Andrew Landeryou is a lazy liar. Either trait is undesirable on their own. Together they will one day put him behind bars. For because Andrew Landeryou is a liar and is lazy he will get caught.
On Thursday afternoon he wrote:
The famed VEXNEWS Investigations Unit has uncovered a plot in the Prime Minister’s office by some within it to give up alcohol for the month of February...
On Tuesday morning the entire Federal Parliamentary Labor Party and their staff and the media email lists around the country had received this:
Literally hundreds of people knew this information yet it took more than two full days to filter through to Andrew Landeryou.
Still when he finally got it the fat crook presented it to the idiots who read his sleazy blog as brand new insider information.
What an idiot! What a bum!
Many thanks to our comrades in patriotism for passing on the details of this latest Landeryou scam and a copy of the original email from Ms Gillard's office.
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Landeryou is not only not a journo's arsehole. He is not even a writer. Viz: "The famed VEXNEWS Investigations Unit has uncovered a plot in the Prime Minister’s office by some within it to give up alcohol for the month of February." Even for a drunk man that is a truly awful sentence.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is the net's biggest plagiarist - and don't forget he perpetually steals copyright images for use on his nazi hatefest site Vexnews. The media should send him a bill for all the copyright infringements.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou couldn't write an interesting kindergarten newsletter. That's because he is a crim and not a journo. Yet, the appalling sod dares to criticise The Age and other genuine news outlets while he steals their pics and ideas from his sofa.
ReplyDeleteVexnews is a childish plaything for an embittered, sad excuse for a human being.
Landy, its not too late to enrol in the Swinburne Uni basic journalism course for 2011. You could get a qual and learn something about the craft of writing if you paid attention.
If the government watchdogs were any good, their mandarin CEOs would be wondering why Landeryou isn't in jail.
ReplyDeleteAnd so say all of us.
The rotten scoundrel still won't publish his physical address as required by law so that he can be served writs in the normal way. That's why the government watchdogs aren't doing their jobs. Landeryou and Vexnews are flagrantly breaking the law. The overpaid watchdogs just aren't doing their jobs.
ReplyDeleteSack them! Jail him!
I think Andrew is suffering from 'Writer's Block' because his blogs are asinine, boring and badly written. In previous cases (among an exclusive political clientele) I have placed small explosive charges in my patients to free up their creative processes. In Mr Landeryou's case, I sense that a 'Yasi Cyclonic Atomic' solution is in order. If you'll pardon the expression, that is the the biggest bang in my medical arsenal. It will either blow off his bum or his head. I don't know which would be worse for his readers on Vexnews. Maybe, they won't notice the difference.
ReplyDeleteBut I always dislike having to hire the Truganina Explosives Reserve complex simply to deal with a difficult patient.
Landeryou's recent libellous blogs about Sol Lew at first seemed like skating on thin ice. But perhaps there was a private arrangement that solved the IQ Fraud. Even so, there should be registered papers on the public record. Historian Michael Cannon's 'The Land Boomers' detailed the many private deals done during the 1890s crash to protect the dismal corporate shonks of that era.
ReplyDeleteThe records of the Lew - Landeryou private deal are somewhere. I think I know where!
Let's get this straight.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou had to handover his palacial Parkville mansion to Sol as full or partial repayment for earlier absconding with IQ assets.
What exactly is the current relationship between Lew and Landeryou? Are there other liens or debts? Were the UK Channel Islands investors ever repaid? Lew and Landeryou owe explanations to Victorians about possible shonky activities.
I'm putting my money on Sol as the innocent party in the IQ Corp scandal.
ReplyDeleteYup, Landeryou is either disappearing to Costa Rica, or suffering amnesia in Victorian courts.
ReplyDeleteThe Archbishop Pell/Tony Abbott criminal libels continue unabated on Vexnews. Vexnews is a continuing crime scene where Landeryou's fake comments add endless mischief and a hardcore criminal element to his nazi blogsite. Landeryou is adept at constantly misleading and deceiving his readership of a handful of deluded readers. Tonight he repeats his frequent lie - that he is a journalist. He is not. He is a nasty little cheat and dangerous idiot.
