It is close to a fortnight since fat thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou last put a post under his own name on his sleazy site Vexnews and patriotic people across the land are getting worried; very worried indeed.
Many have contacted this blog of truth to express their fears.
"Just what criminality, sleaze and evil has he got planned that takes up all of his time?" one asked Slanderyou New. "What are he and that perjurer wife of his Dimberley Ditching cooking up?"
Readers will recall that Landeryou still found time to write his regular Delia Delegate column in Crikey while undertaking the infamous IQ Corporation fraud, where he and Dimberley established a false online betting company for use as a vehicle to steal several million dollars from Solly Lew.
If Landeryou could still moonlight as a scribe while thieving four million dollars, just how big is the criminality he is undertaking now if it demands his complete concentration to the exclusion of all his other sleazy and crooked endeavours?
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It is years since the IQ fraud occurred and yet the fat man and Dim are yet to be committed for trial. Who have they bribed and blackmailed to escape the law? How is Shorten involved?
ReplyDeleteHey Theo,
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling the usual bowel upheavals and anal puckering and am becoming a blithering nervous wreck. Landeryou is going to bring us all undone. The guy is a major crime wave although, thankfully, now distracted by trying to become a junior, amateur, kindergarten-level journo. I've never read such daft, utter shit as seen on Vexnews day after day. Theo, the guy is a moron.
Don't let him in the house again!
Oh, by the way, shouldn't we be out hunting those horny, lazy unemployed women again.
Pom PM Cameron is a dithering buffoon. How can he talk about 'criminality' in the UK without mentioning his own disgustingly overblown salary, and those of the white-collar criminals earning multi-million pound CEO salaries.
ReplyDeleteMillions of Britons go to bed hungry every night. Many are unemployed, destitute and in slavery.
Ludicrous Toff Cameron promises them every punishment the 'law' can deliver - and more.
What a short-sighted little Twit he is.
I just can't imagine why those unemployed louts in the UK riot and loot. The ungrateful sods are probably just envious of whitecollar crime CEOs earning millions a year; lying, bloated political loonies protected by indemnities; and indexed government taxes, charges and levies that are making everything unaffordable.
ReplyDeleteThe Westminster system is broken, irrelevant and out of touch with the modern world. There is intense anger with politicians and corporate crooks. The stockmarket is tottering. We are all of a sudden up to our ears in global shit.
SlanderyouNew is up to its usual filthy behaviour. It is after all the blog of filth.
ReplyDeleteVexnews remains Australia's premier news site, and is the news site of choice for both the Australian Security Intelligence Organization and the United States Central Intelligence Agency. Vexnews must be doing something right.
The best thing you could do Mr Slanderyou is to retire. And if you are a female you would make a mighty fine hostess at a gentlemen's club. One that might be interested in you is the Daily Planet, located at Horne Street near the Elsternwick railway station and just around the corner from the Jewish Holocaust Museum. My sister Fatt works there but she tells me SlanderyouNew staff are unwelcome. They don't tip enough.
Hey Andy
ReplyDeleteAs is too often the case, just because something feels good, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's good for you. Eating ass does carry the possibility of some health risks. You could be exposed to hepatitis A or contract E coli. The risk of contracting AIDS or most other STDs is very low unless your partner is bleeding from their ass or colon.
To best reduce your risk, have your partner cleanse her anus good with warm soapy water. You might also try an oral barrier like a piece of plastic wrap or a latex dental dam placed over the anus. The sensations are a little different, but they can be just as pleasurable.
The Age has an article on "Shadow Brokers". Australian crooks and corporate criminals are slow learners. What part of the GFC didn't they understand.
ReplyDeleteOnline gambling parasites like Sportsbet pay commissions to headhunters who can provide them with suckers to rob. Andrew and Sol planned an online gambling ripoff. Luckily for everyone, Andrew cashed in his chips before the deal was done, and absconded with the cash. But Sol got Andy's palatial Parkville mansion in part reparation for the missing millions. Some of the ripped-off investors Andy scammed included many from Britain's Channel Islands. Some have er, contacts, who could make the feral bad boy disappear. So far they have been far too kind.
