The entire world knows that Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure who sits at home in a darkened room on a stash of stolen loot guzzling KFC and bulk buy wine publishing bitter lies and distortions on his little-read Blog of Sleaze and watching television.
But there is one program he will never watch: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries on the ABC.
Why? Because the house Ms Fisher lives in in the series is Wardlow, the Parkville mansion Landeryou tried to steal.
Fat boy thought because his father had been a minister for about 45 minutes (until poor old John Cain discovered he was on the take) that he could thieve from Solly Lew. Sol had other ideas. He asked for his money back.
The perjuring Landeryou clan had already told the Federal Court in dodgy evidence they didn't owe Lew anything. Officialdom thought otherwise. Wardlow was seized and sold for a bargain basement price, the proceeds going to Lew. You can see the sign saying "Mortgagee Auction" in the photo of the big day below.
It was a massive humiliation for Landeryou and Dim. The perjurer was not seen anywhere near the auction, but given Landeryou's reputation for threatening behaviour before the bidding began auctioneer Glen Morley warned the crowd who had turned up to laugh at the fat crook and his perjuring missus getting their comeuppance that any disruption of the auction would be against the law.
The true bully he is, Landeryou was too gutless to do anything. Instead he was spotted a couple of blocks away standing around looking sorry for himself as he pretended to walk Ronnie the dog.
So that's why the fat bent bum never watches Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, but here for the law abiding and the patriotic is a picture of the one thing fat cunt didn't get away with stealing, the mansion Wardlow, as it appears in the series.
You can view more of Miss Fisher and the house Fat Boy and Dim were booted from here.
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ReplyDeleteTypical SlanderyouNew filth and lies. I hope when you go to Singapore SlanderyouNew you will be aware that entering that tiny island with drugs means the death sentence. I don't wish that on you, despite the filth your henchpersons Brutus and Gang from Barwon say they are going to do to the great man in a Carl Williams type action.
ReplyDeleteI have always found the great man to be an ethical, honest, hardworking and God-fearing man. Not so SlanderyouNew, who according to my sister Fatt won't pay his bills at the Daily Planet.
Go away Mr SlanderyouNew and stay there. Your filth has no place in a decent society.
Wow. That got under Andrew Landercaitcatt's skin. Good get, Slanderyou.
ReplyDeleteCait, if you wanted to keep the house so much why did you steal all that money from Lew and run off to Costa Rica? Cait? Cait? Are you there Cait?
ReplyDeleteIf Miss Fisher also does theft and fraud cases as well as murder she can probably track down wher Buddha Boy hid the IQ and MUSU millions.
ReplyDeleteHmnn! I enjoyed that blog Slanderyou. Hit the nail right on the head.
ReplyDeleteLanderspew is a spoiled rich kid who turned to crime. End of story!
Mr Landeryou in his weird forays onto this patriotic site has demonstrated he is capable of relative brevity (except when posting scatalogical garbage). Brevity is sadly missing from his drawn out blogs on Vexnews.
ReplyDeleteEven so, all I hear on Vexnews these days is snoring from bored visitors. Landeryou writes most of the silly fake comments about his own turgid blogs.
Over the past decade Landeryou has used the names Delia Delegate, Rita Randles, Shirley and Cait Catt. Does this article from a respected ABC journalist explain why? Has it all been an attempt to avoid getting an honest job?
ReplyDeleteDiscrimination against obese women 'a self-fulfilling prophecy'
By medical reporter Sophie Scott
Posted May 01, 2012 12:16:53
A new study has found that obese women face discrimination when applying for jobs.
Researchers from Monash University asked people in the study to view a series of resumes with a photo of the applicant.
They found obese women were more likely to face discrimination when applying for a job and more likely to be paid less than their slimmer colleagues.
The university's Dr Kerry O'Brien says discrimination against obese candidates was strong in all job selection criteria, including starting salary and leadership potential.
"If they're less likely to be in high-status jobs, it's not because they're lazy and stupid - which are some of the stereotypes - it's because we actually put them there because we discriminate against them," he said.
"We know that lower socioeconomic status is associated with greater obesity, so really it's becoming a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy with this discrimination."
Researchers also found that the more highly the participants rated their own physical attractiveness, the more likely they were to discriminate against obese candidates.
The findings have been published in the International Journal of Obesity.
Great, it seems that the blog about Wardlow has shut the fat crook up.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou has linked to this CNN story about paupers in the Philippines eating chicken from fast food chain bins. As patriots know Landeryou is the multimillionaire beneficiary of a series of blatant thefts and frauds and yet over the years there have been constant reports on this Blog of Truth and its predecessor sites of patriotism of Landeryou doing exactly the same and dumpster diving at KFCs and sitting by the fat traps of barbecue restaurants in Chinatown scooping up leftover lard with his bare hands and scoffing it.