ReplyDeleteMy Top Ten Hates:
ReplyDelete1. Politicians.
2. Taxes, levies and charges.
3. CPI ndexing of excise taxes.
4. TV Advertising brain-washing.
5. Obscenely overpaid CEOs.
6. Fraudulent Andrew Landeryou.
7. Venomous nazi blog Vexnews.
8. Overpopulation.
9. Govt. Petrol excise tax/GST.
10. Overpriced everything.
-an average Aussie
Jeez, I was just working on a top ten list of things I still like about Australia, but ran out after just three. I live in rural Victoria:
ReplyDelete1. So far as I know, I have no politicians or refugees (who strangely speak much
better English than me) living within 15 kilometres. Long may this last. On the other hand, I have a Council compliance officer who lives nearby which might end up costing me plenty.
2. I think the Landeryou Tribe of miscreants live at least 50 or 60 kilometres away. I'm glad I don't know where they live exactly otherwise, after a few plonks, I would want to go there to biff them.
3. I constantly give my TV remote's mute button a battering to avoid the harrassment of increasingly absurd advertising. Sometimes, as I flick channels there is nothing to be found except advertising. This is what hell is like I often think.
Over the next few months I will try to think of some other things I like about what used to be quite a nice place to live.
Getting to know Landeryou is like picking layers of pus off a putrefying corpse. On Vexnews is this gem:
ReplyDelete"It was my great honour to know Richard Pratt and call him a friend. Those denigrating his memory are entitled to their view but might also perhaps think about the real reasons why his competitors, ego-trippers at the ACCC, anti-Semites and the ferociously anti-commerce left-wing press might have been so determined to run the great man down".
Posted by Andrew Landeryou | February 5, 2011, 11:29
Pratt was a corporate rat. Landeryou hasn't done the 400 years of community service he deserves. Crooks flock together.
With friends like Pratcrook, Theo, Shortening and Conjob, Landeryou doesn't need any enemies. He is cooking in his own bubbling cesspool.
ReplyDeleteVexnews is a blog that celebrates crime and well known criminals. Fascinatingly, it is run by criminal too. We love it in Denmark and Sweden. Australia is still populated by convicts.
ReplyDeleteBig Red Ted is a fan of getting rid of Vexspew and Landerspew altogether. Apparently, the new attorney has been given the task of making them both 'disappear'.
ReplyDeleteHow come it has taken this long!
Landeryou should change Vexnews's name to WIKIWANKS.
ReplyDeleteHis nasty little nazi blog has gone downhill over several years. It has become an embarrassing, intellectual cemetery.
If Vexnews was smelted down it would yield over 400,000 tonnes of bile, 61 tonnes of hate, and 43 tonnes of libel and wishful thinking.
It's worth zilch, of course. Who would buy bile?
I enjoy an occasional tipple of bile mixed (but not shaken) with a dash of Sherry, Tabasco and e-coli. Yum! My whiskers are twitching.
ReplyDeleteMy mates at The Age tell me there is triple-bunger story coming on the MUSU scandal. Landeryou was a very bad boy according to the Bailleau Library find of long-forgotten docs. The Age, apparently, is verifying certain matters by contacting people from that time. Two can't be found yet.
ReplyDeleteThe above Cait Catt is a different Cait Catt from me.
ReplyDeleteThe sickening criminal libels on Cardinal Pell, Christopher Pyne and an un-named blond alter boy continue unabated on Vexnews, the official nazi pederasty site. Landeryou reckons his fake comments are a real hoot, but no one ever adds further comments. Maybe some of the deluded commenters on Vexnews have more sense than to add to this repulsive slime created by Landeryou the vulgar headcase and crim.
ReplyDeleteVexnews is a Temple to Vulgarity, nutty ALP - far right (dinosaur) views, abominable libels and cyber-stalking.
ReplyDeleteWisely - although illegally - he hides his actual address as required by law.
Otherwise, I would gather up my cassock and join in with Cardinal Pell in kicking his big, fat hairy arse.
Calling Landeryou an 'asshole' is what he thrives on. He loves being called that. There is a psychiatric name for this disorder.
ReplyDeleteVexnews has degenerated into an inconsequential BACK PASSAGE of irrelevant "news". Since December, Landeryou has managed 11 nonsense blogs.