I get the creeps everytime Landeryou departs his heavily censored hate site to come here to attack caring patriots.
ReplyDeleteVexnews is notable for the many fake comments the blogger adds to his own blogs. It makes your flesh crawl. The blogger is a crook, libeller, liar, shonk, stalker and an objectionable sub-human.
Vexnews is probably the world's most boring blog. It's all so predictable. It is poorly researched, badly written, full of typos and bad grammar, and extremely loquacious.
ReplyDeleteWhen Landeryou isn't slagging The Greens, he is busily slandering Dean Mighell, Les Twentyman, Archbishop Pell and, over the years, hundreds of other Australian "living treasures".
Landeryou himself is totally ignored by mainsteam media. He is an extraordinary bore. Even the copyboy at the Sunday Herald-Sun has given up on Vexnews. What more to say?
My hippocratic oath forbids me from referring to, or indentifying particular individuals. My hypothetical patient Mr X was a former Melbourne University student union President who ruined the union and nearly buggared the university. He made off with a million. In another scam he grabbed a few more millions.
ReplyDeleteI found that this man had a cavernous rectum. He told me he had smuggled out his ill-gotten gains to Hong Kong in this way. But upon further examination I found the Victorian parliamentary mace, stolen in the 19th century, a parliamntary divan belongng to a former State ALP Minister, large quantities of crooked election materials relating to the Kororoit election in 2008, and hundreds of items still to be identified in there.
To say this guy stinks is an underestimate.
Proctologist is in the wrong profession. He should be a detective. He'd be a bloody good one. As for the Mace stolen in the 1890s it would be a superb find if it is true that the man the proctologist is not allowed to name in fact knows where it is. It is rumoured that it was last found in a brothel in Little Lonsdale Street.
ReplyDeleteAndrew's gait has always struck me as strange. He sort of walks as if a Victorian parliamentary mace was stuck up his beastly backside. But for all I know there might be several safes up there too. I rather doubt if any reputable Melbourne safe cracker would be willing to work an area declared off limits by Worksafe.
ReplyDeleteIt is a well-known fact that Andrew loves getting rummaged by police and other investigators even if they are dressed n full Hazmat gear with confined space quals.
ReplyDeleteThe Age's Michelle Grattan thinks Juliar is improving her position as former worst PM ever.
ReplyDeleteNot at our place. We hit the tv mute button whenever she or Wayne sppear. The cat growls and the kids scream. Granny mutters 'Eff off you useless twats'. Juliar and Wayne are as popular as cat t*rds on the kitchen floor.
We all pray that Juliar resigns soon.
While shoving your entire cock down another guy’s throat is an incredible turn-on, being able to take an entire cock down your throat is another story. You see, it’s all because of a troublesome little thing called your gag reflex, which prevents you from choking but, unfortunately, can also prevent you from completely swallowing a nice solid 8-incher, or even a five-and-a-half. But with some practical cock swallowing pointers, you can stop gagging in no time. The first thing to do is practice, practice, practice. You can do this with anything from a doctor’s tongue suppressor to a banana or dildo. Slowly slide it into your throat going back as far as you can. Relax. Once you feel the gag coming on, ease up a bit and try again. It may take some time, but soon you’ll be able to fight the urge to purge and get that thing down your gullet. It’s not like we’re asking you to swallow a sword. The best position for facilitating deep throating is on your back, with your neck craned back and your head tilted off of the edge of the bed. This creates a straight shot from your dick-sucking lips all the way down to your large intestine. Have your partner slide it in nice and slow, easing it all the way to the base of the shaft. You’ll have a nose full of hairy balls in no time. And in this position he can return the favor. Just call it a carrot to finish the job.
ReplyDelete"Anonymous" Andrew Landeryou shouldn't be posting extracts from his gross, unpublished autobiography here. His MS shows that in addition to being a crim, fraudster, standover man, stalker, and cyber libeller--he is also a disgusting pornographer and sexual pervert. The giveaway that Laneryou is responsible is the reference to "a doctor’s tongue suppressor". This sort of detail is typical of Andrew. He is a world expert on butt plugs of which he has a collection of more than eighty. The fat crook should be castrated quickly--although he is already a minor, media eunuch.
