Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's a beautiful sunny day in Melbourne

It's a beautiful sunny day in Melbourne, patriots, so let us not spoil it by thinking too much about the morbidly obese thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou.

No, in keeping with the sunny day let us just offer our congratulations to Stephen Mayne on his election to Melbourne City Council.

For once drunkenness and congenital sloth may not be the reasons why Fat Andrew's Blog of Sleaze (AKA Poxnews) may not have been updated today. Well-placed sources in the Fat Cave (Ronnie the dog) tell us that steam has been arising from the fat man's ears since the results came through.)

Enjoy the weather, patriots.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Geoffrey Edelsten and Andrew Landeryou:

This court case report from the reputable journalists of the ABC reminded us of the criminal Andrew Landeryou and his perjurer wife Kimberley Kitching who lived a life of luxury financed by the proceeds of theft and fraud but lied and lied about it when quizzed in court:

Melbourne businessman Geoffrey Edelsten has successfully taken court action to gag an American woman.

The details of the case cannot be reported due to pre-emptive action taken by Mr Edelsten's lawyers to ensure the matter was suppressed.

Mr Edelsten sought an injunction restraining Stacy da Silva, a saleswoman from New Jersey, from disclosing information that he argued was confidential.

In handing down his judgment, Justice David Beach began with a reference to 17th century perjurer Titus Oates.

"A little over 13 years ago, [Judge Brooking] commenced a judgment with the statement: 'Titus Oates [was] the greatest perjurer that ever lived'," Justice Beach said.

"Self-evidently, his honour was not the trial judge in the present proceeding."

In finding in favour of Mr Edelsten, Justice Beach said Ms da Silva perjured herself and that her evidence "was demonstrably false and could not be believed".

But the judge said Mr Edelsten was no more an impressive witness and also "unbelievable".

"On a number of occasions, there were inappropriately long pauses before an answer was given to a 
straightforward question," Justice Beach said.

"From time to time, Mr Edelsten appeared to be contemplating which of a selection of answers might prove least embarrassing or least destructive to his case."

He added Mr Edelsten was all too willing to say that he could not recall matters before begrudgingly admitting other evidence showed the opposite.

"I found both Mr Edelsten and Ms da Silva to be unsatisfactory witnesses," he said.

How will he find the Landeryous in the perjury stakes if they land in his dock?The Titus Oates quote suggests Mr Justice Beach has never heard of them. There are no worse perjurers in time and/or space than fat cunt and Dim.

Titus Oates. Fat Cunt and Dim
face worse punishment
 - and rightly so.


Monday, October 8, 2012

The comment of the year

Well done to patriot Scaminator for this effort:

"I heard that Landeryou spent most of the $4M he scammed off Sollie Lew on a floor mirror so he could squat over it and look up his own arse."

Need we say any more?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fat Andrew Landeryou: pissant and pisser

Morbidly obese thief and fraudster and sometime bankrupt Andrew Landeryou - husband to the perjurer Kimberley Kitching - in a desperate bid to drive traffic to his failing novelty links site and mal and spyware spreader Poxnews - attempted to steal News Limited's intellectual property by linking to a story about how pop princess Pink took a leak in one of Melbourne's famed laneways after a few coffee martinis.

Nothing was mentioned about Landy's own embarrassment the day he went to relieve himself after a couple of dozen Rutherglen Rotgut in a disabled toilet in the CBD. His retard gimp "Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov was very busy trying to clean up the mess BUT Slanderyou New got the picture.