Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Revealed: How the law abiding and patriotic will make fat criminal Andrew Landeryou confess

Fat and drunken bum Andrew Landeryou is best known nowadays as the compiler of a blog based around "odd spot" links stolen from dozens of reputable news sites from around the world while he is actually a hardened criminal involved in theft, fraud, perjury, intimidation, criminal defamation and multiple breaches of the companies code and electoral laws.

Landeryou - and his perjurer wife Dim Ditching, who enjoyed a life of luxury on the proceeds of his criminality - denies his evil deeds.

Now, the patriotic and law abiding have an overseas precedent that shows them how to force a confession from fat Andrew Landeryou. All it will take is law enforcement officials who remain uncorrupted by the bribery and blackmail the Landeryou clan and their supporters and lackeys specialised in during the corrupt Bracks and Brumby years, along with a little time and a large tub of KFC.

The original of this inspirational story is available here.


  1. Andrew Landeryou in Barwon Jail =

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  2. It's undeniable. I'm sick to death of the pointless charade of Kathy Jackson. This is just another illustration of the complete contempt that HSU has for ordinary men or women in the street. Furious about Slanderyounew whining

  3. What a stupefying load of claptrap. Witlessness prevails in Slanderyounew circles once again. Slanderyounew probably should be looked after for the rest of his life in a secure environment and hasn't had an original thought in his life, never mind an active one. The whole concept of SlanderyouNew is quite foolish.

  4. Believe it or not, Is there no end to Slanderyounew's face-saving measures? Slanderyounew is an inaccurate man driven by his ego. Here we go - another day, another warped chauvinistic article

  5. I'd have thought articles here are now written specifically for fools

  6. An bizarrely thorough reader might be able to converge by systematically sorting out the distortions, inaccuracies, contradictions and blunders voiced and then connecting the dots... But it might be easier to take a glance at the bytes that have have already flowed under this bridge never before seen in human history unfolding before our eyes these last months. They might meet their match with ole' Slanderyounew - he has even more contentless self-regard for the feeble-minded bilge that he confabulates in what passes for a brain than they do. This is just another illustration of the complete contempt that Slanderyounew has for ordinary men or women in the street

  7. More laughable rubbish on VexnewsWednesday, September 26, 2012 11:46:00 PM

    The comments on Vexnews's laughable, looney hate blog about Les Twentyman have been stuck on 25 for nearly a week - further proof that Landeryou provided nearly all of the 25 as fake comments written by him. As usual they are repulsive criminal libels against a great Australian like Les.

    In other poorly researched and badly written blogs, internet madman Landeryou tries to chop up Lindsay Tanner and praises useless prick Bill Shorty. In another, and this is really bizarre, he says "Tricky, Tacky Greens: Greensparty says CCTV is waste of money as cops use it to search for Jill Meagher".

    Landeryou couldn't write a credible kindergarten newsletter.

    He is a prize twat.

  8. I checked the date. No, it is not April the 1st. Wake up, Slanderyounew. You're the dumbest of all. Someone criticised Slanderyounew? Disgraceful. It's as if so many have been in deep hibernation and only just awoke with NO knowledge of the damage caused by Slanderyounew and just accepting everything has got to change and is going to get worse, because a magic fairy has said so. I'll leave you to ponder that one.

  9. Crazy question: They might meet their match with ole' Slanderyounew - he has even more mealy-mouthed self-regard for the addled bilge that he confabulates in what passes for a brain than they do. There has been a lot of tomfoolery talked about Slanderyounew. You will struggle to find a bigger collection of sleep-walkers and wankers than Slanderyounew.

  10. Same old same old.... Even when the most perceptive fall prey to the tentacles of Slanderyounew, one can well imagine the plight of illogical gas-bags who easily falter in the heat of the moment. I think it's worth reminding ourselves what an unbelievable addled dimwit Slanderyounew is. Slanderyounew has created a virtual Disneyland for invective, lies, poisoning, canards and propaganda. What a sad sad world we live in.

  11. Andrew 'Anonymous' talks gibberish here and on his malicious blog Vexnews.

  12. The Board of MLC, a ladies college, have been acting like nazi corporate storm-troopers. Their mad behaviour would give Peter Reith a red face. Security guards, dogs, is this for real? Principal Storelli prevented from collecting her belongings...

    Gauleiter Adler should be sent packing before she can create any more chaos!

  13. The ballooning population that politicians, corporate crooks and greedy developers love but Australians detest is going ahead by leaps and bounds.

    Newcomers think Australia was always overcrowded like this. Older Aussies are appalled by their betrayal, forced to live in choked, violent communities, grid-locked traffic, endless indexed charges and levies, and outdated infrastructure.

    To give newcomers better lives, everyone else has to sacrifice their amenity and well-being. Train travel is now for sardines, road users could read a whole novel on the way to work. Costs are going through the roof. Life has turned to shit.

    Major political parties are way out of touch. I voted independent last time and will again.

  14. The fat nutcase has a Jill Meagher blog on Vexnews!

    With any luck he will be sharing a cell in Barwon with Adrian soon.

