There are several issues for Andrew Landeryou here as reported by the reputable journalists of the ABC:
Tech-savvy paedophiles challenging AFP
Federal Police Commissioner Tony Negus has told a Senate hearing that the AFP is desperately trying to keep up with criminals who are increasingly using new technology to commit crimes.
The police chief says that techniques being used by cyber criminals and online pedophile rings are particularly challenging.
Commissioner Negus says that his officers are increasingly working with colleagues overseas because many of the computer servers that host illegal material are housed offshore.
But the commissioner has told a Senate Estimates hearing that criminals and particularly pedophiles are the first to take up new technology.
"What we usually find is that they're not bounded by budgets or legislation so they are usually ahead of the curve in the take up of encryption," he said.
"We've found over many years that particularly networks of pedophiles are at the cutting edge of the use of encryption and social networking sites and in many ways are ahead of some of the other organised criminal groups that would do this."
Mr Negus has also told the Senate hearing that a new law which forces suspected criminals to explain how they acquired their wealth is less than optimal.
The law on unexplained wealth was introduced by the Labor Government but is yet to be tested in the courts.
Under the legislation the police must demonstrate they have reasonable grounds to suspect a person has committed a crime before unexplained wealth can be investigated.
Mr Negus told the hearing the law makes it very difficult for police to proceed with an investigation.
"It's less than optimal and it's not what we were hoping for in the context of looking at seizing assets from major organised criminals who place themselves one step removed from the action," he said.
"And it's very difficult to tie them to a criminal offence, but yet can not explain where the wealth that they've accumulated comes from."
FACT: Andrew Landeryou is a cybercriminal with no visible means of support.
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
tempting. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule or the hope that the problem
will fix...
Health Minister Nicola Roxon is about to send the nation broke. Her madcap plan together with the overfunded Cancer Council challenges intellectual and moral property rights with their tobacco plain packaging objective. These are dangerous, deep waters. Nicola Roxon told Lateline she has received positive Australia legal advice. I hope she is right. I hope her legal advice is correct.
ReplyDeleteShe and the government are protected by indemnities. Nicola and the PM, and the member for La Trobe should all rescind their indemnities publicly to prove their point.
Vile nazi hate site Vexnews does not purvey porn. Nearly as bad, it spreads libellous lies and stalks loved Aussies like Les Twentyman and hundreds of others.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with the internet is policing. In the Nanny Nation, most people would resent further government interference. On the other hand, the government watchdogs just don't work.
Anyone under an ATO, AFP and VicPol microscope like Landy would obviously take precautions. When receiving proceeds from his many Cyprus accounts, Landy has taught the family pet 'Ronnie' to sign cheques, fill out voluminous Centrelink forms and to chew the trousers of surveillance teams.
ReplyDeleteNicola Roxon is a well-intentioned Nanny.
ReplyDeleteI don't like her chances in court though. If tobacco companies whack her, Australian taxpayers will pay through the nose.
I object to SlanderyouNew prostituting my good name. I intend to report you to ASIO and the CIA. The posting 1.28 was not made by me. It is a further example of more filth from the blog of filth.
ReplyDeleteA lot of Australian politicians should be in jail for illegally selling off public assets, gorging on excise taxes and gambling revenue.
ReplyDeleteBetween the crooked pollies, the corporate crooks, developers, unwelcome immigrants, overcrowding, the whole country has turned to shit.
The process of democracy has turned into selecting the least corrupt candidate for your district. This is easier said than done. Many of them lie. If you see a politician smiling and their lips move, you KNOW they are lying.
My family are drowning in TV advertising.
ReplyDeleteJudge Judy (Ten) used to have two ad breaks in 30 minutes, but now has five. The program has been truncated to allow more ads. Is this legal so far as the original program is concerned?
Funeral ads are harrassment. Being told you are going to die 50 times a day is crook.
You guys are lucky. Andrew and Sol Lew planned an online gambling blinder. If you had bought in by now you would have sold your house and would be begging in the CBD. Andrew runs on millions, he is that kind of guy, and 'borrowed' a few to maintain his lifestyle. What's wrong with that?
ReplyDeleteI conducted my very own Slutwalk yesterday afternoon by mincing around North Carlton. But I got very pissed off when some African youths called out 'You look like that fat poof Landeryou. Go and f*ck yourself'.
ReplyDeleteIf only Sgt Uzunov had been present, he would have thrown some pens at them. I felt violated and humiliated. You can't even be a slut these days without unwelcome attention.
Andrew flew me down from Brissie to take care of Cait's lovely locks. She may look a lot like Landeryou but name-calling by Carlton louts are sexist and gave me the shits too.
ReplyDeleteFuneral plans, cancer ads--it's all over the top. TV is becoming unwatchable if you aren't quick on the remote. The vile insurance companies feed on fears in the community because globalisation has gone mad. The cancer ads are equally harrassing. The Cancer Council has far too much public money to spend on saturation advertising that has made TV unwatchable. The message that goverments and the cancer council are making is clear and not made a jot clearer by endless repetition. More wastage of taxpayers dollars.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is frequently derogatory about The Age. He has been predicting its imminent demise for yonks.
ReplyDeleteBut he has shamelessly 'borrowed' The Age's scoop about Soloman Lew's $80K swimming pool which has no council approval. Defamatory fake comments are rife on Vexnews.
