Morbidly obese thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou has put just one post on his evil and little read blog of sleaze Poxnews (only visit it on a public computer otherwise all your data will be stolen) this week: a story on Kylie Minogue.
It's not that he's drunker or madder than usual. This is all about Landeryou - or rather, his alter ego Shirley - getting ready for the next steps of his career:
Patriots we think we're not off the mark expecting this will be about as successful as IQ Corporation.
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That's a very samll theatre for Landeryou to be performing in. Once Sarge applies the lube to the doorframe to let Shirley haul his fat arse in and brings in the KFC she'll need to sustain himself during the show there will only be room for less than a dozen paying members of the public. Or perhaps that's why Landeryou has chosen it.
ReplyDeleteCory and myself have a whole new view on the book 'Animal Farm' after our love making with Daisy the Moo Cow.
ReplyDeleteI wondered what Amanda Vanstone was doing these days by the looks of the photo above I pity her poor husband as he must spend a fortune on flour and bookmarks!
ReplyDeleteMy Pharmacist has closed early tonight, has anyone got some alor vera jelly to sooth my sore anus after a busy day of dogging.
ReplyDeleteVexnews got it right with Evan Thornley. The former suitor of Diane Anderson has another failed business venture to his credit, A Better Place electric cars. And who was first with the worst? Vexnews of course.
ReplyDeleteAndrew, Evan Thornley had the news he had left Better Place up on his Facebook page more than 12 hours before your piece appeared. Also, cannibalising and cutting and pasting Israeli news services does not count as breaking a story. Go back to helping your perjurer wife in defrauding the poor HSU members of what little is still in the kitty.
ReplyDeleteInteresting to see from Landeryou's fake comment from last Wednesday that Barnaby Joyce will be joining Tony Abbott, Cardinal Pell and Christopher Pyne in defamation actions against the fat man.
ReplyDeleteI see that Andy has started cutting and pasting entire stories from other sources and putting them up on his shameful site as if they were his own with only the tiniest of credits.
ReplyDeleteChump change when compared to the millions upon millions Landeryou has thieved during his 20 year plus crime rampage:
ReplyDeleteProbe into HSU branch finds funds misuse
The new secretary of a Victorian branch of the Health Services Union (HSU) says an investigation into the union's finances has found evidence of misuse of union funds.
Diana Asmar was elected secretary of the Victorian No. 1 branch of the union, which was created after the HSU east branch was split into separate entities after being placed in administration.
The union's national office has also been investigated over allegations of financial mismanagement.
Ms Asmar says since taking over as secretary last month, she appointed forensic auditors to look through union expenditure and financial records.
"It's a disaster zone that I've walked into," she said.
"I knew it was going to be bad, but unfortunately to the stage where this organisation has been bleeding is not acceptable.
"We hope to find exactly the actual results in the next week, so we'll know exactly how much it is, but it's expected to be thousands of dollars."
Oh Brother Abbott and Brother Ridsdale don't forget the Papal Oil for Jame's induction into St Chesters choir this Sunday. We will all have much delight on his 'special' day.
ReplyDeleteFed Health Minister Tanya Plibberbabble made a fool of Premier Ted Baillieu in Collins Street today on TV news.
ReplyDeleteI like to masterbate in the kitchen.
ReplyDeleteSo I've been working on this girl for a few weeks now trying to get in her pants. Last night we went out and I got her back to my place. We start making out and the clothes come off... I started to finger bang her and what do I feel inside her vjay? Freaking HPV (genital warts) on her g-spot and around it. At least 10 ****ing warts. That **** is like insta boner kill and we just ended up falling asleep. I'm not sure if she knows why my mood has changed all of the sudden. I doubt she can reach her gspot with her fingers to feel her disgusting ****, but on the other hand this might have been the reason she was playing hard to get. Not sure if I should tell her or not either. Anyway, I'm pretty upset about the situation because the chick is smoking hot and she could have been a real nice friend with benefits. HPV is forever though and I prefer not to have warts on my cawk.
ReplyDeleteyou was playing with her unborn embryo
ReplyDeleteJesus! Sicko Landeryou has really been on the hard stuff all day going by his five filthy comments above.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou - the repulsive crim doesn't allow unwanted feedback on his vermin-ridden Vexnews site - but posts the most disgusting filth here.
ReplyDeleteIt's all on Landeryou's hard drive, but the hundreds of overpaid loafers at ACMA do nothing as usual.
Sir Les I need to get your p15s order early, as I am guest speaker at a function later. What do require Sir? Could I please have payment up front?
ReplyDeleteAnd all the boys say I'm pretty fly for a member of the British monarchy
ReplyDeletethis blog smells of raw meat and cocaine
ReplyDeleteWe all having much fun at my 'Boys Camp' this long weekend. Leap Frog seems to be the favourite activity with us Camp Leaders.
ReplyDeletewhat do u mean did blood come out of ur butt Slanderyou?
ReplyDeleteknow cats fart. And sometimes it smells - but this is really bad! She seems to be passing wind more often also.
