Friday, June 24, 2011

The law moves on Landeryou?

Web-browers who stumble onto fat criminal Andrew Landeryou's blog of blatant lies, outrageous defamations, vindictive retribution for imagined slights and deeply disturbed fantasy, Poxnews*, will find nothing but a request for a user name and password.

Landeryou's arrest: how it will look

Has the law finally moved against the fat man, now that Simon Overland is gone?

Has the Baillieu government resisted his efforts at bribery and blackmail and acted?

Has legal action by Alan "Howe Great Thou Art" Howe shut Poxnews down?

Has Landeryou gone bankrupt again and had the plug pulled on him by his ISP, hosting service or whoever?

Should we not worry and just be celebrating, even if Poxnews is only gone for a couple of hours?

* All law abiding members of the citizenry should take extreme caution when visiting the Poxnews site as they will find Landeryou's spybots and malware will empty their online bank and share trading accounts within seconds and steal their identities.


  1. A brilliant series of incisive questions, Slanderyou!

    Vexnews still redirects me (as a commenter not favoured by editor-in-chief Adolf Landeryou) to a nether world, a creepy sub-site version of vexnews.

    It is censorship - plain and simple.

  2. The Internet is buggaredFriday, June 24, 2011 11:56:00 PM

    Dunce Lib shadow immigration minister, and Howard era remnant, Scott Morrison will be comprehensively 'Mahathired' in Malaysia. Their politicians are far smarter than ours. Poor old Scotty will come back with his tail between his legs.

    Our pollies keep on coming up with daft 'solutions' to problems they created. And they are protected by indemnities.

    Steve Conroy's arse is similarly indemnified when the NBN Titanic sinks beneath the waves. The internet is shot so full of security holes it cannot possibly survive. Cybercriminals are lieusurely working through banks and paysites gathering identity info, passwords, and your dollars.

    Watch out when Banks start to close down their internet access.

  3. The Looming Cybercrime CrashSaturday, June 25, 2011 12:06:00 AM

    Like cyber-weasel Landeryou, the cybercrooks have only just begun.

    They have unferred access to ALL your dollars wherever they may be.

    My Super got stolen during the GFC because its 'managers' forgot to warn me to turn from shares to cash. Wise people would now convert their assets to cash and hide it under their matresses.

  4. What would Cait Catt say about thisSaturday, June 25, 2011 12:52:00 AM

    Landeryou had some mates well equipped enough to profit from cybercrime. I'm not saying they have done so, or intend to, but they have the capability and, in the past, the inclination.

    The AFP, if they are not too busy checking on porn addicts, should keep a keen eye on the internet activities of Landeryou's crooked former buddies.

  5. The Ghost of Dean McVeighSaturday, June 25, 2011 1:05:00 AM

    Not to put too fine a point on it, I would suggest that the AFP monitors Landeryou's computer too. He may be using it for nefarious purposes too.

  6. Andrew always has demonstrated that he dearly loves other people's dollars. Nowadays, he is just a dull-witted, illiterate blogger. He deserves the benefit of the doubt, but methinks he would like another crack at the bigtime millions.

  7. Revenge at last by the People against Cait CattSunday, June 26, 2011 10:22:00 AM

    I just tried to look at, hailed by Catt Catt as Australia's premier news site, and the news source of choice of both ASIO and the CIA,as well as the ghost of Dean Royston McVey up in the clouds.

    All I got was the message "Error in establishing database connection."

    What is the matter with Vexnews? Has Brutus and his gang from Barwon taken over the Vexnews ISP?

  8. Revenge is sweet Ms CattSunday, June 26, 2011 10:25:00 AM

    I've just looked at it again, and no doubt all of Cait's enemies are doing the same. It reads:

    Error establishing a database connection

    Please Brutus please explain, to quote our beloved Pauline form Ipswich Fish and Chippery plc (I'm a Pom and that's what we call a company).

  9. I will take over the "back end" of Landeryou's operations when he arrives at Barwon Jail. Me and my hot rodding men have a lot to do there.

  10. Vexnews is back, but it hasn't been updated. Brutus still needs to explain why he took it down, and why he wasn't able to keep it down. I heard this afternoon at a National Party function that Brutus better not get up Cait Catt's back end. Romour has it she has some sort of disease she got in France.

