"Everybody who knows Vexnews know that it has no credibility whatsoever" Bruce Hawker told the media on Sunday, announcing his intention to take legal action against the liar Andrew Landeryou. "It's not a good source of information."
Bruce has been a member of the ALP since 1978. He has worked on more than 30 federal, state and territory campaigns, most of them successful.
Andrew Landeryou, in contrast, is a thief and a fraudster. His wife Kimberley Kitching is a perjurer who lived a life of luxury on the proceeds of his criminality, then lied about it all when quizzed in court, who plans to have a political career based on his and his colleagues corruption. If either of them are allowed anywhere near the Wills campaign, there will be a double digit swing to the Greens. If Kitching is the candidate, the seat will be theirs.
Bruce's mobile number is 0411 743 32-*. Patriots should give him a call to pass on their congratulations on his decision to head to court and ask if they can join him in a class action.
Our picture below shows Vexnews being published and the fate of anybody who takes its contents seriously.
* Sorry patriots. We got cold feet at the last moment. We just wanted to show that unlike Andrew Landeryou who just swallows shit from the ShorCons and a few dumb young Liberals, we have some genuine party connections. You can however contact Bruce here to pass on your congratulations. Big Bent Bill Landeryou is supposed to be out of the bankruptcy imposed on him thanks to his son's criminality and incompetence as a businessman (almost as big as his incompetence as a 'journalist'). It will be funny for Da to emerge from bankruptcy only for Junior to be forced back in. As Andrew has obviously had help from Kimberley to keep his head above board Bruce should sue her too. Her (second) bankruptcy will preclude her from running for parliament and help our party no end in Wills.
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I've contacted Bruce about suing Landeryou. I told him he was a hero and a patriot. Good to see you back Slanderyou.
ReplyDeleteI too have contacted Bruce Hawker outlining mine and the Hot Rodding Men's plans for the violent assualt and rectal raping of Andrew Landeryou.
ReplyDeleteVexnews has been an even bigger pile of shit this summer.
ReplyDeleteFat cunt crim Landerfatcuntcrim had no insights into the leadership stoush and has had nothing to say on the Queensland election campaign.
He seemed to spend most of January here on this law abiding site posting idiot drunken remarks under names like "the friends of Cait Catt" or "Steve Conroy" rather than updating his own failed Blog of Sleae.
He also started posting his grossly defamatory pedophile slurs against Cardinal Pell here. Nothing like admitting he was their author! That will go down so well with his DLP friends from both Labor and the Libs.
Dim Kitching is uglier but smarter than Yumi Stynes. She has realised the Gillard government is unelectable, and had applied to Tony Abbott for Liberal preselection. She wants to become parliamentary secretary to Sophie Mirabellum, but Sophie is uglier than Kitching but dumber than Yumi. I don't like Dim's chances somehow.
ReplyDeleteJuliar has gone stark, raving bonkers! Bob Carr is unelected and like Juliar has conflated personality disorder. Worst of all, Juliar is running around creating enemies in her own ranks. That has made the continuation of her government extremely short. She seem determined to abdicate, like the former State Labor governments who shafted their supporters.
ReplyDeleteThe three women sitting behind Juliar in Parliamentary question time are like the three witches in McBeth. Hubble-bubble, toil and trouble. There is the two Noddies - smug-faced Deb O'Neill and bbw blond Laura Smyth who both keep nodding and smiling whenever a Labor minister speaks. They look like idiots, and prove they are when asking 'Dorothy Dix' questions. Behind them sits the scowling Yvette D'ath who used to be a blonde and sit directly behind Juliar. She got the arse because of her disinterested demeanor and scowls. But now she is back, still scowling and grimacing, but having asked doltish 'Dorothy Dix' questions recently and back-stabbing K. Rudd.
ReplyDeleteMy advice to the ALP? Clear those seats behind the PM so that viewers of question time aren't distracted by constant nodding or scowls.
To get re-elected, the ALP needs to:
ReplyDelete* Sacrifice Juliar pronto
* Ditch the carbon tax noone understands or can afford
* Ditch the NBN noone can afford
* Get rid of the faceless men
* Ditch the 38 cents a litre excise tax
* Start listening to voters and taxpayers
* Stop indexing government taxes, excises, levies and charges
* Spend more time working instead loafing in their electorates
* Take a wage cut
* Get back to democratic principles
* Serve your electorates
I posted a comment on Vexnews about Andrew's boasts that he now a radio commentator after one gig at MTR (Men Talking Rubbish) which has now, perhaps thanks to audience revulsion about him, put MTR down the gurgler.