ReplyDeleteI haven't changed her food or done anything drastically different to the house. I don't think she's stressed out about anything. My other cat is perfectly fine.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening?
Id like to think it was because she was getting you back for all the dutch ovens you've given her over the years but somehow i dont think a cat would be that vindictive.... (?)
ReplyDeleteA lot of it could be due to the quality of the food? I know when I had my boys on cheaper food their toilet smells were absolutely hellish... and their farts! Now I feed them top quality food and I have noticed that they are less smelly and their coats are also sleeker.
Could be a tummy thing as another writer suggested but try the food change first just to check. Remember... small changes.. mix the new in with the old til she gets the hang of it.
I too used to fart quite regularly until i took an arrow to the rectum
ReplyDeleteThis is the worst thing I have ever read on here, it reads like it was written by an extremely narrow-minded 10 year-old and is completely inaccurate. I know loads of girls who fart and it's actually their boyfriends who hate it.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy releasing a good oven biscuit,
ReplyDeleteadvice to women, never fall asleep on public transport, it happened to a girlfriend of mine and i was more embarrassed than she was...and the smell..
ReplyDeleteI'm a girl who, if I'm being honest, really enjoys farting. It's a relief, feels good like when you have a really good poo. IT's just slightly less socially acceptable for me to do so, and I find other people's really gross because I'm a massive hypocrite. So yeah.
ReplyDeleteThe end is Nigh! I'm very angry about the mad pantomime of Adam Bandt. Slanderyounew, who first appeared on the scene as an illogical but endearing canards puppet for lies, invective, poisoning, propaganda and behavioural manipulation, has now graduated to become the poster boy for those suffering from terminal short-sightedness. The Greens has created a virtual Disneyland
ReplyDeleteAw diddums. Slanderyounew should really know a lot better. Do not let The Greens con you like they always do with one scheme or another since time immemorial. They are the only ones adding insult to injury. I am fed up
ReplyDeleteMark my words. A trenchant critique from Slanderyounew. I'm not anti-Adam Bandt...but I couldn't eat a whole one. Some adultness would do The Greens a world of good.
ReplyDeleteTo Slanderyounew above: i hear warts add flavor to the pussy
ReplyDeleteeat her out bro
How do I know If i have hpv? on my cawk, is it down my peehole? I've been trying to open it for the last few minutes but its just dark and red down there.
ReplyDeletePlease Big George don't make attend Brother Abbott's sleeping quarters tonight?
ReplyDeleteI found this information for many of you you have warts, including myself:
ReplyDeleteGenital Warts
Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (or HPV). There are over 100 types of HPV, at least 10 of which affect the genital region. You can catch these through anal, oral or vaginal sex. In fact, HPV can be spread just from coming into contact with another person's warts. While condoms protect you during cock to asshole contact, warts can still be spread from areas around your genitals. Condoms are still the best way to prevent the spread of warts, other STDs, and HIV.
Genital warts are sneaky. They can hide in your ass (or a woman’s vagina) and can be spread from one person to another even if they're not visible. There is no cure for HPV: once you catch it, you've got it. Sometimes your immune system will clear the virus on its own, like a flu or cold, but since there is no HPV test there is no way to be certain whether or not you've still got it, except for if you keep getting warts. You can have the warts removed by a doctor, but most of the time they will just go away on their own. However, the infection will persist. If you think you might have genital warts, go to a doctor and get examined right away.
What are the symptoms?
Much like humans, warts prefer to live in warm, moist areas. This is why you're more likely to see them in your ass than on your cock. Just because a cock doesn't have warts on it doesn't mean that it can't infect your ass with HPV. Besides, they have a better chance of growing in your ass, anyway. Use condoms! Genital warts appear as soft, fleshy lumps on or around your cock and asshole. They usually will show up 6 weeks to 6 months after you are exposed to them, but the virus can lie dormant for years. The warts are painless, although there may be itching and/or burning around your dick and/or ass. When anal warts get large they can cause bleeding and pain. Sometimes a cluster of warts, especially around your asshole, will look like cauliflower. Gross!
Again, most people that have HPV don't know it. Only about 8% of people actually develop warts as a symptom of the infection. Some 60% of gay/bi men have HPV, and 90% of HIV-Positive men are estimated to have it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that there are 5.5 million new infections every year, and that 20 million people in the U.S. already have it.
Testing and treatment
There is a blood test for HPV. Also, docs can do a "hybrid capture," which is an anal swab. The swab is put in a vial and shipped off to a lab where they inspect it for HPV. This procedure is usually performed on women when they get a pap smear, and is not routine for male patients. If you want it you'll probably have to ask for it.
However, gay/bi men who are sexually active, especially all of you hardcore bottoms out there, should get your asses examined at least once a year. Some queer docs will do anal pap smears, which is a scraping of cells. This is by no means standard, and not a lot of docs will know what to do, but if you are frequently the receptive partner in anal sex you should at least ask your doctor about it, or find someone who can give you more information.
After my activities in the Bath House I am sure to have them. After that nasty anal tear I got from Alan Jones vigorous thrusting, the nasty virus would have entered my botty.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is buggered because all his posts are on his PC hard-drive which one day will be examined by forensic scientists.