  11. Bad proof reading. It's rumour not romour. Sorry fans.

  12. The lazy fat nazi fraudster and stalker is getting done slowMonday, June 27, 2011 11:52:00 PM

    There were multiple errors trying to comment on the Vexnews blog of hate tonight - a server failure was the first.

    Landeryou's efforts at censorship against comments he doesn't like have got him into a big tangle.

  13. Vexnews is getting 'help' from some hacker pals of mine. They have taken an immense dislike to Landeryou and will gradually make Vexnews vanish into the void.

  14. Another massive betrayal of DiggersTuesday, June 28, 2011 12:47:00 PM

    It's the sort of thing Vexnews would do:

    The Age says 'AUSTRALIAN special forces soldiers fighting in Afghanistan could shun counselling after the psychological records of two commandos cleared over the deaths of civilians were taken by Defence prosecutors for use as evidence against them'.

    The nutty female military prosecutor announced last week that she would not lay further charges, bringing the case to a close.

    She should be sacked forthwith and charged with stabbing Aussie soldiers in the back by using their PRIVATE records against them. Poor show!

  15. Our daft PM just can't get it through her thick head that no sentient person wants a another tax.

    Andrew has a similar problem. He doesn't understand why people hate him for publishing lies on Vexnews.

  16. Landy's infection cookiesTuesday, June 28, 2011 4:29:00 PM

    Vexnews's malware cookies run various nasty scripts, but this is basically what they are looking at:

    1. websitez_mobile_detector which records the comment author's name and IP details etc.

    2. A Google cookie that examines how you came to Vexnews.

    3. A cookie that analyses what you looked at and clicked on Vexnews.

  17. Landeryou's cookies are like the old lady who complained to police about a neighbour sunbathing nude in his backyard.

    "I had to stand on three phone books on top of a table to see the disgusting pervert", she said.

  18. Emeritus Professor Chris KlondikeThursday, June 30, 2011 1:03:00 AM

    The new atate Lib Victorian member who monstered a female ALP staff member handing out pamphlets at Parliament Station is in need of re-education. The loon even imagined he as a parliamentarian had police powers to question her.

    I am able to offer the Bailleau government intensive courses for all politicians in what government is all about. I start with the Greek philosophers, the British political trailblazers of the 19th century, and what Australians expect today.

    My ten simple commandments are:

    1. Represent your electorate. That is what you are there for.
    2. Discover what 'Malfeasance' means. It applies to you.
    3. Don't sell off public assets to your mates.
    4. End your betrayal of the mentally ill.
    5. Stop supporting shonky corporate crims.
    6. Don't deregulate the financial crooks. Even their mothers (wisely) don't trust them.
    7. Jail the vile cowboys who prey on gamblers.
    8. Stop screwing taxpayers with new levies.
    9. Learn to work with opponents to better the lives of all Victorians.
    10. Discover how to be a human that doesn't lie all the time.

  19. Our goal is to rip you offThursday, June 30, 2011 1:15:00 AM

    The laughable Coles 'Downtown' TV advert intentionally misleads. Everyone who shops at Supermarkets know they are being comprehensively shafted and ripped-off. Fat actors waving red hands about just don't cut it. They and the weird UK CEOs and managers imported to drive up business should all be in jail. They may be allowed to get away with crooked advertising in the UK, but they need a lesson in morality and ethics here.

  20. Censorship isn't always abominable. On occasions is may be necessary--but not on a lowly blog like Vexnews which proclaims 'Let Freedom Ring'.

    Landeryou is the first to squeal when he thinks his rights to free speech are endangered. But he continually censors, bans and blocks commenters he doesn't like. This isn't new. It has been going on for years.

    So mad and obtuse has Landeryou become that he has contrived a Vexnews quarantine site specifically to deter comments he doesn't want. This is hardly freedom of speech. It is suppression of anything resembling criticism.

    It is the sort of thing a crim would think of.

  21. With GFC2 looming, my Super is looking very shaky indeed. In GFC1, my 'managed' Super lost $80,000. They weren'e managing. They were asleep.

    To prevent further losses, I am going to convert from shares to cash investment today.

    Globalisation is a greedy monster that will destroy us all.

    Cybercrims like Landy set the scene a decade ago.