ReplyDeleteGuess what? My comment disappeared overnight.
Andrew is always banning, blocking and censoring the truth about himself. He is an absolute disgrace.
ReplyDeleteHe has also been experimenting with a new cookie which somehow avoids the 'Block All Cookies' settings for Internet Explorer and Firefox. Someone posted several comments of Vexnews--including the cookie script--all of which disappeared very smartly.
Since then I have found an instance where two cookies were placed on my heard-drive, but at the moment there are none being placed. But Patriots should beware nonetheless.
There should be a royal commission into the maladministration of the Kennett Years. Don't bother checking the Vexnews Investigations Unit (there's nothing there). Its all in today's Age!
ReplyDeleteAndy is probably digging up another student union micro-scandal story...
Vexnews is now so full of Google doubleclicks is has become un-navigable. The trick is to go up to the Home button to avoid them.
ReplyDeleteAndy probably thinks he is sitting on a fortune, but Vexnews has few visitors. They will become heartily sick of the doubleclicks very quickly.
It is impossible to believe, but Landeryou is working this weekend. He put up a boring, badly written blog on Vexnews this evening. He even remembered to libel Les Twentyman and Dean Mighell in fake comments while he was at it.
ReplyDeleteSomeone on Vexnews commented that if he kept this up he could get a copy boy job at the Herald Sun. Hmnn, I don't think so. He is a mistake-prone researcher, is grammar challenged, long-winded and writes in a boring way.
Another comment on Vexnews tonight asking who would be the first to sue - Les Twentyman, Dean Mighell or Cardinal Pell lasted a full ten minutes before being censored. For a blog espousing free speech, Vexnews is full of laughable crap!
ReplyDeleteBandali Debs has joined the Barwon Gaol Hot Rodders. He says when Landeryou finally gets here he will wear a leather condom with Gillette shaver blades sewn on. Brutus Beefcake and I think that Landeryou will have lots of trouble sitting down or having normal stools for quite some time.
ReplyDeleteThumper, several unionists and one of the Geelong Bikers said they were ahead of Debs, who simply grinned while fingering a sharpened knife. Everyone then agreed that Bandali is always first, whenever he wants.
Good God, Theo!
ReplyDeleteThe thought of all those horny criminals makes me pucker up something horrid. What's happening with that case brought by the unemployed madwoman from Greece? We don't want to end up in Barwon Jail with that sickening, perverted maniac Debs do we? Andrew will probably bring up that rape stuff again given half a chance. Don't you know someone who can break all his fingers?
The primary bodily function of the anus/rectum is to expel fecal matter. Everybody poops, right? Generally, the rectum is not a place where feces are stored before expulsion, but some fecal matter will remain in the rectum and on or around the anus. Certainly, anal sex can stir up some fecal matter. However, if a partner has not cleaned themselves beforehand or expelled their bowels, it is not only messy, it is inconsiderate. No one wants a shitty bottom! So here are some tips for keeping your bottom clean.
ReplyDeleteAndrew has arrived here again at last. No-one knows more about shit, bottoms and buggery than him. He should turn Vexnews into a Gay Advice site. He might get the occasional surfer visiting. The Poofs are equally nasty and love trading insults. Landeryou would be in his element.
Landeryou the foul mouthed libeller and fraudster, when he finally arrives here, will find out hundreds of things he didn't know about sodomy. He may well become the first prisoner able to shit out of his ears.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Landeryou may have failed the halakhic obligation to procreate (Thank God Almighty). But I can vouch that the guy is hornier than a bucket full of small stiff willies.
ReplyDeleteKim wisely hides when Landy gets rampant.
It is much more likely that One-Man Media Army Uzunov and Ronnie the dog both hide when Landy cracks a fat.
ReplyDeleteI hear Landeryou has taken a strong interest in this story.
ReplyDeleteCrim escapes caning with sex change op
March 06, 2012 4:29PM
A SINGAPOREAN man who underwent sex change surgery before being convicted on drugs charges escaped caning after a court recognised the change in gender.
Preeta Nivashani Rechnam, 40, was jailed yesterday for seven years and three months for a second drugs offence, but she escaped caning as Singapore law spares women, and men over 50, from the punishment.
Applied with a rattan cane and dating back to British colonial rule, the punishment is typically imposed in robbery, drugs and some sex cases and is denounced as inhumane by rights groups.