ReplyDelete(CNN) -- Felipa Fabon waits outside a local fried chicken restaurant in Manila. Crouching near to feral cats and rubbish bins, she isn't there to meet friends for dinner but to search through the diner's trash bags.
"I'm sorting the garbage, looking for 'pagpag'," she says.
In Tagalog "pagpag" means the dust you shake off your clothing or carpet, but in Fabon's poverty- stricken world, it means chicken pulled from the trash.
Pagpag is the product of a hidden food system for the urban poor that exists on the leftovers of the city's middle class.
What we do at home is clean it, put it in plastic, and then I sell it in the morning. It's very easy to sell because it's very cheap.
Filipa Fabon, 'Pagpag' merchant
Fabon is the merchant and pays the trash dealer just over a dollar for tonight's supply of garbage and scraps.
In the dim haze of the street lights, she holds up a half-eaten chicken breast.
"This one, this is meat," she says. "Now what we do at home is clean it, put it in plastic, and then I sell it in the morning. It's very easy to sell because it's very cheap. People in my neighborhood want very cheap food."
"If it's mostly bones, it's 20 pesos ($0.05) per bag," she says.
After bagging up the chicken scraps she heads home to Tondo, a neighborhood infamous in the Philippines as one of the poorest slums in Manila.
At dawn, about six hours after Fabon first got her trash delivery, she begins to divide up the pagpag.
Fabon sniffs the chicken, which she says has a bad, sour smell. She's disappointed that she only has five bags to sell this morning that will sell out in just minutes.
They're being pushed to do this because they don't have enough money to buy the food that they should prepare.
Maria Theresa Sarmiento, Philippine Community Fund
"Pagpag!" Fabon calls out, as she walks through the slums carrying her small cart.
Morena Sumanda, a 27-year-old mother of two, is the first customer.
Sumanda lives in a shanty that sits on top of one of Manila's biggest garbage dumps. She doesn't have the 20 pesos to pay Fabon until her husband comes home that evening. For him, 20 pesos is full day's pay, says Sumanda.
Sumanda's toddler son, Nino, wails as she first washes the chicken, heats the pot and adds vegetables to the pagpag, which is mostly bones.
"Sometimes it comes from the garbage," she says, as she hands a small, half-eaten chicken wing to her son.
Sumanda, and others like her, have no other choice but to eat pagpag, says Melissa Alipalo, a social development specialist and a volunteer at the Philippine Community Fund (PCF).
"It is a private humiliation of the poor to have to eat off someone else's plate. But it's a survival mechanism for the poorest of the poor," she says.
Bullshit (also bullcrap) is a common English expletive which may be shortened to the euphemism bull or the initialism B.S. In British English, "bollocks" is a comparable expletive, although bullshit is commonly used in British English. As with many expletives, it can be used as an interjection or as many other parts of speech, and can carry a wide variety of meanings. It can be used either as a noun or as a verb. Used as an interjection, it protests the use of misleading, disingenuous, or false language. While the word is generally used in a deprecating sense, it may imply a measure of respect for language skills, or frivolity, among various other benign usages. In philosophy, Harry Frankfurt, among others, analyzed the concept of bullshit as related to but distinct from lying.
ReplyDeleteOutside of the philosophical and discursive studies, the everyday phrase bullshit conveys a measure of dissatisfaction with something or someone, but does not generally describe any role of truth in the matter.
"Bull", meaning nonsense, dates from the 17th century,[1] while the term "bullshit" has been used as early as 1915 in American slang,[2] and came into popular usage only during World War II. The word "bull" itself may have derived from the Old French boul meaning "fraud, deceit" (Oxford English Dictionary).[2] The term "horseshit" is a near synonym. Worthy of note is the South African English equivalent "bull dust". Few corresponding terms exist in other languages, with the significant exception of German Bockmist, literally "billy-goat shit".
ReplyDeleteThe earliest attestation mentioned by the Concise Oxford English Dictionary is in fact T. S. Eliot, who between 1910 and 1916 wrote an early poem to which he gave the title "The Triumph of Bullshit", written in the form of a ballade. The first stanza goes:
Ladies, on whom my attentions have waited
If you consider my merits are small
Etiolated, alembicated,
Orotund, tasteless, fantastical,
Monotonous, crotchety, constipated,
Impotent galamatias
Affected, possibly imitated,
For Christ's sake stick it up your ass.
The word bullshit does not appear in the text of the poem, though in keeping with the ballade form, the refrain "For Christ's sake stick it up your ass" appears in each following verse and concludes the envoi. Eliot did not publish this poem during his lifetime.[3]
As to earlier etymology the OED cites bull with the meaning "trivial, insincere, untruthful talk or writing, nonsense". It describes this usage as being of unknown origin, but notes the following: "OF boul, boule, bole fraud, deceit, trickery; mod. Icel bull ‘nonsense’; also ME bull BUL ‘falsehood’, and BULL verb, to befool, mock, cheat." [4]
Although as the above makes clear there is no confirmed etymological connection, it might be noted that these older meanings are synonymous with the modern expression "bull" otherwise generally considered, and intentionally used as, a contraction of "bullshit".
