Monday, December 13, 2010

Andrew Landeryou the boiling frog

"There is probably less public-sector corruption in Victoria than most monasteries" morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou wrote in one of his very first post-election posts as he expressed his immense opposition to Premier Ted's plans for a local ICAC.

He is right. There is little public-sector corruption in Victoria. There is little political corruption too. But what there is, Andrew Landeryou, his wife Kimberley Kitching, his nasty old man and all their friends and associates have been at the very heart of.

Now that his protectors are out of power and his wife is unemployed (as well as unemployable) Andy and Dim should take the proceeds of his many and various crimes and go and lie on a beach somewhere we don't have an extradition treaty with.

If Andy and Dim were smart this is where they would be

Instead, the thief and fraudster and serial defamer and his perjurer wife are going to end up behind bars.

Landeryou just does not get it. Power in Victoria has changed. He has lost his political protection. He is a handy scapegoat too.

Yet Landeryou is still blogging away. Vexnews is even more irrelevant but he is keeping it going. He is working to install Kimberley Kitching as a MP.

He should have headed off overseas as soon as it became clear Labor has lost. It is not as if that would have been hard for Landeryou. He has experience from the Costa Rica flit and it is well known that the proceeds of his crimes are stashed in Hong Kong and Cyprus.

But Landeryou is so dumb and arrogant that he is staying.

Remember the story of the boiling frog, how if you put a frog in boiling water and it will immediately jump out but if you put a frog in cool water and slowly bring it to the boil and the frog gets cooked alive?

Landeryou is like that second frog. He is comfortable now but things are changing. The heat will slowly get turned up on him.

This patriotic and law abiding blog will return in the New Year. A happy Christmas to all our readers.


  1. Did the honest and hard working readers of this blog see the story below yesterday?

    This paragraph fascinated me; "14 buckets of "Original Recipe'' chicken pieces, containing 4.5kg of fat and 1.8kg of saturated fat".

    Landeryou eats 40 buckets of KFC most days (washed down by litres of the Colonel's gravy). That means he eats close to 13 kilos of fat and more than 5 kilos of saturated fat from the chicken alone most days.

    Fury over $500 KFC gift cards as nation battles obesity crisis
    By Jason Tin
    From: The Sunday Mail (Qld)

    FAST-food giant KFC has sparked outrage from health experts by offering Christmas gift cards worth up to $500 as the nation battles an obesity crisis.

    KFC outlets have been promoting the cards, ranging in value from $10 to $500 and to be used within 12 months, as a "thoughtful gift idea for any occasion''.

    A $500 card could purchase a fat banquet of 14 buckets of "Original Recipe'' chicken pieces, containing 4.5kg of fat and 1.8kg of saturated fat; 63 maxi serves of "Popcorn Chicken'' (2.8kg of fat and 1.25kg saturated fat) or 78 "Original Works Burgers'' (1.6kg fat, 592g saturated fat).

    The "tasty new gift idea'' has attracted outrage and disbelief from health experts in Queensland struggling to combat a growing obesity epidemic.

    About 55 per cent of adult Queenslanders, and about a quarter of children aged five to 17, are considered obese or overweight.
    An average of 60 people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes every day around the state.

    Preventative Health Taskforce chair Professor Rob Moodie said he was shocked when he learned about KFC's latest marketing ploy.

    "It's marketing gone berserk,'' he said. "This stuff is fine if it's just once a month. But if it's twice a week, or $500 a year, it's completely different.''

    Prof Moodie said aggressive fast-food marketing was the last thing parents needed as they struggled to teach children proper eating habits.

    "We know that advertising for fast food just works. Never before in the history of man has so much food been made so available for so many. We're shoving more calories down our throats than ever before.''

    Brisbane-based nutritionist and dietitian Trudy Williams said the gift cards were "worrying''.

    "There are much healthier choices that parents could be guiding their kids with, like a voucher to go indoor rock-climbing or sports gear. Clearly, we're eating far too much food as it is.''

    Ms Williams, who wrote the award-winning nutrition guide This=That Child Size, said parents should think twice about fast-food Christmas treats.

    "Certainly, the rates of obesity in kids appear to be increasing,'' she said. "Parents are really bad judgers of whether their child is overweight or not. They're too close to the coalface, particularly if they are overweight themselves.''

    Diabetes Australia Queensland CEO Michelle Trute said gift cards made poor eating choices easy.

    "I would still remind people that food like KFC is occasional food,'' she said. "Having a gift certificate that you know you can redeem at any time just makes it easy to make bad choices.''

    KFC was unavailable for comment.

  2. I wish this site wouldn't publish photos of Kim deshabile or in provocative bikinis, etc.

    Theo has been walking around like crab since seeing it. I have been stiffer than a dead cat in formaldehyde.

    If you have any pix of Kim in a Burqa, we would be eternally grateful!

  3. I have been doing the arithmatic after Di the Dietician's expose on Landeryou's daily fat intake. Extrapolate it across a full 12 month period and you discover that from Original Recipe KFC alone Landeryou eats close to 5 tonnes of fat fat each year (4754 kilgrams) and a little under 2 tonnes of saturated fat (1825 kilograms). The average healthy Australian male of Landeryou's age weighs 75 kilograms. Each year Landeryou eats almost 88 times the full bodyweight (87.72 times to be precise) of an average healthy Australian male in fat from KFC Original Recipe chicken alone.

  4. This blog is up to its usual pornographic filth. This blog prevented Vexnews from winning a Walkley on-line award this year. After winning the inaugural Walkley Blog Award SlanderyouNew used its influence and money to prevent Australia's greatest news site from winning a prize it deserved to win.

