Fat thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou has a new enemy! Yes, the morbidly obese drunk and criminal is using his little liked and less read Blog of Sleaze to attack his fellow Liberal, pollster Mark Textor.
It is easy to see why Landeryou hates Textor. Textor has been successful in both business and politics. Landeryou's record in both has been beyond embarrassing. Textor also has a column in one of Australia's oldest and most respected journals of record, The Sydney Morning Herald, while Landeryou's sole brush with the world outside hateblogging was a brief involvement with a low-powered, short lived radio station that was shut down as it had no listeners.
Landeryou appears to have accused Textor of a bizarre crime. "Solly Lew was at my wedding," he Tweeted in response to a gibe from Textor.
Landeryou appears to be accusing Textor of stealing millions of dollars from his wedding guests, just as he defrauded Lew of millions (his wife Dimberley subsequently committed multiple counts of evidence and contempt of court when she lied and lied again in the court actions that followed).
In other news this week, News.com.au has introduced us to Jordan Tirekidis, a Sydney man who weighs 300 kilos.
"For breakfast it's 10 hash browns and two large coffees, lunch is two Big Macs with fries and dinner time usually serves up four Whopper burgers," it reports.
"And if that's not enough, there's custard tarts and lamingtons to fill the gaps between meals - and it's all washed down with almost a litre of Coke."
Andrew Landeryou weighs 750 kilograms. For breakfast it's usually eighteen Zinger burgers washed down with a flagon of Rutherglen Rotgut port. Lunch is five Family Feast tubs of KFC and more port, but on the hour, every hour, it's at least one of the Colonel's Super Variety Buckets, more KFC burgers and more Rotgut port.
As he becomes increasingly intoxicated during the day, Landeryou steadily devours more and more KFC burger boxes.
To permit this gluttony, he vomits frequently. He is also given industrial-duty enemas by a mentally retarded minion, "Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov. His duties also involve cleaning the regurgitation away. Landeryou has convinced the subnormal Uzunov that this is SAS training.
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I think there is a typo in your story Slanders. Dimberley did not provide any "evidence" in the IQ Corporation matter. What she did instead was perjure herself.
ReplyDeleteAll the Landeryou family members involved in IQ Corp suffered from extreme amnesia in court. Company Secretary Dim had no idea what had become of the company papers:
ReplyDeleteThe Age on 14 August 2004 said:
Kimberley Kitching, a Melbourne City councillor, was the registered company secretary of IQ Corp from October 1999 to February 2000 and, according to documents filed with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, was a secretary of some IQ companies until May 2001.
Kitching's demeanour as a witness was belligerent and theatrical. Before counsel for the liquidator had asked even the first question, Kitching cut him off and asked for someone to explain the layout of the court because, she said, she had not been there before and wanted to understand who all these people - the solicitors at the bar table - were.
This caused some surprise in the court: Kitching is a qualified lawyer. She told the court that her duties with Melbourne City Council now took up so much of her time that she was not currently practising law, nor did she have a current practice certificate.
Kitching said she had been employed or contracted by IQ - the dates of her employment are not clear - and was paid about $50,000 a year.
But Kitching said she did not have any receipts, personal bank statements, nothing - not even income tax returns - that would show the payments.
Kitching said those sorts of documents about her personal finances would have been kept at the IQ offices by Andrew Landeryou's sister, Anne-Marie Landeryou-Mason, who earlier gave evidence that she was "a jack-of-all-trades" at IQ - the company book-keeper, receptionist and personal assistant.
Anne-Marie's husband, Matthew Mason, was not employed by IQ but the court heard that the company reimbursed him for certain expenses.
Precisely what Mason did for IQ and the nature of those expenses is not yet clear.
The Landeryou clan, Kitching and Mason plumped themselves into the witness box before Registrar Jane Mussett this week only after counsel for the liquidator asked the court to consider issuing arrest warrants because they declined to turn up under summons.
Andrew Landeryou followed his wife into the witness box.
His evidence was given with his face mostly turned away from the liquidator's counsel, and he prefaced every question - even when asked to state his name - by citing "privilege". Several times during Landeryou's evidence, the registrar threatened to refer him to a judge for contempt of court.
For his part, Landeryou said it was "contempt, utter contempt" that his wife had been "dragged" into the examination.
Asked what position Kitching held at IQ, Landeryou cited privilege and said: "I do not recall, or care."
Indeed, the evidence of the Landeryou family members was riddled with a surprising inability to recall or remember very much about the company.
Bill Landeryou on Monday pointedly and aggressively told the court that even though he had been a director of IQ he did not retain any financial records, any notes, floppy discs, CD-roms, emails, statements or correspondence that may have transpired between himself, IQ and several of the company's officers. Nor did Landeryou-Mason, nor did Mason.
The Landeryous insisted that they did not know what happened to the company's records after the landlord unceremoniously evicted IQ from its premises in Sturt Street, South Melbourne, in 2002.
