Monday, December 13, 2010

Andrew Landeryou the boiling frog

"There is probably less public-sector corruption in Victoria than most monasteries" morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou wrote in one of his very first post-election posts as he expressed his immense opposition to Premier Ted's plans for a local ICAC.

He is right. There is little public-sector corruption in Victoria. There is little political corruption too. But what there is, Andrew Landeryou, his wife Kimberley Kitching, his nasty old man and all their friends and associates have been at the very heart of.

Now that his protectors are out of power and his wife is unemployed (as well as unemployable) Andy and Dim should take the proceeds of his many and various crimes and go and lie on a beach somewhere we don't have an extradition treaty with.

If Andy and Dim were smart this is where they would be

Instead, the thief and fraudster and serial defamer and his perjurer wife are going to end up behind bars.

Landeryou just does not get it. Power in Victoria has changed. He has lost his political protection. He is a handy scapegoat too.

Yet Landeryou is still blogging away. Vexnews is even more irrelevant but he is keeping it going. He is working to install Kimberley Kitching as a MP.

He should have headed off overseas as soon as it became clear Labor has lost. It is not as if that would have been hard for Landeryou. He has experience from the Costa Rica flit and it is well known that the proceeds of his crimes are stashed in Hong Kong and Cyprus.

But Landeryou is so dumb and arrogant that he is staying.

Remember the story of the boiling frog, how if you put a frog in boiling water and it will immediately jump out but if you put a frog in cool water and slowly bring it to the boil and the frog gets cooked alive?

Landeryou is like that second frog. He is comfortable now but things are changing. The heat will slowly get turned up on him.

This patriotic and law abiding blog will return in the New Year. A happy Christmas to all our readers.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fat Landy's lost weekend

It is less than a week to the state election, but did the fat lazy criminal Andrew Landeryou get off his arse and update his hate blog Poxnews last weekend. Of course not!

He was too lazy when the Sunday Age sprung him for publishing a three month old piece of information 30,000 patriotic unionists were consulted about as "news" to bother to respond until the Monday.

So what did the fat lazy criminal Andrew Landeryou spend the weekend doing? Our cameras braved the Fatcave and here is the exclusive story:

Patriotic people may ask where there are no KFC wrappers scattered around the comatose form of fat lazy criminal Andrew Landeryou. He ate them. He always eats them in case they have soaked up any of the KFC fat.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fat bum wants free feed

No body reads fat bum and bludger Andrew Landeryou's evil Blog of Sleaze. It is filled with lies and bile and the site stuffs your PC full of spyware. The only people who end up on the site are perverts misdirected there by Google thanks to his deliberately placed references to bestiality and 1980's porn star Long Dong Silver.

All of this makes it quite a mystery why the lazy sod bothers to Tweet, but now the patriotic journalists of The Australian have the answer.

KFC, the paper reports, is offering a $20,000 university scholarship for the best Tweet.

Fat bum and bludger Landeryou isn't interest in higher learning. He would much rather steal from a university union that learn at a university. But he keeps Tweeting away in the hopes that he wins and the Colonel's friends lets him cash the scholarship in for $20,000 worth of KFC.

If he had $20,000 worth of KFC in his hot (and fat) little hands it would mean he would not have to send his brain-damaged retard gimp "Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov down to his local store to pick him up a feed for as long as 36 hours.

"I've never seen Andrew work as hard on anything as he is on his Tweeting," a Vexnews insider told Slanderyou New, "not even when Newnham promised him $50,000 in used notes if he successfully smeared Les Twentyman."

A KFC bucket. Fat bum and bludger (and known criminal) Andrew Landeryou
eats over 85 of these a day, paid for with the proceeds of his infamous
IQ Corporation and MUSU thefts and frauds and other crimes.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The perjurer in the premier’s party


A senior office holder in Premier John Brumby’s Labor Party is a perjurer who lived an ostentatious life of luxury funded by the proceeds of theft and fraud, Slanderyou New can exclusively reveal.

The news threatens to destroy the Premier’s hopes of re-election on November 27.

Premier John Brumby will look even glummer when asked why
the perjurer Dimberely Ditching is a senior office holder in his party 

Dimberley Ditching, 40 stone, was elected a vice president of Victorian Labor at the notoriously corrupt party’s state conference in June this year.