Lew and Landeryou have had earlier legal contretemps about which Landeryou is seldom honest--even though he lost his Parkville mansion as a result.
Landeryou hates Dean Mighell, Phil Cleary and Les Twentyman too. But this hatred is still unexplained. Other than hero Twentyman who took out an AVO to protect his family from the nasty stalking practices of Landeryou, none of the others have done Landeryou harm other than being 'lefties'.
Weird, Huh?
I worked at Cancer Council Victoria and consider their clinical research impeccable. The same cannot be said for measuring public opinion. That is conducted by a different arm of the organisation.
ReplyDeleteIt is unlikely that those polled would have understood the undercurrents of plain packaging. Cigarette packets have disappeared out of view altogether with pricing, etc, all now invisable. This was another mad act by Minister Roxon and the Gillard government.
Media coverage of all the underhand interference in what, after all, is a perfectly legal product, has been woeful.
Carbon tax is a carefully constructed con.
ReplyDeleteTo get rebates, we will all be forced to fill out an intrusive 9000-page Centrelink questionaire.
All those millionaire actors, Hewson and Dick Smith can afford more taxes. I can't.
My family are already defaulting on new State charges in Victoria.
I don't mean to be rude, but Juliar can stick her carbon tax up her Khyber!
Voices missing from the carbon tax 'debate' are those millions of Aussie families who have no clue about what the PM, Ross Garnaut (the brassy accountant who is NOT a climate scientist), happy Bob Brown, Cait Blanchette, and many others (including many millionaires) are rabbitting about.
ReplyDeleteThe more they talk and argue, the less sense the carbon tax makes.
The national agenda for six months has been captured by all this wasteful nonsense, and the NBN network (which is meaningless in most lower-income homes in the nation. I would say get rid of this mad ALP mob of ratbags--except for the fact that Tony Abbott and the other Howard remnants can't wait to roll back Workchoices.
It is sooo mad, Landeryou must be running the country...
Vexnews reporter Braemar Sefton produced some real news yesterday about Rob Oakeshott. It's worth reading. Cait Catt, the greatest admirer of Vexnews who writes defences on this blog of filth, would be suitably impressed. So will both ASIO and the CIA, whom Cait repeatedly tells us rely on Vexnews as their premier Australian news source. Read on:
ReplyDeleteJOKESHOT: It’s a shame we can’t live export Rob Oakeshott
By Braemar Sefton ⋅ June 1, 2011
Rob Oakeshott made a complete laughing stock of himself yesterday. It coinciding with Climate czar Ross Garnaut reminding us of the under-used pejorative pissant, which our early morning research has revealed is actually a reference to real kind of ant, not just some country member.
The country independent MP who handed government to Labor after their near election defeat in 2010 nearly greatly destabilised their show by voting against Speaker Harry Jenkins’ ruling that beefy Bob Baldwin be suspended from the House for 24 hours.
Tradition demands that if the Speaker’s rulings are not enforced by the House that s/he would resign, as it reflects a lack of confidence in their decisions and therefore their tenure.
So when the Coalition voted with their own MP, not unreasonably, it was not of great consequence.
But what became potentially hugely consequential was when the smirking, lacklustre, self-important and blasé member for Lyne voted against the Speaker’s ruling on the most spurious grounds.
Variously, his reasons included that he didn’t hear the interjection that prompted Jenkins’ ruling and that he preferred to vote with members speaking out for their constituency.
The problem with that is that Jenkins is mostly seen by all observers as doing a good job. He is nationally recognised as being competent, fair and reasonable, but Oakeshott is a buffoon.
He resisted the entreaties of Leader of the House, Anthony Albanese, to consider the implications of what he was doing.
And ultimately that might neatly encapsulate the problem with Oakeshott’s reign as the cross-bencher with far too much power for his own good. His sense of responsibility is way smaller than the pivotal postion of power he occupies.
The pissant parliamentarian, for want of a more delicate description, is way out of his depth, presumes a public goodwill long since dissipated and lacks a sense of the impact of his decisions.
“Responsibility is the price of greatness,” Churchill once said.
And there really isn’t a less great politician in Canberra, mind you, it’s only one month til the self-named Lee Rhiannon (Rhiannon meaning a Welsh witch warrior) arrives to represent New South Wales in the Senate for six years.
The panicked scenes of high farce that followed Oakeshott’s stupid call were amusing yet ultimately just another reason why the public could think less of the leaders they elect.
Oakeshott made the government look a little less stable and in control, potentially humiliated by losing one of its own as Speaker.
Equally, he also put the Opposition in a bind because, for a brief shining moment, it looked like Deputy Speaker Peter Slipper, a sort of renegade Liberal, would have had the numbers to become Speaker with the government’s backing and support from the cross-benchers.
That would have cut their numbers by one and made life just that little bit more relaxed for the government, even though for the most part its legislative programme gets through the Reps with little difficulty.
Slipper would, in that situation, have taken the prestigious Speakership without the support of his colleagues who, led by his nemesis Alex Somylay, don’t like him and are cheering on efforts to bone him at the next round of preselections.
A fine mess Oakeshott’s self-indulgent, petty ego-tripping got everyone else into yesterday.
The voters of Lyne – on the farms, in the towns, on the rivers, in the pubs – wait for this absolute clown with the figurative baseball bat he so richly deserves.
ReplyDeleteI read all the foregoing crap on Andy's nazi blog yesterday. Oakeshott is worth a million Andrew Landeryous.
