Morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou has been too drunk and too lazy to update his blog for most of the past three weeks, yet has ordered his mentally retarded gimp “Sergeant” Sasha Uzunov to Queensland to steal food from flood victims.
Police and emergency workers have reported several sightings of a clearly backward man in camo gear with an Alfoil-covered colander on his head looting flooded KFCs as the tragic events of recent days.
“We didn’t shoot the bloke because it was obvious he was a retard,” one told Slanderyou New. “We didn’t realise this was something systematic.”
Patriotic people in Victoria are well aware that the criminal Landeryou uses the mentally-impaired Uzunov as an associate in his crimes, especially after photographs emerged of the Sarge committing contempts of court on the fat man's behalf minutes after he had been injuncted by Les Twentyman's wife in the Sunshine Magistrates Court.
But both are unknown in what was once the Sunshine State, so police and the emergency services have not put two and two together.
A Fat Cave insider however confirmed to Slanderyou New that the morbidly obese crim had despatched his retard minion to Queensland with orders to return with as much KFC as possible.
“KFC is KFC to Andrew,” the source said. “When he’s had a few litres of Rutherglen Rotgut he doesn’t care if it is cold, stale or mouldy. Indeed, the evidence suggests that he eats mouldy KFC pretty regularly.
“The mould that grows on rotting KFC has hallucinogenic affects and it is obvious from the bizarre and blatantly untrue material that appears on Vexnews that Andrew is completely out of mind for most of the time.”
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Mad chook "Cait Catt" is one of those hallucinogenic effects. Unfortunately, the Sarge is real.
ReplyDeleteAnybody else watch 'Fat and Fatter' on ABC2 last night? I kept wondering when Landeryou would make an appearance.
ReplyDeleteIt was revealed in 2009 that a drunken Landeryou had attempted to eat the barbecued bodies of Black Saturday victims yet he escaped prosecution thanks to the incompetence of the Victorian police and high level Brumby government corruption. He must not wiggle off the hook after this latest outrage.
ReplyDeleteThis has just appeared on Breaking News. Everybody knows that the entire contents of Poxnews are tripe and disregard the entire site but in the midst of a natural disaster the Queensland Police have been reading Slanderyou New and responded to its reporting. Congratulations Slanderyou New on your patriotic endeavours.
ReplyDeletePolice form anti-looting taskforce
BRISBANE, Jan 13 AAP - A taskforce of 200 police will patrol flood-affected properties in Brisbane and Ipswich to protect against looters as the big clean up begins next week.
Emergency Services Minister Neil Roberts and Commissioner Bob Atkinson announced the establishment of Operation Safeguard on Thursday.
The taskforce will be made up of 100 offices from Queensland and 100 from Victoria, NSW, and South Australia and operate for at least three weeks, starting from next Tuesday.
``That will give us a good spread and a sufficient spread of police and patrol vehicles to maintain a 24/7 patrol presence in every one of the flood affected localities in Brisbane and Ipswich for several weeks,'' Mr Atkinson said.
``We're very conscious of the fact that once the waters recede ... that people will not be able to reenter their homes in some of the worst flood affected areas, so we're forming this taskforce,''
He said there had been ``very few instances of looting'' so far.
``For security, for the safety and for the confidence of the public we believe this an important thing to do.''
I would happily donate to the deserving flood victims on EXCEPT FOR ONE VERY GOOD REASON!
ReplyDeleteI already pay far too much tax. What are the crooked, spendthrift pollies doing with my income tax, petrol, alcohol and other excise taxes, plus all the local government taxes and charges. We are contributing billions in tax.
They always ask for more - MUCH MORE! Council CEOs are getting $300,000. I dread to think what the bloated public service mandarins are earning these days. Ask THEM for a donation!
I am not a mad chook and I'm going to sue Slanderyou New for defamation.
ReplyDeleteFigments of the imagination cannot sue. Real people however can sue over "news" reports that are obvious and malicious figments of the imagination ie the entire contents of your blog.
One day someone will call your bluff. Not only will they sue. They will want to know all the details of your highly suspect finances and the equally suspect finances of your wife.
You will go to prison as result and so will Kimberley and everybody in the entire country other than a few corrupt factional daleks of the Right will say "good riddance".
Anyone here know why Landeryou stopped calling himself "Shirley"?
ReplyDeleteLandy has an army of over sixty fake commenters. "shirley" and "Cait Catt" are only two of them. There are 58 more. His faves at the moment are personas representing Cardinal Pell, Christopher Pyne, Lorraine Wreford and various lesser beings.
ReplyDeleteNazi hatred knows no bounds.
VEXNEWS - A nasty crime blog written by a stalker and libeller who lies.
ReplyDeleteVexnews is Australia's greatest news site. ASIO relies on it. Our spooks get paid. Vexnews does all the work and fails to get rewarded.
ReplyDeleteSlanderyouNew. How about running a campaign so that Vexnews becomes a paid news site of ASIO.
