Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Peter Slipper scandal snares Andrew Landeryou

If you blinked you would have missed it, but the News Limited Sundays contained a fascinating factoid on the Peter Slipper/James Ashby case today:

"Mr Ashby has now lodged a formal complaint of victimisation against a website, denying allegations he was paid or politically motivated in his claims" Samantha Maiden wrote. "On Friday, Mr Ashby lodged a complaint of victimisation under the Sex Discrimination Act with the Australian Human Rights Commission. His move followed allegations -- which cannot be detailed for legal reasons -- on an internet gossip site"

It has to be Poxnews. The News Limited lawyers have obviously told Maiden the stuff is toxic. Landeryou and Maiden have happily played Twitter tag together in the past. Today she won't mention him or point to his site or even offer a hint about what the allegations are or where they might be found because they mean nothing but big, big trouble.

 Fat crim Andrew Landeryou is in for a white knuckle ride at Barwon and his lies about James Ashby have just brought jail closer!

Fat boy is in a pickle. Forget Sex Discrimination complaints. He will soon be experiencing indiscriminate sexual assault at the hands of Brutus Beefcake and the lads from Barwon Jail.
Fat boy is in a pickle. Forget Sex Discrimination complaints. He will soon be experiencing indiscriminate sexual assault at the hands of Brutus Beefcake and the lads from BarwJail..



  1. This is a very interesting development. Ashby is obviously acting on the advice of his high powered and very capable legal team. If they even make a crack in the Landeryou edifice the whole rotting structure will come tumbling down burying the fat cunt and Kimberley.

  2. Abbott, Pell, Pyne, Ashby, Slipper and many others could all usefully sue Vexnews.

  3. A wise counsel would seek forensic analysis of the Fat Fraud's computer and details about his his liquidity. Bets are rife in Melbourne legal offices. Many think he is viable. A few think he is buggered surviving on Vegemite soup.

    My money is on his Cyprus account and that Landeryou is stinking rich.

    Sue the feral pig!

  4. Landeryou HAS confirmed on his evil, sleazy site that he is the target of Ashby's complaint. He has also confirmed that he is completely unaware of that piece of good advice "When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."

  5. 8 hours criminality, 8 hours gluttony and 8 hours drunkennessMonday, May 07, 2012 6:47:00 PM

    Fair Work Australia has just published a 1200 page indictment against Craig Thomson and yet Landeryou is still defending him. What planet does the fat loon live on?

  6. Jesus heavenly! You're on a roll. Have a crack at the rent boys AND me!
    For what it's worth the guy I went there for and I did have a play and I didn't fuck him. he left, and I walked him to the door. I suppose he was just plain horny as most 20 year olds are, and the guy that got his arse was majorly cute and uber hung, so no contest. If I were the young guy I'd take a cute uber hung guy over me too!
    As for my "camel toe" photo, each to their own. I like lycra shorts and have big enough balls to show off. Some guys like that sort of stuff.

    Some of us don't like smart arses!

  7. Oh... my... God...

    Fat Boy obviously got on the grog earlier than usual tonight. Perhaps he was upset because he knows he and several of his friends and allies are going to gaol.

  8. Its budget day tomorrow Patriots. How many years behind bars should Landeryou be budgeting for do you think?

  9. I ’m a male, and work for the HSU with Kathy Jackson and for the last 3 years I have been soiling my underwear and its progressively getting worse. It started out with an occasionally accident about once a month but now its happening once or twice a week and sometimes more. I have been to two doctors that tried different treatments such as impaction and constipation etc. I’ve had X rays etc but nothing works or appears to be faulty that the doctors could find. The problem is I constantly feel like I need to go to the toilet but majority of the time nothing happens so allot of the time I ignore the feeling until its to late and it is coming out. When I was young, up until about 13 I regularly soiled my underwear at school but had no problem after that except the occasional accident until 3 years ago when things changed. I have found ways of hiding the facts but there must be a solution to my problem.

  10. Slanderyou, It could be a simple case of a week or inadequate rectal sphinter muscle. They can fix this surgically. I am wondering if the soiling is from diarrhea as well? Although it might be embarrassing to have soiled underwear is not going to cause any harm other than frustration. You can try a small panty liner in your underwear to absorb the leaking stool.

  11. No I don'€™t think the soiling isn’t from diarrhea because they are always solid and I was treated for both over a period of time but neither helped at all. Maybe the inadequate muscle is the issue given that I soiled my underwear almost daily when I was young up until I was about 13. Back then I didn’t realize I needed to go to the toilet until it was already too late. However both doctors seem to think that area is ok.