The carbon tax is utter idiocy.
ReplyDeleteMillions of Australians want to shove the looney carbon tax up Juliar and Wayne--light the blue fuze and retire.
The carbon tax won't work; it can't work. It is like charging a tax on bum fluff. Bum fluff is like climate change. It is in the mind of the believer. You can't see it, but it is maybe there.
One of the best analyses of all time is the article below on Vexnews yesterday - about Tony Abbott. Read on:
ReplyDeleteNOT ONE OF US: Why the Liberal party room is going to slot the brilliant Abbott
By Andrew Landeryou ⋅ May 31, 20
There has not been a more formidable Leader of the Opposition in Australian politics since Malcolm Fraser and Bob Menzies before him.
Tony Abbott has been awesome.
His aggression, his message discipline, his populism has been a case study for all those seeking to serve in the toughest job in modern politics.
He’s made a middling government look woeful, most of the time.
And yet, cracks are starting to appear.
For the simple truth, as VEXNEWS has previously reported, is that the Liberal party room, while awed by Abbott’s aggressive antics at the government, is not really a natural constituency for his views or, indeed, even a man like him.
Not to put too fine a point on it, he’s a Grouper.
He has the uniquely old-fashioned, lovably eccentric and sometimes very, very popular set of views that would once have been attributed to those of the National Civic Council. Socially conservative statists. Even on some things, quite left-wing. And certainly not in the slightest bit anti-union.
He’s no economic reformer. Costello’s various writings on the subject are scathing.
Abbott has no interest in economics. He’s a values politician, who wants Australian national decision-making to stay connected with middle Australia not a hard-charging zealot for change. Disrupting families for the sake of the current account is anathema.
And again that’s just not where the Liberal party room, for the most part, is at. They are free traders. Limited government is what floats their boat, even if it’s not always what they do when in office.
Just this past weekend, the Liberal Right titan who nearly single-handedly made him Leader, Senator Nick Minchin warned Abbott of the perils of populism. We think it only ran in the Adelaide papers but the retiring Senator went to the trouble of opining on this subject in a farewell newsletter to party members:
“Success really lies in getting the balance right between principle and pragmatism, between the pursuit of good policy and the need to retain popular support.”
With WorkChoices, he said, the party had erred “too far in the direction of principle”.
“There is no doubt, an inadequate filter was applied to that policy prior to its introduction,” he said. “(But) that experience must not be allowed to be the catalyst for a reversion to populism now that we are in opposition.
“The federal Coalition has a responsibility not to pursue populism at the expense of the nation’s long-term interests.”
Senator Minchin winds up pledging support for Mr Abbott but also saying: “Victory in 2013 will come from sound policies based on strong principles, and not from cheap populism”.
Few in Canberra misunderstood who this anti-populist message was aimed at. It was Nick Minchin’s tough-love message to his own creation, Leader Tony Abbott.
Others wonder how – without the astute counsel and numbers-manipulations of his mentor Nick Minchin – Tony Abbott will be able to fend off what is almost certainly a non-Right majority in the party room should his personal numbers go from being not great as they currently are to being seen as a clear drag on the ticket. By early 2013, Abbott will be the longest-serving Opposition Leader since Beazley.
A clear successor is not obvious. The Turnbull option is still unpalatable for most – even one-time backers – after his appalling egomania and misconduct and misjudgment as Leader.
Immigration Minister Chris Bowen's woeful performance on ABC's Lateline tonight demonstated that Australia's immigration and refugee policies are in total chaos. Bowen is a buffoon, so was his predecessor Chris Evans. So was Kevin Andrews the Howard government's creepy immigration minister.
ReplyDeleteThese idiots have betrayed Australians by importing unwelcome immigrants and refugees into Australia, creating overcrowding, crime and discord.
Australia politicians are showing they couldn't run a teddy bear's picnic.
UNHCR is not necessarily on the side of Australians. These are the people who issue immigrants and refugees with papers. They have the problem of redirecting immigrants and refugees to countries that may not want or need them. It seems rather obvious that African refugees, for example, should be resettled in Africa. Surely there are places in India for Sri Lankan refugees?
The Australian people should put bars on the windows of parliament house in Canberra, declare it a Lunatic Asylum-and throw away the keys. It is a madhouse.
ReplyDeleteDragging out hordes of proponents of carbon price is tatty. No Australian family wants another tax. The big end of town-the corporate crooks and the millionaires-do.
According to The Age, the National Retailers Association is bemoaning burgeoning online sales and crying poor.
ReplyDeleteWhat a joke. Retailers have been ripping off us Australians for more than a hundred years. Their markups would have embarrassed the Devil. Even billionaire Sol Lew and multi-millionaire Gerry Harvey would blush at this nonsense.
Millions of Australians are waiting to see the corporate crooks being jailed. Push the NRA numbskulls to the front of the queue.
The increasing overabundance of globalisation crashes have been caused by greedy retailers, insurance agencies and hundreds of associated companies.
ReplyDeleteThey haven't seen anything yet!
The fact that globalisation doesn't work is obvious to everyone except governments and corporate robbers. It was and is an idiotic idea, and in the end will sink us all!
I lurv eBay!
ReplyDeleteFrom Amazon I got a deal on a musical product at half the price of the American product in Australia, including postage and handling. I rang a South Melbourne distributor pointing out the strength of the Aussie dollar and asking for a sensible price. The idiots offered a 5% discount.