  22. I guess it had to come to thisSaturday, July 02, 2011 12:04:00 AM

    Can't get onto Vexnews tonite. I keep getting this message:

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\Domains\\wwwroot\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\w3-total-cache\w3-total-cache.php on line 33

  23. There is so little left to love about modern Australia which politicians have left in a heap.

    Australian families are quaking about looming mega taxes, indexed government levies and charges--there is no end to their grubby pick-pocketing.

    The country is becoming a police state and nanny nation. Taxpayers are being triple-dipped hundreds of time over. The corporate crooks are feasting. Aussies families are gradually being sucked under. How can anyone survive this chaos?

  24. I want my Super back from the crooksSaturday, July 02, 2011 11:47:00 PM

    Globalisation has been a wonderful success story hasn't it?


    So far, we have had the Global financial crash caused by the sub-prime criminals in USA. Then the financial markets started on-selling the toxic debts to banks and governments around the world. The whole market is still teetering three years later.

    National and local legal systems are being very slack in getting all the corporate crooks into court.

  25. The brainless bureaucrats at CASA (the airlines watch-poodle) waited until the start of the school holidays to pull the plug on Tiger Airlines. What extraordinary, heartless incompetence.

    The politicians are stupid enough. The bureaucrats often are even dumber.

    I thought all those excessive salaries were supposed to attract smart people. Even that has obviously and spectacularly failed.

  26. We deserve better than thisSunday, July 03, 2011 1:11:00 AM

    The bribery boys from Securency and Note Printing Australia, plus their mates in Austrade, are just the iceberg tip of the crookedness of Australian business and its vastly overpaid corporate bosses.

    Excesses like this show the government to be liars, who claimed they were on top of all this. As with the GFC, they just weren't.

    Unrepresentative slime!

  27. Who is running the country - crimemeister Andrew Landeryou?

  28. That Coles 'Big Red Hand' is getting deeper and deeper DOWNTOWN inside your wallet.

    What are government slackos doing about this horrendous network of organised thieves?

  29. Vexnews is down yet again. It has been on and off for the past few weeks like the electricity supply in Kabul during the fighting season.

  30. Vexnews tonight is just a blank screen.

    Is it too much to hope for that nazi hate site Vexnews is totally buggered?

    The crooked editor-in-chief doesn't work weekends and is probably in an alcohol daze. He will get a big, fat shock when he wakes up today.

  31. Vexnews is back up but only just.

    Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) should be grounding Vexnews for flying too close to the ground.

  32. Carbon pricing in Australia is so crazy a proposition that no taxpayer understands it. Australia is a continent with a tiny population. The pollution we create is miniscule. The ALP is broke, and just wants to tax our pants off!

    Deforestation is alive and well in South America and Asia.

  33. Just watching Kevvie Rudd on ABC-TV Lateline.

    He talks way too fast, and has mean lips.

    And he talks sh*t.

  34. Landeryou put the shit into BullshitTuesday, July 05, 2011 12:15:00 AM

    Crooked fat former MUSU President and nowadays wannabe journo, Landeryou has an execrable writing style and a poor turn of phrase.

    In his latest hate blog on Vexnews, he targets a forgettable Student Liberal at Melbourne Uni, AND Victorian Attorney-General Robert Clark AND federal manufacturing spokesman Sophie Mirabella.

    Landeryou isn't a loose cannon. He is a loose shotgun. Everyone gets a few slugs.

    Here are a couple of new classic quotes. 'McGeary is thought to put the plod in plodder', and a reference to 'a pointy-headed Tasmanian Senator'. Hey! This is great journalism!

    Landeryou should have stuck to crime.

  35. Avalon - Australia's most dangerous airportWednesday, July 06, 2011 1:05:00 AM

    There have been deep concerns about the safety of Avalon airport for years.

    The Age today says 'The threat came as it emerged the air traffic control tower at Avalon airport, south-west of Melbourne, was unstaffed when Tiger flight TT6207 flew in too close to the ground - the incident that led to its being grounded'.

    Avalon air traffic tower at Avalon is always unmanned. The planes are landed from Melbourne. Until recently, the fire service at Avalon was provided by ancient 1973 fire trucks manned by RAAF crews. I know this firsthand as a CFA crew-leader during air shows.