ReplyDeleteAndrew's pedophile pornographic post should be made known to authorities. The madman has gone troppo! Utterly revolting. I have sent a copy of his mad venom to AFP and VicPol.
I have sneaked a few peeks at my master's manuscript and that quote (above) is from chapter 9. In it my master is fantasying about what will happen to him in Barwon Gaol when Brutus and the Hot Rodders give him a right royal welcome. The earlier chapters about the MUSU and IQ frauds are terribly short. My master is contemptuous about ATO and AFP who, he says, couldn't convict him "in a trillion years".
ReplyDeleteI've noticed recently that after drinking several bottles of Wynns Coonawarra Claret 1959 you fall asleep snoring with your mouth open.
When you have read Andrew's revolting post on this site you will probably elect to have your lips sewn shut.
I hadn't realised before that he is such an aggressive homo oral sex specialist.
"New" Qantas needs a new CEO. Alan Joyce couldn't run a blarney stone kissing competition let alone an airline. The disgustingly overpaid oaf, like his predecessor, baits unions and sacks staff.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter was a Qantas flight attendant employed by a shonky NZ sub-contractor. She wore a Qantas uniform but was treated like a slave and paid peanuts. Many Qantas groundstaff are in this category--and make Mr Joyce's salary and perks doubly obscene.
I fly Emirates...
Shadup! I'm still counting my millions and shares and generous termination packages.
ReplyDeleteShadup! I'm still counting my millions too.
ReplyDeleteAndrew has broken my poor mother's heart. I first found he was a crook when I found he was selling my mother's milk to his twin 'Cait' at inflated prices. As he grew up I cursed the Lord because Andrew was so troubled. At Uni, he started stealing it seems, and then stole Mr Lew's millions. How much can a mother bear? I next found he stalked people and libelled them on what friends told me was a nazi-hate website. I am an old lady and don't know what Vexnews means. His twin Cait showed me this site and Andrew's sickening male oral sex description posted on this patriotic site (long may it prosper and grow). All I can do is offer deep apologies, as I have been doing all Andrew's life, please accept them.
ReplyDeleteUp to a few months ago I was a very unpopular blogger with lots of debts. Now this problem I have made me drop out of work, lose more money, and my few friends are disgusted to hang out with me.
ReplyDeleteMy problem is that all of a sudden my ass really started to stink even after a shower. I mean it smells like I shit myself or like I just took a shit and didn't bother to wipe my ass. I can asure that I don't shit myself and I wipe my ass until clean. I even tried that sphincterine stuff which seems not to work for me. This problem made me drop out of college to spare myself the embarassment and haven't gotten laid in a while which kills me because girls ask me why I don't want to hang out with them and the 'sick' excuse is getting quite old. I seriously have no idea what to do, it is really bothering me because I am ashamed just to go out of my house. It is weird because when I sit down it feels like theres shit in my ass but when I go to wipe nothings on the napkin and the sphincterine just blends with the smell. If you could please help me because now I just sit at home like a loser and cannot hang out with my friends without feeling ashamed.
The Age has traced a recent murderer who used a hammer to kill his victim as the man who assualted former Premier Kennett. Considering the wholesale damage Kennett did to Victoria with his mad views, Jeff was lucky. He was a turd of a premier who sold off public assets belonging to all Victorians. He deserves to be in jail.
ReplyDeleteQantas, once Australia's national airline, should never have been onsold to the succession of corporate crooks who have milked it ever since. Dumb millionaire CEO Alan Joyce continues the never-ending mad battle against unions. A decent government with 'balls' would step in and return Qantas to the Australian people. Alan the pathetic Irish Loon could then be summarily dismissed. Qantas, as a government airline ran for decades without all these crazy problems and ideologies.
ReplyDeleteVexnews continues its long slide into the Slough of Despond. Ludicrous, poorly researched blogs, dozens of fake comments by the blogger, and the continuing censorship of views unwelcome to the blogger have rendered Vexnews irrelevant as a news source, nazi hate blog, or even a comedy website. Landeryou is entitled to waste his own time, but not our's.