Although reprehensible, the email threats to ANU climate scientists, as reported in The Age, shows that Aussies are sick and tired of the Climate Debate, the carbon tax, the ETS, the Greens and glib stooge economist Ross Garnaut.
ReplyDeleteSomkers of Australia are being endlessly, financially buggared by the mad Gillard government, looney Nicola Roxon et al including Krudd. The government and Cancer Council taxpayer-funded TV advertisements are making TV unwatchable with a never-ending parade of actors coughing up blood, grandparents who won't see their grandkids grow up.
ReplyDeleteThis is HARRASSMENT and BULLYING.
Rich climate activists campaigned around Australia today for a carbon tax. These idiots should be campaigning to stop deforestation in South America and Asia, instead of consigning poor Australian families to a future of Vegemite soup.
ReplyDeleteMy family hope they drown in their lattes.
The Bailleau government's headlong retreat from all its election promises shouldn't come as a big surprise. The Libs root for the big end of town and not ordinary Aussie battlers.
ReplyDeleteTheir's is a nutty, elitist doctrine which does not include the millions of Lib voters who imagine they are somehow included in this mad dream.
They aren't.
ABC-TV's Q and A is becoming complete farce.
ReplyDeleteThe panel always include pampered politicians and eggheads and comedians with predictable views. Tonight's show was lamentable.
But the comfortable audience is the real problem. These are propagandists who infiltrate the program to present their mad, elitist views. They do not reflect popular opinion as shown in polls. They are wacky activists with agendas. Ditto for SBS's Insight program's platform for outlandish opinions.
Out here in rural Victoria, looneys calling for increased taxes would be lynched.
Q and A is becoming the ABC's version of Vexnews.
If Q&A was legit, it would bring in an audience of the homeless and poor Australian families.
ReplyDeleteSince my Super exploded during the Global Financial Crash I have been expecting a letter like this from Juliar:
ReplyDeleteDear Mr Freddie,
I'm so sorry your Super, devised by former PM Keating, has gone arse-up. Yes, I know that your hard-earned super and big top-up by your employer have ended up in the pockets of US sub-prime crooks.
You used the word malfeasance when referring to government deregulation of all those corporate crooks and the toxic debts they then sold around the world.
Your Super's managers, as you say, didn't warn you about the disaster and what to do about it. But that is between you and them.
You say your family would rather parade down Collins Street in the nude than fill in a billion-page Centrelink questionaire. If you don't mind me saying so, this was a bit exaggerated. The Centrelink form is only 894 pages long. Yes, I agree, it is a bit intrusive.
In that case, please let me know the address of the bridge your family are now sleeping under so I can visit and offer commisserations.
Cordial regards,
Vexnews does it again with an outstanding scoop about troubles at Frankston for Red Ted. Read on:
ReplyDeleteSHAW SIGN OF TROUBLE: MP disappears for a day as domestic crisis explodes
By Braemar Sefton ⋅ June 7, 2011
shawshankedBeseiged Liberal MP for Frankston Geoff Shaw disappeared yesterday after revelations on VEXNEWS that his term in Parliament could come to an abrupt halt following a series of domestic disturbances requiring the attendance of Victoria Police at his family property.
Government insiders panicked over the looming scandal, which is yet to make the mainstream media, and a significant part of which cannot be reported for legal reasons.
They understand that Shaw – a father of four – has separated from his wife, Sally Shaw. But they are also hopeful that Mrs Shaw is standing by her man and will not be making allegations against him, in court or elsewhere.
If Shaw were to unexpectedly resign or not be eligible to serve in the Victorian Parliament, the Baillieu government would be deprived of its majority until a by-election could be held. With the polls showing the Liberals generally travelling well, they’re not expecting to lose any by-election but are hopeful that they will be able to avoid one and the months of instability and chaos that would ensue. When we suggested to government strategists they might consider an early election in those circumstances, they laughed. We took that as a no.
VEXNEWS revealed yesterday that Shaw had prior convictions for assault in the early 1990s during his time as a bouncer at a salubrious Frankston nightspot 21st Century.
Some say Shaw was quite the wild thing back in those days, even fathering a love-child before settling down as a Church-going suburban accountant. These stories apparently went through Frankston like wild-fire in the lead-up to the last state election. They didn’t seem to damage local support for him, perhaps the reverse was true.
And yet in government circles, they’ve had a gutful of Shaw already. “We need this like a hole in the head,” one government adviser told VEXNEWS on condition of anonymity before expressing fears for Shaw’s safety given that they hadn’t heard from him for some time on Monday. He has since resurfaced and has promised higher-ups that he’s done nothing wrong. With the Michael Kapel secret meetings to undermine the Police Commissioner furore raging like an out-of-control bush-fire, this is a distraction, potentially, at least, a deadly serious one.
This week is not the first time Shaw has appeared on the radar of the VEXNEWS Investigations Unit. There have been – as we briefly considered yesterday – wild rumours about his close, personal friendship with a parliamentary colleague. “Blondes have more fun,” one observer remarked.