Ms Ditching is the partner of the convicted thief and fraudster* Andrew Landeryou, notorious for the millions he illegally obtained from the MUSA and Solly Lew frauds and stashed offshore.

Ms Ditching lived in a Parkville mansion and drove a luxury BMW car both funded by her husband’s crimes until he fled overseas in an effort to avoid the law and she was declared bankrupt.

She was also an officer of her husband’s dodgy company IQ Corporation, the vehicle used to steal millions of dollars from Mr Lew.

Yet when called to account in the courts Ms Ditching denied all knowledge of her husband’s activities and the sources of his supposed wealth in a cut and dried case of perjury.

Ms Ditching now helps support her husband’s little-read Vexnews, a website devoted to criminal libels and planting phishing tools in the computers of the few people foolish enough to visit it in an effort to steal their online banking and share trading details.

Decent law abiding citizens were shocked that that such a person could hold office in the Premier’s party when Slanderyou New informed them yesterday.

“That’s a disgrace,” one mother of three said. “I was a Labor supporter up until I heard this news but I’m now voting Green.”

A friend who was with her agreed. “These people should be in jail,” the woman said. “No one will vote Labor if they know the party is full of people with such a blatant disregard for the law.

“It’s the Greens for me too.”

* Andrew Landeryou has been convicted of multiple counts of theft and fraud (amongst other crimes) in the Court of Public Opinion

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Electoral fraud punished in the UK. Why not here?

The patriotic and law-abiding readers of Slanderyou New readers may have seen this report from the reputable journalists of the ABC:

Court overturns lying politician's election win

Britain's shadow immigration minister Phil Woolas has been ordered to forfeit his seat in Parliament after High Court judges ruled he lied during his election campaign.

The judges heard Mr Woolas ran a "risky" campaign, stirring up racial tensions in campaign leaflets by suggesting his opponent Elwyn Watkins was pandering to Muslim militants.

Mr Woolas was also accused of wrongly stating Mr Watkins had not lived in his constituency prior to the election.

The judges found Mr Woolas knowingly made false statements and declared the May poll result void.

It is the first time in 99 years a general election result has been overturned in court.

Mr Woolas has been fined and banned from entering the election re-run, but he will fight the ruling.

If similar laws applied in Australia we would have seen a second byelection in Kororoit.

The $50,000 cash Stephen Newnham gave Andrew Landeryou for services rendered (via the fat man's old partner in online spivvery Ed Dale) would have been wasted.

And the results of the forthcoming state election in any electorate "reported" on by the morbidly obese transvestite criminal, compulsive liar, fantasist and serial defamer Landeryou would be open to challenge.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shameful sick crim Andrew Landeryou's beastiality binge

Andrew Landeryou is a known sex pervert. He pretends to be a woman and has several female false identities.

He accepted advertising from the escort agency Anastasia International on his old Blog of Sleaze, published fellow deviant Andy Quah's home-made porn and larded his evil Poxnews site with references to 1980's porn star Long Dong Silver to divert other sickos searching for smut to his page.

But now he has reached a new low and a new depth of perversion. Andrew Landeryou has published bestiality material on Poxnews.

The morbidly obese sicko claims he has a story on troubled NRL star Joel Monaghan. This is just cover.

Landeryou's lust for his own four-legged friend Ronnie is well known. The man fat transvestite crim is obsessed with sex with animals.

He has published a photo of a man receiving oral sex from a dog on his evil Poxnews site to sate his own perverse appetites.

This is a gross breach of the law by Landeryou yet again. Harsh penalties apply for the evil pervert's crime: heavy fines and long custodial sentences.

Will his corrupt Labor mates let Landeryou thumb his nose at the law and escape criminal prosecution yet again? Can they risk it in the middle of an election campaign?

Ted Baillieu must demand action or he is not fit to govern our state!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Casual contempt for the law

All patriotic people know the Landeryou Clan believe obeying the law is for the little people.

Dimberley Ditching is no exception. When she was bankrupted amongst the hundreds of thousands she owed was $6000 in parking fines.

No wonder most patriotic people suspect she perjured herself! Contempt for the law in one aspect of a life is always reflected in contempt for the law (and contempt of court!) in others.

Dimberley Ditiching has been publicly exposed, yet the criminal and sleazeblogger Andrew Landeryou still hopes to make her his proxy parliamentarian.

