Well done to patriot Scaminator for this effort:
"I heard that Landeryou spent most of the $4M he scammed off Sollie Lew
on a floor mirror so he could squat over it and look up his own arse."
Need we say any more?
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I heard that Landeryou asked for a quote for a mirror that would let him look up his own arse and admire the size of his ego simultaneously but was told it would cost more than the combined GDP of the entire G20.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou will suffer a huge prolapse when he gets here. He will be known as Jake the Peg, or Reverse Dumbo. And he won't be popular in the messhall with that under his arm.
ReplyDeleteIt is a pity that we haven't had a mirror in the places that would have shown Bill Shorten and Stephen "The Pom" Conroy (not to mention a whole lot of other scumbags from the Right) giving stories to Landeryou. When they are not helping all Poxnews can offer is Miley Cyrus outtakes from TMZ.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder the ALP have kept Kate Ellis hidden well away from public view for so long. She is, apparently, minister of employment (what's that?) and participation (what the hell is that?).
ReplyDeleteShe appeared on ABC QandA tonight. What a shrewish, nasty, hyperactive, big, stupid woman she is. She tried bullying Piers Akerman, hogged the limelight whenever possible and mouthed feminist inanities.
She is as daft, if not dafter, than the many other ALP middle-aged hags trying to grab headlines and smite the liberal toffs. Kate Ellis has a street cred rating of -25.
Imagine if Dim Kitchen ever got her big, fat arse into Club Fed. Dim lurvs the gravy train of government (despite Landeryou's claims to the contrary - Choo Choo). Dim is a well-known failure as a company secretary who lost all her company records.
ReplyDeleteWhere are they, Dim?
I met Cait Catt tonight at a Liberal Party function. I asked her why she no longer wrote on SlanderyouNew. She told me she can't be bothered. She said she no longer has to defend her former boss. The content of SlanderyouNew, she told me, is so disgusting no one reads it and no one believes it. I asked her what she now does for a living. Cait said she is now on the dole. No one will give her a job because of SlanderyouNew's exposure of the fact that her sister Fatt works in a brothel. Cait's a good Catholic girl and I think she deserves a job, whatever Fatt does for a crust. I don't think she wants to work for SlanderyouNew. She told me what she heard from Fatt is unprintable, and she'd prefer to be on Newstart.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder Landeryou hasn't beeen charged and that he hates the ombudsman:
ReplyDeleteWilliams allegations 'not followed up'
October 9, 2012 - 5:03PM
Dan Oakes
Serious corruption allegations linked to the murder of gangland boss Carl Williams were not followed up by Victoria Police because of dysfunctional lines of communication and poor record-keeping, according to the Ombudsman.
The allegations, that there were links between staff from a "Victorian public sector agency" and a "Victorian criminal identity", and that the links might be related to Williams' murder in Barwon Prison, will be investigated by Victoria Police.
The Ombudsman's findings, contained in a report released this afternoon, have again pitted former police chief Simon Overland against his one-time deputy, Sir Ken Jones.
In April 2010, an interstate anti-corruption organisation emailed Mr Overland to tell him a source had alleged there were links between public servants and the crime figure.
A damning Ombudsman's report earlier this year found that Corrections Victoria had failed in its statutory duty to protect Williams. The Office of Correctional Services Review — a unit of the Justice Department — is also investigating the circumstances that led to Williams's placement with his murderer, Matthew Johnson, at Barwon Prison.
In the report released today, Mr Brouwer says he was told by Mr Overland that the former Chief Commissioner forwarded the email from the interstate body to Sir Ken, and that Mr Overland then left it in his deputy's hands.
The interstate anti-corruption body then sent another email offering further information on the allegations, to which Mr Overland responded that any further information "would be appreciated".
A search of Victoria Police's intelligence management system shows no reference to the tip-off or any subsequent action on it.
Mr Overland also says that it was not unusual to receive information of this type, and that he would not expect to be briefed on it after he passed it on "unless it turned into something significant".
However, Sir Ken told the Ombudsman that he had "never heard of the matter" and that information of that potential significance should have been forwarded to Task Force Driver, which was investigating Williams' death.