    Andrew Landeryou is the editor of Australia's greatest on line news site, Vexnews.

    Vexnews is so acclaimed that ASIO and the CIA regard it as their Australian news site of choice.

    Andrew Landeryou is Australia's greatest journalist, bar none.

    Merry Christmas and the compliments of the season to Andrew, to all the staff at Vexnews, to Kimberley, and to all the hard-working patriots who work at ASIO who depend on Vexnews for all their political news.

    Go Vexnews. Australia's greatest news site.

  5. The criminal Landeryou is in his cups yet again. It is sad but no surprise.

    Even someone as deluded as he must realise that by this time next year he will be ensconced in Barwon Jail, suffering daily bashing and buggeries at the hands of Brutus Beefcake, Bubba and the rest of the Hot Rodding crew.

    He has lost his political protection. Indeed, many of his protectors will be joining him.

    No wonder he is writing drunken drivel on his honourable blog using a female false identity. His mind is unravelling still further.

  6. The promised censorship on Vexnews (mentioned in the last blog) continues:

    We should start a list of Politicians (Past and Present) that have drinking problems

    Bob Hawke
    Andrew Bartlett
    Oleander Olly

    Posted by The AA List | December 13, 2010, 16:27


    Posted by The AA List (Pt 2) | December 13, 2010, 16:35

    Hmnn... A criminal who runs a libellous blog site and censors the comments... Oh God! All of a sudden my head hurts!

  7. I sort of got turned on by the photo of the bikini-clad Kim too. I think I could fit her into my ultra-busy schedule. I twittered Andrew about her availability and got a very rude reply. What gives? Are they back together again?

  8. Hey Cait Catt!

    We have very special welcomes for new pussies at the Dame Phyllis Frost correctional centre. But because you are an imaginary entity of Landeryou (who my cousin at Barwon Gaol is yearning to meet) we will patiently await Big Kim who will be carefully 'shredded' when she finally gets here. My new Somali sisters say this is uber painful.

  9. The big question, so far as we are concerned, is whether Kim will turn up at the Frost centre, or here at Barwon as a bloke.

    We heard she has a nice set of BALLS!

  10. This blog needs to up its quality before it can be considered for a Walkley. Too much time and money is invested, and SlanderyouNew does have money, in denigrating Australia's greatest news site.

    The men and women patriots of ASIO are keen supporters of Vexnews. They rely on it to keep abreast of the latest security issues, like Julian Assage. Vexnews scoops all others. ASIO is grateful.

    SlanderyouNew is a site of pornography. SlanderyouNew is a client of my sister Fatt at the Daily Planet in Horne Street Elsternwich (and that is not a free plug). Vexnews is a site without filth. A site you can view in front of your children. The defeat of the Sex Party in Northern Metropolitan upper house region is something all patriots can be grateful for. No smut in the upper house. I read it on Vexnews.

    Go Andrew. Go Vexnews. The greatest news site on the web. But for Slanderyou money it would win a Walkley.

  11. Madman, crim, libeller and internet stalker Landeryou has a new enemy -- WikiLeaks. There are three blogs on Vexnews attacking Julian Assange. Landeryou doesn't like criticism of the corrupt ALP right even if it is in official diplomatic documents.

    The guy is a pathetic tosser who censors criticism! Vexnews is probably the most offensive site on the net!

  12. What happened to nazi propagandist Landeryou's blitzkreig on the Greens?

    Wikileaks is a nice soft target for fools. Andy, you are attacking a tar-baby that everyone except you is rooting for.

    We want real news and not pissant garbage from a childish, kindergarten-level blog.

  13. More disgusting malfeasance as the crooked NSW government tries to sell off the community's electricity asset without a mandate. A Chinese buyer is waiting in Hong Kong to grab this bargain.

    It all began with micro-economic reform's Margaret Thatcher in Britain, Jeff Kennett in Victoria, and criminal governments of both persuasions since then. They sold off assets belonging to all of us--and not them! We will pay for these rorts forever and a day.

    The political crooks will get a parliamentary pension worth a million dollars or more. We will be paying greedy Chinese companies for electricity infrastructure that once belonged to us.

  14. 38 cents a litre petrol excise taxThursday, December 16, 2010 12:58:00 AM

    Landeryou won't be happy when his fat carcase is crammed into a cell at Barwon Gaol with muslims, Somalis, Tamils, and all the political offal. He will probably be sharing a bunk with Theo, Brumbee, Conjob and Shortening. The short-changed taxpayers will be paying a UK company top dollars for the upkeep of these scum.

  15. What does Cait Catt think about this?Thursday, December 16, 2010 11:16:00 PM

    SlanderyouNew is racist. SlanderyouNew has committed an offence under the Racial Vilification Act. SlanderyouNew will find himself in Barwon. I hope when he comes out he uses one of those you know what things they make the lads wear when he visits Cait Catt's sister Fatt at the Daily Planet. I don't want Cait's sister contracting AIDS from that scumbag Slanderyou.

  16. More ludicrous nonsense from the mad serial pest Landeryou. How did he manage to pass a law degree? Or did he?

    It is not an offence under the racial vilification act to state the glaringly obvious. A proportion of new immigrants and 'refugees' end up in the jug.

    The Age is reporting the story of the Indian man who killed an Indian child. He said he was 'not a human being'. The woeful Department of Immigration has a poor record and, in this case, let in a sub-human.

    Maybe he will be sharing your cell, Andrew!

  17. The political leaders who privatised public assets to fund their silly, wayward ideologies, should be prosecuted for theft. They had no mandate. They were platinum-coated crooks.

    The same numbskulls brought us the GFC and the 'Big Australia' immigration surge that has made life in Australia alien, overcrowded and thoroughly unpleasant. Thanks for nothing you repulsive cruds.