    This is a monstrous scandal. Avalon is an air crash disaster waiting to happen. Many heads at CASA, ACCC, the State government and the airlines should roll. Qantas's latest advertisements are about their devotion to air safety. What a huge lie. The story of Avalon tells the truth about the criminality of deregulation, beastly shonky behaviour by big business and slavish government boot-licking. Former Minister Theo Theophannous got a rerun on TV news this week shaking hands with someone from Tiger Airlines when their service began. Smart Tiger executives, if there are any, would have felt Theo was a bad omen for their survival.

  36. The only time Avalon provides on site air traffic control is during the bi-annual air show. But even then it is not from the air traffic tower at Avalon. It is provided from a hut at the airport!

    Avalon was originally an aircraft maintenance facility. It was not an airport. It still isn't. A decade of airline passengers landing and taking off from there were massively betrayed. Their safety was, and is, a minor consideration.

  37. The silence of the censoredWednesday, July 06, 2011 1:46:00 AM

    Censor-in-chief Andrew Landeryou on Vexnews has earned yet another enemy:

    Commenter 'Gregoryno6' asked him 'Was my comment of twenty four hours ago so offensive that you’ve condemned it to moderation limbo for eternity'?

    Poor old Greg has joined a queue of wannabe commenters denied access to Vexnews where it is claimed "Freedom Rings". It doesn't. Coated in venom, it just clunks occasionally.

  38. Air crash investigationsWednesday, July 06, 2011 2:03:00 AM

    The media has been tipped off about safety issues at Avalon by Jetstar pilots, unions, and others endlessly. Those people and organisations, although ignored and monstered by big business, pursued their warnings at great cost to themselves.

    After a decade of inactivity only a great disaster will unravel the whole, sorry tale.

  39. Political Crash investigationsThursday, July 07, 2011 12:21:00 AM

    Now that Australian cattle are again being sent for slaughter in Indonesia, Minister Ludwig and sample Aussie Landeryou should be dressed in cattle skins and exported there to test whether the Indonesian system is now functioning properly.

    The whole thing has been a disgraceful shambles. Ludwig is one of the older style ALP Ministers who need a cheque waved under their nose to find if they are still alive. He sat on the scandal for ages and should be sacked.

    But droning Juliar is too transfixed by the mad carbon price which will send the ALP into the political wilderness forever.

    Tony Abbott is waiting to pounce. God help us all.

  40. How long can Australia afford a national parliament populated by intellectual amoebas?

    Several parliamentarians are in fact brain dead, judging by their recent utterances, and as an act of parliamentary decorum should be wheeled away to Centrelink.

  41. Nobody I know understands the carbon tax that Juliar keeps on droning about. It is like reading Vexnews and is just as incomprehensible.

    Why have a tax at all, if it is all going to be given back. The carbon tax was devised by fruitcakes.

    One side-effect is that most Australians - whether they like it or not - will become clients of Centrelink to get their payouts. That means the government can snoop even more.

  42. The petrol excise tax of 38 cents per litre plus GST shows that the ALP is quite happy to gain revenue directly from a carbon emissions producing product. This tax gives government billions of dollars a year.

  43. I am a Centrelink client 12.46 and I am not brain dead. I object to those who rort the system, like Cait Catt in Tasmania who is going to receive the full force of the law, and she deserves to go to jail. The majority of Centrelink clients are decent Australians who have worked hard all their lives and are entitled to receive an age pension. That bastard Kevin Rudd and the equally evil Wayne Swan increased the age to 67, and my sister will not get a pension for two more years in about six or seven years time. Also I object to the carbon tax and I say bring on Tony Abbott, the saviour of the workers.

  44. I'm still waiting for my cheque from the Gillard government for my Super losses during the Global Financial Crash. U.S. Sub-Prime crooks are sitting on $114,000 they stole from me because of government inactivity. Banks and other financial institutions onsold those toxic debts around the world. Few of the crooks have been charged. They are probably thinking up a brand new scam.

    The Gillard government now wants to give me a couple of hundred bucks a week as compensation for their ludicrous Carbon Price. When my family is homeless and living on the street, this compo will come in useful at MacDonalds.

  45. Hmnn,

    Shorten, Conroy and others, have been conspicuous by their absence from the carbon 'debate'. Greg Combet, once a hero who whacked Reith and Patrick's, is now condemned to a prolonged good-bye from federal politics. He and Juliar are finished.

