Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Andrew Landeryou style

Law abiding patriotic people often say "Christmas in the Fat Cave must be pretty interesting. After all, Andrew Landeryou bankrupted his old man through his incompetence as a business man and criminality. He also forged his brother-in-law's signature on company documents, even though he was too lazy to get the spelling right. It must be a scream when the family get together."

The truth is less interesting. There is no Christmas at the Fat Cave.

Fat Andrew Landeryou spends the day, like he spends most days, slumped in a pool of piss in a drunken stupour and devoting his brief periods of consciousness to eating KFC.

As for his wife, the noted perjurer and would-be Member for Wills, Kimberley Kitching, such is her predilection for lying, even while under oath, that if you greet her this Sunday with a cheery "Merry Christmas" she will reply "What do you mean? It's August 8!"

A Merry Christmas to all law-abiding and patriotic people everywhere.

Hopefully 2012 will be the year that Andrew Landeryou is charged, tried and convicted and delivered to the tender mercies of the Hot Rodding Men of Barwon Jail.

Andrew celebrating Christmas in the days when he was thinner.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shootings in Brunswick

Why is it that every time the news comes out that a criminal has been shot in Brunswick it turns out that the criminal is not Andrew Landeryou? It is such a pity.

It would be easy to shoot Landeryou too. He is such a large target.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The beginning of the end for fat crim Andrew Landeryou

The end is drawing nigh for the morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou and the senior Labor Unity figures and appointees who have protected him during his 20 year plus crime rampage.

The reputable journalists of The Age report a Victorian anti-corruption watchdog is on the way. They says "Victoria will have its first anti-corruption commissioner before the end of the year, following the introduction of landmark legislation creating an overarching corruption watchdog."

Good news for patriotic law abiding citizens. Bad news for Andrew Landeryou.

Things must be already getting desperate at the Fat Cave. On his evil Blog of Sleaze Landeryou today posted a link to information on how to crack a safe.

Putting up the link is a criminal offence, true, but at least now the authorities will know what he and Kimberley have been doing.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It will be bad before Barwon for Buddha Boy

Thanks to his Costa Rica flit every page of the voluminous files our law enforcement agencies hold on Andrew Landeryou is stamped "Flight Risk".

That means when the law finally catches up with him there will be no bail. Fat Andy will be locked up in remand, and Melbourne's most reputable news source, The Age, has made it clear remand is not a pleasant place to be.

"People on criminal charges are spending up to two weeks in police cells - often without access to exercise yards, natural light and visitors - because of chronic overcrowding in Victoria's remand prisons," it reported on Sunday.

It couldn't happen to a nicer cunt, in our humble view!
Andy will find the views were better at Parkville

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Andrew Landeryou poetry competition

Hearing a judge say "Andrew Landeryou, you are hereby sentenced to 50 years for theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, contempt of court, breaches of the tax, corporate and electoral laws and abuse of a retard (Sargent Sasha Uzunov) with a non-parole period of 40 years," would be poetry to our ears, but in absence of those remarks the team at Slanderyou New thought we would have a poetry competition on the subject of the fat crook.

Our effort is below. Please post your entries in the comments thread. The winning entry will be immortalised in a special post on Slanderyou New.

Fat crim Landeryou was arrested
In remand he was beaten and molested
At Barwon the Hot Rodders gang banged his arse
Thus did justice come to pass.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


The trial of Matthew Johnson is over. The life-long crim has been found guilty of murdering Carl Williams in the high-security Acacia Unit of Barwon Jail, soon to be the home of Andrew Landeryou, the perjurer Dim (if she is found to be a man, as many believe), Big Bent Bill, sex pest Theo, crime lord George Sietz and many other sleazebags linked to the Right of the Victorian ALP.

The trial has taken us deep into the bowels of the prison, yet throughout one name has not been mentioned... Brutus Beefcake.

The Barwon Jail overlord has prisoners and prison authorities so terrified no one dared mention his name throughout Johnson's trial.
Killer Johnson: Brutus Beefcake makes this man
look like a shy, retiring weakling.

But Slanderyou New can exclusively reveal the contents of a message we received this afternoon shortly after the verdict in the Johnson case was handed down. It reads:

Greetings law-abiding patriots of Slanderyou New

By now there must be very few people in Victoria and indeed the nation as a whole who have not seen the CCTV images of Carl Williams getting bashed with the saddle stem of an exercise bike. But has anyone ever seen footage of someone getting sodomised with the same piece of hardware, saddle first?