    Andrew Landeryou was voted president of the the Melbourne University students Union which he promptly fleeced. Luckily for us all, he cannot stand for political election. Apparently impervious to the government watchdogs he now libels and vilifies opponents at will on the net. Its just another example of the failure of government in this nasty modern world.

    The Bailleau government should shut Vexnews down permanently, and put the lousy crim on trial. That will, of course, mean stoking up the moribund OPP, but Ted might be more successful than the slothful Brumby government of no hopers.

  18. I can't answer the 11:16:00 PM post above, because I am a 'figment of Andrew Landeryou's imagination'. He tells me what to think.

    Yes, I know it is all a waste of time. Fake commenters are tiresome. But I am just one of more than sixty personas that Landeryou uses. I suppose I should be grateful not to be one of the 'Pissy Chryne' fake commenters he uses on Vexnews.

    I'm much better than that!

  19. 1.14 above is an imposter. He or she is not the real Cait Catt. He or she does not have a sister named Fatt Catt. If it's a he then he will be very welcome at the Daily Planet provided he brings plenty of money. The girls there are not cheap. If it's a she then she wouldn't get a job at the Daily Planet. They don't employ ugly women.

  20. Landeryou writes lots of rubbish on Vexnews. Then he comes here and writes more rubbish. He should be charged with various littering offences and with being a serial internet pest. Unfortunately there is no law YET against causing extreme boredom. If there was, Andrew would jailed for life.

  21. I met Cait Catt at a Liberal victory celebration a couple of nights ago. Nice lady. Quite sharp. Don't think the Libs will endorse her though. She's not dumb enough.

    When is Maree Luckins going to get preselection again?

  22. Its Official: Vexnews has gone into hibernation for XmasSaturday, December 18, 2010 11:31:00 PM

    From the moribund Vexnews blog, it looks as though Landeryou has gone on Xmas Hols already. The only activity is comments, many of them fake.

    For a news source that Landeryou claims is relied on by CIA and ASIO, the spooks must be easily satisfied and obviously rely on 'news' that may be months old.

    For Xmas, I have sent Andrew a card and a prospectus for next year's Swinburne journalism course.

    One of the things the course attempts to impart is integrity. Integrity is in short supply in the political world Andrew planned to inhabit, and non-existent in the criminal world he actually occupied. Never mind. If Landeryou gets up off his fat arse and does a basic journalism course, Vexnews might improve slightly.

    At his age, writing mistakes are deeply entrenched. His inability to accurately summarise arguments, and present cohesive discussion of his own are obvious to all. Vexnews is an amateurish mess that would embarrass Landeryou if he wasn't such an oaf!

  23. I noticed on Wednesday that Vexnews sneakily censored a comment. I'm still trying to figure out what was going on.

    A commenter was wondering what role Julia Gillard had in covering-up the Christmas Island refugee boat disaster. Another commenter, 'Captain Bligh' said something like 'Give the survivors a good flogging, then feed them to the sharks'. When this comment disappeared suddenly, I wondered if Landeryou was gradually becoming a human being, and regretted his fake comments.

    Something tells me is a woosey old leopard that can't change his spots. More likely, muslim extremists have threatened to publicly behead him on video.

  24. The rioting illegal immigrants on Christmas Island were demonstrating on TV news last night. There were no caucasian faces to be seen, just peasants from Iraq, Iran and KURDS. The Turkish and former Iraqi governments have been try to get rid of the troublesome Kurds for years. Suddenly its another Australian problem.

    I'm not willing to go so far as 'Captain Bligh' (Landeryou) in getting rid of them. All I say is put them all in Altona next to Julia's place to give her a heads-up!

    Australia is becoming a growing Middle Eastern Nation. There are more practicing muslims here than practicing christians. We are therfore a muslim nation.

    Enjoy this madness and chaos!

  25. Why are my genitals so ichySunday, December 19, 2010 12:48:00 AM

    I was at the same Liberal victory celebration mentioned earlier and, unfortunately bedded Cait Catt at my place later.

    'Cait' had rolls of fat, a rather scratchy five o'clock shadow, BO, Brut aftershave, and huskily whispered 'Call me Kim, Love'! before we made passionate love all night long.

    I have been living in my bath, filled with Dettol, ever since.

  26. Landeryou has unexpectedly returned from his undeserved Xmas Hols to deliver a hefty kick to his arch-Nemesis Sol Lew on kindergarten crime blog Vexnews. Gerry Harvey gets a few clips behind the ears too.

    Landy thinks Lew and Harvey's greedy attack on online buyers, who are hurting their profits, are pariahs.

    Most Aussies with a brain realise they have been ripped off by the nation's creepy middlemen for as long as anyone can remember.

    Their markups have been horrendous and in some cases criminal. I hope they all go broke.

  27. The ghost of Dean McVeighMonday, December 20, 2010 1:01:00 AM

    My bet is that Sol will get to piss copiously on Andy's grave, rather than the other way round.

  28. If Sol invited all of Landeryou's enemies to the gravesite pissfest, there would be a disastrous flood.

  29. Landeryou's endless conflicts of interestMonday, December 20, 2010 11:48:00 PM

    Landeryou may be a crim, libeller and stalker but he also has a knack for serious mischief.

    Readers of his current Sol Lew hate blog would have no idea of the financial associations between the two. His non-disclosure of this simple fact is crook. The IQ Corp fraud, Landeryou's disappearance with the loot, Sol's inheritance of the Landeryou Parkville mansion as partial-reparation, all go unmentioned in the Vexnews blog.