  46. The ALP is finished. The Carbon Tax was the Ebola virus. It kills everything.

    Future historians will have fun with this. The Gillard government will be remembered as complete idiots.

  47. Nearly everyone in Australia is wondering why PM Julia bet her knick*rs on the carbon price.

  48. Vexnews is a waste of bandwidthMonday, July 11, 2011 1:21:00 AM

    Absolutely nothing on Vexnews about the Carbon Tax compo cop out. Oh, I forgot, Editor-in-Chief Landeryou doesn't work weekends.

    The phat crook needs r n' r after doing so little last week.

  49. Juliar on ABC-TV's Q and A was sneakily trying to peep at Tony Jones's question sheet.

    I was a bit shocked - but not surprised.

  50. Corks should be inserted in the PM at both ends to prevent further carbon pollution.

    My dog 'Ronnie' wants to stick his canine appendage in the PM's ear to help her see sense.

  51. Politicians are creating global chaos.

    Our politicians are prize chumps who lurv indexed taxes, excise taxes, levies and charges which are sending Aussies broke.

    Our politicians have destroyed the Nation. Unwelcome immigrants, the carbon tax, the GFC, the GST, it just goes on and on. We have all ended up as public servants since we pay nearly all our income to governments.

  52. Vexnews is Australia's premium nazi hate blog which censors many wannabe commenters. Blogmeister Landeryou is an internet libeller, stalker and alleged former crook.

    Sam Keogh

    [deleted - anti-semitic]

    Lloyd McGeary

    [deleted - incorrect spelling, grammar and syntax]

    Josh Karpin

    [deleted - inappropriate use of a pot glass]

    Charley Daniel

    [deleted - confused their with there, your with you're and where with were]

    Kon Moisidis

    [deleted - Israel is not an apartheid state]

  53. In the good old days, Landeryou would have been garotted and hoisted high on a pike.

    Vexnews is becoming fixated with censorship. When I visit Vexnews I get redirected to a netherworld sub-site of the blethering blog where it is nearly impossible to post a comment.

    It is like being sent to Mauthausen instead of Auschwitz.

  54. Caucus notes (Top Secret)Thursday, July 14, 2011 12:51:00 AM

    Shorten: PM, the electorate are getting very pissed off about the carbon tax. You've got to stop going to shopping centres, otherwise you might get biffed. It's much safer to get on ABC's Q&A or SBS's Insight where we can populate the audiences, send fake twitter propaganda and pose fake audience questions.

    Julia: I wanna an' gotta get my message out there.

    Conroy: Bill is right, Julia. Get on the ABC's National Press Club where the journos are at least polite. Mel and Kochie are always tame on Channel 7. You shone on Ten's 7pm Project.

    Evans: I think we should send nutty Nicola out there to sell the tax. She is as unpopular as incontinence among smokers and drinkers. Ooops, sorry Nicola, I didn't see you there...

    Julia: I wanna an' gonna get my message out there to those ungrateful climate warmers.

    Nicola: I might look like a drongo but my plain packaging is goin' great guns. What if the tobacco companies get lucky in the courts. I got my indemnity, don't I?

    Bowen: My trick of swapping 800 boat people for 4000 Malaysian refugees is the coolest... So what if Australia is already overcrowded.

  55. TheVexnews Malware Cookies are PoisonFriday, July 15, 2011 12:33:00 AM

    Mega cyber criminal Landeryou has found a way of further censoring comments he doesn't like even after they have been diverted to his Vexnews quarantine sub-site. I examined the source code where there are tell-tale examples of numerous criminal-like activities. Landeryou seems to be trying a prototype criminal software that expunges criticism.

    He is a nazi madman, internet libeller and stalker.

    Lazy government watchdogs shut down this national security scandal!

  56. All I can say is that criminal sites like Vexnews invite hack attacks.

  57. Landeryou - the pompous, fat crook is eagerly reading about how to hack into 'phones like those belonging to Dean Mighell, Les Twentyman, Phil Cleary and hundreds of others. The Nazi Madman loves mischief that he posts on his sewerblog Vexnews.

    AFP are keeping the nasty turd under constant surveillance and may pick up on his 'phone hacking attempts.

