- Andrew Landeryou is a thief
- Andrew Landeryou is a fraudster
- Andrew Landeryou commits defamation every time he updates his evil blog of sleaze
- Andrew Landeryou is guilty of contempt of court
- Andrew Landeryou is guilty of multiple breaches of state and commonwealth electoral law
- Andrew Landeryou's ill-regarded Vexnews is a semi-literate concoction of lies and bile
- Andrew Landeryou is fat and bald
- And so it goes.
It is also important for all hardworking, law abiding patriotic people to remember that Andrew Landeryou's wife Kimberley Kitching is a perjurer who lived a life of luxury on the proceeds of his crimes and it would be an insult to the dedicated supporters of the ALP and the people of Australia if she was ever preselected for office at any level of government, let alone voted in.