Cait Catt tells us that the CIA uses Vexnews too. They should pay Vexnews as well.
LANDERYOU THE MEDIA TERRORIST IS MAD. This is demonstrated in his post (above). As if ASIO or CIA would be remotely interested in a minor nazi blog that libels ordinary Australians that is run by a crim and stalker. Vexnews is abominable all right, but that is because of the low level of creative reasearch and writing.
ReplyDeleteIt is only the Western Australian mad Wikipedia editors who think that Vexnews lacks credibility.
ReplyDeleteHow could a news site that's read by both ASIO and the CIA be lacking in credibililty?
Landeryou is totally mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, MAD!
ReplyDeleteI sorta liked him when he was just a crim. But now that he runs a libellous nazi blog, stalks people and is MAD, he has become an unacceptable risk to the whole Victorian community.
ReplyDeleteVexnews and Landeryou are stuffed. But I can add lifelike features to the Landeryou cadaver. Even a huge turd, thanks to my magical hands (plus lots of bile remover, antiseptic and truth drugs) can be turned into something roughly resembling a human being.
ReplyDeleteCreating miracles are an everyday thing!
SlanderyouNew is not welcome at my cattery. The previous comment is sheer filth.
ReplyDeleteHey Slanders we are looking forward to the update saying the Sarge has been pulled back closer to home to now loot flooded KFCs in Victoria. Some of the Queensland stuff must be getting a little gamey even for Landeryou.
ReplyDeleteQueensland now is in desperate need of Joh and the Nationals. The floods would never have happened if Joh Bjelke-Petersen, Australia's greatest ever state premier, was still in office.
ReplyDeleteThe death of Joh was a national tragedy. His advice was always welcome, and it was always good.
Queensland is to have a Royal Commission into the flood disaster. If only Joh were alive this would never have happened.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is far to busy posting irrelevant nonsense here to update his poisonous nazi hate blog Vexnews which is falling in a heap.
ReplyDeleteJoh, despite his many faults, was worth a trillion Landeryous.
It is immensely preferable that Landeryou writes crap on his nutty nazi blog Vexnews rather than infecting this patriotic forum with his mad rants.
ReplyDeleteLandy is a crim, fraudster, libeller, stalker and madman. Thanks to the disaster at the Victorian OPP he is still free, untried and unpunished.
Andrew has devised a new fake commenting persona on Vewnews even more poisonous than 'Evil Bastard'. This new malevolent nut is 'Tandy Saggert' who poses as a far right ALP supporter and psychologist. Yes, its the usual daft drivel but this time with a true insight into Andrew's odd political views.
ReplyDeleteI agree with posts here that he is a dangerous madman.
Why isn't the fat loonie in J Ward at Ararat Gaol. That's where the criminally insane end up.
ReplyDeleteTandy Saggert is not one of our friends. We don't need pychiatrists at our cattery.
ReplyDeleteThe cut and thrust of dealing with criminal lunatic Landeryou's mad posts would tire an army of responders. The guy doesn't have enough to do. He's rich. He's spoilt. He's a crook. He neglects his boring Vexnews site. A waste of human and internet space...
ReplyDeleteAnd his mother writhes with embarrassment at the mention of his name.
ReplyDeleteA simple 50c condom would have saved us all (including Dean Mighell, the late Dean McVeigh, Les Twentyman and hundreds of others)from scores of libels, lies, and deceptive and misleading blogs on nazi website Vexnews.
Send the fat crook to gaol for God's sake!
El Gordo is defending rapists on his hate blog yet again. "79-year-old South Australian man can be prosecuted for raping his wife almost 50 years ago even though it wasn't a crime at the time," one of his oh so witty links reads.
ReplyDeleteWill he feel so blase about rape once he goes to Barwon Jail? I suspect he will be feeling intense pain in his rectum and many other parts of his body.
One of the lawyers incarcerated in here told me that Landeryou, if ever tried and jailed, would probably end up in a soft jail like HM Prison Langi Kal Kal. That's what happens to whitecollar crooks, he told me. The judicial system doesn't want them buggared like ordinary crooks.
ReplyDeleteThe Hot Rodders would take a pretty dim view of this, especially now we have been joined by new African brothers with appendages that look like salamis.
Us Hot Rodders have rights too!
Something tells me that 2011 will yield dire results for mad criminal mastermind and libeller Landeryou.
ReplyDeleteSuffice to say that some files have been discovered in an library repository at the Bailleau that shed new light on the MUSU presidential frauds, and include paper trails, signatures and briefing notes.
My guts are telling me that the internet will be Landy's downfall, at least to begin with. Lawyers are increasingly looking to initiate defamation actions and to shut down offending websites by agreement.
ReplyDeleteThere will be the usual 'free speech' screams, but Landy has cried wolf far too often and, when he reaches court, always turns into a contrite, apologetic, agreement-maker.