The Straits Times newspaper said Rechnam had first been sentenced in 1998 to three strokes of the cane in addition to a jail sentence of five years after being caught using morphine. Following release, Rechnam went to Thailand in 2006 for sex change surgery but was rearrested last December for consuming methamphetamines and heroin in Singapore's red light district in the company of two men.
If Rechnam had not undergone sex change surgery, she could have been sentenced to six to 12 strokes of the cane in addition to the jail term for being a repeat offender.
A mug shot published in the Straits Times today showed Rechnam sporting a thick mop of hair over her shoulders - and what appeared to be a stubble on her chin.
Have they worked out if Dim is a he or a she yet?
ReplyDeleteFat criminal Landerfatcriminal talked about Joe Tripodi on his evil spybot-filled Blog of Sleaze todat.
ReplyDeleteJust like Theo Theophanous Tripodi got away with rape. What's up with these boys from the Right and how and why are they exempt from the law?
Yumi Stynes is almost as hate-filled as Landeryou. She needs to be sacked. Vexnews needs to be hacked.
ReplyDeleteAndy has been working overtime censoring his nazi hate site Vexnews recently. Today, though, I noticed that he had changed the meaning of a comment. This is of course forgery isn't it? Andy has a history of forgery (ask his in-laws).
ReplyDeleteAndy always denies that he posts fake comments on Vexnews himself. But he cannot deny removing comments like two from "Friendy of Les Twentyman", or changing the meaning of a comment later. Only he as webmaster can do these things.
Finally, most real Journalists don't forge or delete things.
Sol Lewd, Landeryou's nemesis, is copping bucketloads of harah on Vexnews. In his derivitive blog, Landeryou is whining about Sol's pool instead of sending him a cheque.
ReplyDeleteIn heaven, Jehovah is compiling a long list of Landeryou's khattaths - forgeries, deceits, frauds and lies. For someone who started out an innocent, Landeryou sure has f*cked up.
Does anyone other than that vile anti Semite Adrian Jackson and the hard right Liberal shonk Guiseppe de Simone actually read Vexnews? Everyone else in the comments threads appear to be products of the fat crook's deranged mind.
ReplyDeleteI made a point of looking at Channel Ten's "The Circle" today to find out what all the fuss about Yumi Stynes is about. Like other commercial TV morning shows, it is a long infomercial with occasional crosses to the hosts. I had to watch a five-minute bra Ad to begin with. Then Yumi Stynes came on and told a very bizarre story. Her daughter had been sleepwalking last night and came into Yumi's room with her pants around her knees. Yumi could hardly describe the scene because she was giggling so much. She kept on mentioning the word "wee" which the other hosts greeted with hoots of laughter. The daughter woke up because her mother was laughing so hard, and ended up in the loo. The whole thing was weird and embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteI can't guess if the sleepwalking tyke is troubled. But what was really strange was that her mother told the audience of strangers all about it. And the hosts all laughed their heads off about the episode. I was stupefied at the gaucheness of it all and changed channels.
Yumi who recently disparaged VC winner Ben Roberts-Smith is one strange fish. I don't know what to make of her. "The Circle" consists of manufactured merriment, but even so Yumi seems way out on an edge. Is she OK?
I missed her disparagement of the VC winner but was horrified by her usage of her own daughter for a cheap laugh today. Needless to say I won't watch this crap again. I hope Channel Ten keeps her on. She will single-handedly bankrupt the station.
Landeryou pays Adrian Jackson and the long-winded Guiseppe de Simone to write rubbishy comments on Vexnews - to give the illusion that his hate blog is actually read and provokes comments. If it wasn't for them, surfers would think Vexnews is a moribund wasteland. It is anyway!
ReplyDeleteChannel Ten management should get a massive kick in the pants for the disastrous on-air comments of Yumi Stynes. Her strange "jokes" make everyone cringe. She is, however, slightly funnier than Landeryou's fake comments on Vexnews which are deliberately misleading and maliciously libellous.
ReplyDeleteThe TV Ads on Melbourne commercial TV stations have made their "entertainment" nearly unwatchable. It is close to brain-washing and FreeTV Australia, the lame self-regulator, allows things unimaginable five or ten years ago. So many ads, so little entertainment.
ReplyDeleteI caught my son flogging himself while looking at a photo of Dim in an MCC magazine. I gave him a long lecture about dysfunctional women and the evils of self-abuse. He replied that forgetful female company secretaries made him crazy with lust. He now gets bromide four times a day.
ReplyDeleteThe Rudd-Gillard governments have an apalling record with Defence and Defence Ministers. There were many question marks about minister Joel Fitzgibbon's several conflicts of interest and weird decisions before he finally quit.