"For him (Mr Overland) to suggest that he would not expect follow up briefings is absurd and he knows it. Any Chief Commissioner would have wanted to be kept up to date on such a massive issue," Sir Ken said.
The Ombudsman also says that Mr Overland's claim that the information in the email was "unremarkable" was at odds with the view of a "number of Victoria Police officers", who said it "raised serious concerns which required further investigation".
The current Chief Commissioner, Ken Lay, said there was no record of any reply or forwarding of the email by Mr Overland, and that he was concerned that such important information could be emailed between two agencies in this fashion.
"Simply transmitting such information via regular email to police executives will always run the risk that information will not be followed up due to both the volume of emails received on a daily basis and the frequent scheduled unavailability of the Chief Commissioner to personally review every email sent to him," Mr Lay wrote to the Ombudsman.
"Based on your draft report and my subsequent enquiries, I [Chief Commissioner Lay] have asked for these emails [between the head of the interstate integrity body and Mr Overland] to be converted into an intelligence report (IR) and properly assessed."
Is the above a covert reference to an inmate of Barwon named Brutus Beefcake?
ReplyDeleteNow daffy Nicola Rockhead and the Red Dalek's department are busily hiding details of their intrusive, secret internet surveillance plans.
ReplyDeleteNeither of them seem to comprehend what transparency is.
Overall, the spies have a very poor track record; the internet has more holes than a million sieves; and the ALP (and politicians in general) are keener to snoop on, rather than protect, citizens from state control.
Male voters increasingly are turning to misogenism BECAUSE of Juliar, Rockhead, Plibberbabble, Ellis and all the other ALP female ratbags. They have an array of weird agendas - all the weirder because the Gizzard government is so much on the nose. They should be pulling in their heads instead of piping up with grotesque ideas, personal attacks and tiresome ministerial inactivity.
ReplyDeleteMad scribbler Landeryou has written three incomprehensible blogs on Vexnews about the Slipper affair. I challenge anyone to make sense of his silly crap. Its a wonder Slipper hasn't given the fat crook a big spray.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is a predictable supporter of the untenable. He then writes fake comments attacking the person he is supposedly 'supporting'. This horrid back-stabbing has been going on for years.
Theo should know...
I have been bending over backwards, and ducking and weaving, to avoid being shafted by grubby, laughable charlatans like Mr Landeryou. Hate blog Vexnews should be raided by AFP and ASIO forthwith.
ReplyDeleteBend over again Pete and I'll give your cute botty a poke.
ReplyDeleteThe coverup about the Meagher case and defendant AB is horrific.
ReplyDeleteAB's record of r*p*s was so shocking that police and the courts should have removed him from society altogether, long ago. They failed us all.
Much of the social media coverage has been about the coverup, rather than exposing AB.
Hiding the failures of police and the courts in this case is appalling.
When lazy ACMA and the police finally get around to forensically examining Landeryou's PC they will discover all his Pissy Chryne, and hundreds of other, defamatory fake comments right there on his hard drive.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is Australia's foremost Hate Troll. His Vexnews hate site makes decent people puke!
Why hasn't he been prosecuted yet?
Who want to sponsor me 'boys camps'? No need to worry folks me charity has very low overheads, only 95% goes to me p15s account so you can donate knowing the boys are under my care
ReplyDeleteLet's be honest here: Isn't this a great example of what an absurd embarrassment ethical corruption has become? What makes me more sad than the fact that the comments were made is that Slanderyounew lacks the perspective to admit that he was incorrect and that an apology should be forthcoming. The Greens = white elephant. The future will prove who was right and who was wrong.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe how many people are defending and identifying with what was reported to be said. Whether this is true or not is one thing. Slanderyounew is a mad zero who has no inspiration of what life is like for people in the real world. I warned and warned you all a long time ago
ReplyDeletethis thread is a waste of time. If this is all he can produce today it is time for him to quietly retire
ReplyDeleteListen, you Antichrist-embracing ecoterrorist, you better work harder. Millions on welfare depend on you
ReplyDeleteHe is a dopey, fat HIPPO-crit too!