  58. Someone should put a 'For Sale' sign up outside federal parliament and change the locks so that our looney political cretins can't get back in. What a bunch of hopeless dunderheads and losers. My wife and I groan everytime the PM or Treasurer appears on tele. Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull and the media are reviled too. We think they all stink.

    The carbon tax is lunacy.

    It would be lovely if they all vanished.

  59. You can't turn sheepshit into strawberry jamSaturday, July 16, 2011 12:55:00 AM

    Wisely, the Greens are staying in the safety of the city.

    If they ventured out into the bush, they would be lynched. Seriously, don't come out here with your nutty views, you will get clobbered.

  60. Wikipedia says Australians are lucky to get 40 minutes an hour of television - the rest is advertising, program promos and station IDs. Because advertising is measured over 24 hours, this means that the commercial stations can cut advertising overnight, and flood peak viewing with Ads.

    Now the Funeral Plans will have to make way for ALP climate change propaganda Ads. More waste of taxpayer's dollars for the corrupt-thinking ideology of political buffoons who lost public support long ago.

  61. Nothing on Nazi hatesite Vexnews about the Carbon Tax. Like the rest of us, Landeryou probably doesn't understand how absurd it is.

    Juliar is a nong and will soon be gone.

    Laneryou is a crooked turd who doesn't know when to go.

  62. Aussies say:

    We don't want a carbon tax.
    We can't stomach the ALP anymore.
    We don't want Juliar, Shorten, Conroy et al.
    And yet the silly woman is still waffling on about her crazy dream tax.

    You are worse than useless Julia.

  63. Governments are losing the grab for new taxesFriday, July 22, 2011 1:15:00 AM

    The carbon price is childish nonsense.

    Aussies are increasingly refusing to pay new government taxes, charges and levies.

    We get an annual parks charge and a waterways charge out here in rural Victoria. When 'customer relations' people call to complain about non-compliance, I tell them to come and cut my water off.

    (we are on tank water and would physically attack anyone shuttting that off). Likewise, if visited here, we would use blue language to expel greedy government tax-gatherers.

  64. I still get into the 'real' Vexnews nazi hate site to post silly comments on the fat criminal cretin's blog. He hasn't woken up to me yet.

  65. Make them really accountableFriday, July 22, 2011 1:39:00 AM

    The $45 billion NBN will allow hacker criminals faster access to our hard earned dollars. The internet has become a security mega-disaster. Senator Steven Conroy's Williamstown house is not on the line. He is protected by indemnities.

    So too is our looney PM with her wacky carbon tax.

    Impeach the lot of them!

  66. Governments and nannies just don't get it. Kids and adults drink to blot out governments and nannies.

    The Age says: 'PUBLIC health experts want a ban on happy hours and two-for-one bottle shop deals as the push to end Australia's proliferation of cheap booze and set a minimum price for alcohol intensifies.

    'The National Alliance for Action on Alcohol says irresponsible discounts encourage drunkenness and fuel alcohol-related violence and health problems.

    'Mike Daube, co-chair of the alliance of 50 leading health groups - including the Australian Drug Foundation, the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Public Health Association - has urged state governments to tighten licensing laws on discount-drink deals'.

    What a bunch of wankers! Mike Daube sounds like a complete twit. Voters wish these numbskulls would go away. They are turning everyone to drink!

  67. Mike Daube and other vastly overpaid bureaucrats can probably afford Torbreck's 2005, Australia's most expensive wine. working out at $87.50 a glass, 'The Laird' is even more expensive than the current release Penfolds Grange, which sells for $600 a bottle. Adding to its luxury status, it's not available at bottleshops, only at Torbreck's Nuriootpa cellar door.

    F*ck you, Mike!

  68. Editor-in-Chief of Vexnews Andrew Landeryou quaffs flagons of Bergundy. That's why he never makes much sense. He is a millionaire who uses Torbreck's 2005 as an enema.

  69. My name is Billy not sillySunday, July 24, 2011 2:24:00 AM

    My family would rather rot in hell than pay mad Juliar's toxic Carbon Tax!

  70. Go and get a real job, GuysMonday, July 25, 2011 1:29:00 AM

    ALP Minister Greg Combet must be wondering what he is going to do next. His political career--as a strong supporter of the carbon tax--is over.