Outside of the academic world, among natural speakers of North American English, as an interjection or adjective, bullshit conveys general displeasure, an objection to, or points to unfairness within, some state of affairs. In this 20th century colloquial usage, "bullshit" does not give a truth score to another's discourse. It simply labels something that the speaker does not like & feels he is unable to change.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou is so completely fucking uselesss! He has finally caught up with Harry G Frankfurt's 1986 essay "On Bullshit" and started posting it here, more than a quarter of a century after it was fresh and topical, in an attempt to obscure his humiliation over his very public expulsion from the Parkville mansion Wardlow.
ReplyDeleteThere are some that would call his hate blog Poxnews "bullshit", but it is more than that. It is evil and vindictive criminal defamation (with a twist of fantasy that can only spring from a perverted and deranged mind).
Did someone mention deranged minds? I have just saved Australia from invasion by penguins from Antarctica armed with North Korean nuclear material but the only thanks I get is a straightjacket. I may have to do my very own Srebrenica in Reservoir! At least my friend and spiritual guide Andrew encourages me to take part in normal everyday human transactions by making me lick his asscrack clean after each and every of his diarrhea squits.
ReplyDeleteSasa Trajcevski-Uzunov used to live in a chicken coop at the back of Wardlow and has been both bereft and homeless since his morbidly obese master and the perjurer Kimberley Kitching were evicted from the premises after insisting only "little people" had to pay their mortgages.
ReplyDeleteThe Seargeant was offered a part share of a pigsty at the Collingwood Childrens Farm but Landeryou refused to allow him to take it, dismissing the accomodation as "hippy shit".
Mental health outreach service professionals suspect he spends much of his time amongst the tombstones of the Melbourne GeneralCemetary, subsisting on floral tributes left by the bereaved.
I'm still banned from posting anything on Vexnews the Blog where Andrew Landeryou claims that Freedom Rings!
ReplyDeleteIt does not. Vexnews is a hate site. Landeryou doesn't want to hear from critics or anyone with an opposing opinion.
Landeryou, Pyne and Abbott have one thing in common - Amnesia.
ReplyDeletePyne and Abbott are frequently libelled by Landeryou in his fake comments on Vexnews.
The Mad Monk couldn't remember meeting Archbishop Pell a coupla elections ago. Pyne is having trouble remembering details of his dealings with Ashby now.
Landeryou could never remember what happened to the IQ Corp company papers. Neither could family staffers associated with the company.
The Fat Snake's former appendage, 'trophy' wife Dim Kitchen, has an atrocious memory too!
ReplyDeleteAt the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre we lurv forgetful ladies.
Uzunov is an anti Semite
ReplyDeleteMorbidly obese criminal and failure Fat Andrew Landeryou (spouse of the perjurer Kimberley Kitching) gnaws his way through at least 78 square metres of KFC most weeks. Now news from our Commonwealth cousins in Canada indicates KFC and obesity do not contribute to political success. Please click on my name above for the link.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou's attempt to spin the HSU outrage are truly bizarre. The have been like saying "I'm innocent! My attack left only 178 dead! Kathy Jackson's left 178 dead and one with a blood nose!"
ReplyDeleteThe sooner Landy is locked up the better we will all be.
Malaysia's government-owned "New Straits Times" is a kind of print version of Vexnews. Times journalists just make things up and, like Landeryou, their grasp of English is shallow. The paper has apologised to Sen Nick Xenophon for substituting the word "Scientology" with "Islam" in reference to the senator's 2009 speech criticising scientology. The resulting Times article was religiously inflamatory:
ReplyDelete"we hereby retract all the statements contained in the article against Mr Xenophon and unreservedly and unconditionally apologise to him for any distress or embarrassment caused by the article.
"As a further mark of our contrition, we have also removed the article from our online version of the newspaper with immediate effect".
If Landeryou and Vexnews had to apologise for their vast record of deliberate falsehoods, libellous fake comments, and misleadingly deceptive electoral commentary, the fat crook would be busy for years.
It's amazing how we take the ability to shit for granted. Landeryou shouldn't, not with the insults he's been dishing out to Brutus Beefcake, Bubba and the Barwon Jail Hot Rodders for years.
ReplyDeleteI've been experimenting with anal masturbation for about the past week and last night, I was going kinda hard and pulled my dildo out and some kind of juices came out. What is it? Am I ok?
ReplyDeletemight be diarea
ReplyDeleteIt's likely from the mucous in your rectum.
That would be a mix of just juices from up there and whatever you used for lube.
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