"Former Howard government minister Mal Brough is suing a Sunshine Coast mayoral candidate who accused him of trying to interfere in the outcome of Saturday's election," The Australian reports.
Sleaze merchant Andrew Landeryou has been featuring a stolen and heavily embroided story on his ugly blog all day. Will Brough sue him too? We can only hope so patriots!
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Brough and Bruce Hawker should team up and lead a bipartisan class action against Landeryou. Patriotic and civic minded people from around the land would queue to join them.
ReplyDeleteThe great man WILL sue. SlanderyouNew would be a certainty for legal action, except for the fact that he is broke. Would be pointless. The Daily Planet, according to my sister who works there, is unable to sue SlanderyouNew for the money he owes for his last "quickie" because he is an undischarged bankrupt. Andrew would love to sue SlanderyouNew for the vile commo material he writes on this blog. All defamatory of the great man.
ReplyDeleteSlanderyouNew be warned. In Singapore they have the death penalty for drug running. Don't take your filthy drugs there, or you may not come out alive.
I see that Sophie Mirabella is on ABC QandA next week and Andrew Landeryou is not. Sophie was the whistleblower who first exposed Andrew's criminal proclivities as President of the Melbourne University Student Union which he bankrupted.
ReplyDeleteSophie went on to become a respected Federal MHR.
Landeryou runs a badly researched, poorly written, nazi hate blog that libels worthy Australians. He 'borrows' stories from real media sources and steals their images.
Landeryou's skull bulges and is so over-stuffed with arseholes that there is no room for a brain. This is why the deluded madman creates fake personas like 'Cait Catt' and a hundred others to continue his fake comment campaigns on Vexnews and around the internet.
ReplyDeleteHe is a tiresome serial pest with a serious criminal past of fraud (ask Solomon Lew), stalking (ask Les Twentyman and others) and criminal libels against politicians, councillors and ordinary Australians (far too many to mention).
Hmnn. Gotta checkout the list of discharged bankrupts to see whether Andrew can sue and be sued yet.
Insiders think Landeryou is sitting on salted-away millions while pretending to be broke. I think he is doing a Jack Paccholi and intends to live out his worthless existence as stalker and defamer.
I hope he will burn in hell.
Proof that government watchdog ACMA has been doing a rotten job is evidenced by hate website Vexnews still being on the internet.
ReplyDeleteThe Age says: "The ACMA, which has an annual budget of $111 million and employs 580 staff, already regulates telecommunications, TV and radio broadcasters and content on the internet. It has been lobbying for mid-tier powers that sit between taking media outlets to court for licence infringements and issuing them with a warning. The media regulator has been labelled toothless for its perceived failure to bring to book radio personalities such as Kyle Sandilands and Alan Jones".
Communications Minster Senator Conroy is a former mate of fat crook and media muddler Andrew Landeryou. Maybe that explains it?
The reputable journalists of the ABC report:
ReplyDeleteVictoria Police has seized a record haul of cash, during an investigation into organised crime.
Police have seized more than $3.7 million in cash in a series of raids.
Does this mean they have recovered some of the money Andrew and Dimberley stole from Solly Lew?
Will Landeryou balme his evil blog of sleaze on KFC when he finally appears in court? Patriots read on:
ReplyDeleteCourt tips a bucket on KFC: $8m payout to girl paralysed by poison chicken
April 27, 2012 4:47PM
Family wins payout after four-week trial
Judge orders food giant to pay $8 million plus costs
FAST food giant KFC has been told to pay $8 million to the parents of a girl who say she was left paralysed and brain damaged after eating a chicken Twister.
Monika Samaan, then aged 7, became seriously ill with salmonella poisoning after eating at the Villawood KFC in 2005.
Last Friday her family won their compensation bid against KFC in the New South Wales Supreme Court and today Justice Stephen Rothman ordered KFC to pay $8 million plus legal costs.
KFC denied it was responsible for the poisoning and says it will appeal the decision.
In a statement the restaurant said the case was clearly tragic but they were "deeply disappointed and surprised" by Judge Rothman's decision.
"We believe the evidence showed KFC did not cause this tragedy and, after reviewing the judgment and seeking further advice from our lawyers, we have decided to appeal Justice Rothman's decision," KFC Australia's chief corporate affairs officer Sally Glover said.
Samaan was in a coma for six months and was left with spastic quadriplegia with severe brain damage after falling ill.
During the trial her father told the court that he and his wife and son also required hospitalisation after sharing her Twister.
The family’s lawyer George Vlahakis said the costs of caring for the severely disabled girl had already exhausted "the limited resources of the family".