A steady flow of interesting information about the colourful evangelical is received on a regular basis. Accused by local Christians of being an unreliable “Church-hopper,” one source who asked not to be named for reasons of their own safety, explained that Shaw and his family is a strange “Biblical literalist” who doesn’t really have sufficient theological understanding to carry it off. Many fellow worshippers smell a fraud and have told us that he has attended no fewer than four churches in the burbs, originally starting with the Mornington Baptist Church, before eventually finding solace at the Peninsula City Church on Frankston-Flinders Road, occasional scene of “homosexual deprogramming.”
How does Andrew do it? He's Victoria's greatest source of news bar none. When the Fairfax rags introduce paywalls he'll be our only source of free news apart from Derryn Hinch. Lets hope poor Derryn, a great broadcaster and journalist, doesn't go to jail. And we wish him well for his health too. He's bearing up really well for someone with a terminal illness. Get well soon Derryn. We need you too.
ReplyDeleteVexnews, Landeryou and his imaginary friend Cait are all time-wasting trolls.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou has libelled Sol Lew and Mark McInnes again on his deceitful nazi blog. If they had any guts they would sue the porky crook.
Landy must be trying to outdo arch libeller Jack Pacholi (although I suspect he has buckets of stolen dollars hidden somewhere).
The rich inner-city Greens and ALP, with the help of the media, have hogged the national spotlight with climate change for more than a year.
ReplyDeleteMany things, including the tsunami of peasant immigrants to Australia, has been hidden by the carbon price 'debate'.
Australia with its tiny population leading world climate change is absurd.
Juliar and Wayne, stop freaking around, and start concentrating on the real crises facing Australia--Aged care, superannuants who were skinned during the GFC, the robbery of excise taxes, overcrowding in Australia, overdevelopment, and so on, and so forth.
PM and Treasurer, do your jobs and stop trying to posture about on the world stage. You look ridiculous enough here, let alone internationally.
Online gambling is a pernicious, unregulated indutry conducted by vile parasites who prey on vulnerable gambling addicts.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou and Sol Lew planned to exploit this market via IQ Corp but Landy made off with the millions.
Current parliamentary efforts to regulate this scam, as usual, are far too little too late. The crooks have already dug in for a long war. Long time gambling champion Channel Nine has saturation gambling adverts that would embarrass the devil.
I place a curse on them all.
Tsk! Tsk! Landeryou is again in receipt of legal papers.
ReplyDeleteIn his own words, this is how 'journalist's asshole' Landeryou pervs on the silly people who visit his nazi hate blog Vexnes:
ReplyDelete"Hello there, Mayne and one of his flunkies definitely linked to my blog of freedom.
Mayne visits it at least three times a day (we know his IP number so we keep careful track), sometimes in the wee hours of the morning".
Andy is such a dumb wank. He spends everyday (except weekends) libelling people then gets in a lather when someone objects:
ReplyDelete'In a shock development in our “Howe Offensive” series, we can exclusively reveal that so-called “executive editor” of the Herald Sun, previous criminal offender (found guilty in the Magistrates Court of breaches of the Children and Young Persons Act), Alan Howe intends to sue VEXNEWS and its publisher Andrew Landeryou for saying mean things about him.
'Scandalously, we have been threatened with an “interim injunction” unless we remove material critical of Howe'.
A permanent injunction would suit justice much better.
Melbourne businessman Andrew Landeryou yesterday apologised to a court and narrowly avoided being charged with contempt after being accused of trying to intimidate a Queen's counsel acting for retail tycoon Solomon Lew.
ReplyDeleteJustice Philip Cummins warned Mr Landeryou that he was "sailing close to the wind", and said any attempt to intimidate legal representatives was "very serious".
Mr Lew's counsel, Leslie Glick, QC, was walking the corridors of the Victorian Supreme Court when Mr Landeryou approached and walked alongside him in lock-step, stopping and starting when Mr Glick did.
Mr Glick alerted Justice Cummins. He claimed Mr Landeryou tried to block access to the bar table for barrister Rob Heath, and that Mr Landeryou used "disgusting language".
...Yesterday's incident occurred after Justice Cummins had finished hearing an application to remove Mr Landeryou's caveat over a property. The house is in Mr Lew's possession. He will auction it on July 2 to recoup a $3 million business debt. The caveat was lifted.
(The Age. 22 June 2005)
Mr Landeryou threatened to "do me slow" too. I had found that he and three former student presidents and four former employees, had conspired to defraud the failed Melbourne University Students union. I understood he also threatened female staff of the Melbourne Uni newspaper Farrago too.
ReplyDeleteOh, did I mention he stalked me too?
He stalked us as well, photographed our home and published photos and our address on his blog. He has consistently evaded his AVO undertakings (made in Sunshine Court) ever since. He continues to vilify me in fake comments on Vexnews. I feel very sorry for him.
ReplyDeleteCrooked, dopey prick Landeryou if nothing else is always loquacious in defending his fat butt. Previous court appearances have shown that he usually ends up in a grovelling mess. It is all very creepy.
ReplyDeleteOn behalf of the libelled Herald-Sun executive a legal person, suitably named Justin Quill, has told Andrew that 'The article is a malicious attack on our client which conveys highly defamatory imputations including that our client:
* is unemployable
* is a danger to children; and
* [redacted]
'Redacted' means that Gauleiter Landeryou is already on the backfoot.
There is a huge Hollywood blockbuster in this story of the criminal sons of State and Federal ALP ministers who took turns as 'The crime Presidents' of the Melbourne University Students' Union. Only one has done time in jail as a result of ATO prosecution. Looking closely at these individuals and their bodgy friends, new vistas of crime appeared. These were never followed up by police or the many agencies involved.
