Perjurer and female impersonator Kimberley Kitching - currently the subject of a Fair Work Australian investigation over claims of impropriety - appeared on The Bolt Report on Sunday.
Andrew Bolt is not our cup of tea, patriots, but we wonder why Dim is on his show. Has he been threatened in some way by the fat thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou, he of no visible means of support? The law-abiding suspect so.
You can stop this from happening again, patriots.
In addition to perjury, "Kimberley" knowingly lived the high life on the proceeds of his "husbands" criminal activities during the early years of their "marriage", before he and him and his father Big Bent Bill Landeryou were all bankrupted.
Contact the TV regulator ACMA patriots and complain against such filth being granted a platform.
Also, no doubt Dim thinks that Bolt appearances will help "her" in the next round of preselections.
Every ALP rank and file person just lives for the show, don't they patriots?
How thick is this criminal duo.
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This is what I would love to do: make a citizen's arrest on Landeryou, cuff him, gag him, and cram him into a tin box and just leave him there. After about a fortnight I would start using acid to break down the corpse. At the end of the process I would take what was left, bake it until it was charcoal, and then feed it through a mulcher with a whole lot of organic material.
ReplyDeleteYou can't put pus, bile and venom to any earthly use, least of all for organic gardening.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou's corrosive remains would need to be buried in concrete fifty kilometres underground.
Even then, the creepy madman would probably have the last laugh and re-emerge as Hell's attorney-general.
ReplyDeleteShortie's great plan is to root all Australian women before he is finished.
Surely we can help by bonking all the unemployed women like we did in the good old days?
Bill would be happy, wouldn't he, with any assistance we can offer for his
Landeryou has already screwed lots of people financially, but I doubt he has the wherewithal to be get physical and join us!
Conjob's NBN nearly sank us all. He was a real dick. but noone has ever accused him of having one.
I still get rather clammy and moist when I remember Shortie's ardent attentions when we were young but grotty unionistas!
ReplyDeleteBolt is a gooey Nut!
ReplyDeleteACMA and Freeview Australia are toothless old pussies.
ReplyDeleteChannel 10 should be shutdown for airing the snide and spiteful Bolt nazi hate pogrom.
Bolt himself is a warty old oaf!
Journos generally are left-wing. The poor buggers toil among the vicissitudes of the unwashed battalions.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Bolt lives in that Liberal hate paradise where workers are reviled as offal, and parasites on shareholders' profits.
No wonder that far right Landeryou's lips had to be prised off Bolt's pudendum with a six foot crowbar!
Fat Boy Dim is probably hoping to drop a grenade in Bolt's sequined G-string at 'her' next interview with the nazi media heavy.
Eric Abetz has had his job for almost a week and yet Landeryou and Dim remain at large. I am deeply concerned.
ReplyDeleteFormer PM Juliar seems to have lost her glasses?
ReplyDeleteABC's Four Corners showed that corruption is pervasive in corporate Australia. It looks like the board members of RBA were lying through their teeth about how much they knew.
ReplyDeleteMy family wonder what is in supermarket products these days. Has some boss on a million dollar salary OK'd something with inadequate testing that will kill us?
Look out there to the paddock. Do ya see that fence? Look how well it's built. I built that fence stone by stone with me own two hands. I piled it for months."
ReplyDelete"But do they call me Barnaby the Fence Builder? Na..."
Barnaby then gestured at the bar. "Look here at the bar. Do ya see how smooth and just it is? I planed that surface down by me own achin' back. I carved that wood with me own hard labour, for eight days."
"But do they call me Barnaby the Builder Na..."
Then Barnaby points out the window. "Hey look out to sea...Do ya see that pier that stretches out as far as the eye can see? I built that pier with the sweat off me back. I nailed it board by board."
"But do they call me Barnaby the Pier Man? Na..."
Then Joyce looks around nervously, trying to make sure no one is paying attention.