What a horrible bunch of crooks...
SlanderyouNew is just as filthy and disgusting as it has always been. Kimberley is a first class lady and will be a first class member of parliament. When a member of the Melbourne City Council she was the only councillor who never claimed one cent for council expenses. I've always found Kimberley to be a generous and kind hearted lady. I would totally trust her honesty. I would never vote for SlanderyouNew. My sister told me he doesn't pay his bills at the Daily Planet.
ReplyDeleteMatthew Mason, husband of Landeryou's sister Anne-Marie Landeryou-Mason, if my memory serves correctly, claimed his signature had been forged on some IQ company documents.
ReplyDeleteNowadays Andrew provides hundreds of fake comments on his Vexnews blog like those denouncing Archbishop Pell and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, and much loved social worker on the crime frontline Les Twentyman among many others.
Fake comments are, of course, forgeries. Why wasn't the fraud squad called in the to examine the Matthew Mason claims of forgeries of his signature?
Landeryou's is an amazing tale of dysfunctional justice in Victoria. He has got off 'Scot Free' after several alleged frauds referred to Victoria Police by liquidators were not acted on.
Except for one, the rotten 1990s Presidents of Melbourne University Students Union all got off too. Several of them were sons of ALP State or Federal Ministers. If allegations about them are true, they turned out to be criminal low-lifes and very active thieves.
ReplyDeleteThe activities of Andrew Landeryou was explored by the late Dean McVeigh. McVeigh was theatened by Landeryou. "I will do you slow", the pudgy standover man told him.
What a monstrous scandal, still unresolved.
It is all very well that the Gillard government is fretting about future superannuants and ensuring they have a comfortable retirement.
ReplyDeleteThere has been a massive silence from governments and superannuation providers about current superannuants most of whom have been ruined by the Global Financial Crash.
My Super was stolen by the Global Financial Crooks. Over $80,000 has disappeared and there is absolutely no way this can ever be recovered. What little is left will be eroded away quickly by quarterly payments - no comfortable retirement for my wife and I. We are rooted!
A bailout plan for older superannuants ruined by the GFC is urgently needed. For God's sake, don't consign us to the horrors and humiliation of Centrelink! We deserve much better than that. Trace where the stolen billions went, and start prosecuting the new millionaire and billionaire crooks.
Did Melbourne Uni ever recover any of the millions "borrowed" by the student union Presidents in the 1990s?
ReplyDeleteAll my friends and I who retired on Super after 2002 are now stricken. Our Super has all but disappeared. Architect of Super to benefit all, former PM Paul Keating, is mute. He never imagined that Sub-Prime crooks in the USA could start the process of crippling Super right around the world. Neither did my mates or I. But since the Super plan here was a government innovation, legal companies should be considering a huge class-action against the present government for reparations. In Australia, arguments for complicity exist because of the earlier deregulation of the financial and Super industries. The corporates weren't worthy of this trust.
ReplyDeleteMy family has been stock-piling blankets and planting perennial veggies to try to survive the approaching Carbon Tax Winter. We didn't vote for it because Juliar promised it was not her platform. We are not scoffing at it. We hate it. It is imbecilic. I have not met one person who understands it.
ReplyDeleteNone of us will vote Labor again, nor for the revolting Libs. We will be voting independent.
Does anybody, even Middle Park's most prominent anti-Semite and Poxnews' only real commenter, Adrian Jackson, believe anyone ever actually says these turgid quotes the fat criminal lards his sleazy site and pads his non-stories with? Poxnews is so bleedingly obviously bullshit. These are even more obviously the products of fat Andy's criminal mind.
ReplyDelete"Unfortunately, asylum seekers will be excluded from supporting candidates even if they are wanting to stay in Australia and wish to participate in the democratic process because of the changed voted up by the NSW Greens,” one outraged senior political figure explained.
“It’s much more than the advertised ban on companies and foreigners from giving donations, it’s much broader than that. It’s quite disgraceful what the Greens have done here. It’s bigotry.”
“Let’s be clear, the law means asylum seekers won’t be able to form or be part of groups that advocate for their rights and their position in the community. If they do, they’d be breaking Barry O’Farrell and the Greens party’s disgusting new law.”
“It really is a form of electoral apartheid, and we shouldn’t be surprised it’s coming from the Greens, they are virulently opposed to immigration although had pretended to soften that in relation to asylum seekers, who have justly attracted to sympathy and concern of many Greens voters,” he continued.
“They are as bigoted as the Klan, they just wear hipper clothes. In much of the Middle East, they have an electoral apartheid regime running too, where citizens can vote and fully participate but non-citizens like the soaring number of guest workers from the sub-continent get no rights. This is the path the bigoted Greens are going. It’s a sicko version of uber-nationalism.”
Landerthief has a link on his site to a BBC story "Obesity harms 'brain skill'".