  15. Neither of them will be able to sit down for many years.

  16. Now that I've got that little runt off my back (so to speak) with a Fed payout, I'm planning to get my speakership back for a real spending spree.

    I've been doing OK though - on full pay - and running up a tiny $173,000 travel and entertainment bill for taxpayers.

    I'd better have a chat with Nicola next week about the legals on my big comeback, and whether I can get some sort of Fed payout for being forced to step down.

  17. This is just usual. Just to add insult to injury, Slanderyounew! They might meet their match with ole' Slanderyounew - he has even more mealy-mouthed self-regard for the addled bilge that he confabulates in what passes for a brain than they do. This is just another illustration of the complete contempt that Slanderyounew has for ordinary men or women in the street. Perhaps this will be the proverbial straw breaking this horse designed by committee.

  18. All one huge CON. Aw, man, wow, Slanderyounew! Wow! Some perspective would do Slanderyounew a world of good. Slanderyounew can stick this in his pipe and smoke it as far as I'm concerned!!!

  19. It seems articles here are now written specifically for zeros. Slanderyounew have a lot in common with that Napoleon Bonaparte in their "Let them eat cake" attitude. It may amaze you but astonishingly enough, magic fairies have recently discovered that Slanderyounew is a waste of time. Slanderyounew should really know a lot better. Consummate media distorting headline.

  20. Unicorns are running amok.

  21. Vexnews - where time frequently stands still.

    No activity to speak of on Vexnews for the past week. Media minnow Andrew Landeryou keeps forgetting he is supposed to be running a throbbing nazi hate website. He abandons it coming here (and lots of other internet sites) to leave anonymous waffle.


  22. Here we go again. I suppose Slanderyounew can accidentally stumble upon some balanced arguments, yet later propaganda undermines his work, removing any support he may win for his dialogue. This is just another illustration of the complete contempt that Slanderyounew has for ordinary men or women in the street. How much Slanderyounew is needed to do anything so far? Wake up crybabies, before it's too late.

  23. Let's see now. It seems Slanderyounew can accidentally stumble upon some balanced arguments, yet later lies undermines his work, removing any support he may win for his debate. I am furious about hearing everyone not rail against the Greens. We need to bring back crucifixion for the Greens. The last thing we want these days is some piss taker doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results each time. We have had enough of that sort from day one.

  24. 'Twas ever thus. That's the Greens for you. Who cares what Slanderyounew thinks? This is just another illustration of the complete contempt that the Greens has for ordinary men or women in the street. ROFLMAO.

  25. All one huge CON. This is just another illustration of the complete contempt that the Greens has for ordinary men or women in the street. What a bunch of dimwits, getting worked up over Les Twentyman. Gas-bags! Slanderyounew, who first appeared on the scene as a simple-minded but endearing behavioural manipulation puppet for psychology, lies, invective, poisoning and propaganda, has now graduated to become the poster boy for those suffering from terminal witlessness. This is not an exaggeration.

  26. Now, can we go back to some basics? This just shows us the Greens's real agenda. I was amazingly appalled and shocked to hear Slanderyounew's bizarrely unprofessional approach. Call it what it is, and be done with it: Les Twentyman. They can stick this in their pipe and smoke it as far as I'm concerned!!!

    1. Credit where credit is dueTuesday, October 02, 2012 11:24:00 PM

      Les Twentyman - what an absolute champion!

  27. Now, can we go back to some basics? This just shows us the Greens's real agenda. I was amazingly appalled and shocked to hear Slanderyounew's bizarrely unprofessional approach. Call it what it is, and be done with it: Les Twentyman. They can stick this in their pipe and smoke it as far as I'm concerned!!!

    1. Andrew Landeryou, an empty-headed blether and former one-man crimewave.

      Now he defames and libels people on Vexnews.

  28. Foolish question: Remember Les Twentyman, 'talk is cheap'. Personally, I have no idea as to dogging. Nor do you. Nor do I have an opinion on it. Is this really all people can think about anymore?

    1. Mrs Twentyman is still petrified about Landeryou, who often peeped into their house during the 2008 Kororoit election. When facing an AVO at Sunshine magistrates court, the craven coward promised to be kind to the Twentymans thereafter.

      HE LIED.

  29. Politicians berating Alan Jones are a bit rich. Politicians are incorrigible tellers of terminalogical inexactitudes. Albanese and Roxon hogwashed the airwaves tonight. They are dangerous back-stabbers and have brought even greater disrepute on a government that struggles with the truth everyday.

    Politicians are really creepy.

  30. Consummate. Regrettably this pub bore rant (and the responses) contain a lot of the same boring blunders and addled buffoonery you always hear about Les Twentyman. Am afraid Slanderyounew is all talk and no trousers. The last thing we want these days is some moron profiting from all this while you suffer the brunt and pain. We have had enough of that sort in recent years.

    1. Vexnews is a flagrant rip-off. Landeryou steals other organisation's stories and pictures. His blogs are poorly researched, badly written and tiresomely lengthy.

