The patriotic and law-abiding readers of Slanderyou New readers may have seen this report from the reputable journalists of the ABC:
Court overturns lying politician's election win
Britain's shadow immigration minister Phil Woolas has been ordered to forfeit his seat in Parliament after High Court judges ruled he lied during his election campaign.
The judges heard Mr Woolas ran a "risky" campaign, stirring up racial tensions in campaign leaflets by suggesting his opponent Elwyn Watkins was pandering to Muslim militants.
Mr Woolas was also accused of wrongly stating Mr Watkins had not lived in his constituency prior to the election.
The judges found Mr Woolas knowingly made false statements and declared the May poll result void.
It is the first time in 99 years a general election result has been overturned in court.
Mr Woolas has been fined and banned from entering the election re-run, but he will fight the ruling.
If similar laws applied in Australia we would have seen a second byelection in Kororoit.
The $50,000 cash Stephen Newnham gave Andrew Landeryou for services rendered (via the fat man's old partner in online spivvery Ed Dale) would have been wasted.
And the results of the forthcoming state election in any electorate "reported" on by the morbidly obese transvestite criminal, compulsive liar, fantasist and serial defamer Landeryou would be open to challenge.
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
tempting. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule or the hope that the problem
will fix...
I see that Landeryou is so exhausted from yesterday's preposterous and entirely fact free beatup against the Greens that he has been unable to update Poxnews today. Either that or he has hopped into the cooking sherry yet again.
ReplyDeleteVexnews has not been updated because Shorten forgot to tell the fat crook what to write today
ReplyDeleteVile SlanderyouNew crap and lies. That's why no one reads this site. Even ASIO have given SlanderyouNew the flick.
ReplyDeleteVisiting Vexnews is like flushing yourself down the toilet.
ReplyDeleteWhen Andrew gets excited and writes a couple of Vexnews blogs in a day, it all becomes a porridge of nonsense. I risked malware infection by reading the recent blogs, but instead was befuddled by weird thinking, bad reasoning, lamentable research and hopeless writing skills.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is a pompous, misleading mischief who pretends to be a journalist, He doesn't possess the writing discipline to properly analyse the massive issues he tackles. The result is a laughably embarrassing nazi hate site that looks as if it is written by an 11-year-old cretin with severe brain damage.
I never linger long on Vexnews. By visiting my local pub and overhearing the drunken babble there, the present political chaos makes far more sense than in Vexnews.
What poor old Andrew doesn't understand is that voters can't vote for the ALP or Libs. That leaves the Greens and independents...
Patriots should jam a gigantic cork up Landeryou to shut down the loathesome crim, internet libeller and slothful blogger.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is a non-contributor. He struggles to cobble together any meaningful arguments against the Greens. His weeks of nasty attacks in Vexnews have achieved zilch.
The Green themselves have ignored the attacks on Vexnews as irrelevant. Maybe, they are smarter than I thought!
EVERYONE* knows that Andrew shouldn't be editing a hate blog and interferring with democratic election processes.
ReplyDeleteHe should be in the Supreme Court providing reasons for the disappearance of millions of dollars from the Melbourne University Students' Union when he was President, and of the IQ Corp missing millions. That money moved obviously offshore, but the many links to it yet exist.
* Except the ALP, OPP and VicPol
The Greens, the preferred party of SlanderyouNew, are hypocrites. They actually advertise on Vexnews. Don't believe me. Have a look. Click on their link. You'll see some of their candidates and a summary of their left-wing agenda.
ReplyDeleteWhy would the Greens advertise4 on Vexnews? They do so because Vexnews has a high readership from people who matter. Would the Greens ever advertise on SlanderyouNew? Unlikely, for the lack of readers, unlike Vexnews, would make such expenditure a waste of money. Money the Greens might otherwise use in electorates where they need Liberal help to defeat the ALP.
Don't vote for the Greens and their far left agenda.
A digusting political coverup!
ReplyDelete'Cait Catt' (Landeryou) always deals with the extraneous rather than the obvious.
ReplyDeleteWhatever the merits or otherwise of Vexnews, the fact it has not been shut down shines a spotlight into the inner recesses of the nastiest elements of the ALP. Many opportunities existed to distance itself from the venom of Vexnews. The ALP has never done so. Another negligent failure.
Interesting how fat criminal Landeryou's sock puppet Cait appears here not once but twice when Slanderyou New mentions the $50k he received in cash from disgraced and sacked state secretary Stephen Newnham via Ed Dale while an undischarged bankrupt. The Parliamentary Inquiry that is bound to follow the election should have fun with that.
ReplyDeleteVexnews is on the ball this morning with its scoop about Clive Palmer and the WA National Party. Where else could I read such high quality news from Australia's greatest journalist. Read on:
ReplyDeleteMR BIG: Billionaire Clive Palmer’s huge influence exposed
By VEXNEWS ⋅ November 10, 2010
clivepalmerpull WA politics was in uproar yesterday over the level of interaction between Queensland billionaire mining baron Clive Palmer and Premier Barnett’s government.
Documents received by VEXNEWS illustrate that the powerful figure in the Liberal National Party in Queensland takes a very hands-on role to dealing with government officials.
Prior to the 2007 federal election, Palmer wrote to the then federal Attorney-General Phil Ruddock and to the Indigenous Affairs Minister Mal Brough asking that they deem the accommodation attached to a port to be part of the port itself for the purposes of the Native Title Act.
What caught our eye in the documents is that Mineralogy – Palmer’s company – even drafted the written determination for the Attorney-General to just quickly sign off.
Very helpful. He might have also couriered a rubber-stamp too.
This correspondence probably just a little bit too cosy for those worried that Palmer, a huge donor to the LNP in Queensland, might exercise too much influence on politicians who are grateful for his largesse.
Needless to say, Mineralogy eventually obtained permission to build the accommodation facilities as part of the Cape Preston port, in north-west WA.
Palmer is understood to have been very generous to the National Party in WA, which has previously struggled for money and has been revitalised by their dynamic leader Brendon Grylls.
Andrew didn't win the inaugural Walkley Blog Award for nothing. The quality journalism on Vexnews, the successor to the OC that won the Walkley award, is probably the reason ASIO gave SlanderyouNew the flick for having such poor readership.
ReplyDeleteHEY FAT CUNT!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSince you're reading this law-abiding site can i please ask you: Did you declare the $50000 cash you got from Newnham to your Trustee in Bankruptcy?
Why not?
That Clive Palmer stuff Buddha Boy is claiming as an "exclusive" today was running in the Breaking News section of yesterday afternoon. He is a thief and a liar.