What a disgrace!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dimberley Ditching lies like her husband

Morbidly obese criminal oddball Andrew Landeryou will never admit it publicly, but he knows his plans for a political career have been dashed. But he has a Plan B and a proxy.

His porcine wife Dimberley Ditching can become an MP and collect all the bribes etc that Landeryou hoped to pocket.

The only problem is that this plan, like all the plans hatched by fat Andy, is fundamentally flawed.

Dimberley enjoyed an ostentatious life of luxury on the proceeds of his thefts and frauds, yet when claimed she knew nothing when she was dragged kicking and screaming into the dock amongst cries of "Privilege!"

Many patriotic people suspect Dimberley of perjury.

Unfortunately for her political career and her criminal husband's hopes for more ill-gotten gains she also has a publicly-documented record of dishonesty, as reported by Melbourne's most reputable news source The Age.

Read on, patriots.

The Sunday Age January 9 2005 page 20

By Lawrence Money

Kim sure can stretch a dollar

REAL estate gnomes say the towering edifice at 114 Park Drive, Parkville, has to be worth $4 million. That makes it all the more puzzling why the sole registered owner, former Melbourne city clowncillor Kimberley Jane Elizabeth Kitching, was among those thrown out of office in the November poll.

In a casual browse through the Labor Party membership rolls last week, Spy noticed that young Kim, who bought her Parkville mansion in 2001, paid ALP membership at the $45 rate each year since. That equates, under Labor's salary-indexed charges, to an income of under $32,000! Talk about stretching a buck.

Friday, August 27, 2010

If you think the election count is taking a long time...

If you think the election count is taking a long time Patriots just think how long it will take to read all the charges against the obese criminal Andrew Landeryou and the perjuring sow Kimberley Kitching when they finally front the courts!

Fat freak Andrew Landeryou
attempts to intimidate the media at
one of his many court appearances

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Andrew Landeryou’s criminality and incompetence lead to the bankrupting of the courtroom amnesiac and alleged female impersonator Kimberley Kitching, the bankrupting of his shonky old man Big Bent Bill and the bankrupting of the 900 kilogram man himself.

But the criminality and incompetence Big Bent Bill Landeryou lead to the bankrupting of the state!

Today Slanderyou New presents a world exclusive: Wednesday Walk Down Memory Lane.

It’s very different from Landeryou’s self-hyped Monday Madness, yet another fraud by the fatman. Anyone mad enough to log onto his sleazy site at the start this week found nothing of interest there but dsicovered 24 hours later Landeryou had stolen all their online banking and sharetrading details and cleared out their accounts thanks to the malware cookies his site leaves in the PCs of anyone foolish enough to go there.

Slanderyou New has a real story.

We take you on a trip down memory lane to reveal one of Big Bent Bill’s most scandalous crimes and the part his morbidly obese failure of a son has played in the cover up.

Fat Andrew Landeryou has used both his failed and abandoned Blog of Sleaze and the little-read hate site Vexnews to lash John Cain and the left of the ALP for sending the state’s economy down the toilet at the end of the eighties.

Why does he go so feral? Why attack John Cain so when everyone knows he is an honest and decent man who bought Labor back into government after a quarter of a century in the wilderness?

Wednesday Walk Down Memory Lane is here to remind all decent hardworking patriotic and law abiding people why the failure and criminal Andrew Landeryou behaves in this way.

The authority that racked up $110 million worth of losses on the taxpayer’s tab was the Victorian Economic Development Corporation.

And guess who gave one of his mates and business partners a key position at the top of this show without the most basic due diligence?

It was a man who thankfully only briefly served as a minister before he was sacked for being an ethical void…


Read on, patriots, as the Wednesday Walk Down Memory Lane takes you back to The Herald of December 9 1998:

EXCLUSIVE: How Minister appointed key man without knowing his background
VEDC director was a former bankrupt

By T Maher*

One of the directors of the Victorian Economic Development Corporation was a former bankrupt who admitted in court that he had falsified figures relating to a business venture, and attempted to deceive the Taxation Commissioner.

He is Mr David Efron, a 53-year-old Brighton businessman who served as one of the VEDC's nine directors from 1982 until August last year, a few weeks before the corporation was effectively abolished.