    Is it possible for your nervous system to just lose contact with parts of your body? The reason I ask is although I constantly feel the need to go. I never seem to know when it is definitely time to find a toilet and majority of the time it just comes out.

    I have found that wearing 2 or 3 pairs of underwear and a pad works ok but the pad often only stops some of the soiling in my underwear.

  12. Read through the Fat Dunce's hate site Vexnews tonight. Jeez, he is going to be in deep shit when his pc is forensically examined...

    By my computations (and I have studied The OC and Vexnews for many years), there were heaps of Andrew's fake comments all over the show. Even 'Choo Choo' is back promoting Terry Mulder to replace 'Red Ted'. 'Wenchy' the Lib pollie who Landeryou accuses of nymphomania is there, and Ashby gets both barrels from Andrew's Shitgun. It's all a bit tired and childish, but criminally libellous nonetheless.

    In answer to Laura (above), Landeryou should get a 15 years for his MUSU and IQ frauds, and awards of $40M against him for libels, stalking and electoral law infringements.

  13. More abominable Landeryou libelsTuesday, May 08, 2012 1:07:00 AM

    In a particularly abominable libel (if untrue), Landeryou the scatalogical expert who posts rubbish on this blog anonymously, accuses Ashby on Vexnews of deliberately feeding mates to a gay millionaire with Aids. I do not need to explain here how many defamations are implied in such an assertion. I thoght Landeryou was smarter than that.

    I love it when Landeryou goes completely bonkers!

  14. Landeryou is obsessed by scatalogy as he knows his bowels will never recover from Brutus and the boys.

  15. Get your snout outa the trough, GailTuesday, May 08, 2012 10:41:00 AM

    Vastly overpaid airhead and Westpac ceo Gail Kelly batting for Juliar is a case of the bland leading the blind. Kelly got $9.5 million last year, which is white-collar corporate crime gone totally mad. Gail should keep her daft opinions to herself.

  16. So where's you're budget leak, Andrew? You don't have one, do you? You don't have real contacts. You makes up lies and smears and vent your spleen over your own very public failure and humiliation.

  17. Landeryou won't be safe in Barwon and it also seems he won't be safe in Port Philip Prison.

    Serial killer questioned over alleged prison rape
    By court reporter Sarah Farnsworth

    Updated May 08, 2012 12:15:41
    Serial killer questioned over alleged prison rape Photo: Denyer appeared in court via video link dressed as a woman. (Giulio Saggin, file photo: ABC News)
    Map: Melbourne 3000

    Serial killer Paul Denyer is to be questioned by police over an alleged rape at Port Phillip Prison.

    Paul Denyer is currently serving three consecutive life sentences for the murders of three young women at Frankston, Victoria, in 1993.

    He appeared via video link dressed as a woman as police applied to the Melbourne Magistrates Court to interview him.

    Denyer twirled his now long brown hair and refused to turn around to face the camera as the police outlined allegations of rape against him.

    The court heard Denyer is accused of raping a man at Port Philip Prison last month after he gave him a massage.

    Without turning around, Denyer said he was happy to talk to police but told the magistrate he would rather have spoken to them two to three weeks ago.

    Police were granted four hours to speak to him at Port Philip Prison.

  18. All Banks are BastardsTuesday, May 08, 2012 6:55:00 PM

    Gail Kelly gets nine million. Every couple of months her organisation looks up my credit report with Veda Advantage to see if I'm delinquent. I've never been delinquent. My credit limit is $11,000. Craig Thomson spends $6000 allegedly on prostitutes. Who is the bigger prostitute? Kelly or Thomson?

  19. All patriotic folk in Canberra will be keeping an eye out to see if Landeryou is gracing the Kennedy Room tonight as he did last year. He was in Sydney last week for the launch of the hard-right Australian Taxpayers Association. How does a recent bankrupt with no visible means of support afford to travel?

  20. Landeryou has been continually libelling Archbishop Pell on Vexnews as a pederast for more than 18 months. He does this in fake comments about his own pathetic hate blogs.

    It seems Pell has a general counsel, Jennifer Cook, who is obviously a serious slacko. She hasn't touched Vexnews.

    The Age says: 'General Counsel for the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Jennifer Cook, requested Twitter remove the tweet on the basis it contained "unlawful, defamatory content".