ReplyDeleteAustralians can't wait for PM Julia, and her mad carbon tax to be shown the exit. Noone understood this nonsense. To this day her new tax in utterly incomprehensible.
ReplyDeleteThe increasingly creepy PM supports shonk MP and credit-card shagger Craig Thomson who should unceremoniously be given the boot. The guy is a shit!
I haven't been to a bottle shop for a while. Today I got a huge shock. Now thanks to the indexed excise tax on alcohol, bottles of liquor are above $40 a bottle! There are various deals for two bottles for $65 etc. I am doing my part for the nation and drinking twice as much, twice as fast.
ReplyDeleteI drink to oblivion to forget about the Gillard Government and Mad Monk Tony Abbott who have ruined the country.
Australians are being robbed blind by governments that heap taxes on taxes. Johnny Walker will be $100 a bottle in five ears.
I can't afford it now.
Two unsolicited opinons about Andrew Landeryou of Vexnews: 'He’s a pathetic rightwing tosser with no life and barely a clue' and an 'attention-seeking, loathsome windbag with way too much time on his hands'.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is far less generous. Us patriots think he is a crook, stalker, libeller and undemocratic turd who interfered in the 2008 Kororoit election by misleading and deceiving electors about the candidacy of Les Twentyman OAM, and former Victorian of the Year.
Nowadays, he regularly debunks The Greens on his pro-ALP nazi hate site Vexnews. Not surprisingly, he censors comments he doesn't like and blocks commenters he hates.
It is all a bit weird. Andrew is tres weird. Vexnews is very, very Weird!
The Age says:
ReplyDeleteIndependent senator Nick Xenophon is outraged that BlueScope Steel is shedding 1000 jobs while the company's senior executives are paying themselves $3 million in bonuses.
The steelmaker announced the job cuts yesterday as part of a group restructuring after it reported a full-year loss of more than $1 billion.
Senator Xenophon, brandishing a blown-up chart of BlueScope's remuneration report, singled out executive director Paul O'Malley who pocketed a $721,000 bonus on top of his salary of nearly $2 million, and total executive bonuses of $3.05 million.
"There is something particularly obscene about BlueScope doing that when they have just laid off 1000 of their workers," he told reporters in Canberra.
Read more:
My arsehole is itchy.
ReplyDeleteNSW credit-card rooter Thommo the MP is a dead man walking. PM Juliar having twice given this swine a tick is, like Thommo, already on a downward slide into oblivion. It is all too disgusting, unparliamentary, and provocative to every taxpayer.
ReplyDeleteThe ALP is toppling into a Black Hole and will disappear forever. The next election will be like flushing the toilet.
"Anonymous" Andrew (just above) says his 'arsehole is itchy'. When the fat crook gets to Barwon Gaol his vile backside will not be itchy. After the Hot Rodders have had a go, it will be extemely sore. He will have to sit on his head.
ReplyDeleteMad Andrew has amazing cheek. He censors his own Vexnews website, but comes to this Patriotic Blog using sickening language and smears. Sooner or later his pathetic knackers will be publicly roasted.
ReplyDeleteFellow Patriots,
ReplyDeleteGuys, let's not be too precious. Landy should be doing serious prison time for his MUSU and IQ Corp million-dollar frauds. Dirty deals were done. They don't stand scrutiny. Heads should roll. ALP pollies and Sol Lew saved his Big Phat Ass.
Nowadays he is a repulsive blogger, libeller, cyber stalker, whose blog "Vexnews" downloads malware scripts onto visitors' browsers. The crim censors comments he doesn't like. The Victorian Electoral Commission should have prosecuted this crackpot for his undemocratic interference in the 2008 Kororoit election. ALP pollies saved him again.
It is a matter of public justice that Landeryou should have the opportunity to respond to the long catalog of serious complaints against him. He can begin to do so here.
The fat crook has his own vile soapbox - Vexnews - for God's sake, don't present him with another opportunity to express his toxic, undemocratic views.
ReplyDeleteBecause I post rude comments on Vexnews I get relegated to Andrew's Censorship Vexnews sub-site.