Records show that Mr Efron was declared bankrupt in 1971 and his bankruptcy was not annulled until February 1979, less than four years before his appointment to the board of the State Government's "business bank".

The Minister at the time who appointed him, Mr Bill Landeryou, told The Herald he had not known about Mr Efron's bankruptcy. He would not speculate on whether he would have appointed him had he known.

The transcript of Mr Efron's bankruptcy proceedings discloses that:

Mr Efron admitted attempting to deceive the Taxation Commissioner by providing inaccurate stock figures in the balance sheet of his family company, Witron Timber Pty Ltd; and

He admitted providing "falsified figures" to a prospective purchaser while negotiating the sale of the company.

Mr Efron's bankruptcy related to the collapse in 1970 of a deal to sell Witron Timber, a timber trading company owned by Mr Efron and his wife Lilian.

He left Melbourne, and was declared bankrupt on his own petition in South Australia in November 1971.

In his statement of affairs, Mr Efron listed his only asset as $15 "cash in hand" and said he owed more than $30,000 to 11 creditors. He said that he was "hopelessly insolvent".

During cross-examination, Mr Efron admitted that in Witron's annual return, the value of the company's stock had been under-stated by $10,000. The transcript records the following exchange: Q: "Are you saying that in order to deceive the Taxation Commissioner, the stock figures are not accurate?" Efron: "That is correct." Later in Mr Efron's evidence, he was questioned about the attempted sale of Witron Timber for $100,000 to a Mr Barnett.

Q: "The position is, then, that the figures Mr Barnett would have had when he was negotiating for the sale and purchase of this company would have been the falsified figures?" Efron: "Yes, that is right."

In 1973 Mr Efron applied to have his bankruptcy discharged. The application failed, after the South Australian Official Receiver objected on the grounds that Mr Efron had tried to avoid his creditors, and a few days before his bankruptcy had sold shares he owned in various companies to a relative for a "nominal amount".

In 1979 there was another critical report by the Official Receiver, Mr Francis James Pearce, who said that in 1975 he had applied for a warrant for Mr Efron's arrest to force him to contribute $10 a week towards his debts. The application was later withdrawn after Mr Efron agreed to make the payments.

"I do not consider the conduct of the bankrupt (Mr Efron) has been satisfactory . . . it is possible that (he) may have committed offences under the Bankruptcy Act, but I have insufficient evidence to proceed with any action in this matter," Mr Pearce said.

Mr Efron had his bankruptcy annulled, after nearly eight years, in February 1979.

Interviewed by The Herald, he said he had "paid every penny back" and defended his reputation.

In August 1982, the Cain Government advertised for applicants to join the board of the VEDC. The advertisement said the Government was looking for "persons of proven ability at the most senior levels in administration, commerce, industry or banking".

The ad said: "Applicants will need to demonstrate a mature approach to commercial matters, an understanding of entrepreneurial skills and their applications, and a familiarity with high technology projects."

The Herald makes no suggestion that Mr Efron acted in any way improperly as a director of the VEDC.

What we are suggesting is that Mr Efron at the time of his appointment to the VEDC board did not appear to have the necessary qualifications as specified in the advertisement; and that Mr Landeryou did not make adequate checks on his background.

Mr Landeryou was sacked from the Ministry in 1983 after a report on his financial affairs found that he had created the appearance of a conflict between his Ministerial duties and his private interests.

Mr Landeryou said that he and Mr Efron had been friends since the early 1970s through their association with the Essendon Football Club's coterie group, the Essendonians. In 1982 Mr Landeryou appointed Mr Efron to his staff as a consultant.

Mr Landeryou said he had been aware that Mr Efron had "had his ups and downs" in business, but he did not know he had been a bankrupt until The Herald told him.

Mr Efron was made a director of the VEDC in October 1982, and left when his term expired in August.

Corporate Affairs records show that Mr Efron has been associated with about 20 companies over the past few years - some as a private businessman, and some as a VEDC-appointed director.

As a VEDC director he was on the boards of Horticultural Holdings Ltd, Sperry Transportation Systems Pty Ltd, Belah Pty Ltd, VEDC Leasing Pty Ltd and Hickory Fashions Pty Ltd.

Mr Efron told The Herald: "I don't believe my previous background impinged on my ability to be on those boards." As a private businessman, Mr Efron has been involved in property development, and hotels.

