Monday, April 23, 2012

Andrew Landeryou: a lying liar who lies

Morbidly obese thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou came late to the Peter Slipper party last weekend, but when he did he claimed to have broken the latest allegations back in 2010. That is very interesting, as the man behind them, James Ashby, did not join Slipper's staff until late last year.

Landeryou is even fuller of shit now than he will be full of Hot Rodder cock when he goes to jail (and that, Patriots, is saying something).

What things would look like when Andy goes to jail if he weighed 460 kilos less.


  1. That illustration is disgusting Slanderyou but Andrew Landeryou and his hate blog Vexnews are even more offensive.

  2. He looks like the lad Sir Les befriended at his 'Boys Camp'.

  3. Pump me a lot harder Boys!

    I'm feeling a bit deflated!

  4. National embarrassment Nicola Rockhead is on ABC Lateline boasting about being first law officer and making lame excuses for Slipper.

    As a law clerk, Nicola was a solid dud.

    Things haven't improved much. As Attorney, she is the pits!

  5. I see that moral leper Landeryou was here again as "Anonymous" at 03:47 AM, making another criminal libel about much-loved frontline social worker Les Twentyman OAM and former Victorian of the Year.

    Landeryou has contributed NOTHING towards the betterment of his fellow man. He is a thief, fraud, stalker, forger, censor, stand-over man, and internet libeller.

    He comes to this site to cause mischief and exhibit his vast knowledge of scatology.

    I was blocked from making a comment on Vexnews an hour ago. Where is the freedom of speech Landeryou proclaims?

    What a useless shonk.

  6. HaHaHaHa! Just went to Vexnews! Landeryou's Slipper rant was more than a day late. It is guff and full of lies and factual errors.

    As usual, Landeryou has totally misread what voters and taxpayers are thinking.

    Slipper is toxic and beyond repair. No one ever wants to see him again.

  7. I can't remember any election platforms in Victoria in recent years mentioning planned population growth in the millions.

    Where is planning minister Matthew Guy's mandate to increase the population by two million?

    Victoria is already packed to the rafters.

    The Bailleau government couldn't run a school tuck shop, let alone an overcrowded, increasingly unpleasant, overtaxed hell. These shonks think Victoria is there for their plucking.

  8. That 3.47 comment by Andrew "Anonymous" Landeryou is below contempt. Les Twentyman has spent his life fighting for the disadvantaged. Landeryou has spent his filling his wallet and his gut while paying total disregard to the law.

  9. Before Landeryou can claim it as an exclusive, let the record show that this is turning up on the "Breaking News" sections of the news websites at 5.20 Eastern time. How long will it be before the fat crook puts something in his site?

    Lew loses suppression application

    Billionaire businessman Solomon Lew has lost an application to suppress media reporting of a multi-million dollar family trust stoush.

    A barrister for Mr Lew argued it was necessary to suppress reporting of the case to protect Mr Lew's grandchildren from schoolyard gossip and harassment.

    But in rejecting Mr Lew's application on Tuesday, Justice Jennifer Davies said concern that the proceeding would have a detrimental emotional effect on Mr Lew's grandchildren was not supported by probative evidence.

    ``The concern to that effect expressed by Mr and Mrs Lew and the Lew children is an insufficient basis upon which the court can reasonably reach the conclusion that it is necessary to make an order restricting publication,'' she said.

    ``Mere belief that the order is necessary is insufficient.''

    Mr Lew was ordered to pay the media's costs.

  10. SlanderyouNew's underage fuck buddyTuesday, April 24, 2012 10:33:00 PM

    Why does my butt smell like fish?

    Only in the last 3 months. I'm a healthy 17 year old male.

  11. James.

    If you only shower. Then the "yellow butter" in the inside of your butt checks is not going away. You need to take a bath regularly and use soap in the inside of you and on your anus. Use a separate washcloth.
    If you are a hairy person down there, I think you already know the answer.
    After the dry method, I use Cottonelle moist wipes and that gets alot of the extra stuff off.
    Also it may be what you eat.
    As we work throughout the day and when we sleep our body produces odor and bateria. Hygene is very important to our body and to our health.
    I get in the mood not too shave and not take a bath for one day but it is rare.

  12. Digestive problems. You can have a problem before you know it. Your body would let you know. If you are letting out a smell that isn't normal then your body is telling you something is wrong with you. This is a problem that needs to be taken care of. Tell your parents. Because you think your healthy doesn't always mean you are. Because you can have cancer and not show any signs for years!

  13. Les Twentyman is nothing more than a obese publicity seeking piss pot. He claims concern and empathy for struggling people but he only uses their suffering to gain self promotion and publicity which gives him some sort of perverse thrill. Les has contributed very little and never gets his hands dirty unless a mike or camera are present

  14. I'd much rather have a beer with Les than LanderyouWednesday, April 25, 2012 1:41:00 AM

    Andrew 'Anonymous' Landeryou continually makes the most disgusting, defamatory claims about Les Twentyman, but never offers one word of proof. He hates Les, that's obvious. He stalked him and photographed his home. The Twentymans got an AVO but Landeryou is back at it again.

    Somewhere in Victoria, there must be a magistrate who will call fat Andy's bluff and jail the hate-filled madman.