ReplyDeleteThere has been a massive breakdown in law by the failure to properly prosecute the criminals who stole from MUSU even down to the office furniture. Most have escaped Scot free.
In a statement of claim filed at the Supreme Court yesterday, the liquidator, Dean McVeigh of Foremans Business Advisers, alleges that Mr Landeryou and former presidents Ben Cass and Darren Ray benefited from dishonest and fraudulent schemes.
ReplyDeleteHe claims that the student presidents and the employees used their positions to engineer deals that gave a "secret and inordinate financial advantage" to their friends and mentors, namely Mr Landeryou and Mr Cass.
He has also sued companies associated with Mr Landeryou, Mr Cass and Mr Ray, alleging they benefited from dishonest and fraudulent schemes by the student union presidents and the former employees.
Remember you read this blast from the past here first!
ReplyDeleteLet Freedom Ring!
If I was Andrew, I'd be packing my bags for a long holiday at HM Barwon Gaol!
We're jumping for joy. And Brutus Beefcake and Mongo can't wait to formally introduce us to Mr Landeryou.
ReplyDeleteAlan Howe has a way with words (which can't be said for junior scribe Andy).
ReplyDeleteWe have a Maori newbie who is looking forward to meeting Andy Pandy. 'Big' Kohuna calls all his 'conquests' Baa-bar-raa or Buttercup.
ReplyDeleteBarwon is a huge security sieve. I don't like Andrew's chances in there.
There is a lot to be said for putting pollies in the clink. They chucked the loonies out to fend for themselves to save a buck. Then they privatised public assets like prisons, electricity and water, so their mates could make millions of dollars.
ReplyDeleteDespite everything, they still love the 38 cents a litre for petrol excise, and all the other taxes Peter Costello promised would be replaced by the god-awful GST. He lied.
And soon a carbon tax, a looney new tax that does nothing for global warming, but will bugger us all.
The story about Landeryou's disgraceful behaviour against the Twentymans - linked to above by Guiseppe de Noument - seems a very reasonable piece of reporting in the circumstances.
ReplyDeleteBut no wonder Andrew was apoplectic enough to add Alan Howe to his list of victims to be endlessly punished by libel offensives.
Quit tilting at windmills and take Vexnews down Landy!
ReplyDeleteInstead of just being censored on Vexnews, bad people like me are now diverted to another vexnews without the advertising, stolen images, etc. In this purgatory version of Vexnews you probably can't make any comments.
You certainly can't make any comments on that diverted site 'How freakin' bizarre'. Landeryou is getting serious about undermining free speech and democracy on his vile nazi hate blog.
ReplyDeleteNEVER ONCE did Landeryou on Vexnews admit that Alan Howe had criticised his vile coverage of the Kororoit election (for which Landeryou should be serving a gaol sentence).
This is very nasty stuff. Landeryou, Newnham and the Premier should have been prosecuted.
I'm freakin' dis custard!
ReplyDeleteAndrew is being ultra-vigilant about his Alan Howe 'offensive' and comments attached thereto. He is panicking because this is the first legal threat in a long time that could result in prosecuting his Phat ASS.
ReplyDeleteHe has gone into a censorial frenzy.
His new portal for banned commenters requires an email address to comment. The fat crook and libeller is running his cock-eyed nazi hatefest site like Auschwitz.
I hope he gets fried.
It looks as though Landeryou was right last week that Howes is 'boneless', and dares not prosecute.
ReplyDeleteHowes had the potential to grind and bury Andrew's face deep into the rectum of justice.
It seems Andrew is becoming a professionally destitute libeller like Jack Pacholi--even though he is sitting on millions. A decent litigant, with a vigourous lawyer, might be able to do what police and other agencies have failed to do--sink the rotten scoundrel and stalker, the grand libeller Landeryou.
Andrew's new punishment yard for critical posters will become Vexnews's epitaph. My cyberhacker mates are working to turn it into the new look of Vexnews.
ReplyDeleteCensorship by a blogger stinks. Things are about to go haywire!
Even more reviled than Landeryou in my household of Melbourne Uni alumni, are politicians who (like him) lie relentlessly. We think that politicians have completely wrecked Australia as we knew it.
ReplyDeleteJuliar and now Nicoliar!
ReplyDeleteMad nazi propagandist and libeller Landeryou is busily rewriting history on Vexnews. He is justifiably sensitive about his disgraceful, misleading and deceitful behaviour during the 2008 Kororoit election.
ReplyDeleteAs with Landeryou's earlier frauds ignored by Victoria Police, the Victorian Electoral Commission turned a blind eye to Landeryou's and the ALP's crooked pamplets and mailouts. Those were lies.
Landeryou in his attack on Alan Howe, says that he was attacked by a Twenty 'thug':
Truth: Victoria Police took no interest in the by-election campaign or our reporting of it. The only time they did was when we dobbed in one of Twentyman’s thugs who unsuccessfully attempted to beat us up after Twentyman withdrew his intervention order application. No charges were ever laid against Twentyman or the cowardly loser involved in the attack.
This is the first time Landeryou has mentioned such an attack.
Landeryou also claims:
ReplyDeleteTruth: Twentyman never did obtain an intervention order. He merely applied for one and then withdrew the application when it became clear he wasn’t going to get it.