ReplyDeleteHe would be sacked from a journalism sheltered workshop for disabled cadet journos.
Landeryou suffers from Klismaphilia, the use of enemas as part of sexual stimulation.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't do this sort of downmarket shit. Landeryou may be trying to purge himself of guilt etc., but that is for him to resolve.
It seems to me he needs an ever bigger buttplug. I don't do those either.
I have been supplying Mr Andrew with buttplugs since 2009. He ran out of available sizes in 2010. I now have to send new orders to my Chinese factory for 'outsize' plugs. The last one, size 93, required 46 tractor tyres...
ReplyDeleteMr Andrew is my fave patient. He has a great sense of humour. When I supplied his latest plug, he enthused 'I love the smell of burning rubber in the morning'.
I am getting worried though. Mr Andrew has been in the Guinness Book of World Records as the 'World's Biggest Asshole' since 1995.
SlanderyouNew continues in existence as the blog of FILTH. There is no other blog like it.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Landeryou (Anonymous): Thanks so much for that ringing endorsement of this patriotic site!
ReplyDeleteThis site isn't a 'news' site like Vexnews (snigger). It just puts your disgraceful misbehaviour under an electron microscope of reasonable public opinion. You just don't measure up!
Like Screwball (above) said, Vexnews is "an embarrassing, intellectual cemetery".
But Landeryou rightly admits of Slanderyou New that "There is no other blog like it".
Thanks Landy!
Eddie McGuire has accurately called western Sydney the "land of the falafel", but Autralia itself is changing into a place that eschews the amenity once enjoyed by earlier Aussies.
ReplyDeleteAustralia has been turned into a human zoo by whacky pollies. In none of the recent election pamphlets is there one single word about being swamped by a tsunami of 'refugees' and other flotsam. We got dudded by softies, do-gooders and cheats wanting to save the world by destroying our lifestyles.
Australia is being changed in ways that will engulf us all in racial, religious and cultural conflict.
I never voted for any of that.
The rotten pollies are protected by legal indemnities that, besides negligence, cover their malfeasance to the people they were supposed to represent.
ReplyDeleteThanks for nothing!
Vexnews is becoming a mighty dreary read these days while a bunch of warries battle online with a tosser called Adrian Jackson, a failed Lib candidate and retired army captain. They keep on monopolising Landy's commentaries with off-topic rude remarks and clever-dick asides.
ReplyDeleteScrewball (above) is right in saying that Vexnews is "an embarrassing, intellectual cemetery".
I still admit admiring Landeryou for being able to write rubbish with one hand while vigorously stimulating himself with the other.
ReplyDeleteHis silly but libellous fake comments about Archbishop Pell and manager of opposition business Christopher Pyne add to the creepy feel of Vexnews - where every blog is filched, badly researched, poorly written, madcap, puzzling and like swallowing 400 sleeping pills.
Get an honest job Andrew - even if it is just selling The Age on street corners. Then, when you are belatedly jailed you can say 'I once did some real work'.
I am really embarrassed now to sit next to anyone in school as I seem to be releasing a horrid smell of poo. People sometimes seem to notice and cover their noses and it's really embarrassing, I dont know what to do. I dont actually fart, or do anything infact but this smell just seems to randomly come and linger around.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have an idea how to sort this?
The patriot who mentioned the strange and endless Adrian Jackson vs. the rest exchanges on Vexnews is spot on. One of the attackers of former Captain Jackson is a fake commentor who calls himself 'Real'. Andrew has frequently used this 'nom de guerre' over the years. His comments are particularly vile and, when the Landeryou element is factored in, utterly poisonous. Landeryou pretending to be an ex-Dig is so laughable I nearly puked. It would take a Hercules to take him into battle.
ReplyDeleteBut the ADF has standards. They require that recruits have a mental age over 11.
Landeryou does not fit this basic standard.
Took a quick peep at Vexnews (with all cookies blocked and virus shields up). The commenter called 'Real' seems to spout the same pro-Israel PR as Andrew. A dead giveaway really.
ReplyDeleteAll the comments re Jackson left me feeling a bit gloomy. Its horrible to think people like that might be neighbours.