    Jenn, WTF do you think Landeryou has been publishing against the Cardinal for yonks? His blasphemies are endless and contain the most disgusting criminal libels imaginable.

    Do your job properly, and get Landeryou to publicly apologise to the Cardinal.

  21. To change the subject, I'm embarrassed enough as it is to be posting this question so I don't really need any sarcastic remarks or jokes. Please serious answers only!

    Alright, well this all started February 2011. I started noticing blood on the tissue, in the water, and on the poop. I told my mom, she said I probably just strained while going to the bathroom and it'd go away. I went a few months with the problem still very present until it became painful and I made a doctor's appointment. My mother has Crohn's disease so the doctor wanted to rule that out by getting a colonoscopy.

    Did that, and he basically just said I have really bad hemorrhoids and gave me some new creams and stuff and said they'd go away after 2-3 weeks. Well, they never went away. In September, blood was actually like dripping into the toilet bowl and it was pretty painful. I went to the health center on campus who advised me to get a cream from Rite-Aid and if anything go to a Walk-In Medical Center. So I went to the walk-in, paid $75 for a stupid doctor to examine my butt and tell me I need to start fasting for some tests that no one scheduled? I left and that was that. In about October, I made an appointment with one of my mom's GI doctors. I saw him a few times and he tried various things, none of which worked. He tried diet changes, laxatives, stool softeners, suppositories, creams, etc. Nothing.

    He referred me to a color-rectal surgeon who I have an appointment with next week. But it's just really unbearable (painful, itchy, bloody, etc.) and I wanted to know if anyone else had a problem similar or if they think they know what's wrong? Is it really just bad hemorrhoids -- if so, why haven't I seen results with any of the treatments? What should I possibly expect further down the line in treatment?

    Thank you!

  22. i had hemorrhoids, but only for about a week. then they came back a couple times but havent had any problems for a long while now. what i did was change my diet. try not to eat any meat for a while, especially red. i notice beef really made my stool hard. try to eat salads with olive oil, apple cider vinegar dressing. drink cranberry juice. and after you poop, you need to wash your butt with warm need to have that area very clean or it will get irritated. they say not to use soap but i did use soap lol.

    thats the only thing i did and eventually it went away.

    hope you can find a remedy i know how annoying it is to have them

  23. Sorry to hear about your troubles. I know it is not a pleasant experience to go through. But, there are other and more effective ways in my opinion to treat hemorrhoids.

    Creams never eliminated the hemorrhoids for me - just provided me with temporary relief. I'll admit that they did do a good job of that, but the problem was that I would have to keep going to the store to buy more creams or ointments - I tried both.

    You really need something that is going to go after the core problems and actually tackle the hemorrhoid. I got rid of mine using natural treatments (see link below for more info). But, you can also go for hemorrhoid surgery. The surgery route is way more painful, but it is effective as I do know someone who went through the procedure

    Regardless of which way you go (surgery or natural methods) I would highly recommend increasing your water and fiber intake as this did help me through the process.

  24. From those late night rants I gather fatso didn't make it to Canberra. Perhaps Shorty and Conjob told him it would have been the final blow to the government if Windsor and Oakeshott saw him hanging around.

  25. Kathy Jackson deserves her piles, as my grandmother used to call them.

  26. Andrew is far more expert in scatology than I thought. He deserves an honorary degree in it! Shithead!

  27. Vexnews is clearly as healthy as the Gillard government. El Gordo now only publishes new stories a couple of times of week. Instead, he posts links to political items in the MSM, but puts up far, far more links to IT and even more to celebrity gossip sites and stories. He is clearly desperately trying to drive up his rate by attracting dumb Googlers from around the world who know nothing of his failed political career, his thefts, frauds and criminal defamations, nor the phishing software he plants in his visitors' devices, let alone his father's criminality nor the perjuries comitted by his bizarre man-dressed-as-a-woman "wife" Kimberley Kitching. I suspect a truly massive and sinister cybercrime is slowly unfolding before the blind eyes of the authorities.

  28. Gossip around the parliament says Fat Andrews friend and protector Bill Shorten has got his PA preggers.

    The story says that Bill's number two wife has run off to mummy at Yarralumla.

    We hear nothing about this at Poxnews. Why not?

  29. I too have heard the story that Bill Shorten has got his secretary up the duff, but that is a personal matter.

    I want to know though why there has been no action from either the state or federal law enforcement agencies, corruption busters or electoral officials over the far nore serious fact that corrupt Victorian state secretary Stephen Newnham gave Landeryou $50,000 for his attacks on Les Twentyman during the Kororoit by-election in 2008.