ReplyDeleteAged gelding John Faulkner was put out to pasture as Fitzgibbon's replacement. Many ALP senators are well past their use by date. Faulkner did next to nothing in the role.
Recently, Joel Fitzgibbon refused to say if he wouls quit his position as chief government whip amid Labor revelations of a heated row with Prime Minister Julia Gillard after he was overlooked in her recent cabinet reshuffle.
Now the men and women of the defence forces, according to The Age, don’t want newbie Stephen Smith as their minister following harsh criticism of him from a retired major-general. If so, Smith is about as popular as painful tropical chafes that soldiers develop between their legs.
There is never anything on Vexnews about the defence disasters of the Juliar government. Landeryou pretends he has access to the ALP's inner Rectum (sorry, I meant Sanctum), but all he can provide are endless updates about Sol Lewd's illegal swimming pool.
ReplyDeleteI heard from legal mates in Sydney on Friday that Cardinal Pell's advisers are considering several actions against Vexnews and its criminal libels. The PR people are against it. But the legals say the libels have to stop immediately. Mediation is one option. It will be done under the media radar though, but watch this space.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou could be burned at the stake. But fire authorities say that with so much blubber, he might burn for hours or even days.
ReplyDeleteThousands of victims of Landeryou's vile past libels would assemble to jig and rejoice Andy's fiery end.
Every dick in the world gets smegma or dick cheese but uncircumcised ones get it worse. The best way to keep it clean is take a bath rather than a shower if possible, let it soak in the hot water, wash it it with soap the best you can without rubbing the sensitive part directly against any wash cloth. Try soaping up you hands and then cleaning it the best you can or dripping soapy water into the opening. It should not be sensitive to the touch unless you foreskin is too tight. If so your doctor may be able to help you with that. A lot of guys have this problem
ReplyDelete(Ignoring the silly Landeryou fake comment above):
ReplyDeleteIan Turpie got a good wind up by Australian news services yesterday (except on Vexnews which is on a long weekend holiday).
In 2004, the ACCC pursued former AMI spokesman Ian Turpie who admitted his claims of being cured of impotence by AMI in its advertising were false.
Corporate communications crooks Channel Nine have had a long love affair with scammer AMI director Jack Vaisman and his millions of advertising dollars. The Federal Court said in 2003 that the AMI product doesn't work. Channel Nine didn't give a fig. It has been promoting this huge scam for more than a decade. The other commercial stations accept Vaisman millions too, but not with such abject fecklessness as Nine.
Turpie was a nice guy. Unfortunately he fucked up in his association with the Australian Medical Institute which has no qualified medical staff. AMI's Vaisman (like Andrew Landeryou) is nuttier than 23,000 fruitcakes. He simply ignores court and regulator rulings. So does Channel Nine.
ReplyDeleteI noticed on Vexnews last night that Landeryou is continually ignoring his several undertakings at the Sunshine court not to continue to harass the Twentyman family to avoid an AVO.
He and Vaisman thumb their noses at Australia's laws and conventions.
Turpie turned out to be a crooked old turd. The federal court should have checked out channel nine's connections to AMI too!
ReplyDeleteTurps got a good stiffie in the end!
ReplyDeleteHmmn... Tonight's ABC 'Four Corners' about the Global Financial Crash in Ireland showed that sleepy regulators, bodgie bankers, corporate crooks and political shonks are a global problem. We have plenty here in Australia too.
ReplyDeletePoliticians in the Western world especially deregulated the property developers, bankers and crooks. As in Ireland, the banks were bailed out and the debts heaped on taxpayers.
In an ominous sign for Victoria, jobs are disappearing or being outsourced.
Australia is vastly more vulnerable than Juliar or Wayne Swann have ever admitted. In Ireland, the banks were able to hide dodgy deals for senior management and make debts temporarily vanish. Australian Banks are no slouches in doing dirty deals.
Four Corners is repeated on Tuesday nights. Watch and tremble.
Vaisman has tried to save AMI from the ACCC by putting it into receivership after being bought by three new Vaisman companies. Where does this creep get off? AMI was accused of unconsionable behaviour to its customers. Vaisman replied by playing 'funny-buggers'.
ReplyDeleteThis scam has been going on far too long. Vaisman's product doesn't work. He is a shonk. His MD and PhD qualifications are under question. AMI has no doctors. It however provides medical advice to customers.
Was Vaisman ever a MUSU President one might well ask?
