Friday, November 8, 2013

Landeryou sleaze shame sweats Shorten

Parliament resume next week for the first time after the election patriots and Canberra sources say that one of the first things the Abbott Government will do is use its numbers to censor Labor Leader Bill Shorten for "threatening to bring shame upon this parliament with his efforts to win Kimberley Kitching, a known perjurer and suspected female impersonator who lived a life of ostentatious luxury on the proceeds of theft and fraud, a seat in this chamber."

They will then call on Shortarse to resign.

Slanderyou New understands that similar motions regarding Dim and "her husband" Fat Andrew Landeryou and their closeness to the Opposition Leader will be aired every week until Shorten's leadership becomes untenable.


  1. How much money have Fat Cunt Criminal Andrew Landeryou and his associate in crime Dim Ditching given Bill Shorten and his various fronts over the years? Eric Abetz no doubt has a Royal Commission ready to go that he knows will send the Labor Leader to jail.

  2. does bill shorten know about brutus beefcake and bubba and the rest of the hod-rodding men?

    i wonder

  3. The fall of the Victorian Parliament has buggared taxpayers and voters yet again. The political boffoons cost us billions.

    If fat criminal Andrew Landeryou could have wormed his way into parliament, Victoria would be a basket case - and broke.

  4. For Bill Shortie - his closeness to the Landeryou criminal clan is like the turds you can't ever flush away. they just keep popping back up.

  5. Do want to look at my privates?

  6. Alan Jones (The English Public Lavatory Dogger)Friday, November 22, 2013 11:34:00 PM

    I would love to suck them Pissy just like the good old times in the bath house.

  7. Fabian Dinner Attendee who Met Cait CattFriday, November 29, 2013 3:43:00 PM

    I met Cait Catt last night at the Fabian Society dinner. She told me she taped the Walkley awards and she was looking forward to seeing Andrew Landeryou being presented with the Blog Award, Andrew having won that award previously. Cait said that she misses Andrew's news site, as Andrew was sacked by the Vexnews Editorial Board and the bastards decided not to publish any more.
    "Come back Andrew," Cait said. She added that the granting of an award last night to Australia's premier journalist might change his mind. I think Andrew would make a great editor of the Herald Sun. I don't think Fairfax will employ him, as he's exposed some of the worst antics of the Fairfax media empire.

  8. Cait Catt did not attend last night's dinner, at which the speaker was Canberra MP Andrew Leigh. There was no one by that name on the list of people who attended, and she is not a member of the Fabian Society.