He said they were relieved the court battle was over but distressed by the announcement of an appeal.
"Monika's severe brain damage and severe disability has already exhausted the very limited resources of the family," he said.
"Monika is now a big girl and they are finding it increasingly difficult to lift her and to look after her basic needs as well as look after Monika's younger siblings.
"The compensation ordered is very much needed.
"KFC have to date been determined that Monika does not receive a cent."
Lawyer for KFC, Ian Barker, QC, said during the trial the family could not prove it had eaten the twister as there was no sales date to back up their claim, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.
“You did not tell anyone at the hospital, when you were there between October 27 and 29, that you had shared a KFC Twister that Monday," Mr Barker said in court in July 2010.
The court had previously heard that on the evening she ate the Twister, Monika complained she couldn't finish, so she shared it with her elder brother and parents.
Her grandmother who was also in the house chose not to have any. The next morning the four who had eaten the Twister felt ill with vomiting and diarrhoea.
The next day Monika collapsed and all four were rushed to Westmead and Fairfield hospitals.
Experts at Westmead Hospital found Monika, her parents and older brother had a common strain of salmonella in their stools, although Monika's case was very rare.
I Foraneye is defaming three great people. I Foraneye should be in jail in Singapore on drug charges. There they execute people who behave incorrectly. If Brutus Beefcake and the Hot Rodding Men were inmates of Changi jail in Singapore or whatever it is now called they would face execution, the Singapore penalty for rape. Singapore law doesn't recognise homosexual rape differently from heterosexual rape. Both face the death penalty. Rightly so too.
ReplyDeleteOur laws in this country are too soft on criminals like Brutus Beefcake and the Hot Rodders. Send them to Singapore to be executed.
Singapore doesn't like commos either. SlanderyouNew better not go there. Also the brothels there have been warned about his non payment of brothel debts in Melbourne, specifically at the Daily Planet after a "special." It wasn't my sister who gave it to him. She has better taste.
My god I've got a smelly arse today
ReplyDeleteWas out on the lash last night - beer doesnt half make me fart like F***. Smells really thick and strong too.
I pissed my bed aswell.
Slanderyounew, even for you that is gross
ReplyDeleteI'm so full of wind, I look like I'm about to give birth (to a monster of a dump, no doubt).
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you shared that with us. Please keep us posted on the birth of your dump. Have you come up with a name for it yet?
ReplyDeleteAndrew Cait Landeryou, your repeated rape and brutalisation in prison will be a civics lecture like none under. I intend to make all Vicotorian students aged 10 and over watch the CCTV videos on Brutus and the lads at work.
ReplyDeleteI killed Carl Williams with a bike seat. Now I am going to rape Andrew Landeryou with the same.
ReplyDeleteI will rape all the corrupt Labor politicians who are jailed with him with the bike seat too, bash and rape them; Bill Shorten, Steve Conroy, Steve Bracks, John Brumby, Justin Madden, Theo "The Rapist' Theophanous, George Sietz, Bill Landeryou, Michael Danby, David Feeney, Steve Newnham, female impersonator Kimberley Kitching, interntet spiv Ed Dale and retard Sasha Uzunov and a whole range more.
I will bash them with the bike seat and shove it in and out and in and out of their arses until they are turned inside out into a bloody mess on the floor of the Acacia Wing of Barown. Then I will masturbate on the mess while they die of internal injuries, shock and blood loss. Any screws who interrupt will be killed.
Everyone will say Carl got off lightly. They will be right.
I hear that Peter Slipper has noticed the fun available in southern climes and has asked his solicitors if in a worse case scenario he could be jailed in Barwon with the Hot Rodders too. He adds that as a priest he will be able to give spiritual guidance to Brutus, Bubba and the lads and hear their confessions, no doubt with hand on the bible and another on his dick.
ReplyDeleteDisassociating myself from nearly all the above comments, I still wonder why ACMA with 580 staff still hasn't been able to get rid of vile nazi hate site VEXNEWS and its mad 'editor in chief', well-known crook and internet defamer Andrew Landeryou.
ReplyDeleteMany, but not all, public servants are lazy timewasters.
But my suspicion is that Sen Conjob ordered that ACMA employ blind people to investigate the endless hate libels on Vexnews.
In future Peter Slipper should travel around in a tumbril. Like a previous Petriot said, noone wants to see him ever again.
ReplyDeleteThe whole episode has been an absolute disgrace. Federal parliament and its looney pollies are a laughing stock.
Creepy Attorney Nicola, Juliar and Albinese have publicly supported Pete.
This made my flesh crawl.