Why are people so unkind?
I see that Andrew has been busy overnight censoring comments by "Pucka" and "Bollocks" on Vexnews decrying the Jackson v the rest childish stoush as demeaning and ungentlemanly. As if Andrew would care. He loves stirring up mischief with his fake comments, obliterating criticism and CENSORSHIP! Woeful!
ReplyDeleteCrim and internet tinpot dictator Landeryou has spent all his adult life stifling debate, lying, cheating and using thug standover tactics on Farrago staffers, Dean McVeigh and others - not to mention his vile stalking practices which include photographing and publishing the private addresses of his enemies. He himself illegally hides his own address, as required by law for a website he proclaims is a news source. What a cowardly total Dud!
ReplyDeleteUseless fat slob Landeryou is still deleting comments he doesn't like on his illegitimate, repulsive Vexnews blog.
ReplyDeleteA look inside Landeryou's brain is like visiting the Werribee Sewerage Farm. The stink is overwhelming. Thousands of horrible things (his ideas) are bobbing around. The poor fool can't construct these into a meaningful blog because he lacks basic research and writing skills. So all the blogs are tortured, meaningless drivel.
As we say in the country, you can't turn shit into strawberry jam!
Vexnews is spoilt, rich kid Landeryou's toy. For someone with no visible means of support, his millionaire lifestyle seems odd. I hope ATO is investigating.
ReplyDeleteMentally-ill Vexnews blogger Andrew Landeryou should call 000 NOW to get emergency treatment. There are emergency psychiatric teams available that can provide treatment, referrals and family assistance. Andrew: Don't delay. Act now. Do it!
ReplyDeleteNasty brouhahas like Jackson versus the rest get Andrew sooo excited. Its like his endless teasing of leftie university student unions. Andrew loves to pull levers as censor/moderator in his mad little world at Vexnews. So much so, he forgets to come here to leave kooky komments!
ReplyDeleteLanderyou has gone to bed with a flagon of sherry exhausted by tenosynovitis, caused by 'writing' THREE pathetic new blogs. Doubtless, he will be claiming various disablement concessions at Centrelink tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThe madman's three new blogs are irrelevant hypothetical nonsense: Rudd loves Mubarak; Big Ted shunts undeserving Chiefs-of-Staff in his Ministry; and is Julie Bishop the next Lib PM.
It is all silly crap, and one of the first commenters was retired army Captain Adrian Jackson whom some patriots here have said has been ruthlessly goaded by endless fake comments from 'Real' (Andrew Landeryou).
Retired army Captain Adrian Jackson will probably destroy Vexnews by persistence.
Here's hoping!
Andrew has been the Guinness Book of World Records 'World's Biggest Asshole' since 1995.
ReplyDeleteAnother Melbourne First!
The Age should stamp on pipsqueak scribbler Landeryou whose tortured chronicle of wishful thinking about the "demise" of The Age is a massive yawn. If Vexnews had more readers, it would be defamatory.
ReplyDeleteI have been planning for some time to do away with my disgusting master Andrew. He has been pinching my dried dogfood again.
ReplyDeleteI've caught the filthy swine staring at my rear a lot recently while playing with a tube of KY. "don't worry pooch. It's for Kim"!
My plan is to cover him in KFC fat while he is asleep - stick a big bunger you know where - light the blue paper - and watch Andrew go WOOF!
- Ronnie
One day Landeryou will shuffle off his mortal coil although it will take an aweful lot of shuffling on his part. The Bailleau government should make sure that Landeryou has properly prepaid his funeral.
ReplyDeleteTaxpayers and the government should not be forced to pickup the horrendous expenses involved. A large bio-hazard team will be needed to prepare the fat crim for burial. A cavernous burial plot is required, possibly two hundred cubic metres.
The burial plot will need to be fenced off to prevent the enormous numbers of 'mourners' who will want to piss on his grave.
Finally, an Erickson Sky Crane helicopter will be required to convey Landeryou's bulky corpse to the burial site.
Landeryou's thousands of enemies will demand that the grave be filled in with re-enforced concrete to prevent any possible resurrection.