ReplyDeleteThat explains how he thinks he can present made up quotes as genuine.
Nazi hate blogger Landeryou is always shrill in defence of Israel; attacks on synagogues and the Torah. Yet he posts fake comments that are anti-Christian and particularly disgusting in relation to Cardinal Pell, and now the memory of Saint Mary McKillop. Landeryou is a vile sub-human who is obviously mad and in need of urgent psychiatric help.
ReplyDeleteMargaret Thatcher, Jeff Kennett, John Howard and Peter Costello began the rot that has seen public assets sold for a song to mates. Their's was a detestible doctrine of privatisation for profit. They lied and talked rubbish about 'competition' and the power of 'market forces'.
ReplyDeleteThe modern ALP has been just as keen to follow this disastrous ideology.
But today the denoument continues. The Dullard government is spending millions to bolster Holden even though market forces show that Holden is shaky.
Increasingly, politicians just can't explain away the shonkiness of their mad 'reforms' from the past thirty years.
Now dopey trombone-playing nitwit Ted Bailleau wants to sell off the rest of Victoria's assets owned by taxpayers. He is a total gommeril.
ReplyDeleteThe Age says: "Australia's electricity prices have become the most expensive of any major economy, by a long way. Electricity charges to firms surveyed were more than double those in the US and Canada, and more than 40 per cent higher than in Japan. The Bureau of Statistics reports that in the five years to December, electricity prices shot up 79 per cent in Sydney and 74 per cent in Melbourne".
ReplyDeleteThe mad politicians who sold off public electricity assets around Australia, which were not theirs to sell, should be doing long stretches of jail time.
These shoddy scum enjoyed indemnities that protect them from public or private prosecutions. Those indemnities should be removed at once to prevent further crooked behaviour that imperils us all. The Bailleau Government now wants to sell off more of our water assets too.
The book 'The Land Boomers', shows the shocking criminality of Victorian governments in the 1890s. Readers will find a disastrous, shonky ancestor of the present Premier therein.
I'm a rural Victorian. A large farming property to my north is now owned by an Ethiopian family that arrved here from the UK recently. A larger property to the south-west was bought by Chinese four years ago.
ReplyDeleteHow I hate politicians who have sold off Australia to foreigners and sold public assets to mates who have sold them again to foreign interests. They have even imported thousands of unwelcome 'refugees' and foreign immigrants who overcrowd cities and regional towns. Several of these new communities are bringing law enforcement to its knees.
Amenity has been destroyed. Australia has become a strange, crowded, chaotic, expensive, violent, nasty place.
I see from today's Age that four African men, of a group of ten or more, who violently robbed a man on a Williamstown train earlier this week, have been arrested. Incomprehensibly, these young men are of "no fixed abode".
ReplyDeleteHow can this possibly be so! Does this mean they are homeless and sleeping out? If they are refugees, they have now become refugees inside Australia too. By turning to robbery, they must be desparate. WTF is going on?
I also see from The Age that several of its journalists won prestigious Melbourne Press Club awards - and that Vexnews did not. Hardly surprising when the Vexnews blogger is an illiterate, crooked oaf who invents, or borrows stories and images, and writes fake comments about his own work.
Previous commentator is wrong. The Other Cheek, the predecessor of Vexnews, won the inaugural Walkley Blog Award. Vexnews ought to win a Walkley, but SlanderyouNew (the man who won't pay his bills at the Daily Planet)is so powerful an influence on the Walkley judiciary that Vexnews is never likely to win an award.
ReplyDeleteVexnews is good at scoops. What did the mainstream media tell us about the Niddrie by-election? The truth is nothing. Vexnews analysis was spot on. Vexnews broke the news no one else picked up that Fiona Patten's Sex Party outpolled the Greens in most Niddrie booths, and got to within one percent of the miserly Greens vote of about 9.0 per cent. The Sex Party polled 8.00 per cent. That's bad news for the Greens, but it's also bad news for Niddrie. We need the DLP. The only party that will keep Victorian voters honest.
Now that the Qld ALP has been purged what's left? As an ALP voter most of my life, I feel betrayed by those arrogant grubs that thought they were too smart to listen to voters and taxpayers. At the last election, I voted for a no-hoper independent who got nowhere. At the next I'll do the same.
ReplyDeleteALP and the Libs are loathesome crooks that have sold off electricity, water, farming and other assets offshore. Now we're all suffering.
My flatmates quietly reach for the remote everytime Juliar appears on the tele. So do my parents. No-one can figure why she is still there.
ReplyDeleteWe got calls from a Mr Antonio Albanezy and a 'Mr Krudd' asking us to pick up a large amount of garbage from Parliament House Canberra. They said the rubbish was what was left of "the crap Gillard government and several tonnes of 'black balloons' and a lot of carbon effluvium".
ReplyDeleteNoticeable inactivity on Vewsnews. Is Andy ill?
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