Andrew Landeryou is a criminal.
Kimberley Kitching lived the life of Riley on the proceeds of his thefts and frauds.
She lied in court and and on multiple legal documents when confronted with the evidence of "her" husband's crimes and her knowledge of them. That makes "her" a criminal too.
Fat Cunt and Dim have put a corrupt and semi-numerate former belly dancer, Diane Asmar, in charge of the HSU while they spent what Craig Thomson was unable to spend on hookers of its funds on KFC and anal dildos.
Both Fat Cunt and Dim support Bill Shorten. Bill Shorten supported the
"Put a Perjurer in Parliament Push" ahead of the last federal poll.
Somehow, patriots, we think Fat Cunt and Dim have just handed Tony Abbott at least one other term in the Lodge. They may well have guaranteed that Shorten is the first Labor leader ever to do prison time as well.
Eric Abetz was just waiting for this. Now he knows just what the terms of reference his Royal Commission has to cover.
Our picture shows a female impersonator impersonating a member of the ALP on the television program of a right wing dickhead. Jesus fucking wept.