ReplyDeleteSince he is a millionaire, Cardinal Pell, Tony Abbott, Les Twentyman and Dean Mighell, among many others should get a share because of Landeryou's vile, continual, criminal defamations aginst them.
His posts here, of the most execrable, scatalogical sort are his pathetic effort to shut down this blog. Criminal poster Landeryou is counting on the woeful inefficiency of ACMA which hasn't prosecuted anyone and is a laughable lame duck and not an internet watchdog's asshole!
ACMA costs Australians zillions. What a bunch of lazy tossers!
Can't anyone shut down internet serial pest, stalker and scatalogical smearer Landeryou?
I love cattle crushes, I can make love to many yummy beasts.
ReplyDeleteWe can't wait to get our hands on your hard-drive Andrew.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is as interesting as a fart in a latex glove.
ReplyDeleteMy crotchless panties are itchy...must be the warts
Hey Click, are you Sollie Lew?
ReplyDeleteI was on a nude beach one time with my girlfriend and we were both drunk,,,,so I sat on her a pissed then she wrestled me down and sat on mee and peed,,,,,just as my parents visiting Western Australia walked over the sand dune towards us,,,hahaha,,,,my girl was so embarrased she burst into tears hahahaha,,,,,,my Dad lost it laughing and mum was horrified,,,,fuck it was fun hahhaha,,
ReplyDeleteImportant please watch
Lamebrain lawyer McArdle can't issue threats against the NSW Premier without instructions from Craig 'Shagalot' Thomson. So far, it seems he is issuing those threats himself.
ReplyDeleteMcArdle and Thomson should be sharing a cell.
Australians, including the legal profession and smokers will be celebrating the resignation of frumpy legal midget Nicola Rockhead for months. Juliar was an idiot for appointing such a mediocre non-entity as Attorney.
ReplyDeleteSmokers are the most over-taxed group in Australia. They pay income tax, and all the other hundreds of charges and levies, the 38 cents a litre petrol tax, gst, etc., etc., etc. THEN they pay the astronomic, indexed tobacco tax. They all deserve State Funerals in gold coffins.
Nicola was a nobody and a dill. She probably did a runner before the Slaters drama plays out. Nicky inherited the mess at Maurice Blackburn.
The Baillieu government should be impeached for corruption.
ReplyDeleteOn the Ning Nang Nong
ReplyDeleteWhere the Cows go Bong!
and the monkeys all say BOO!
There's a Nong Nang Ning
Where the trees go Ping!
And the tea pots jibber jabber joo.
On the Nong Ning Nang
All the mice go Clang
And you just can't catch 'em when they do!
So its Ning Nang Nong
Cows go Bong!
Nong Nang Ning
Trees go ping
Nong Ning Nang
The mice go Clang
What a noisy place to belong
is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong!!
Andrew "Anonymous" Landeryou is nuttier than 400 fruitcakes.
ReplyDeleteAt least his doggerel (above) is better than what appears on nazi hate site Vexnews.
I loved the sticky yummy semen James Ashby left in my naughty botty. I am happy to have another 'meeting' with him anytime he likes. Psss please don't tell Big Tone about this.
ReplyDeleteCriminal nutcase Landeryou has protected his mad nazi hate site Vexnews so that no-one can leave criminal libels like the above on his site. But he leaves his criminal libels here (it's all on his hard disk).
ReplyDeleteWhat an utterly primitive sub-human he is!
I considered offering the Landeryou Klan a stay at my luxury Stables Lodge. But I decided against it. I didn't want my luxury lodge turned into the Augean stables!
ReplyDeleteI heard the Landeryou people aren't very hygenic and crap everywhere. There are often mounds of bottles and wine casks, buttplugs, dildos and other "marital aids". The man, Sgt Uzenov, is an animal I'm told.
The last time my Stables Lodge looked like this was after a visit by Stephen Conjob. I suspect he invited the Landeryous along for his two-day spray.
It took 230 litres of Dettol to partially disinfect the place.
The Gizzard government is hopeless. Dumped and back-stabbed Senator Trish Crossin grimaced as usual behind ALP ministers in senate question time. She should have been removed into the distant background. Wongie and Conjob did a disastrous job on their first day. They are both noisy duds.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Barney your moo cow Daisy really backs up and bucks when I mount her on the edge of the the cliff.
ReplyDeleteNicola Who?
ReplyDeleteMaurice Blackburn got the Gillard AWU files from Slater & Gordon when AWU shifted lawyers. Nicola Roxon at Maurice Blackburn inherited the AWU gig.
ReplyDeleteReal journos would be following the paper trail.
Nicola and Juliar ar up Shit Creek.
Yvette D'Ath is another radical former union official, lawyer and feminist, like Roxon and Gillard. They were part of a concerted push for power that has burned Australia badly.
ReplyDeleteRoxon has done a runner, but the other two need to be smoked out too.
The three female labour lawyers just mentioned have the combined IQ of seven amoebas. Juliar was cannier than the other two clots. But she slashed and burned her way to the top. A wacky former student union leader now running the Nation.
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