Mr Landeryou was also on the boards of some of these companies.

Mr Landeryou and Mr Efron were directors of Mitchell Park Estate Pty Ltd, which was involved in a profitable $700,000 subdivision at Sunbury between 1985 and 1987.

They were also on the board of Ledaway Pty Ltd, which operates the Skyways International hotel/motel complex at Airport West.

Mr Landeryou said he had resigned his directorships last April to avoid any suggestion of conflict of interest.

* Was the T Maher who wrote this story later Landeryou’s Crikey colleague Terry Maher?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Andrew Landeryou: no reputation to defend

Here is a little something from the Slanderyou New press clippings archives, patriots. It is funny that we never heard anything more about the matter involved.

Perhaps even someone as deranged and deluded as Andrew Landeryou realised he had no reputation to defend. Or perhaps even Landeryou realised the cross-examination might just be a little awkward for him!

The Age, Saturday 27 August 2005, page 5

ANDREW Landeryou and two other past presidents of the defunct Melbourne University Students Union plan to sue for defamation over an email sent to students this month.

Mr Landeryou, Darren Ray and Benjamin Cass claim $3.6 million from the university, Vice-Chancellor Glyn Davis, the student union and three other officers.

They allege the email that advised of a plebiscite on the proposed structure of a new student union accused the three of corruption.

The three are being sued for at least $3.4 million by the liquidator of the old union, who has alleged that they benefited from dishonest and fraudulent schemes.*

* They did!

PS If Shirley ever realises his dream of elective office he may well front up in public looking like this bloke.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fat thief, fraud and failure Andrew Landeryou green with envy

Fat thief, fraud and failure Andrew Landeryou hates the Greens. Now we know why. It is a simple matter of envy.

The fat thief, fraud and failure Landeryou has been particularly distressed of late by the Greens candidate for Melbourne Adam Bandt.

He revealed why on his little-read hate blog Poxnews* today. Landeryou hates Bandt because he "lives in the pricey leafy lefty suburb of Parkville".

Landeryou once lived in Parkville too - or to be exact attempted to purchase a Parkville mansion with the proceeds of theft and fraud.

But Landeryou being Landeryou, he thought he didn't need to bother to pay the mortgage because he believes obeying the law is just for little people.

He didn't get away with it. The morbidly obese criminal fled to Costa Rica. The house was repossessed and sold.

Landeryou being Landeryou, he blamed everybody else.

But this is one of the very few occasions Landeryou has been forced to obey the law. His bent old man or corrupt Labor mates usually bail him out.

It clearly rankles, patriots. R-a-n-k-l-e-s.

Our photo shows the patriotic crowd that gathered one afternoon outside the Parkville mansion fat failure
Andrew Landeryou attempted to steal demanding he return his ill-gotten gains from the MUSA fraud.

* Never under any circumstances visit Poxnews on your home PC as the site will stuff it full of malware that will let Landeryou steal all your online banking, credit card and share trading details.

Monday, August 2, 2010

What the media says about Andrew Landeryou

Patriotic people may be interested in what the media has had to say about Andrew Landeryou. Slanderyou New is happy to help. Here is a selection of quotes:

“Labor rat”
Herald Sun April 19 2005

Australian Financial Review May 25 2005

“Disgraced and embittered”
The Australian February 7 2006

“A bankrupt internet grub”
The Age October 13 2006

“He won’t ever be on again boss, I promise you. Please don't sack me! Please!”
Glenn Ridge MTR1377 April 25 2010*

* Told to Slanderyou New by sources far more reliable than any cited in Poxnews

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Slanderyou New

Slanderyou New is changing focus, Patriots. It is time to end the knockabout stuff.

Andrew Landeryou let something slip earlier this month when he put this post up on the site:

Cait Catt said...

Kimberley [Kitching] is a great lady. When she was a Melbourne City Councillor she was the only councillor not to claim ANY allowances from the public purse. We need her in Parliament.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010 8:11:00 PM

The Age has also reported on plans to make the courtroom amnesiac Kimberley an MP. What a contempt against Victorians that would be!

Andrew Landeryou, Kimberley Kitching and Bill Landeryou are pieces of shit on the soles of the shoes of Melbournians. All three belong behind bars. So do many of their friends and associates.

This blog is going to remind the people of our state why.