You will, when Andrew Landeryou arrives here.

Love and kisses

Brutus Beefcake


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The $2.50 per litre port wine gets to Andrew

The deranged rantings and ravings of Andrew Landeryou on his hate blog Poxnews have become even more unhinged.

In a rare Sunday post the morbidly obese criminal stole a story from the Herald Sun he claimed to have had previously and riffed off it for a tedium-filled 1200+ words. Then, amazingly, he added this paragraph as a breakout:

Perjury is treated very seriously by the Australian courts. When a retired judge
fibbed on a stat dec about speeding fines, he was sent to jail for two years. We’re not sure what you’d get for lying about tens of millions of dollars.

FACT: Andrew Landeryou's wife Kimberley Kitching committed perjury when quizzed in a court about the almost tens of millions of dollars he obtained through criminal means from Solly Lew in the IQ swindle, university students in the MUSU scandal and through his other thefts and frauds. She is going down for several years.

FACT: Despite this, Andrew Landeryou believes that Kimberley Kitching will be the next Labor MHR for the seat of Wills.

FACT: All that bulk port he uses to wash down the KFC has clearly left fat Andrew with a wet brain.

Andrew Landeryou as snapped by a patriot private investigator enjoying the warmer weather earlier this weekend.
The face has been deliberately cropped from this picture as it is grotesquely ugly.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Andrew Landeryou's tribute to the 9/11 fallen: A Slanderyou New exclusive

Andrew Landeryou makes much of his martial spirit, his patriotism and his hatred for Islamic extremists.

Yet this is how he honoured the fallen of 9/11 on his Poxnews blog yesterday:

That's right, patriots and law abiding citizens. He couldn't be arsed.

Thursday, September 8, 2011




Fat crook Andrew Landeryou thought so little of his wife Kimberley Kitching that he left her to be bankrupted and face humiliation for his crimes when he flitted off to Costa Rica to avoid the consequences of the IQ Corporation and MUSU thefts and frauds.

When he slunk back into the country and was promptly put behind bars, all he could think of was himself. When he was hauled into the dock over MUSU he whined "this is a death warrant for my political career."

Yet suddenly things were alright with Kim. The pair were back under the same roof, living in the electorate of Wills.

Kimberley's own political career, which seemed ruined when she was forced to quit Melbourne Council when she was bankrupted, was back on track. Conroy and Shorten had agreed. Kimberley could be the next Member for Wills. As Landeryou's sock puppets tell us on this patriotic and law-abiding blog, she is perfectly qualified.

What happened? Landeryou hatched his most evil ever plan.

Take a close look at the picture of Kimberley below.

That's right. You don't want to. Just like Landeryou himself, she's fat and ugly. Landeryou plans to turn this to his advantage. Landeryou plans to use this to resume his political career. Why do you think he spent so long living under female false identities such as "Cait Catt" and "Shirley"?





Monday, September 5, 2011


All law-abiding and patriotic people will be logging on to Slanderyou New as we reveal the full details of the Wills conspiracy this week.

Will the plot to install Kimberley Kitching as Labor Member for Wills be the greatest crime of Andrew Landeryou?

We believe so, patriots.

You will gasp at what it involves; the sheer evil, the utter contempt for the law and for decency, the depths of criminality.

All will be revealed later this week - and only at Slanderyou New!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

With all the problems Labor is in...

...they wouldn't be stupid enough to let a perjurer who lived an ostenatious life of luxury funded by the proceeds of theft and fraud and then provided the means to allow a bankrupt and work-shy criminally-inclined husband embark on a career as Australia's most reckless serial internet defamer become their candidate for Wills at the next election, would they?

I mean, not even Conroy and Shorten are that stupid, are they?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What criminality and sleaze are Andrew Landeryou and Dimberley planning?

It is close to a fortnight since fat thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou last put a post under his own name on his sleazy site Vexnews and patriotic people across the land are getting worried; very worried indeed.

Many have contacted this blog of truth to express their fears.

"Just what criminality, sleaze and evil has he got planned that takes up all of his time?" one asked Slanderyou New. "What are he and that perjurer wife of his Dimberley Ditching cooking up?"

Readers will recall that Landeryou still found time to write his regular Delia Delegate column in Crikey while undertaking the infamous IQ Corporation fraud, where he and Dimberley established a false online betting company for use as a vehicle to steal several million dollars from Solly Lew.