ReplyDeleteThere is a bonus. In a little box beside every new Vexnews blog is the date it was posted. At a glance I can see the slacko's pathetic output.
The blogs themselves are (thankfully) getting shorter and more irrelevant. Fat Andy completely missed the Thommo HSU scandal. He must be getting bored of being a journo's bog brush.
Craig Thomson and misappropriation of HSU money. Read Landeryou and MUSU so many years earlier.
ReplyDeleteMy arsehole is still itchy.
ReplyDeleteStill itchy?
ReplyDeleteApparantly all us prisoners will all soon receive condoms.
ReplyDeleteAndy loves the feel of latex on his lilley white ... We are looking forward to using them with you Andy.
Former HSU boss and current ALP MP Thommo has taken the Landeryou Option. All the incriminating documents have disappeared.
ReplyDeleteAll the company papers of Landeryou's IQ Corp dissapeared too. Not only that, but staffers (most of them relatives) developed amnesia in courtroom scenes that beggared the imagination.
Registered Company Secretary Dimberley Kitchen, Landeryou's wife, couldn't remember a thing. Nor could his Dad or his brother-in-law.
Sol Lew taught those financial zombies a thing or three. He is a billionaire. He is relaxing in his new illegal pool. Landeryu has retired for the weekend, abandoning his execrable, cesspool 'news source' Vexnews.
The poofy fat guy claimed 'privilege' during those hearngs didn't he? Then there were all those disappearing millions from Melburne Uni students union earlier.
ReplyDeleteThe sicko crook has a hell of a lot of explaining to do.
Some forecasters give Juliar a month at most. The one-trick show pony pushed her carbon tax right up taxpayers noses for month after month. No-one wanted her tax. But she didn't listen.
ReplyDeleteShe has twice championed lowlife MP Thommo. She was a fool. Seal Team 6 can't save Thommo.
Juliar start writing your resignation. Millions of Aussies will help you with wording if necessary.
You are useless. Go and get a job where you can't damage this nation any more than you already have.
Colac carpet salesman and state government transport minister, Andrew's Terry 'Choo-choo' Mulder is whining in The Age about fare evasion.
ReplyDeleteIf governments did't rip-off taxpayers with dozens of indexed addional excise taxes, levies and charges, we could perhaps all afford public transport.
Australian governments have become an unaffordable farce. They love dollars. We are ruuning out of them.
Vexnews is running out of steam. Fewer and shorter nonsense blogs, less infernal Archbishopp Pell fake comments by the fat crim. Landeryou must have found a new outlet for cyber crime. He has all but abandoned the toxic vexnews news service. It won't be missed. Vexnews is kndergarten level shit.
ReplyDeleteSilly Gerry Harvey, says The Age, thinks we should be 'as happy as pigs in shit' instead of being scared to spend. Harvey-Norman is an overpriced retail scam. Gerry is in the shit, not us. Stop being so greedy Gerry! Make your prices realistic and I might visit Harvey-Norman again.
ReplyDeleteI had the misfortune to be robbed in NZ in late 2004. I got NO help from DFAT, and all the NZ help numbers were closed for the weekend. I was buggered and abandoned by the OZ government. Then came the Tsunami, and everyone there got heaps of help.
ReplyDeleteThe Age now reports 'Dennis Richardson, secretary of the Foreign Affairs department, said that the government 'clearly has a responsibility to help individuals where they are caught up in circumstances beyond their control', but that principle could only be taken so far'
Where the hell are all the modern travel taxes, levies and charges going?
Aussies are being comprehensively robbed by governments. Dennis stick to your job. Stop thinking of digging out of your responsibilities.
I got dudded and abandoned alone by government back in NZ in 2004. I had to fend for myself.
Start giving travellers value for their travel tax dollars. We are not tax milch cows you rotten sods!
Vexnews, the toxic nazi hate site run by fraudulent criminal Andrew Landeryou, has been abandoned too. The bloated blogger claims to be a journo but can scarcely manage a few badly written sentences a week. Any decent news editor would have booted the lazy oaf out of the building long ago. He can barely string together a few words that make sense.
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