    Juliar and Greg are like a dose of syphilis, unwelcome, costly to cure and terminal.

  71. It is no surprise to Melbourne citizens that corporate crooks, abetted by inactive pollies, are ripping us all off.

    Readers of Vexnews think our woes are caused by Greens, Liberal Party panty-sniffers and small-time council miscreants.

    The Age today tells of street shootings, massive job losses in retailing, the Desal plant and carbon tax will send us all broke, online gambling shonks run amok, and Melbourne parking Czars charging astronomic fees.

    Our pollies can't run the country. They couldn't even run a good Teddy Bears' picnic. The nation is being swamped in crime, 'refugees' and fraudulent new taxes, charges and levies.

  72. Nothing on Vexnews yet about Sol Lew's new throat-slitter, major misogynist, frotteur, and hands-on corporate hard-on Mark McInnes. Too many rats in retail. Mark should donate his dick to science.

    Overpaid little prick!

  73. Andrew Landeryou and Sol wanted to become bigtime online gambling parasites like Sportsbet, preying on addicts and the vulnerable beyond government regulations. Luckily for all gamblers, Landy couldn't resist and milked the till.

  74. What would Cait Catt think about thisWednesday, July 27, 2011 11:46:00 PM

    Still nuthin on Vexnews about Sol and Mark and Premier's shut shops and unemployment of vulnerable shop assistants. Landeryou must have reached a compact with Sol. "I won't write any more crap about you--and I get to keep my knackers...". Oh well, I guess The Age will have to carry the can.

  75. I think the fat crook has wormed his way into the sack for a long weekend. How else to explain his frantic 'phone call to Dan Murphy's today asking for free delivery of four crates of Melton Wineries' Beaujolais?

  76. Memo to myself: Make sure I don't answer the door and accept census papers in early August. Anyone who trusts governments these days is a nut. I must make sure I am in NZ on census night. Otherwise Dean Mighell and many other enemies will find where I live. My place could get demolished.

  77. We're having a bonfire night to celebrate the census. More government snooping. Lots of fine evaders, family court fugitives and debtors seem to get lumbered soon after every census.

  78. The world has far too many loonies like Anders Breivik and Andrew Landeryou. Western politicians shut down mental health care years ago to save a couple of billion bucks. They stabbed society's most vulnerable victims in the back. The loonies, and all of us, have suffered ever since.

    But one hundred and forty security staff provide a 24-hour, seven-day service securing Federal Parliament.

  79. Juliar has thankfully gone a bit quiet about her effing carbon tax. No more shopping centre walkabouts after she got harrangued by angry dissenters. Australians don't want this crap. That has only made her more determined.

    Minister Greg Combet who once had a reputation is lying low too. He was planning on more than one term to get onto the pollies' Super gravy train.

  80. But the NBN billion dollar "White Elephant" is sneaking out into Brunswick. When it all falls in a heap, Steve Conroy will ge long gone - cast on the scrapheap of dud Aussie politicans. We will be picking up the financial pieces for the next fifty years.

    Fools who live in Williamstown should stay in Williamstown.

  81. Andrew is an 'Angry Boy' and Mad Nazi writer of Guff. He ignores criticism and plays silly games.

    Worst of all he is a censor. He demands his freedom to speak out, but blocks others from doing so.

  82. Steve Mayne, another of Landeryou's many nemesises, glowed brightly on ABC-TV's Q & A, while the rest of the panelists were total duds. Liberal Peter Mutton, ugly industry hag Helen Ridout and Tanya Plibersek, the ALP's newest 'grumpy old woman'. More importantantly, there wasn't a single burqa to be seen.

  83. I'm glad Kevvie's heart surgery was a success. I wasn't sure he had one.

    But if I had been the surgeon, he would also be speaking in a very high, squeaky voice.

  84. Madwoman in the attic Juliar is still ranting about something called the carbon tax, which none of my family or friends understand.

    Treasurer Wayne and Juliar haven't said a single word about retirees who have been ruined by the Global Financial Crash. People like me were forced to have Super by Paul Keating's government. Most of these Super schemes were said to be be 'managed', like mine, but the managers were too busy milking their clients to stave off the GFC. They were just crooks.