My sister’s mother-in-law is a bit of a wag, and famous for her impromptu fart-lighting displays. One Christmas eve, she decided to amuse her guests with a Bic-lighter ignited gas display in the living room, bending over and clicking the lighter. The show was a prolonged one, and a fine jet-flame was enjoyed by all. Unfortunately, though, she forgot she had her panty hose on. Immediately after her performance a look of pain and surprise came over her face: the synthetic material of the panty-hose had been more or less welded to her sphincter by the heat of the fart. She ended up in our local hospital emergency room, where her explanation for the unusual injury (it needed tweezers etc to pry off the melted material) had the doctors and nurses in stitches
ReplyDeleteSome time ago, my wife had this bird - a Nanday Conure - that just WOULD NOT shut up... all day long, balk! balk! balk! Not only that, but this bird would lunge at anyone passing by the cage, except for her. So one day, when the cage happened to be on the floor, I was walking by the cage when the bird lunged at me, bashing its head on the bars and squawking raucously. I mean, this thing was REALLY loud. I had been having some wicked gas, so I turned around, squatted and let one rip! The bird began emitting this odd noise and bobbing its head, and of course my wife was mortified... but she had to laugh.
ReplyDeleteSeveral years later, I had just gotten my dog back after she had been living at my mother's house for about a year (long story). Of course, she didn't want to leave my side for even a second, and was following me everywhere, even the bathroom. I tried to keep her out, but she would have none of that. Being on the verge of desperation, I finally relented and let her follow me in. As I sat and began my business, an odor wafted up that seemed to emanate from the very pits of hell itself. My own eyes were watering, and I could swear the wallpaper had begun peeling. I mean, it smelt as if I'd been drinking turpentine. My dog looked up at me, and began whining, and ACTUALLY COVERED HER NOSE WITH HER PAWS!!! I had to laugh - I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... of course, all I could say was, "Well, I tried to warn you..."
In 1999 I was at a technical facility in Talladega Alabama living in the dormitory. I was there to learn technology for the blind so I could go and get a job in the future. Anyways, the walls in my room were as thin as paper it seemed! While laying in my bed getting ready to sleep, I let out a monstrous loud ‘wamp’. A fellow in the room 3 doors down from me goes, "Good god! What was that?” I was so embarrassed!
ReplyDeleteStanding in the shop with my Nan, looking at the ornaments when all of a sudden I heard a thunder clap. I looked about, shocked, noticing other shoppers were confused as well, so I walked up to my Nan and said, “Did you hear that?”. She replied matter-of-factly “Of course I did I only trumped”. Needless to say no-one entered that isle for a while...hehehe.
ReplyDeleteGo Nan!
Back when I was 12 (now 15) my dad took me to a Dairy Queen, we both had large Oreo Blizzards (as you can probubly tell; that much dairy doesn't agree with me very well). So we were talking, about something funny, if i can recall we were making fun of this one teacher that I had who had a unibrow noticable from at least 20 feet away (poor woman) - - but anyways so I laughed so hard at one of his comments (I usually put my head down and laugh quietly for along time) and then I farted so strongly that it rumbled off the plastic bench I was sitting on and amplified very loudly, but not distorted, you could clearly tell that someone farted.
ReplyDeleteSo then I looked at him then around and saw other people previously enjoying their ice creams looking around confused and in shock saying "What was that?" and "Oh my God, did somebody drop something?" (it could have been mistaken for a loud bang). So of course I started laughing even harder which led to another enormous fart blasting through the little building.
My dad was still laughing but he was nice enough to salvage what dignity I had left so he motioned for me to get up and leave with him. When we were speed walking away accross the parking lot trying to keep a low profile I looked back and saw one woman pointing her finger at us with a big grin on her face while sitting with other people that were there. By the way I'm a girl (not trying to be sexist) but it made things a little more akward
During my pre-teen years, my cousin and I were very much like brothers. We made it almost a weekly habit of stays at his place, where his father (the master of flatus, which is a completely different can of --very dead-worms) was notorious for barbequeing the sort of sausages that I'm quite certain are intended to make an absolute wreak of your digestive system.
ReplyDeleteIt was a while ago, when the original Ghost Recon (for Xbox) game was still in its demo stage, and my cousin and I would play hours on that one deathmatch map. Long story short, my ability to manipulate a game console for a first-person shooter left a lot to be desired. After many a frag, I began to feel the stress get to me. And so it was that for every time he killed me, it would be bottled up just enough for me to unleash a very hideous flatus in his face (I would furtively stand up and position myself) which would stick to the same pocket of air until it dissipated slowly, as the air circulation was very poor.