  30. It is a growing scandalThursday, May 10, 2012 12:54:00 AM

    @Puce Ted

    Good point. Landeryou kept up a month long attack on candidate Les Twentyman in 2008 with misleading, deceptive, deliberate and outright lies, disinformation and interference in Twentyman's campaign.

    It was a full on attack on democracy by the mad, criminal blogger!

    VEC and ACMA were fast asleep.

    Why were the over-populated and over-paid government watchdogs too scared to tackle Andrew Landeryou's tsunami of criminal libels?

  31. Shorten's got his seccie pregnantThursday, May 10, 2012 10:03:00 PM

    I am a patriotic law abiding citizen and family man who is utterly bemused at the fact that Tony Abbott did not mention Andrew Landeryou in his budget address in reply tonight.

    Landeryou is a supporter of the Prime Minister and close to some of her key allies who has stolen far, far more money than Craig Thomson and Peter Slipper combined and far outsleazes the pair.

  32. The governor general probably has a pair of scissors handy to give Shorty a few unkind snips.

    Rita should have taken scissors to Theo the Cypriot mini-Stallion long ago.

    In the past, it was the Libs who got caught with their pants down, and the ALP had their hands in the till. Nowadays they are all busily rooting AND have their hands in the till.

  33. The friends of Senator ConroyFriday, May 11, 2012 7:32:00 PM

    Cait Catt, if she were a male, told me she would hate to be an inmate at Barwon. Something about a serial pedarist and rapist with the surname Beefcake.

    Why don't the Barwon authorities castrate that animal? Beefcake that is.

  34. Poxnews says this:

    Behind The Australian’s paywall (all patriots should describe btw, give so they may grow), Christian Kerr writes a solid feature on the increasingly divided Victorian Liberal division and picked up a recent VEXNEWS story on Kelly O’Dwyer undermining Sarah Henderson’s bid for Corangamite because she wanted to minimise the extent of female competition.

    He won’t rehash all that, but after this week of Victorian Liberal Right leaks, counter-leaks, attempted spills and fierce contest for currying favour with the parliamentary leader, it was useful background.

    But Kerr didn’t want to mention VEXNEWS by name, perhaps on the basis that Lord Voldemort ought not be mentioned. He wrote:

    The fight is bitter. O’Dwyer has been accused on one notoriously vindictive and vituperative political gossip website of deliberately undermining a potential female competitor. She emphatically denies the claim.

    And we thought, that’s a bit harsh. And we hadn’t done Kerr over for ages. What did he mean?

    Vituperation: verbal abuse or castigation; violent denunciation or condemnation.

    Vindictive: disposed or inclined to revenge; vengeful

    Of course, we are source-driven in many of these matters. We go where the facts and our investigations lead us. The only side we barrack for is the Essendon Football Club and, I am ashamed to say, many VEXNEWS contributors, do not share this one and true loyalty and devotion to excellence. And we reject the implication that we’ve been vindictive or vituperative towards Kelly O’Dwyer, we merely speak truth to power, call it how we see it, load up the source-supplied ammo for a drive-by and go on our merry way.

    Kerr – as a former long-time writer for the lefty online email newsletter Crikey (now seized by mostly useless leftists, making us somewhat nostalgic for Kerr’s Brideshead Revisited brand of Tory gossip that he used to serve up there) – knows a thing or two about vituperation and vengeance.

    When he outed himself as the vicious anono-slagger Hilary Bray, and fessed up to a coke addiction, as you do, he confessed his Crikey column was a vehicle for roughing up past foes as a Liberal staffer and admitted his shame at using harsh words and abuse at targets from behind the craven cloak of anonmity.

  35. I always need a good laughSaturday, May 12, 2012 12:33:00 AM

    I love the way Landeryou sometimes parades his asinine blogs here.

  36. Fat cunt criminal fat Andrew Landeryou really should not be so obvious about his visits to post on this law abiding blog of truth.

    His former Crikey colleague Christian Kerr roughs him up in the Australian. And why not? Landeryou is a known liar, forger and perjurer.

    Kerrit. Landeryou remainers one of the most immobile pf dead weights.

  37. I for one think Vexnews is a great news source.

  38. I think the same as Pradeep. I know Andrew is my harshest critic, but I find his integrity very alluring.

  39. I am glad Vexnews has exposed my drug habit. I should have advised News Corp much earlier.

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