    This is a low intellectual and (amateur) journalism fraud by Landeryou on Vexnews. Conflicts of interest must be declared. Vexnews again stands convicted of misleading and deceptive behaviour.

  30. A pretend journalist who doesn't admit his prior relationship with a creditor, or that he and his family suffered from collective amnesia about relevant company papers in court, merited further prosecution. The Victorian OPP seems incapable of conducting such an investigation.

    Over to you Ted Bailleau!

  31. I spotted this comment on Vexnews which won't last long:

    Andrew, You and Sol go back a long way don’t you? Please explain!

    Posted by Intelligence Quotient | December 21, 2010, 0:19

  32. Landeryou and Vexnews are so predictable. Landeryou has been running a long-running hate campaign against ABC presenter Josephine Cafagna, for reasons noone understands.

    Now there is another wacky blog on Vexnews attacking her. You are a Looney, Landeryou!

  33. Hot damn! Theo,

    Miami is a very warm place, but Nick Riew*ldt looks like he is in antarctica. I'm going to start calling myself 'big little Theo' from now on. Some nasty people on forums are imputing he is a p**ve. This just shows they don't understand current team bonding procedures involving cams.

    Andrew is on the job on Vexnews, but it looks like he's f*cked up the story as usual.

  34. John Brumby was still boasting arrogantly today about his lazy government as he exited stage left.

    The State rejoiced!

    It's very likely the Bailleau government will disappoint also.

    Our political system has no way of getting rid of dud governments who, unfortunately, are elected for fixed terms.

    Because politicians are such execrable liars they should change places day by day--and give us taxpayers a break.

  35. Readers here may remember my humble attempts to get a sensible answer about a moral rights issue after Public Record Office Victoria illegally revised a published work of mine. I wrote in 2009 and 2010 several times to Brumby ministers Kosky and Batchelor who simply flicked aside my 'ministerials' to the Director of Arts and the Public Record Office.

    Ted Bailleau, to whom I also complained, eventually referred my complaints to his then shadow attorney-general without result.

    Now that he is Premier and minister or arts, I will renew my complaints, but I'm not holding my breath for belated justice. The Bailleau government will need to set off a very large bomb to get the Victorian public service working again.

    Provided readers here don't object, I will from time to time post updates to this long-running mini-series.

  36. Landeryou's fave fake commenter Prof Maku Dong Long has reappeared on Vexnews offering his help during The Saints' nude photos scandal. The childish footballers are tiresome twits with laughably tiny dicks.

    The Saint's lawyers absurdly are trying to defend the indefensible with over-the-top legal sanctions against the female whose pregnancy and woes with The Saints go back to May and beyond. Disgusting malfeasance!

    The AFL needs urgent attention.

  37. Launching Will Houghton, QC, against the teenager who posted the funny pix of AFL players small dicks, shows that The Saints have absolutely no grasp of what this is about.

    The teenager was taking revenge on abuse by the team on her.

    Houghton will need to tread mighty wearily.

  38. Merry Christmas to all patriotic readers of Vexnews, and to Andrew, Australia's greatest editor and journalist.

    Merry Christmas also to the patriotic men and women of ASIO, our spoofs, who have come to rely on Vexnews for all their intelligence needs. Well done Andrew. ASIO should be paying you for all that you provide for them.

  39. BTW I wish SlanderyouNew a Merry Christmas also, but he or she doesn't deserve it.

  40. Aaaargh! A Christmas home invasion and greetings from Andrew Landeryou. Vexnews failed to deliver again in 2010. More village pump politics, more nonsense, more poor reporting and blogs that led nowhere. 2011 bodes no better. More of the same.

  41. It is now Christmas Day and my cattery is full. All our cats will be having a big Christmas dinner. Merry Christmas to everyone, including SlanderyouNew, but my favourite is of course Vexnews, the greatest news site in Australia bar none.

  42. Landeryou (catter8), you obviously haven't got my Xmas card and Swinburne Uni journalism brochure yet. The course would teach you basic journalism and help you to make Vexnews more pertinent and interesting. Your writing style is all over the place, and I am not overly confident the profs at Swinburne can help. Writing requires discipline and the ability to encapsulate 'news' and to formulate counter-arguments as required.

    You would be the first crim to gain credentials as a real journalist if you pursued my advice. But you have to get up, stand up and earn your place as a real journo!

  43. Credentials is possibly unaware of the fact that Andrew won the inaugural Walkley Blog Award in another lifetime when he produced the OC.

    His qualifications as a journalist are first rate.

  44. Cait,

    Like you, Landy's qualifications as a journalist are purely imaginary.

  45. I am a real person, and I have contributed to many internet sites. The only one I can't contribute to is Wikipedia. I have been blocked for presenting Andrew as the great person he is. Editors from Western Australian like orderinchaos and Rebecca censor any reference to Vexnews, Wikipedia being the ultra left Greens-loving site that it is.

  46. Lazybones Landeryou hasn't updated Vexnews for days. The silly klutz is busy being a serial pest on the net by posting rubbish here under the false name 'Cait Catt'. It all goes to show that the crim and wannabe journo is still a fraud in the depths of his dark heart.

    I realise its the festive season but Landy just doesn't get it. He continues to libel and stalk people he doesn't know on his cesspool site Vexnews. There are unpunished frauds for which he is a prime suspect, but VicPol and other agencies have been sitting on their hands for years. During the period Victoria was governed under the dead hand of premier brumby, Landeryou was free to continue his repellent libels.

  47. The so-called brumby government is proof that indemnities for politicians are undemocratic. Indemnities allow politicians to carry out their mad 'reforms' at no cost to themselves, but millions and billions to taxpayers. Being unaccountable except at the ballot box isn't enough. Politicians' overgenerous Super and personal assets should be refunded to taxpayers when the madcap schemes fail.