Eventually it got to be so terrible, we were both forced to take up the only corner of the room that was close enough to use the console... but this still did not mend my flatulence, nor did it improve my aim. So although my score didn't exactly provoke very much pride, my apt retaliation for his wanton slaying of my little army guy was very, very much worth it.
Kimberley Kitching once fancied herself a potential lord mayor of Melbourne. But six months later the flashy former city councillor, who cruised around Melbourne's inner suburbs in a $92,000 series 5 BMW, is bankrupt.
ReplyDeleteBy her own calculations, Ms Kitching owes about $42,000 on that car. A statement of her affairs shows that she, or someone else, has been parking it wherever they like. Ms Kitching owes more than $6600 in parking fines - many to the Melbourne City Council. She says many of the fines were not incurred by her.
That is only part of the picture - all up her debts are $3.8 million.
Ms Kitching, 35, filed for bankruptcy on Friday after failing to dissuade retail tycoon Solomon Lew from pursuing a debt for $3 million arising from her husband's dealings with him.
Her husband, Andrew Landeryou, fled overseas in December just days before he was due in court to explain his role in the collapse of the Melbourne University Student Union. He allegedly moved $1 million out of Australia before fleeing. A warrant has been issued for his arrest.
Yesterday Ms Kitching lost possession of her two-storey $1.8 million Parkville mansion when the Victorian Supreme Court ordered that Mr Lew could take control of it to partly recoup his debt. After selling the property to repay $608,000 to the Bank of Adelaide, Mr Lew's companies will take the balance and Ms Kitching will have nothing.
AdvertisementMs Kitching's bankruptcy documents show she owes about $3.8 million, but has no income and almost no assets. She claimed to have just $60 in three bank accounts and about $20,000 of furniture. It appears her living expenses were funded by her father, William, who is owed more than $35,700.
The Parkville house was bought for $1.175 million in 2001, and Ms Kitching estimated it might fetch $1.8 million now.
She also owes about $26,800 to Telstra for broadband and mobile phone services, $16,167 on a credit card, about $30,000 to law firm Baker & McKenzie, and $3608 in council rates.
Now Ms Kitching's father-in-law, the former ALP powerbroker and one-time state minister Bill Landeryou, may also be bankrupted because, along with Andrew, he guaranteed Ms Kitching would pay.
Ms Kitching said she had not seen her husband since December 6. "I have no indication of his whereabouts or whether he intends to return."
So the Labor Unity dominated Administrative Committee of the ALP has decided to go against the wishes of the locals and have a free for all in the upcoming Melbourne City Council elections. This means that Kimberley Kitching can run. Local ALP branches are horrified at the thought of Kimberley being back on council as are local business. Kimberley will certainly see the wrath of local branches when she does run or shock horror, gets back on council — this will be fun!
ReplyDeleteIs Landeryou/Cait/Etc posting all the garbage about shit, piss, farting, BO etc on this law abiding and patriotic site as a way of saying he is a criminal whose career and the protection he has received from corrupt members of the ALP absolutely REEKS!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIs Dimberley really running for Lord Mayor of Melbourne? If she is, the candidates' forums are going to be fascinating. The questions about where she actually lives, the old parking fines, the theft, fraud and perjury, her real gender and support for her morbidly obese and criminal husband the fat man are enough to keep Carville and Stephanopoulos tied up for years.
ReplyDeleteLanderyou's mad hate crusade on Vexnews against the CEO at Casey for so-called sexual harrassment of a staffer has sunk into oblivion without a trace. Insiders at Casey say the CEO and Mayor Aziz are ropable about Landeryou's outrageous defamations over a week. An SC advised against action because the madman is broke.
ReplyDeleteI say that Landeryou is loaded.
Check out this on SlanderyouNew http://www.redtube.com/10147
ReplyDeleteBrother Abbott oh what a joyous morning we have shared today, delivering the Lord's message to those eager lads from St Chesters choir.
ReplyDeleteThe public servants at ACMA, the indolent internet government watchdog, obviously are abject failures. Andrew Landeryou's disgusting blasphemies against Pell and libels against Abbott are not free speech. They are deliberate, malevolent defamations.
ReplyDeleteThe jailing of Landeryou is long overdue.
A massive front-page scandal about Vexnews is looming.
ReplyDeleteThe site has been hacked. Several megabytes of Landeryou's fake comments all over the net have been downloaded. This is very nasty stuff. Among other things, it reveals the identity of Landeryou's informants (yes, there are some).
Patriots, patience is needed. The fat crim has been very active over many years. Stupidly he ignored advice to mince his hard-drive.
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