Several enemies who have passed on already, including a company liquidator, left instructions that they be reinterred 'on top' when he dies. This will result in quite a large burial mound eventually.
My humble computations have yielded a figure of over $1 M.
Surely it would be cheaper to tow Landeryou's bloated remains to sea where it can be use as a naval and airforce target.
Where will the Environment Protection Authority dispose of the 400,000 tonnes of bile and 61 tonnes of hate when Vexnews is dismantled after Andrew goes to Glory?
ReplyDeleteBile is corrosive. Hate is so heavy and burdensome. Vexnews, when Landeryou passes, can't simply be dumped at the Werribee sewarage station.
Maybe the Landeryou carcase could be 'accidentally' dumped over the Israeli border by Australian special forces.
ReplyDeleteThe Israelis know Landeryou as a occasional fair-weather supporter. It is likely however, that they would bury him deep for an atomic test. Or perhaps they would transfer the carcase problem to Lebanon.
Illegally selling off the nation and its public assets began, most recently with the Libs. Qantas when sold to the privateers entered a slow crash-dive into oblivion. CEO Geoff Dixon, who sent jets to China for 'maintenance', disappeared suddenly with his millions. The airline is now run by a daft Irishman. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter was a trans-Tasman Qantas hostie unfortunately employed by crook NZ sub-contractors Jetconnect. If you see someone in a Qantas uniform, they are probably not Qantas employees and paid peanuts. Penny-pinching by Qantas, while CEO Joyce drowns in millions is grossly obscene.
Thank God Landeryou never got elected. He would have sold my rubbish bin to the Chinks.
Now that Powercor is owned by a Chinese company, I'm half expecting to see one of their reps reading my meter. We still haven't got a smartmeter, which John Brumby promised would give us savings. You idiot John! It's No wonder your government got the arse! You can't cheat ALL the people ALL the time!
ReplyDeleteSo far the inelegant, unexpected Bailleau government is just blundering around. Ted, read my lips: Smart-meters are poison. Noone wants them. Homeowners think this will send them to the wall.
Brumby, as an example of ALP right-thinking was an abject failure. His was a lazy, disorganised government.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, him and his former ministers are protected by many statutory indemnities and are not accountable.
Neither is the Bailleau government. They can screw up and get away with it too.
Just visited Vexnews with all malware defences raised to find it is the same barren wasteland I visited last week. Landeryou has added a few new blogs, if you can call them that, that just add to the sterility of his nazi hatefest site.
ReplyDeleteVexnews is attempting to be the last adversarial ALP right blog defending Labor while it continues to crash everywhere.
Landeryou the gnome shouldn't take part in shit fights. He would be buried in it.
SlanderyouNew complains about Vexnews taking weekends off.
ReplyDeleteThat's a bit rich. SlanderyouNew hasn't posted a new article since February 4th, 2011.
Even ASIO is upset. While they read Vexnews all the time they do like to look at SlanderyouNew, for research purposed only (that's what Ruth Ostrow used to say about her husband when he visited Sexpo), but I've always considered our spooks to be first rate and ASIO one of the world's leading intelligence outfits.
Let's hear some news SlanderyouNew, or Cait Catt's sister Fatt at the Daily Planet, who says she only works as a receptionist there (it's a brothel located near the Elsternwick Railway station and the Holocaust Museum) might refuse to book you in for your next "special."
Oh Jeez! Where do I get 100 litres of Dettol at this time of night on a weekend?
ReplyDeleteA visitation to this patriotic site by the ever-anonymous Landeryou is always a disaster. He leaves piles of bile, hatred, envy and spleen whenever he comes here. I have to spend the next two days scrubbing down the site with disinfectants, antiseptics and heavy-duty cleansers. Worst of all, I feel dirty after cleaning up!
Bugger off Andrew - and don't come bacK!
Hey Johno!
ReplyDeleteDo you think you could get me a cleaning job there? I think the electorate is cottoning on to the fact that the NBN is a crock of shit. When they wake up I'm out of a job.
NBN sort of seemed like a good idea at the time. But the proles jacked up. What a pack of wankers.
Dear John,
ReplyDeleteI know that as a senior Minister I had a reputation as a bit of a slacker. A cleaning job at Slanderyou New would be a nice sinecure though, provided Landeryou stays away. Do you think there might be some unemployed madwomen hanging about this site who I could 'help'?