  48. The Labor Party didn't treat its MPs very well. Those elected in 2002 and defeated in 2010 missed out on a parliamentary pension by just two days. John Brumby, by way of contrast, gets a very generous taxpayer pension when he leaves his electorate of Broadmeadows.

    Other MPs from both parties know how to rort the system. Mary Delahunty didn't serve that long, but she gets a pension on health grounds. So too does Andew Olexander, the disendorsed Liberal MP who served only one term, also on health grounds. If you have something wrong with you, a pension is good. If you don't have anything wrong with you then you won't get one. Then again the hapless Kirsty Marshall made a big mistake. She should have retired on health grounds and she would have been set for life. Now she'll have to work for a living like Rob Hudson and the other ALP two-termers. Not fair.

  49. Landeryou did 36.5 days work during 2010Thursday, December 30, 2010 11:44:00 PM

    Journalists at The Age, The Hun and the ABC slave on over the holiday period. The world's laziest blogger has put his abominable nazi 'news' and libel site Vexnews on hold while he takes an undeserved few days off.

    Never has so little been done for so long by a vacuous oaf and crim.

    Bugger off in 2011, Landeryou!

  50. Parliamentary pensions, like all the perks pollies enjoy, are fabulous when their detestable record of mismanaging the nation is taken into account.

    The Herald-Sun pointed out earlier this week that Shire and Council CEOs now reap $300,000+ salaries while their many failures, including minimal infrastructure for the tsunami of new migrants that has buggered the amenity of life for long-suffering ratepayers. They earn more than the Prime Minister!

    But it all pales into insignificance compared to the white-collar CEO criminals in the banks, airlines and insurance companies. The salaries, payouts and Super of these crooks are counted in the millions and not in the hundred of thousands.

    If I was, for example, a shareholder in Qantas, I would want Alan Joyce demoted to baggage-handler with a weekly salary of $800. He is a total drongo, like most of the overpaid CEO cretins. The Libs, ALP and Greens have no policy on the many criminal activites involved. CEOs, Boards and bosses are entitled to a fair salary. They are not entitled to systematically ripoff and milk the organisations they 'work' for, gaining benefits for themselves hundreds of times more than they are worth.

  51. My sister in Scotland celebrated 'Guy Fawkes Night' recently and mentioned by 'phone that Guy still is almost regarded as a saint in Scotland.

    Of course, I could not possibly agree publicly. The AFP and VicPol are behaving like the Gestapo armed with lots of wacky new powers conferred by the looney politicians.

    Victoria police in a mega-million dollar advertising spree promised a million breathtests before New Year. Way over the top! The results so far show that the vast majority, although inconvenienced and rudely treated, were SOBER. Police State tactics in wartime Nazi Germany were OK for them, but sit very uncomfortably with the principles of egalitarianism and a 'fair go' upon which this country is said to depend.

  52. Australia in 2011 looks like a worse version of 2010. Under the new Bailleau governtment, despite election promises, prices are already spiralling.

    Julia has wisely appeared rarely recently. She more than made up for that today making asinine remarks about the value of volunteers in Queensland. Comments like hers about volunteers are obvious to all and embarrassing for that reason. I'm a vol and don't appreciate insincerity.

    If we turn to TV for relief, we are swamped with mad ads about the Commonwealth Bank's concierges and dozens of other ludicrous adverts. TV viewers in Australia are brainwashed hundreds of times a day.

    This is harrassment, brainwashing and evil beyond imagination. The crooked Betfair advertising on Channel Nine spoiled The Ashes. Betting companies and casinos are parasites preying on the vulnerable. I have never met a single person who 'enjoyed' betting. Channel Nine is a devoted dollar worshipper and scorns viewers. Utterly revolting!

  53. The Commonwealth Bank is an evil bank.

  54. Well said more crap in 2011.
    Bank Betfair ads.
    Ban gambling ads.
    Ban pokies.
    I voted for Peter Kavanagh, DLP for Western Victoria, but thanks to the ALP favouring the now ultra left wing Greens Peter was shafted and a Nat got in to take his seat, with a pro-gambling and pro abortion majority in the upper house.
    We need people like Peter Kavanagh in Parliament.
    Well done Peter. May you again represent Western Victoria.

  55. I too feel sorry for all the Pavlov's Dogs that drool when TV food advertisements are on. My master Andrew has taught me to growl when lefties like trade unionists are in the room. Luckly he has left me completely alone since Xmas Eve when he went on a drinking binge that lasted a whole week. With the microsoft calculator on his PC I worked out he had lost 2 million brain cells. This of course now means he is in the RED!

  56. Landeryou abandoned Vexnews last Christmas for three weeks. Unfortunately, he came back from Cyprus where he was redirecting funds to his various Victorian drops. If we are lucky, he has gone there again, and Vexnews will be dead for another month.

    Oh, and my pet TV Ad hate at the moment is the Nicabate PRE-quit loser who is so high on something that he 'sees' little people performing a special show only he can see. Personally, I'm waiting for the Nicabate PRE-PRE-PRE-Quit treatment where you stuff wads of patches up your clacker.

  57. Ivory Coast Clearing House (David Mbembe, QC)Sunday, January 02, 2011 10:36:00 PM

    Andrew is actually on an emergency trip to Nigeria after receiving an email from a kindly barrister in Lagos promising him several million US dollars. Something happened on Boxing Day that really upset Mr Andrew. He called me blubbering about hard-earned money 'disappearing' from his accounts in Hong Kong and Nicosia. He threatened he was coming to Lagos "to rumble" with us.