    My Super can never recover from those losses. There just isn't enough money left to fund my retirement anymore.

    Wayne, Juliar, Tony 'the Mad Monk', and Green Phantom Bob Brown, we will all be knocking on your doors soon. You screwed us pensioners every step of the way. Another revolting betrayal!

  85. Dopey loon Steve Conroy advocates more people working from home thanks to his madcap, over-priced, billions of dollars NBN.

    Criminals in increasing numbers are already working from home to delve into the wallets of surfers unprotected by multi-layers of security holes. The Pentagon, Australian parliament, banks and thousands of websites have been cracked, penetrated and hacked by spies and crooks.

    Steve is a Daft Dud who has shafted the Nation and taxpayers.

  86. The disastrous stupidity, malfeasance and criminal negligence of Western governments has led to Global Financial Crash 2. My Super is now totally buggered, feasted on by sub-prime crooks in the US and corporate crooks who onsold their toxic debts during GFC-1.

    Kindergarten kids could have worked out that globalisation can never work. One size cannot fit all. We are all getting comprehensively screwed. The sovereign debt crises of GFC-2 again, have nothing to do with any decisions of mine. Yet my Super and perhaps yours has been ruined by financial industry crooks and governments run by silly amateur 'reforms'.

  87. GFC-2 - Another huge freaking cock-up!

    The stock market is a giant Ponzi Scheme. It is like the internet with millions of thieves, security holes, insider-trading, price-fixers, scams and frauds.

  88. Hey! WTF! What's happened to my Cyprus assets! I'm gonna be broke soon. I might have to try to become the first MUSU President to be elected TWICE. My first millions came from there. Sol told me to 'eff off' when I rang last night suggesting another online gambling bonanza.

    Jeez! I might need to get a real job.

  89. Juliar was absent yesterday when the global financial market crashed again.

    She is fixated by the carbon tax and doesn't understand that the GFCs are far more ruinous than climate change in the short term. We might all be broke before we get fried.

    I would be willing to contribute a few cents to buy Juliar a brain.

  90. My Super has crashed again for the second time thanks to GFC-2. Globalisation so far has been toxic. My family's future is buggered. Governments forced me to have Super and my employer contributed to it. My employer and I have been robbed. In my case, I have now lost more than $100,000 and the repulsive Centrelink now looms as the only solution.

  91. I'm looking forward to census night where I will have to admit being ruined by the never ending disastrous, global financial crashes. The census form is excessively intrusive. I don't believe ABS that the census is safe from prying government eyes. ABS IS government. I bet that ASIO and police can have access. It is compulsory with fines for non-compliance. Other countries including Canada and the US offer choice not to fill in the long form. The Australian legal reform commission in 1967 argued against voluntary census. They admitted back then that noone would complete their forms.

  92. Juliar and Swannie have said not one word about pensioners ruined by the Global Financial Calamities. Our family was aghast about the vile treatment by Centrelink of our son who lost his job during GFC1. We would rather apply for help from the Devil than the loathesome Centrelink duds and their sickening rules that make no sense.

  93. It was jolly decent of Andrew to help a happy senator and her partner become mums.

  94. Filling in my census and thinking about the draconian fines for not doing so. These can be $110 a day until the form is completed. Some census collectors have police powers to collect evidence of non-compliance. A nation now run by bullying Ninnies and Nannies...

  95. Jeez, I just can't figure why those unemployed youths in Pommie Land riot and loot. The ungrateful sods are probably just jealous of whitecollar crime CEOs earning millions a year; lying, fatty pollies protected by indemnities; and indexed government taxes, charges and levies that are making everything unaffordable.

  96. Cath, Mal, Stewie, Jacqui, Brendan, Jamie, FranWednesday, August 10, 2011 11:43:00 PM

    I live in an inner city, overcrowded flat with nine people. Whenever Juliar or Swan or Wongie or Dumbo Bowen appear on TV news there are rude comments, raspberries and people fighting to hit the mute button.

    Why isn't the Gillard government of shonks being deported to Malaysia?

  97. Don't forget Conjob, grumpy Plibersek, 'Rabies' Roxon, Krudd, Shorten, the bald ex-popstar, and all the other duds like Evans et al. These people have really buggared Australia big time. I hope their Super has gone down the gurgler like mine.

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