"But you make love to your lovely pet goat after a tough week in Canberra!!"
Republicans in the US and Australia's Libs and NCP love slashing jobs and ruining lives. If voters weren't so lazy they would have rioted by now!
ReplyDeletePoliticians are poison.
Why aren't the RBA executives featured on the Four Corners program in the clink?
ReplyDeleteRBA boss Glenn Stevens, Australia's first million dollar public servant, should walk the plank too.
ASIC was also shown to be inactive and corrupt.
The nation's watchdogs are rabid do-nothings and waste millions of taxpayer dollars..
The AFP washed its hands of the RBA MEGA-SCANDAL as well, according to Four Corners. Is the agency mismanaged or just incompetent?
ReplyDeleteA relative was a director of Martin Corporation in Sydney in 1966. Unfortunately he took his secrets about Laurie Connell's vile criminality whilst there to his grave. He saw Connell in action. Corporate crime in Australia didn't begin or end with Connell. Nowadays there are more dodgy corporate crooks than ever before.
Andrew Landeryou corrupted the Melbourne University Students' Union as President, and went on a crime spree. He was a crime minnow compared to Connell, but the corruption was just as ruinous. The Uni failed to prosecute.
If we can't count on AFP or ASIC or State Police who will protect us from the corporate crooks? - the media?
Oh Dear! The cock-ups have begun already.
ReplyDeleteThe Slipper Wedding was a bit odd, I'll admit. Pete doesn't fly with the other ducks that don't fly with ordinary happy ducks and, er, Oh you know what I mean - he's a complete Duck-up!.
Privatising Public Assets has become an art form for morally corrupt Western governments.
ReplyDeletePoliticians engineer this graft so that stealing Public Assets isn't criminal theft. It is for the benefit of the nation and taxpayers.
What a load of Baloney!
It is political graft, corruption and criminality of the most disgraceful kind.
The Pom government evil-doers are selling off Royal Mail with plenty of pickings for buddies, shareholders and other bottom-feeders.
What part of 'Royal Mail' don't these crooks understand?
The current takeover CEO is a Canadian women on a million pounds a year salary.
Repulsive. Criminal. Morally corrupt.
Phew! The stink of utter corruption.
I hope The Mad Monk isn't expecting the nation to pick up the costs of his Speedos and other budgie-smuggling gear!
ReplyDeletePatriots can be glad Fat kleptomaniac Andrew never got to be a pollie. Victoria would be bankrupt and the Fat Cave would look like Myer's and the National Bank rolled into one.
The Indonesians must be spewing now that Tony Abbott, who postured around shaking hands and promising amour, has told the Nips that Australia's one and only true loves is them.
ReplyDeleteTone is the bull in the international CHINA shop!
The Japanese see sucking-up as a sign of weakness.
ReplyDeleteIts like that joke about the old woman who called the police about a flasher. The cops went to her bedroom but couldn't see anything. "You have to climb up on those boxes to see him" said the old dear.
ReplyDeleteThe Age reports: "A review of security camera footage allegedly revealed the man was frequently exposing himself while in the store without the knowledge of staff or customers.
"The man also faces a count of stalking, because people were present when he allegedly exposed himself, and indecent behaviour.
How can a person be charged with indecency and stalking when noone noticed the behaviour until CCTV footage was examined?
That's like the "unexplained money" sledgehammer being used on the Bikies.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the innocent until p-r-o-v-e-d guilty claptrap? Now you have to prove yourself innocent.
But, too bad Landeryou wasn't asked to explain his unexplained wealth a few years ago.
Shortie will have to get gelded now he is Head Apparatchic!
ReplyDeleteWe can't have parliamentary secretaries getting potted, let alone ordinary ones, can we?
Chop chop!
I will help hold him down while somebody does the dirty deed!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, he did smoke after a naughtie. He often had to dip it in a glass of plonk.
That's what made me decide to make Aussie smokers the most taxed people on earth!!