  58. One of my many new African pals here at HM Barwon told me it was not likely Landeryou will end up here if he has gone to Lagos. "Dey will probably eat that phat white chit, Bwana!", he told me. All us Hot Rodders will be uber disappointed if this is so.

  59. Definition of Concierge: 'a French caretaker of apartments or a hotel; lives on the premises and oversees people entering and leaving and handles mail and acts as janitor.'

    Oh Dear! I do hope the Commonwealth Bank has'nt given my account to the cleaners to manage. I could be broke by this time next week.

    Why are there so many clever-dicks and morons in the television advertising industry?

  60. former Filing Clerk Sgt UzunovSunday, January 02, 2011 11:40:00 PM

    My fave TV Ad just now is the Godfrey's Garage Sale vacuum cleaner sale. A four-eyed management git runs around waving his arms and yelling at the camera. He would have lasted three seconds during my East Timor posting. I am a proponent of applying friendly fire when the occasion demands. I would have thrown hundreds of biros at the loud nong.

  61. Is it my imagination, or have the ultra-annoying Funeral Plan TV adverts taken a holiday break?

    I rang the Tower Insurance group recently to complain about their Insuranceline Funeral Plans. I told a manager "How would you like people coming to your frontdoor every ten minutes to remind you that you will die one day and need our funeral plan"? I told him the endless tv ads amounted to harrassment by reminding people they were going to die thirty times a day.

    Of course, there must be another reason for the lack of funeral plan ads. Insurance companies don't listen to complaints.

    I have a small PR campaign in mind in case the hundreds of horrid ads come back.

    PS: I would happily pay for Landeryou's funeral expenses pro bono. After all, a black plastic bag and a trip to the tip is much more than the rotten, worthless crook deserves.

  62. You forgot the costs of hiring a crane to remove Mr Landeryou's carcase from his home to our prime-mover B-double 'Hearse' and thence to the cemetery where a sixty cubic metre grave would be required. I think you have also overlooked the fact that a large crowd of over a thousand persons will probably want to be present and urinate on his grave. For the sake of public decency, there will need to be screens. All this will require queues, crowd controllers, police, etc.

    Our estimators think it would be a lot cheaper to give Mr Landeryou a state funeral.

  63. I object very much to having my tv ads for the Commonwealth Bank concierges campaign lampooned on this site. I found the bank's janitors (sorry, Concierges)really helpfulm

  64. When are we going to hear from that pussy cat named Cait again? Has she given us the flick?

  65. Massive police failure in VictoriaWednesday, January 05, 2011 1:15:00 AM

    Deputy Commissioner Sir Ken Jones has told The Age police were committed to identifying groups and individuals never before linked to high-level criminal activities. "Our mission is to get these people," he said.

    After detailing all the new probes, which have tipped off organised crime networks, Sir Ken omitted to admit that crime rules Melbourne today. Victoria Police have been fast asleep while crime and ethnic gangs took over the city. Their bumbling handling of the looneys who king-hit, bash and stab citizens has been utterly woeful. But that was just another diversion from the crime gang takeover. The crime gang manace has hitherto been neglected. Even schoolkids would have understood that crime has bosses.

    Premier Bailleau needs to delve deeply into the bowels of this monumental scandal. Victorians have been poorly protected by police. The brumby government did nothing.

    3000 police are currently bullying a million victorian drivers to weed out a few hundred drunks. All the while, organised criminals have been given carte blanche. Christine Nixon was bad enough. The present Police command should all be sacked. They have betrayed the whole community. Sir Ken, as we dwindling number of Aussies say, is a complete dill! He should be sent back to Surrey pronto!

    Landeryou is a grand example of an organised criminal who has got off scot free so far.

  66. Andrew Landeryou picked up the greed and nastiness of Mr Lew.

    I say boycott all of the companies sponsoring this advertisement.

  67. Andrew and Sol were planning a huge online betting company. It was all going OK until Landeryou did a dash with the cash. On Vexnews, editor in chief Landy never mentions his connection with Sol, or how Sol got hold of the Landeryou Mansion in Parkville as part reparations for Landy's skullduggery. The moaning on Vexnews is deceptive and misleading, rather like Landy himself.

  68. Now Bob Brown is in on the act supporting the likes of Solomon Lew and Myers. This wouldn't have anything to do with the hatred of Brown and Landeryou for each other would it?

    With friends like Bob Brown who needs enemies? The Liberals decided to put them last at the most recent election in Victoria, and that act contributed to a Liberal victory. Is this a ploy by Brown for Liberal preferences in the future? Or is it a ploy by the Greens to get donations from Mr Lew?

  69. Vexnews, 'news' from the gutterWednesday, January 05, 2011 11:41:00 PM

    Landeryou hiding anonymously (above) with a snippet from his Vexnews blog made me giggle. Brown and Lew are regular targets on his nazi hate site. Vexnews indulges in stalking, making up rubbishy low-level 'stories', and interfering with democracy. Despite the OPP being ruined by Rapke and Brumby, I hope there is a public spirited prosecutor with Landeryou's thick file on his or her desk right now!

  70. Patriot 'Arrest him soon' had an excellent point. Landeryou is a wannabe journalist, but does not seem to understand what 'conflicts of interest' are.

    He is of course not entitled to disparage Mr Lew without disclosing their previous legal, business and other relationships.

    It is entirely possible that there are many elements about his association with Mr Landeryou that Mr Lew might wish forgotten. But that is his prerogative.

    The media in Victoria has let citizens down by not following up on the earlier Melbourne University Student Union frauds. There were several presidents of the union who were from prominent ALP families. One of the presidents has done time after being prosecuted by ATO. There are many unanswered about at least two other presidents of whom Mr Landeryou is one.