This is another outright lie.
Landeryou agreed to, and gave undertakings in the Sunshine Court so as to avoid the AVO application of Mrs Twentyman which, on the basis of Landeryou's undertakings, was indeed withdrawn.
The repulsive criminal since 2008 has continuously and malevolently continued to libel and belittle the Twentymans in total abrogation and disregard of his attested undertakings.
Vexnews is the devil's blog.
The Vexnews nazi censorship juggernaut has resulted in a bunker-mentality outlook. The inferior, swinish libeller loves spreading his lies without the interference of critical comments.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is a totally corrupt crim, stalker and libeller.
I hope he fries in hell.
Vexnews is going to disappear in a splurge of redirects this weekend.
ReplyDeleteWe hope Vexnews readers enjoy visiting b-grade Russian mafia websites loaded with very nasty exploits.
A secondary hack of redirects to very weird porno sites will mean Vexnews surfers will never return there. They will be expecting noisy knocks on their front doors and disappearing IT equipment.
ReplyDeleteVexnews is going to go POOF very soon. Because of Harry's redirects, Vexnews will be epicentre of lengthy legal investigations.
ReplyDeleteSophie Mirabellum, who helped expose the swath of corruption and criminality of Andrew's Presidency of the Melbourne University Students' Union, was on ABC's Lateline Business tonight.
ReplyDeleteAndrew wasn't.
The question has to be asked: Are millionaires like Cate Blanchette who favours the vapid carbon tax, or David Manne and other rich lawyers like Julian Burnside who side with refugess, batting for the national interest--or just their own personal agendas?
ReplyDeleteAsians and South Americans are chopping down forests and destroying the environment, but Australian families are going to have to pay. As for the refugees, no matter how worthy or otherwise, the country is becoming overcrowded and amenity has been destroyed. Why should Aussies be squeezed into a hellish existence for people who should be being relocaed in their own continents and geographical locations?
Our droning, monotonous PM needs to take a hike into oblivion. She started off well, but has now become a tiresome proponent of a carbon tax that no one understands.
ReplyDeleteAussies are wishing and hoping that the abominable rabble attempting to run the country in Canberra all resign forthwith, because they are completely incompetent. There have been months of parliamentary disorder and anarchy.
ReplyDeleteThey couldn't run a Teddy Bears' picnic.
They are all unrepresentative swill.
ReplyDeleteWe need a functioning government, not one posturing on the world stage, but concentrating on the myriad of increasing internal disasters within Australia they caused and now ignore.
My Super vanished in 2008-9. It was in an AMP 'managed' fund, but the AMP managers forgot to tell me to convert shares to cash when the US sub-prime crooks got $60,000 of my hard earned nestegg. Now we are condemned to go cap in hand to the horrible snoops at Centrelink. What a massive cock-up by our lethal pollies.
ReplyDeleteIn the past few weeks the internet has been shown to be utterly defenceless to attacks by criminals, hackers and even kids. The Chinese read our PM's emails.
ReplyDeleteConroy's NBN will enable cybercrooks even faster access to your unprotected funds. The spies will know what Juliar is thinking long before we do.
The corporate shonks all developed websites and promised safe bill paying, banking and secure online purchasing. What a joke!
Now every dollar you own, acessible online, is compromised. The useless federal government says change all your passwords.
I'm getting away from the internet and the millions of crooks festering here and internationally quick fast.
The AFP have a good record in tracing porno addicts because they have devoted massive resources to look over everyone's shoulder on the internet.
ReplyDeleteTheir record in netting cybercrooks is pathetic.
Even my dog, Blind Fido, knows that our front gate gets genuine and dodgy visitors. He can't tell the difference, because we are blind. The IT people have been earning inflated salaries for decades but can't protect their customers.
ReplyDeleteOh Julia, you are such an amazing twit!
ReplyDeleteTo keep battling for policies that noone wants seems the height of arrogance. That's what topple the lazy Brumby government. The ALP keeps handing over wins to the coalition because Labor politicians think they are always right, and everyone else iw wrong.
Julia drones on about her personal committment to a carbon tax and climate change. The electorate is sick of this balderdash. Do something useful instead of rattling your personal agendas.
Vexnews is Andrew Landeryou's 'Mein Kampf' (my struggle) against enemies who politely ignore him nowadays. Vexnews is the angry ranting of an obscure, wannabe politician, whose university days and early business ventures were dogged with allegations of fraud. He still hasn't been indicted...
ReplyDeleteThere was no such thing as income tax in the UK until the Napoleonic Wars. Then as now, taxes were as unpopular as syphilis. Income tax had to be introduced three times before it caught on.
ReplyDeleteIn Australia we may be the most over-taxed nation on earth. Taxes, excise taxes, levies and charges on nearly everything.
As usual, Landeryou is in the wrong place at the wrong time. If he had been elected President of Afghanistan's buggered Kabul Bank he could have, like the disgraced former managers and shareholders, helped himself to hundreds of millions of dollars.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou was no slouch when it came to helping himself to millions. Ask Melbourne Uni or Sol Lew. But Landeryou never imagined a world of total globalised financial chaos, where hundreds of millions of dollars could be filched from thousands of institutions run by corporate cretins.
The corporate bosses keep taking their eyes off the ball, because they are too busy feathering their own nests.
What a repulsive, corrupt new world they have created.