If Landeryou could still moonlight as a scribe while thieving four million dollars, just how big is the criminality he is undertaking now if it demands his complete concentration to the exclusion of all his other sleazy and crooked endeavours?

Friday, June 24, 2011

The law moves on Landeryou?

Web-browers who stumble onto fat criminal Andrew Landeryou's blog of blatant lies, outrageous defamations, vindictive retribution for imagined slights and deeply disturbed fantasy, Poxnews*, will find nothing but a request for a user name and password.

Landeryou's arrest: how it will look

Has the law finally moved against the fat man, now that Simon Overland is gone?

Has the Baillieu government resisted his efforts at bribery and blackmail and acted?

Has legal action by Alan "Howe Great Thou Art" Howe shut Poxnews down?

Has Landeryou gone bankrupt again and had the plug pulled on him by his ISP, hosting service or whoever?

Should we not worry and just be celebrating, even if Poxnews is only gone for a couple of hours?

* All law abiding members of the citizenry should take extreme caution when visiting the Poxnews site as they will find Landeryou's spybots and malware will empty their online bank and share trading accounts within seconds and steal their identities.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Several issues for Andrew Landeryou

There are several issues for Andrew Landeryou here as reported by the reputable journalists of the ABC:

Tech-savvy paedophiles challenging AFP

Federal Police Commissioner Tony Negus has told a Senate hearing that the AFP is desperately trying to keep up with criminals who are increasingly using new technology to commit crimes.

The police chief says that techniques being used by cyber criminals and online pedophile rings are particularly challenging.

Commissioner Negus says that his officers are increasingly working with colleagues overseas because many of the computer servers that host illegal material are housed offshore.

But the commissioner has told a Senate Estimates hearing that criminals and particularly pedophiles are the first to take up new technology.

"What we usually find is that they're not bounded by budgets or legislation so they are usually ahead of the curve in the take up of encryption," he said.

"We've found over many years that particularly networks of pedophiles are at the cutting edge of the use of encryption and social networking sites and in many ways are ahead of some of the other organised criminal groups that would do this."

Mr Negus has also told the Senate hearing that a new law which forces suspected criminals to explain how they acquired their wealth is less than optimal.

The law on unexplained wealth was introduced by the Labor Government but is yet to be tested in the courts.

Under the legislation the police must demonstrate they have reasonable grounds to suspect a person has committed a crime before unexplained wealth can be investigated.

Mr Negus told the hearing the law makes it very difficult for police to proceed with an investigation.

"It's less than optimal and it's not what we were hoping for in the context of looking at seizing assets from major organised criminals who place themselves one step removed from the action," he said.

"And it's very difficult to tie them to a criminal offence, but yet can not explain where the wealth that they've accumulated comes from."

FACT: Andrew Landeryou is a cybercriminal with no visible means of support.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Watch those subliminal slips, Andrew

Andrew Landeryou shows no signs of changing and abandoning his life of defamation, theft and fraud, transvestitism and drunkenness and gluttory, so there is little point in updating this law abiding patriotic blog too often.

We were however taken with this slip in Poxnews this morning where the fat crim talked about Bronwyn Pike "putting steal in the spine of the Left".

That's "s-t-e-a-l", not "s-t-e-e-l".

That's also a very clear indication what Fat Andrew Landeryou has on mind (along with cheap fortified wine and KFC). Criminal activity.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The truth doesn't change

This patriotic crime and corruption fighting blog hasn't been updated for a while, for there is no need to. The truth doesn't change and the truth is this:

  • Andrew Landeryou is a thief

  • Andrew Landeryou is a fraudster

  • Andrew Landeryou commits defamation every time he updates his evil blog of sleaze

  • Andrew Landeryou is guilty of contempt of court

  • Andrew Landeryou is guilty of multiple breaches of state and commonwealth electoral law

  • Andrew Landeryou's ill-regarded Vexnews is a semi-literate concoction of lies and bile

  • Andrew Landeryou is fat and bald

  • And so it goes.

It is also important for all hardworking, law abiding patriotic people to remember that Andrew Landeryou's wife Kimberley Kitching is a perjurer who lived a life of luxury on the proceeds of his crimes and it would be an insult to the dedicated supporters of the ALP and the people of Australia if she was ever preselected for office at any level of government, let alone voted in.


Friday, February 4, 2011

How Vexnews works (or rather, doesn't)

Andrew Landeryou is a lazy liar. Either trait is undesirable on their own. Together they will one day put him behind bars. For because Andrew Landeryou is a liar and is lazy he will get caught.