ReplyDeleteI spied 'Shagger' Shorty having a quick perv at Pam Stevenson in a promo for tonight's ABC QandA.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is trying to write a new hate blog for Vexnews with a small erection. But with Sophie Mirabella on QandA yet again, everything has gone flaccid again.
I believe there is a big conga queue waiting to get their hands on Shorty's groonies.
ReplyDeleteIf there is anything left of his white pudding when I get to the top of the queue, it will be chopped into many slices.
Shorty seems to be fascinated by Pammy's big bedoobedas
ReplyDeleteSince there are so many horrible sex perverts in parliament these days, I have begun lacing cuppas with lots of bromide for anyone who has balls.
ReplyDeleteI have been horrified to find that many of my political sisters have balls too. So they are getting their daily dose too.
Troll site Vexnews is attacking Sol Lewd for the umpteenth time.
ReplyDeleteGovernments are supposed to protect citizens from predatory parasites.
ReplyDeleteCommercial TV and radio channels are awash with dozens of gambling adverts. The gambling industry of leeches has never had it this good.
Tax-slugged drinkers and smokers will now live long enough to be fleeced by the gambling crooks.
Bloody-minded Juliar is away in India doing another thing Australians did not want. Selling uranium to nuclear-armed India is a folly that has been pointed out to her scores of times.
ReplyDeleteIts like the damned Carbon Tax no-one wanted (now unrecognisably watered down).
Juliar, her dud government, advisers and dysfunctional government department heads may think they know better than the Australian people.
It is blatantly obvious to all they don't!
Julia Gizzard tripped over one of her elephantine ear lobes and went 'A over T'. She should resign and join Circus OZ.
ReplyDeleteLew Crime Family has created a virtual Disneyland for behavioural manipulation, poisoning, psychology, canards and lies. Why are you even commenting on the ifs and buts and whys, WITHOUT even mentioning Sollie Lew in your posts, which are the FACTUAL catalyst to sticking red hot needles in our eyes
ReplyDeleteLew Crime Family have a lot in common with that 18th century Mary-Ann Twanet in their "Let them eat cake" attitude
ReplyDelete'Anonymous' Landeryou seems to always forget he was once financially entwined with Sol Lewd in a planned 'Let the fools bleed' on-line gambling scam. But Landy couldn't wait, and did a flit overseas with millions in investors' funds. And this wasn't his first alleged fraud.
ReplyDeleteNowadays Landy runs the troll hate site Vexnews where he pretends to be a journalist (he isn't) and writes criminal libels in fake comments about his own torturous, badly-written blogs.
It is all a bit bizarre. Landy was a spoiled rich kid with a senior ALP state minister Dad who blew the lot!
He is safe enough though. ACMA and the ALP are protecting his big fat ass. Landy does political hatchet jobs on the side and praises ALP former mates like Shorty, Conjob and Theo.
Looks like madman Landeryou has taken the weekend off and briefly suspended his Anonymous lunatic comments.
ReplyDeleteSlanderyounew, who first appeared on the scene as a witless but endearing psychology puppet for global corporate policy, has now graduated to become the poster boy for those suffering from terminal witlessness. Ignorance triumphs in anal leakage circles once again. Grow up!!
ReplyDeleteFYI: Don't be silly Slanderyounew. What a reprehensible notion, trust anal leakage to come up with this addled thought. It's as if so many have been in deep hibernation and only just awoke with NO knowledge of the damage caused by Darebin Greens and just accepting everything has got to change and is going to get worse, because a magic fairy has said so
ReplyDeleteLet's put it into perspective. It's about time this kind of behaviour induced by those who can't handle reality to immerse themselves in was confronted head on and stopped now before anal leakage lead the lemmings over the cliff... for a laugh! What makes me more sad than the fact that the comments were made is that Slanderyounew lacks the rationality to admit that he was wrong and that an apology should be forthcoming.
ReplyDeleteEveryone loves what you guys tend to be up too. Such clever work and exposure!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the wonderful works guys I've included you guys to my blogroll.
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