    As time goes by, the many strange associations and relationships, guilt or innocence, of Mr Landeryou are becoming stale because of official inaction. One vital witness agains him, who was directly threatened by Landeryou that he would be 'done slow' has passed on.

    There is a huge scoop here waiting for a real, gutsy journo to take up. There are many full page articles, a TV miniseries and a Hollywood movie waiting for the right person.

    Think about it. A crooked, spoiled kid from a prominent ALP family who went off the rails...

  71. Magda Szubunski would be an ideal Sophie Mirabellum, MP, who first blew the whistle on Landeryou at Melbourne Uni. Russell Crowe could play MUSU liquidator Dean McVeigh. Magda Szubunski could also play Kim Kitchen during her courtroom amnesia scenes. Magda, with a short haircut and a suit could proably also play Landeryou.

    All joking aside. There is a blockbuster movie in this.

  72. In the screenplay for the Landeryou movie I want to be portrayed either as Cujo, the rabid, vicious, man hunting, killer St. Bernard - or perhaps as Rin Tin Tin, the lovable German Shepherd. OK, I'm just a little terrier, but I am going to insist on a scene in the movie where I discover Andrew and Kim snacking on my Uncle Ben's dried dog food.

  73. What does Cait Catt think about this?Thursday, January 06, 2011 10:01:00 AM

    Only Vexnews stands behind the rights of ordinary Australians against Fat Cat billionaires, who have a hidden agenda and are not interested in anything other than their own profits.

    Boycott Lew's companies
    Boycott Myer
    Boycott Target
    Boycott Borders
    Boycott Angus and Robertson

    Buy Australian. Not from China at heavily inflated profits. Lew and Co are China's biggest customers. They complain a lot at anything that will destroy their markups.

  74. If Landeryou wasn't such an ersatz journo wannabe, he would reveal his prior intimate personal and business relationships with Sol Lew. Lew probably regrets his association with fraudster Landeryou. That's his business.

    But as a cadet blogger, Landeryou should have come clean that Lew got hold of the Landeryou Parkville Mansion as part reparations for his IQ Corp fraud.

    The buggers were planning a huge online betting business that would have preyed on gambling addicts. In the end, it is hard to say who was the bigger shonk.

  75. Landeryou is obviously a dangerous, creepy madman and stalker. If he was my patient, I would gladly give him the Chlormazine "shuffle", lots of bromide tea and, if noone was looking, whack him over the head with a bedpan. THWACK!

  76. Vexnews has attempted to connect an article in The Age a month ago with the Jane McGrath Pink Day at The Ashes two days ago. In The Age a month ago, a feminist writer decried all things pink for girls. Fair enough. That's one person's opinion.

    To somehow link this to The Ashes Pink Day, as Vexnews did, is absurd, idiotic and embarrassingly stupid.

    No wonder Vexnews is the laughing stock of the blogisphere. Nurse Mengele is right. Landeryou is a complete NUTTER!

  77. The People of Australia should be demanding parliamentary action about the obscene multi-million dollar salaries of the Corporate CEOs who contribute so much to themselves and so little to their own staffs and to Australia. Businessman Dick Smith commented recently about these greedy sods who, despite their millions, contributed little or nothing to Australians doing it hard over Christmas.

    There is an undercurrent of abominable criminality. Public companies are not private money boxes for the corrupt cowboys. The government watchdogs are hopeless.

    The fact is that Australian governments, despite the GFC, still turn a blind eye to the disgraceful behaviour of corporate crooks. This is proof of their continuing malfeasance.

    Represent us and not the vile multi-millionaires!

  78. Ian Norman, the silent partner in Harvey Norman handed himself a generous $15 million dividend in 2010.

    This shows you don't have to be talkative to be a shonk.

  79. Fcuk Lew, Harvey et al - and Landeryou!

    All shonks!

  80. The mad Funeral Plan TV adverts have started appearing again after a short break over Xmas. There is social harassment at many levels in these ads.

    But the great news is that pollies have been almost absent from TV for a month. No Abbott, no Hockey, no Abetz, no Swann, no Garrett. Oh, happy days!

    This is what heaven must be like! No funeral plans and no pollies.

  81. What does Cait Catt think about this?Saturday, January 08, 2011 8:16:00 PM

    Is Nurse Mengele (in the comment above from Pink) related to the evil Nazi doctor?

    If so, I wouldn't recommend her as a character witness.

  82. Gerry Harvey says he is shocked by the hate Aussies feel for greedy stores like his.

    The political parties conduct their own research and would already know of the abhorrence Australians feel about being ripped-off by politicians and the millionaire corporate crooks, overpopulation, the GST, tightening amenities, lack of necessary infrastructure, hundreds of cpi increases in government charges - and the loathesome 50 cents a litre petrol government excise tax including Gst.

    What utter crooks!

    I dare the political parties to publish their research on these topics for public debate. Failing that, the pathetic media could slways try a newspoll.

    The new immigrants are getting a better life at our expense. Australians are getting squeezed hard by new taxes and charges by politicians who couldn't run a good Teddy Bears' picnic.

  83. Jawohl, mein liebchen! Ooops, sorry, I meant Yes, Herr Landeryou.

    I am a great supporter of the blitzkreig nazi hate blog Vexnews but not for Landeryou who is a dangerous, creepy madman and stalker. Modern nazi philosophy avoids direct confrontation for the good of the party.

  84. It is disgraceful that SlanderyouNew prints hate postings by a relative of the Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele. It is disfraceful that SlanderyouNew supports anti-Semitic comments like those of Nurse Mengele. SlanderyouNew will never win a Walkley if it keeps these vile postings up.