On Thursday afternoon he wrote:

The famed VEXNEWS Investigations Unit has uncovered a plot in the Prime Minister’s office by some within it to give up alcohol for the month of February...

On Tuesday morning the entire Federal Parliamentary Labor Party and their staff and the media email lists around the country had received this:

Literally hundreds of people knew this information yet it took more than two full days to filter through to Andrew Landeryou.

Still when he finally got it the fat crook presented it to the idiots who read his sleazy blog as brand new insider information.

What an idiot! What a bum!

Many thanks to our comrades in patriotism for passing on the details of this latest Landeryou scam and a copy of the original email from Ms Gillard's office.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fat crim chases windfall from winds

Morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou has dispatched his mentally challenged gimp “Sergeant” Sasha Uzunov to Queensland for the second time in just weeks to plunder KFC from victims of a natural disaster, Slanderyou New can exclusively reveal.

“Andrew hoped the wind would blow KFC from shattered stores all the way to Melbourne,” a Fat Cave insider confided earlier today. “It might sound odd but you have to remember he is KFC obsessed, deranged, deluded, criminal and lazy, let alone drunk most of the time.

“When it didn’t flatten any of the really big centres like Cairns he ordered the Sergeant to steal a B-double and get up there pronto and loot any KFC he could find.”

Uzunov, an intellectually challenged former Defence Careers Centre tea boy, may find himself less than welcome in Queensland.

Numerous flood victims reported sightings of a backward looking man with an Alfoil covered colander on his head, Army Disposals camouflage and old Loyal Lodge of Oddfellows regalia worn as if military medals picking through water damaged KFCs, believed to be the soldier wannabe.

“We know what he looks like now,” one Queensland Disaster Authority official told Slanderyou New, speaking on the condition of anonymity.  “We’re ready and prepared. If he loots, we shoot.”

Mr Landeryou could not comment when approached by patriots as his fat face was stuffed full of KFC.

“Mmbfffffmmbfffffmmbfffffmmbfffffmmbfffffmmbfffff,” he said while attempting to cram yet more in.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Missing criminal Andrew Landeryou in his persona of "Shirley".
The KFC gives him away.

NAME: Andrew John Clyde Fat Crook Landeryou

KNOWN ALIASES: Cait Catt, Catter8, Shirley, Henderson Ross and numerous others

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Gross morbid obesity, baldness, KFC addiction, drunkenness, criminality, racism, transvestitism, political extremism, deranged and deluded nature

NOTES: Criminal and sleaze-monger Andrew Landeryou appears to have been missing for over a month now going by the sporadic updates of his little-read hate blog Vexnews. Nobody misses him at all but it is hoped he is still alive to face prosecution and imprisonment on multiple counts of theft, fraud, dishonesty, criminal libel, exploitation of a mentally retarded former Defence Careers Centre tea boy ("Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov) and breaches of the state and federal Electoral Acts.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

FAT CRIM'S SHAME: Landeryou loots food from floods

Morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou has been too drunk and too lazy to update his blog for most of the past three weeks, yet has ordered his mentally retarded gimp “Sergeant” Sasha Uzunov to Queensland to steal food from flood victims.

Police and emergency workers have reported several sightings of a clearly backward man in camo gear with an Alfoil-covered colander on his head looting flooded KFCs as the tragic events of recent days.

“We didn’t shoot the bloke because it was obvious he was a retard,” one told Slanderyou New. “We didn’t realise this was something systematic.”

Patriotic people in Victoria are well aware that the criminal Landeryou uses the mentally-impaired Uzunov as an associate in his crimes, especially after photographs emerged of the Sarge committing contempts of court on the fat man's behalf minutes after he had been injuncted by Les Twentyman's wife in the Sunshine Magistrates Court.

But both are unknown in what was once the Sunshine State, so police and the emergency services have not put two and two together.

A Fat Cave insider however confirmed to Slanderyou New that the morbidly obese crim had despatched his retard minion to Queensland with orders to return with as much KFC as possible.

“KFC is KFC to Andrew,” the source said. “When he’s had a few litres of Rutherglen Rotgut he doesn’t care if it is cold, stale or mouldy. Indeed, the evidence suggests that he eats mouldy KFC pretty regularly.

“The mould that grows on rotting KFC has hallucinogenic affects and it is obvious from the bizarre and blatantly untrue material that appears on Vexnews that Andrew is completely out of mind for most of the time.”