Andrew Landeryou is a criminal.
Kimberley Kitching lived the life of Riley on the proceeds of his thefts and frauds.
She lied in court and and on multiple legal documents when confronted with the evidence of "her" husband's crimes and her knowledge of them. That makes "her" a criminal too.
Fat Cunt and Dim have put a corrupt and semi-numerate former belly dancer, Diane Asmar, in charge of the HSU while they spent what Craig Thomson was unable to spend on hookers of its funds on KFC and anal dildos.
Both Fat Cunt and Dim support Bill Shorten. Bill Shorten supported the "Put a Perjurer in Parliament Push" ahead of the last federal poll.
Somehow, patriots, we think Fat Cunt and Dim have just handed Tony Abbott at least one other term in the Lodge. They may well have guaranteed that Shorten is the first Labor leader ever to do prison time as well.
Eric Abetz was just waiting for this. Now he knows just what the terms of reference his Royal Commission has to cover.
Our picture shows a female impersonator impersonating a member of the ALP on the television program of a right wing dickhead. Jesus fucking wept.
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Dim whacks Bolt around easily.
ReplyDeleteShe is much more of a man than Bolt.
Channel Ten should be shut down for airing this crap.
Man hater and poisonous frump Nicola Roxon has been back-stabbing Krudd for years. Her laughable speech in Melbourne yesterday showed she is as poisonous as a cane toad and every bit as ugly.
ReplyDeleteJuliar kicked Roxon upstairs as Attorney General, an absurd appointment as Nicola was one of the biggest duds in any ALP government ever.
Shut Up Nicola -- and don't ever come back!
(Everytime I buy cigarettes I curse her under my breath. She has sent me broke. Everyone knows smoking is stupid, but why bankrupt smokers in an already tough financial world? The bulging oncology industry is becoming increasingly costly. Smokers don't want to fund unneccesary jobs, perks and saruration television ads).
I should make it crystal clear to voters that during moments of intimacy, I made Nicola wear a paper bag over her head. I wore one too, in case her's came of in the excitement of the moment.
ReplyDeleteThank God, there was no issue. I wish I could say the same today.
Nicky has bloated intestinal worms gnawing at her insides.
ReplyDeleteWhy hasn't the Tea Party in the US been impeached?
ReplyDeleteImpeachment is a formal process in which official are accused of unlawful activity, the outcome of which, depending on the country, may include the removal of that official from office as well as criminal or civil punishment.
The Republican Tea Party have demonstrated yet again that politicians ain't necessarily batting for the national team.
Australian politicians are just as way off beam, just as wacky and just as errant. They are there as representative of the people - not nuts promoting their own silly ideas and doctrines.
The people will hold them to account.
Build far bigger jails!
US Republican Speaker Boehner [Boner] is a classic American 'Dickhead'. He had no mandate to bankrupt people outside the US. Pulling in his dopey head at the last moment is no mitigation or excuse.
ReplyDeletePolicicians can't be trusted with anything. They are oily creeps pushing their own idiotic ideas. Indemnities, devised by the politicians to protect themselves, should be removed at once. They should all be answerable in court for decisions that adversely effect taxpayers and people in other friendly countries.
Lee Harvey Oxwald should be dug up now that nation really needs him.
Employment Oberführer Eric Abetz (who had an uncle convicted as a Nazi War Criminal), has announced yet another Liberals blitzkreig against building unions. The worm originally migrated to NZ but wanted to interfere in Australian politics. So he wormed his way into the oafish Tasmanian Liberal dungpile.
ReplyDeleteAustralia has more than enough Nazis already.
Oz has too many dud pollies!
ReplyDeleteAvoid "JFK The Smoking Gun" on SBS soon. It is the work of sn Australian detective but based on a defective conspiracy theory in the 1992 book "Mortal Error" which postulated that Secret Agent Hickey in the follow-up car accidentally fired killing JFK. Wacky nonsense.
ReplyDeleteFind instead copy of 1975 Australian book "Proof of Conspiracy in the Assination of President Kennedy" which shows Seven Network showed Zapruder, Nix and other films of the assassination first. The films showed the backwards movement of the President's head, proof of a shot from the front as well. American TV News channels were shammed into showing the films within weeks in the US.
A great Australia first about a still unsolved American tragedy.
That book is harder to find than a virgin in Paris!
ReplyDeleteI am Otto Abetz, convicted in 1945 as a Nazi war criminal. So what?
ReplyDeleteI was Nazi ambassador to occupied France, where I ordered anti-Jewish drives and adopted a style that earned me the nickname King Otto I.
Young nephew Eric has the makings of an great industrial relations war monger. He should send those commo rabbles for fumigation.
Hey Eric, it's high time the waterfront got another dose of dobermans and hooded security goons!