No wonder Landeryou is such an abomination as a wannabe journo. He seems to think this blog should regularly be providing new 'articles' when it is obvious to all that this site is simply an enlightened commentary on all of his loathesome activities, past and present.
ReplyDeleteI used to work at the Daily Planet and I know Fatt, the receptionist lady who has the distinction of being the sister of Cait, a regular contributor and defender of all things Landeryou.
ReplyDeleteWhile I think that Fatt would not refuse to see a paying customer have a special, I do think she needs to be more strict and ensure that condoms are used at all times.
Devoted Age reader Landeryou was moved by the story 'VICTORIA is so short of sperm donors that some women are flying interstate for IVF treatment, prompting calls to ease restrictions on importing sperm'.
ReplyDeleteHe has apparently fronted up several times trying to donate.
Staff objected when he brandished a copy of 'Nazi Teenage Nympho Nurses No. 15'. However the specimen he then provided proved to include 'evidence of drugs and toxins, low sperm count, slow sperm, Klinefelter's syndrome, aspermia, abnormal shape and poor motility, and a host of special problems including oligospermia, asthenozoospermia, teratozoospermia, and KFC saturated fats.
Landeryou was quickly turned away.
The big problem with Andrew is not what happens below his belt (nothing) but what happens in his head - also nothing.
ReplyDeleteThe Age still can't contact two of the people who signed off many documents in the new stash of Musu docs found recently at the Bailleau library.
Several of the Presidents of that time won't like the forthcoming review of their tenures. Landeryou's nuts are going to be fried in a very hot chilli sauce.
C'mon, everyone loves chillied nuts!
ReplyDeleteMe too!
Big Bill, being married for 44 years, took a careful look at his wife one day
ReplyDeleteand said, "44 years ago we had a cheap apartment, a cheap car, slept on a
sofa bed and watched a 10-inch black and white TV, but I got to sleep every
night with a hot 25-year-old girl".
Now I have a $900,000 apartment at the Southbank, a new $45,000.00 car, nice big bed and plasma screen TV, but I'm sleeping with a 64-year-old woman. It seems to me that
you're not holding up your side of things.'
Andrew's old man's wife is a very reasonable woman. She told Big Bill to go out and find a hot 25-year-old girl and she would make sure that he would once again be living
in a cheap apartment, driving a cheap car, sleeping on a sofa bed and
watching a 10-inch black and white TV.
Older women are great. They sure know how to solve hubby's mid-life crisis. The man who told me this told Kimberley and she punched him in the nose.
Thank God ABC-TV's Q & A bleeding hearts audience don't run the country. The ABC is too dumb to understand that audiences can be 'stacked' - and don't mind bringing in a few ethnics and weirdos for 'balance'.
ReplyDeleteIts sort of like seeing Vexnews on TV.
Transylvanian gypsies Big Bill and wife Crina made good in Australia. Like some other central Europeans and Balkan immigrants they managed to infiltrate an Australian government.
ReplyDeleteMinister Big Bill got the arse from Premier Cain in 1983 for a conflict of interest. Big Bent Bill bragged he was "executed for a parking offence". In Transylvania he would have got a statue.
Andrew just boasts 'I was the biggest, creepiest, rottenest and fastest out of millions of sperm'!
It is really horrible to think that Landeryou's parents made love all those years ago hoping for a happy, normal child.
ReplyDeleteInstead, they got a vile, ugly, whining baby that grew up into a spoilt rich kid who stole. Nowadays, he is an internet libeller, stalker and fake commenter.
In court, the Landeryous all suffer from amnesia.
ReplyDeleteAnd then they lie!
ReplyDeleteVexnews is still censoring all my comments. He bans ISPs, thereby stopping anyone, in this instance, using iinet, from posting comments. I got away with many comments until Andrew belatedly twigged.
ReplyDeleteThe tinpot nazi blogger loves a one way conversation.
In the good old days of The OC, Landeryou was open to discussion and dialogue. It was duelling with the Devil.
These days it is all a boring Landeryou monolog on lazy Vexnews.
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