  85. Lay off Grunhilda you fat porkchop Landy. Otherwise I will stick my giant barrel up you and send your skull into orbit. You have massive cheek. You are a mad nazi blogger, crim, stalker and libeller. All that was OK in WWII. 2011 requires finesse. You certainly don't heve that!

  86. What does Cait Catt think about this?Monday, January 10, 2011 10:51:00 AM

    SlanderyouNew is just as evil a blog as Stormfront. I'm going to write a letter of complaint to the Jewish News and I think all decent Australians should too. Anti-Semitism has no place in a blog like this.

  87. Cait Catt doesn't think anything about anything. "She" is Andrew Landeryou who is a notorious fake commenter. Indeed on Vexnews in the last 24-hours he has been working overtime as "Boofa", "Wenchy", "Archbishop Pell" among many others. It is weird to write a blog, and then to do nearly all the libellous comments as well! Several times recently, comments on Vexnews have come to a standstill because of the stale 'news' presented there.

    I wonder why he hasn't thought of hiring a call centre in New Delhi to manufacture his fake comments:

    Rawalpindi said: 'Catter8 speek Hindi reel trooth'.

    Madras Manhood said: 'I tuch maself theenking of Catie Catt'.

    Goa Goon Boys said: 'We hapilly eat Catt and make violin string from gutt'.

  88. Landeryou is a complete loonTuesday, January 11, 2011 12:23:00 AM

    Landeryou is madder than a snake. What about his most recent fake comments on Vexnews from 'The Pynester', 'RDR', and 'Ollie'? Jeez, he is one busy boy!

    Its all a bit wasted because no-one actually reads Vexnews. Next thing you know, he will be claiming a government health pension for tenosynovitis and an OAM for his public services to Australian journalism.

    When he was born, the doctors should have slapped his mother's face - and NOT his!

  89. Here are self-explanatory posts from nazi libel blog Vexnews:

    Wenchy, Boofa Leigh and Dr Pumpauptit, there is obviously a hilarious in-joke happening here that YOU understand but noone else does. Please either explain the huge joke or get Andrew to install an intranet so you can laugh your heads off privately.

    Posted by Bollocks | January 8, 2011, 23:53

    Dear Ms Bollocks,

    You need to get out more darling!

    Boofa Leigh and Wenchy are ‘doyans’ of the Liberal Party who make many in the LP shake their heads in disgust.

    The morales, ethics and credibility of this ‘dynamic duo’ are legendary.

    While the divorced and simple minded Wench flashs her medically modified body parts to get her into places of high office, the married Boof (an ex and un-successful member of Parliament) has been caught out throwing his leg over madam while helping her to be pre-selected for the marginal seat of Mordialloc.

    Although upsetting many of the local Liberals, the Wench is now an MP!

    The ‘joke’ (BTW this is no joke as this person is now an MP!) is that Boofa’s ‘usefulness’ has now evapourated and the Wench is now looking for her next victim(s).

    PS the good thing about VEXNEWS is this type of thing can be put out for all and sundry to know about (good on you Andrew L ). In the past this type of thing has just been swept under the carpet and life went on while scumbags like the Wench and Boofa got away with reprehensible conduct to the detrement of decent people.

    Posted by Boof Watch | January 9, 2011, 8:36

    On the face of it, there are many exceedingly serious libels on Vexnews about the new Lib member for Mordialloc. Layers of defamatory imputations have been made on Vexnews about her, and Geoff Leigh. Their torts are obvious.

    Absolutely sickening and disgraceful. Lock up Landeryou.

  90. If I was Landeryou, I would be busy overnight destroying my hard-drive. All the fake comments libelling Liberal member Wreford can't be erased, according to AFP. Sooner or later Andrew will get a visit from the coppers who will take away his pc. Oh dear, many prosecutions could eventuate. AFP, OPP, ATO, VEC and many other agencies would expect a copy.

    Its the deliberate spelling mistakes that give you away every time, Landy (Boof Watch). If I can figure this out, so can the plods. Worse for you are the origins of your libellous fake posts which are there forever until you destroy your HD!

    Ooops! Did I mention your ISP's records? They are still there AFTER you destroy your hard-drive. Uh-oh! Looks like you are really screwed, Bud!

    Landy, I think, if "Wenchy" really wanted, she could do you so slow your eyes would fry before your arse melted away.

  91. Landeryou is always embarassingly craven as a defendant when in court. He, and his relies, suffer from amnesia within legal precincts.

    I reckon the slimeball could do a deal with Wenchy (providing he kissed her a*se a lot beforehand). Oh, OK, she ain't that silly. She might allow him to kiss a Photo of her behind.

  92. I flicked to vexnews fully expecting to see that millionaire Editor-in-Chief Landeryou had flown to Brisbane, hired a barge, and was reporting the flood disaster in person.

    Obviously, this was not the case. From his armchair, Landeryou wrote an evil praise blog for Qld Premier Anna Bligh. He does this sort of thing often. He writes a blog praising his victim, then writes the most appalling, defamatory fake comments.

    Landeryou is not a journalist. He is a vile crim and dangerous madman. Noone knows what to do with him. Should he be treated as a lunatic? Should he be treated using legal process as a crim, libeller, stalker?

  93. Mr Landeryou would not have been allowed to hire a barge. There would have been a high likelyhood of bridge damage. As well, Vietnamese Australians might react unpredictably if they saw a Budda figure floating away down the Brisbane River.

    Mr Landeryou would be most welcome here as a volunteer running errands for people in evacuation centres. We presume he speaks English and is capable of following simple instructions.

  94. For God's sake don't take Landeryou as a volunteer. He will rob everyone.

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