentence for “offending the memory of the dead” in Germany in relation to his Holocaust denial activities. He also did a stretch in Australian jail for contempt of court after breaching a court order that he not publish material vilifying Jewish people.
Töben is nauseating enough to convince even those most worried about the security of our borders that we should immediately admit to the country everyone he doesn’t like. And give them free housing (and a free car and matching nipple ring Mike Laker style).
The loon has spent most of his days arguing the Holocaust is a “conspiracy theory” which – even if it happened – had nothing to do with Adolf Hitler. Echoing Israel-haters in academic and media circles Töben argues that:
Who is this nut anyway?
ReplyDeleteLanderyou seems to be giving him a bit of oxygen.
ReplyDeleteTag Cloud. ''. The more doors you have the more
ReplyDeletechances of people finding it. Working with an SEO
expert in your country can help as SEO experts within the same country generally know how
to optimize websites for a specific country's audience more effectively. Organic SEO uses valid and safe techniques to rank your site for its keyword. Enough said. Some SEO firms focus on content spinning and submitting articles. Second tool for power suite is website auditor. Make buying easy for the customer and they will return often. Be sure that the SEO outsourcing company you hire is capable of communicating properly. organic search, frequency of blog posts, frequency of on-page optimization, the relative importance of links, the use of social media, the best way to measure results, etc. Don't Forget
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is quickly defining point of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can lead to intense discussions
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And make the work flow smoothly, using good grammar at all times.
SEO requires understanding of various algorithms.
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However, in general, SEO services involve using standard and compliant coding.
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