The Age says 'HOME owners seeking compensation for shonky home building or renovations have accused the authority (BACV) that protects their interests of acting to protect dodgy builders instead'.
ReplyDeleteMost of the watchdogs are shonky. They were former public agencies sold off to politicians' mates--like the Australian Wheat Board that bribed Saddam Hussein, and Meat & Livestock Australia which has ruined the meat export trade by ignoring cruelty in Indonesia.
It just goes on and on...
Shelley Craft on Australia's Funniest Home Videos (channel 9) on Saturday said 'We are just going for a tiny break and will be back very soon'. She was right, the advert break only lasted four minutes, an avalanche of mind-destroying claptrap. Some advert breaks are five minutes or longer.
Free TV Australia regulates how many minutes of TV advertising is allowed in an hour. Self-regulation for TV has never worked well. Free TV Australia has already freely deregulated time limits to the point that commercial television is becoming almost unwatchable. There are more adverts than program.
The fat crook's Vexnews nazi hate site has established a sub-site for internet surfers who have all cookies blocked. Gauleiter Landeryou wants to ensure he can infect surfers who accept cookies to accept his nasty malware downloads. These help him discover the identity and webtrail of visitors to Vexnews. The source code for the sub-site is very revealing. I will update here with an analysis of the source code shortly. Readers will be shocked and peeved.
ReplyDeleteALP has removed glamourous Yvette D'Ath from the seats behind speakers at the dispatch box during question time in Federal Parliament on TV. She has been replaced by the Carbon twins, two matronly women, a grinning blonde and brunette, who nod sagaciously and enthusiastically at every opportunity. Window dressing gone haywire.
ReplyDeleteI was wrong that Vexnews's dreary sub-site is for miscreants who have all cookies blocked. Censor Landeryou is targeting people like me he doesn't want commenting on Vexnews. But as I said before "The source code for the sub-site is very revealing. I will update here with an analysis of the source code shortly. Readers will be shocked and peeved".
ReplyDeleteIt is repugnant that a so-called blogger censors and silences comments. Landeryou is the first to scream "foul" if anyone tries to silence him.
What a disgusting h i p p o c r i t e!
VicPol, ATO and other agencies need to get up off their big fat arses and prosecute this rotten crook, stalker and libeller.
My family erupts into loud angry outbursts every time Juliar 'Carbon Tax' Gillard appears on TV.
ReplyDelete"There's that silly b____ again"! yells my seven year old son Brendan. Teenager Fiona shouts "Shut Up! You Moron!". Yes, they've picked up on the hatred in this household for the endless carbon debate. Grandpa is really rude: "Go and ____ yourself, you useless ____"!
My parents and family have voted Labor all our lives. Now we would vote Mickey Mouse if it meant an end to this craziness!
As if the world wasn't mad enough! Now the NSW pollies are ticking magistrates suffering mental illness.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolute madness. People who have been charged with offences are entitled to be judged by people who are not suffering depression or any other mental illness.
There are strong reasons now that politicians and the judiciary receive regular psychological tests.
While the airlines stagger from one crisis to another, they have opted for smooth women spin-doctors to explain away the problems.
ReplyDeleteAnother cop-out by the disgustingly overpaid millionaire CEOs who hide in their offices. Instead of broadcasting the ludicrous comments of the glib women, the media should be hammering on the doors of the CEOs. Kick their lazy arses!
Blarney speaking oaf and Qantas CEO Alan Joyce only earns $2 million a year with handsome bonuses. He too is attacking unions like his grossly overpaid predecessor Geoff Dixon who is still counting his ill-gotten payout of $14 million. These are abominable whitecollar crooks who aren't worth a tiny fraction of what they get paid.
ReplyDeleteAlan, get over it. Start paying staff decent wages along the same sort of lines that you enjoy!
Freedom of speech champion Andrew has exiled me from Vexnews too. I get re-directed to the Vexnews censorship sub-site where posting comments is all but impossible. It's kinda like being sent to Belsen. The fat crook doesn't like criticism and takes active steps to chop it out.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou hasn't realised a central truth. Journalists generally are left. They do it because they care about their fellow human beings. Andrew is a fascist and a stalker. He is a millionaire. He isn't a real card-carrying journalist. He just loves libelling people, adding fake comments to his poorly-researched blogs and slagging opponents.
ReplyDeleteNow that the internet is insecure, the Australian government still plans to pour billions of taxpayer dollars into speeding up access. Thousands of cybercriminals will be rejoicing.
ReplyDeleteI've idenified the Carbon Twins (above) seen behind Gillard goverment ministers on ABC's question time as Laura Smyth and Deb O'Neill. I call them 'Noddy' and 'Nutty'. They are very disconcerting.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of people aspire to politics?
ReplyDeleteIt seems they are people who can lie barefaced and slag opponents. They are also able to withstand loud outbursts of abuse and derision.
Normal people find it difficult to speak when they are yelled at and belittled.
What sort of mental illness are they all suffering from?
The federal ALP has become a lame two issue party--the carbon tax and the NBN. Harpie Juliar is leading the charge, Australia and Australians can no longer afford them. The alternative--the mad monk--is just as frightening.
ReplyDeleteAs the nation caves in, Vexnews and Landeryou continue their vulgar libel crusade against ordinary Aussies.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if any of the overpaid, indolent government watchdogs shut him down. But they are far too busy feathering their own nests.
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