People suffering sexual dysfunction are naturally embarrassed which is why AMI preys on them. It is difficult for them to claim they have been shafted by a disgusting scam. But there is a huge class action beckoning for the sufferers who have been deceived, forced into costly contracts and left rooted by a nasal or oral spray that just doesn't work. Embarrassing for husband AND wife.
ReplyDeleteThe commercial TV channels would be obvious co-defendants. In one year AMI spent over 300 million in Australia on television advertising.
Stiff and Stiff, the fools who pretended to play a piano without using their hands more than 14 years ago, should be sued too. Unfortunately, Ian Turpie is no longer available for service.
Finally I'm real firm and stiff, without any AMI medication at all.
ReplyDeleteSadly for Turps, rigor mortis passes off, and soon he will return to his former flaccid self.
ReplyDeleteMrs Turpie quickly better climb on to have one for the road, with poor old Turps before he reverts to his usual 'soft' state.
ReplyDeleteAustralia's corporate regulator will not investigate the directors of allegedly corrupt Reserve Bank subsidiaries, despite receiving a federal police referral.
ReplyDeleteThe Age has previously revealed how senior RBA officials and the board of Note Printing Australia were aware of bribery concerns in 2007 - two years before federal police began investigating the companies following a report by this newspaper.
Anti-corruption experts and campaigners yesterday called on ASIC to explain the basis for its decision.
Me too!
Please explain.
Les Twentyman is doing splendid work among the Western suburbs criminal mileau, and among the unwanted NZ gang members now being exported from NZ to Victoria.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou sits in his comfortable lounge denouncing wonderful heros like Les.
Anyone who has been in a Brisbane hotel room overlooking the Brisbane River easily can see in the distance where improper and illegal highrise developments have taken place. They stick out like dogs' balls. A decade ago I sat glumly at my hotel window contemplating this scene of plum political malfeasance.
ReplyDeleteCampbell Newman is like Sgt. Shultz. He knows "Nothing" about more recent property development scandals during his watch.
Australia is probably just as corrupt as Indonesia or Malaysia or Afghanistan when everything is added up. Sickening!
Channel Nine's advertising department can't be reached easily. Many shifty corporate bosses and their departments nowadays hide behind impenetratable call centres. So does Channel Nine.
ReplyDeleteNine's advertising department members are probably far too busy testing AMI's new Oral strip technology for treatment of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, and are busily rooting each other stupid.
Since they can't be reached, we cannot know if they are aware of the Federal Court and ACCC rulings about how inefectual AMI's products are. We cannot discover whether they realise Nine is promoting a product that doesn't work. We can't quiz them about how annoying and misleading the AMI ads have been for viewers for more than a decade.
At the end of the day ACMA is ultimately responsible. Another "self-regulating" farcical government watchdog fast asleep. Any projected class action against AMI should also include ACMA. The organisation has a panel of nutty appointees whose decisions are considered laughable by most thinking Australians.
ReplyDeleteAMI has previously ignored ACMA rulings which the organisation failed to follow up. No wonder Vaisman thinks he can do as he pleases.
ACMA has utterly failed.
Juliar, Penny Wong and Greg Combet should stick the unwanted Carbon Tax up their clackers. Noone wants it. The government has been continually told voters and taxpayers don't want it. For some inexplicable reasons they just won't listen.
ReplyDeletePrices for everything will skyrocket. Voters will be left holding government cheques that won't even pay for increased milk prices.
John Camilleri is the managing director of Steggles who claims his chooks are "free to roam" on an area equal to about an A4 sheet of paper. He should be a politician.
ReplyDeleteThe ACCC has branded his free to roam claim misleading and deceptive.
We have a really small toilet at our place. I would like to see how far Camilleri can roam there - especially when sharing it with fat fellow shonk Andrew Landeryou.
Steggles bird-raising factories are like Melbourne today - over-crowded and packed to the rafters. Steggles supplies KFC and other outlets with fowls betrayed and treated with complete contempt, and abused. Camilleri should have his fat arse roasted, and RSPCA should throw the book at the company that has pretended via KFC advertising that its product is superior.
ReplyDeleteFresh, maltreated chooks would taste just like poison. I won't be buying KFC for the longest time.
Andrew Landeryou's halal chicken business should be investigated quickly by a large number of government, council and animal protection agencies. The likelihood of extensive maladministration is huge. The chickens for all we know are kosher rather than halal. Knowing Andrew's greed, the chooks probably stand three high, one-on-top of another on an A4 sized piece of ground.
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