All decent, hard working, law abiding and patriotic people know how desperate former Labor power broker Bill Shorten was to see his protege and regular recipient of his golden showers, Kimberley Kitching,come to Canberra.
The Put a Perjurer in Parliament push failed, and yet the Lalnderyou clan are doing quite well,
Andrew's alcoholism and mental instability has reached such a stage that he cannot even blog anymore, but he is being paid several thousand dollars every week because thanks to criminal Centrelink staff with family and inner-Melbourne Labor links he is receiving a disability pensions in every false name he has ever used, ranging from Cait Catt to Halal Chook to Henderson Ross.
Dim, along with belly dancer Dianne Asmar, are busy looting the last few cents from the HSU. To help with this they introduced a $100 week levy on every member called the "Clean up Your Union Fund", This goes directly to numbered bank accounts in the British Virgin Islands in their names.
Dim remains furious that she will not be an MP and particularly that she will not be member for Lalor as she believes the stench from the local Werribee stowage plant would have overcome the reek from her and Fat Cunts various criminal activities. Shortarse cannot calm her.
Despite all this, Dim has had the presence of mind to put her husband, despite the fact that he is rarely cogent, on as "criminal activities monitor" to the HSU on $500,000 a year. And let's face it patriots, If anyone knows about criminality its the Fat Man.
The mental retard "Sergeant" Sashsa Uzunov has also been employed by the HSU on $250,000 a year as the office doormat. His job is to lie down outside the main entrance for people to wipe their feet on crom 9.00 to 5 every day with an hour off for lunch. Fat Andrew is taking a mere 90 per cent of his salary in management, fees.
Also Ronnie the Dog is now locked in the HSU office from 5.00 pm to 9.00 am every morning as "security". Fat Andrew takes a further fee of $250,000 for this. He is also taking advantage of Ronnie's absence to let his kennel out as a home to the retarded Sasha Uzunov for merely an extra five per cent of his wage.
What happens after September 7 remains an entirely different matter.
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
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will fix...
That was VERY funny, Slanders!
ReplyDeleteWe suspect poor 'Ronnie' is being forced to eat evidence at HSU.
I do hope 'Ronnie' is not being expected to clean up HSU president Craig Thomson's endless trail of used frangers.
ReplyDeletePeter 'the pervert' Schlepper dragged out his "wife" when announcing he would stand in the upcoming federal election.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to credit he has had the front to stand after his disgusting texts and emails to his male staff when an MP.
Mrs Schlepper says the marriage is not a sham. "He is actually a really nice, decent, kind-hearted guy".
The GG, her daughter, and Shortie's secretary all wish he had worn a prophylactic too.
ReplyDeleteForget toilet paper, I now use a vacuum cleaner.
ReplyDelete'Bent' Bill Landeryou now wishes he had used a prophylactic too.
ReplyDeletewhy didnt emilys list support kim kitching in all the preselections she contested
ReplyDeletebecause they knew it was a man in drag
Sky News's protracted coverage of the current election has demonstrated that federal politicians are swill and, if their lips are moving, are probably telling monstrous lies.
ReplyDeleteAustralian voters all know that whoever wins they will be remorselessly screwed.
OZ used to be OK before these imbeciles took over.
The Howard leftovers under The Mad Monk are even dusting off old Howard policies.
ReplyDeleteThey are total duds who couldn't run a lemonade stall at a school fete.
What's left to sell?
The Libs are going to skin us alive.
Bradley Manning has been sentenced to 35 years for telling the truth by publishing 700,00 GOVERNMENT files that lifted the veil on military and diplomatic activities, many of them illegal, around the world.
ReplyDeleteProsecutors argued that he had betrayed the government.
Government secrecy is the crime. You can't betray all the voters all of the time.
The AFL/Essendon FC stoush is going to be the biggest lawyers' grubfest for decades.
ReplyDeleteAll we will see is curly tails sticking out of the trough.
Brother Abbott soon you will be PM and I expect you will immediately outlaw those preposterous prophylactic devices that interfere with Lord's sacred seed and install our dear friend Rolf Harris as Governor General. Then the three of us can bugger our wicked way through every young lad in the land without fear.
ReplyDeleteThe Napthine government's Fire Levy is fair for everyone, so the expensive TV ads say.
ReplyDeleteIf daft Dr Denis was halfway fair dinkum, Victoria's unpaid volunteer fire-fighters (who put their lives on the line 365 days and nights of the year) would get some sort of decent deal.
(24 Years in CFA)
Shortie on Q&A looks like he wants to run the world, and root everyone!
ReplyDeleteYour money is now so insecure, especially if you use the internet, that cash is probably the safest option. Having said that, people have found that crooks in their own banks skimmed their funds.
ReplyDeleteI worry that Landeryou, or some of his former mates, are scammers. Who knows what happened to the info I provided to the Students' Union at Melbourne Uni when Landy was President.
Its time to get rid of the Net, Globalisation, and the "competition" we never got. Nationalise water, electricity, gas and send the incompetent corporate crooks who got these state and national public assets for peanuts TO HELL!
ReplyDeleteHow bizarre it is that unelected spokesmen and women speak on behalf of The White House, the President and other accountable officials. The President, who is elected and accountable, needs to front up to explain his actions and policies - not fresh-faced press-secretary kids who have no business talking to the media on behalf of anyone, or about anything. Press secretaries do media releases. They are not the President or any of his accountable ministers.
ReplyDeleteThe world demands that the President and his ministers front up themselves.
First it was the scammers and pfishers of Nigeria, Romania, Russia and the Balkans that were trying to delve into your wallet.
ReplyDeleteNow its the Syrians and Iranians.
Some primary school kids will be able to set up internet scams...