      Then the fat loon writes fake comments praising his own blogs. That is like throwing shit at a sewerage farm.

  31. Juliar is bad enough, but her payback appointment of Nicola Rockhead as Attorney has made Australia the laughing stock of the world's legal professions. Nicola just doesn't cut it. She is genuinely dumb, and a national embarrassment.

    Nicola would be out of her depth as senior Parliamentary tea-lady.

  32. Sir Lesley Twenrtytonneguts HRHMonday, October 01, 2012 11:49:00 PM

    I am getting a bit excited again Fill, my name has appeared on this website.
    Maybe they can all make a donation to 20th Man to sponsor me 'Boys Camp' next holidays?

    1. Andrew Landeryou stalked candidate Les Twentyman during the Kororoit 2008 election, and lied about him day after day on Vexnews, is an undemocratic political criminal. VEC let down honest Victorian voters by not prosecuting Landeryou for deliberately misleading and deceiving voters.

  33. I always pleasure my dear friend after he stands up - by 'pushing' his stool in.

  34. Hello, i'm gonna try to keep this short but I have a major problem as many others seem to on these boards and I wanted to share my version. I've been suffering with this problem for at least 10 years now. I'm an extremely clean person, washing at least once a day, using deodorant, spending lots and lots of time on personal hygiene. But no matter what I do, I always have a fecal smell coming from my anus. It's definitely not external, I make sure to use wipes, wash with deodorant soap, etc. And if I rub my finger around it, or even put it inside a little bit, my finger doesn't smell at all. Sometimes just like sweat after a long day, but never like feces. But I can definitely smell it all around me. I don't usually get comments from other people, but I mostly try to avoid situations where people would really be able to smell it, like I never let people go behind me for instance, things like that.

    I'm pretty sure I have all of the usual symptoms. I have fairly loose, extremely messy bowel movements every day, and almost always have that feeling of incomplete evacuation. I have to use baby wipes and even then I have to use 4 or 5 of them to get clean. I've had a colonoscopy five or six years ago and other than a couple of small internal hemorrhoids, everything was fine. I didn't have any of the food allergies they tested me for, either.

    I just don't understand what could be causing this. It's clear that it ties into my bowel problems somehow, but I've known plenty of people with IBS and such and they don't walk around smelling like poop all day. I've tried changing my diet, exercise, fiber, probiotics, garlic, apple cider vinegar, kegels, all kinds of things really, and nothing has ever helped at all. It's consistently been there for at least 10 years now, making my life a living hell.

    Once again, it's ONLY coming directly from the anus. I don't have it coming out of my pores, or breath, or anything like that. Any ideas?

    1. Another detestible scat post by madman Landeryou attacking Sol who went soft in dealing with Landeryou's massive IQ Corp fraud.

  35. An outrageously thorough reader might be able to converge by systematically sorting out the errors, blunders, contradictions and inaccuracies voiced and then connecting the dots... But it might be easier to take a glance at the bytes that have have already flowed under this bridge in the bygone decade. I warned and warned you all a long time ago! This closet of Unicorns have a lot in common with that Mussolini in their "Let them eat cake" attitude.

    Slanderyounew hasn't had an original thought in his life, never mind an active one and is looking more and more like he is unable to brook any criticism or opinion other than his own. Only low-watt bulbs have had any confidence in what has clearly been a pantomime never before seen in human history unfolding before our eyes these last months.

  36. Landeryou - the pathetic pantomime puppet, crook and creepy stalker.

    He is madder than 35 cut snakes.

  37. Another detestible scat post by madman Landeryou attacking Sol who went soft in dealing with Landeryou's massive IQ Corp fraud.

    Landeryou has inside knowledge about Sol's problem. He had his tongue planted there for years.

    Landeryou's continuous attacks on the man he tried to rob litter the hard drive at Vexnews, soon to be harvested by AFP forensic analysts.

  38. ACMA sat on its hands and did nothing for three years while Aussies were robbed blind by the Indian Microsoft scam. Its time lazy ACMA was reviewed. In wastage of public money terms, it is a scam too.

    Readers of this blog already know about the Vexnews malware cookies that are installed onto visitors computers at the Vexnews site.

    1. Agreed ACMA are hopeless - however I'll miss those calls from the Windows Maintenance Security Department. Initiating Indian cold callers to the joys of phone sex both offends their sensibilities and accelerates their westernisation.

  39. Slanderyou you repulsive mountain of pompous dead gerbils

  40. Skanderyou, you mouldy basin of blunt pus bags

  41. Slanderyou you ill-bred load of hypocritical camel manure

  42. I can see why a flag-hating bedwetter like you Slanderyou vote Greens. It's easier than working.

  43. Those Vexnews malware cookies are a real computer security worry.

    One of the three is a doozy. I did some reverse data mining. Andrew's crooked internet mates are getting a bit slack. I got in by his backdoor, so to speak, and had a good look around.

    Andrew would be in a fair bit of trouble if the feds saw what I saw.

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