Monday, April 30, 2012

Why Andrew Landeryou HATES Miss Phryne Fisher

The entire world knows that Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure who sits at home in a darkened room on a stash of stolen loot guzzling KFC and bulk buy wine publishing bitter lies and distortions on his little-read Blog of Sleaze and watching television.

But there is one program he will never watch: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries on the ABC.

Why? Because the house Ms Fisher lives in in the series is Wardlow, the Parkville mansion Landeryou tried to steal.

Fat boy thought because his father had been a minister for about 45 minutes (until poor old John Cain discovered he was on the take) that he could thieve from Solly Lew. Sol had other ideas. He asked for his money back.

The perjuring Landeryou clan had already told the Federal Court in dodgy evidence they didn't owe Lew anything. Officialdom thought otherwise. Wardlow was seized and sold for a bargain basement price, the proceeds going to Lew. You can see the sign saying "Mortgagee Auction" in the photo of the big day below.

It was a massive humiliation for Landeryou and Dim. The perjurer was not seen anywhere near the auction, but given Landeryou's reputation for threatening behaviour before the bidding began auctioneer Glen Morley warned the crowd who had turned up to laugh at the fat crook and his perjuring missus getting their comeuppance that any disruption of the auction would be against the law.

The true bully he is, Landeryou was too gutless to do anything. Instead he was spotted a couple of blocks away standing around looking sorry for himself as he pretended to walk Ronnie the dog.

So that's why the fat bent bum never watches Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, but here for the law abiding and the patriotic is a picture of the one thing fat cunt didn't get away with stealing, the mansion Wardlow, as it appears in the series.

You can view more of Miss Fisher and the house Fat Boy and Dim were booted from here.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mal Brough sues: will Andrew Landeryou be next?

"Former Howard government minister Mal Brough is suing a Sunshine Coast mayoral candidate who accused him of trying to interfere in the outcome of Saturday's election," The Australian reports.

Sleaze merchant Andrew Landeryou has been featuring a stolen and heavily embroided story on his ugly blog all day. Will Brough sue him too? We can only hope so patriots!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fat crim Andrew Landeryou in double Anzac shame

Morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou has doubly shamed this most holy of days and the memories of those who made the supreme sacrifice.

The drunken criminal bum was raised from a stupor on the floor of the Fat Cave by a bugle blowing the last post at a nearby dawn service. Infuriated, Landeryou called the police, his council and corrupt VCAT officials appointed by Labor demanding immediate action under noise pollution laws.

The previous evening Landeryou had instructed his mentally retarded gimp "Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov to attend as many dawn services as possible and steel food and alcohol from the breakfasts that followed.

Uzunov, who spent two and a bit days as the boy in the Defence Careers Centre under a public service "employ a spazmo" scheme before filing a claim for post-traumatic stress, believes he is a military man.

Faithful to his master's command he dressed in a uniform of mismatching army surplus store boots and camo. He placed an Alfoil covered colander on his head and several rows of Loyal Order of Oddfellows medals on his chest, them wrapped himself from head to toe in camo netting.

He arrived at the first dawn service and attempted to steal the sausage sizzle while claiming to be a veteran of the 1885 Australian contingent to the Soudan. Old diggers beat him unconscious with their walking sticks.

This was repeated several times at several services.

When the Sarge arrived back home empty-handed, an infuriated Landeryou locked him in Ronnie the dog's kennel.

Lest we forget: Andrew Landeryou is a thief and fraudster and serial defamer and his fat and ugly wife Kimberley Kitching is a perjurer.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning we shall remember this.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Andrew Landeryou: a lying liar who lies

Morbidly obese thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou came late to the Peter Slipper party last weekend, but when he did he claimed to have broken the latest allegations back in 2010. That is very interesting, as the man behind them, James Ashby, did not join Slipper's staff until late last year.

Landeryou is even fuller of shit now than he will be full of Hot Rodder cock when he goes to jail (and that, Patriots, is saying something).

What things would look like when Andy goes to jail if he weighed 460 kilos less.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Amazing true facts about Andrew Landeryou and family as revealed by the law abiding and patriotic: Part II

Not content with pimping out his wife to raise funds for illicit activities Big Bent Bill Landeryou prostituted young Andrew to paedophiles.

He bought his son's silence with KFC, creating the intense psychosexual relationship the sleazy blogger has with the fatty food.

Such was the frequency with which young Andrew was prostituted out and given KFC that he became morbidly obese at an early age. As he became fatter and fatter, he could only be pimped out to the most perverse of paedophiles.

"Andrew Landeryou was subjected to the grossest and most bizarre abuse imaginable," Bravehearts founder Hetty Johnston told Slanderyou New. "No wonder he is one of the grossest and most bizarre people in this land. It is a tragic case."

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Unprecedented sleaze and perversion from fat crim Andrew Landeryou

Citizens! We bring you a break from the series "Amazing true facts about Andrew Landeryou and family as revealed by the law abiding and patriotic" to alert those with families or of a delicate disposition to a series of perverse pornographic pictures of himself the fat man posted on his Blog of True Sleaze last night while in his cups.

Bells rang in Interpol and child protection services and across security agencies globally when a series of explicit images appeared on Vexnews at 7:30 am on Saturday morning Victorian time, the time Landeryou is most in his cups.

It appears that Landeryou paid a top erotic photographer to show him in er... all his glory out of his deranged and deluded vanity.

The pictures were taken down within minutes of the law officers' strike but we here at Slanderyou new managed to grab screen caps of them all.

Here is the least offensive of them all. In all the rest fat Andrew in being rimmed by either the Sarge or Ronnie the dog. Look closely in the background and one can see Kim Kitching reciting perjuries.



The site was scrubbed clean within hours of this gross perversion being posted.

Canberra sources say that Stephen Conroy, who has long been blackmailed by Landeryou into doing his will, made his senior public servants come in and work Saturday to cover his former donor's perverse tracks.

Quizzed about the outrage perjurer Kimberly Kitching said "Andrew loves stamp collecting. That's his hobby. He works full time nowadays teaching macrame to thalidomide babies. And my name isn't Kimberly by the way. I am called Queen Zorg of the Seventeenth Quadrant, or Milly Molly Mandy for short."

The question however remains. How long can Landeryou and his criminal protectors remain at large? Particularly when Ed Dale hyper tagged his perverted post to guarantee it appealed most to children under five.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Amazing true facts about Andrew Landeryou and family as revealed by the law abiding and patriotic: Part I

Morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou's corrupt and loathsome father Big Bent Bill Landeryou forced his wife into prostitution to fund his illegal and immoral branch stacking activities.

Big Bent Bill also forced his wife to engage  in sex with his cronies for which he did not charge as a reward for their services and loyalty.

One of these was his fellow corrupt figure from the Right, George Seitz. Seitz sired Andrew as a result of a squalid liaison with the poor Mrs Landeryou.

Seitz is hypersexualised and has been obsessed with sex with prostitutes all his life. A forced liaison he had with a drug addicted and addled Aboriginal street worker from St Kilda resulted in the birth of another character in these amazing true stories about the Landeryou clan: Brutus Beefcake.

Coming soon to Slanderyou New - more amazing patriotic revelations on this squalid man and his squalid clan

Friday, April 6, 2012

How fat failure Andrew Landeryou failed forgery 101

Fat failure Andrew Landeryou has been talking about forgery on his little read phishing site Poxnews this week.

It really is a subject he should pay more attention to.

The fat thief and fraudster, you see, forged his brother in law's name on company documents but got the spelling of his name wrong.