Castr8 is like the pot calling the kettle black. Nothing but defamatory comment about Australia's greatest journalist. Our spoofs at ASIO won't tell you but they rely on Vexnews for much of their native intelligence. The CIA uses it too, as Cait Catt repeatedly tells us.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the Baillieu Library. I was a student there once, and I had great difficulty finding information. I also got a lot of fines for late return of my library books. Melbourne Uni doesn't have the name it used to have. Monash is now a much more highly regarded uni in the Victorian pecking order. I wouldn't want my daughter to go to Melbourne. Too many randy professors.
Andy, Re the Bailleau revelations, your name appears several times in stat decs and in various uni internal papers. Looks as though investigations continued until quite recently. Nothing there about you and randy profs, or overdue books. Lots about other things that disappeared. Is there a later file, still in circulation...
ReplyDeleteAndrew and the boys think it is 'case closed' and all over, but there is a mountain of paperwork about the crooked presidents. More than enough to do them really, really slowly!
ReplyDeleteHas Landeryou done anything this week other than comment away on this thread? Vexnews appears to have barely changed.
ReplyDeleteVexnews is self-destructing with its recipe of badly researched and poorly written blogs, and a libel-ridden commentary that sounds like the House of Bedlam.
ReplyDeleteRecent litigation has shown that webmasters like Landeryou are personally responsible for libels on their blogs, especially if written by themselves.
Lawyers are beginning to zero in on overpaid, sleepy government watchdogs that allow this detestable defamation to continue unabated.
Hmnn. It sounds as though Andrew's blackened nuts could get roasted again when the Bailleau files surface in the media or in forthcoming courtroom scenes. There are several new matters therein which have not been tested yet. One of the new matters left me gobsmacked.
ReplyDeleteNo Cait Catt or Catter8 comments about the forthcoming Bailleau revelations here yet. Landeyou's vile rectum must be palpitating big time.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile Vexnews continues to be neglected, updated three times in a month. Hardly an up-to-date news source even if you like elderly history.
With any luck he is giving up having realised Vexnews is a total waste of his and everyone else's time.
I got Lew tapes of negotiations with 'L' prior to his capitulation re IQ. These should be on public record too. Maybe Diana at OPP would be interested? Let's see.
ReplyDeleteAy-Zee-Oh is not one of our agents, my friend at ASIO told me a few minutes ago.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Baillieu revelations, there are none. This is wishful thinking on the part of
SlanderyouNew, the worst dirt sheet in the business.
Red Ted won the election with his comments on Josephine Cafagna's program (remember Josephine is married to Age lefty Paul Austin)about Labor's dirt unit. Josephine got that from hubby Paul, and passed it on to Red Ted, who very effectively used it. There is a difference between a dirt unit and a dirt sheet, but not much. The SlanderyouNew dirt sheet is the more evil one.
Go Andy. Go Vexnews.
Vexnews is like a blocked dunny.
ReplyDeleteThanks to mad editor-in-chief Landeryou's neglect since early December, the comments on his vile blogs are like sewerage backing up into the bowl.
Its dead. It stinks.
Landeryou: "As for the Baillieu revelations, there are none".
ReplyDeleteI don't think there is a sexual assualt defence of 'privilege'.
ReplyDeleteO h, S H I T!
ReplyDeleteI am a good Catholic girl and I don't swear. Not very often anyway.
ReplyDeleteA Labor premier has gone amidst a cloud of the most lurid gossip yet there is nothing on obese crook Andrew Landeryou's hate blog. Vexnews is well and truly dead.
ReplyDeleteSlanderyouNew hypocrisy. Nothing posted since January 13th, the day after Herman Goering's birthday.
ReplyDeleteJust as well too. I've yet to read anything worthwhile in this blog. Not like Vexnews, Australia's greatest news site. Like its predecessor the OC Vexnews is a candidate for a Walkley. Only the fact that Walkley judges are influenced by SlanderyouNew money (that is, bribes, which are illegal - talk about a law abiding blog)will prevent Vexnews from winning the reward its superiour sources entitle it to.
What about ASIO? Not Ay-Zee-Oh who is a figment of SlanderyouNew's imagination. ASIO regard Vexnews as its Australian news site of choice. Happy New Year ASIO.
The clock has begun to tick on the 'new' Baillieu papers.
ReplyDeleteI liked the part of the Baillieu file where Landeryou's tutes gave their real opinions about the creepy former MUSU president. He won't live this down easily. One said "Andrew was an accomplished dilletante who wasted my time". Another said "Mr Landeryou is a tiresome fellow who annoyed the hell out of me and his class. He has no future in the law".
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Farrago lady?
ReplyDeleteExcuse my ignorance......q...Is this guy Landeryou for real with his absurd comments about CIA & ASIO reading & acting on his libelous online rants??? i would like to know as he spread outrageous b/s online about me for several years, for a tidy sum of money.....if there is an upcoming court case against Landeryou please advise on your post, as I will be first in line to smash the bastard for 6.
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