Saturday, December 22, 2012

The excesses of Andrew Landeryou

Christmas is a time when many people eat and drink too much. The morbidly obese criminal and sometime husband to the perjurer and disbarred lawyer Kimberley Kitching does that all the time. Each and every hour he eats and drinks as much as most gluttons do at Christmas.

How, one might ask? The answer is repulsive. Fat Andrew Landeryou is a massive abuser of enemas and laxatives.

At the top of every hour fat Andrew Landeryou takes a 100 pack of Ford Pills. At half past he makes the Sergeant give him and enema. Constant spouts of liquid shit burst from his rectum. The poor sarge has to clean it up. Criminal Landeryou tells him it is ASIS training.

Landeryou's laxative addiction has already damaged his arse. It is why he is so terrified of what Brutus, Bubba and the rest of the Rodders will do to it.

The fact that he is incapably drunk most of the time and his hands are too busy squeezing 45 KFC Family Feast Tubs into his mouth every hour means he cannot type either to update his Blog of Sleaze, Poxnews.

As patriots say, Andrew Landeryou is a shit, full of shit, but is so drunk and so busy eating, drinking and shitting that while Vexnews is full of shit, he clearly cares shit-all about updating it.

A happy Christmas from Slanderyou New to the Law Abiding and Patriotic.

May 2013 be the year when Fat Andrew Landeryou, the perjurer and female impersonator Dim, Big Bent Bill, Conjob and Shorty, the rapist Theo, Landeryou's birth father George Seitz and all the other Labor Unity tools involved in the disgusting conspiracy are sent to Barwon Jail and raped up the arse until they heamorrhage to death on the floor of their cells.

Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year!

Our photo below shows Andrew at 9.30 this morning (Council health officers had wiped away the pool of liquid turds he was lying in and disinfected the immediate surrounds).



Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fat crook Andrew Landeryou in perverse prison preparations smallgoods shame

The law abiding patriots who bring you Slanderyou New were deeply distressed to receive this email over the weekend:

Dear Slanderyou New

I am a hard-working manufacturer of artisan smallgoods. I do not want to give my name, but suffice to say I have been featured in The Age's "Epicure" liftout on many occasions, as well as publications such as Gourmet Traveller, D'Lish, MasterChef Magazine and Vogue Entertaining.

I was bemused to receive a call from what sounded like a very drunk man calling himself Andrew and speaking with his mouth full a few weeks ago lodging an order. I was tempted to dismiss it, but the detail of the specific length and girth and hardness of the sausage products he demanded made me reconsider. I believed I was dealing with a connoisseur and wanted to prove my worth.

I called Andrew when the orders were complete. Yet again he sounded drunk and was slurring his words and appeared to be speaking with his mouth full, but said he would send "the Sergeant" around to collect the goods.

I was somewhat shocked when 90 minutes later a clearly retarded man wearing a colander on his head, army disposals camouflage gear and carrying at least 20 toy cameras draped around his neck arrived.

"I'm here for my master Mistah Shirley's order," he told me as the drool darkened his "uniform". "Good eating," I replied, stunned and saddened at the sight of the retard and his clearly hopelessly backward nature.

I was even more stunned when the retard replied "Oh no Sir. These are not for eating. These are exact replicas of the massive man meats of Brutus Beefcake and the other leading lights of the Hot Rodding Men of Barwon Jail. My master Mr Shirley is going to prison sometime soon and knows he will be packed raped up the jacksy. He has ordered these so he can savage my sphincter with them to get some idea of the turmoil and trauma that will be caused by the inevitable regular anal assaults he faces."

I was so stunned and startled that I accepted a cheque in payment against my usual policy and let the retard leave my premises as I sought to collect my thoughts. The cheque bounced. 

I called the police. All they would say is "We know who you're talking about. Sorry mate, but he has powerful political protection. We thought things might change when Ted came to power, but it's been no go."

Still startled days later I fed the words "Andrew Shirley Hot Rodders retard with a colander on his head" into Google and was immediately directed to your site.

Now I properly understand the story of Andrew Landeryou and his sometime wife the perjurer Dim I feel your readers should know of this latest outrage, hence my communication.

Yours sincerely and hoping Andrew Landeryou goes to prison before he can inflict more pain on poor Sasha Uzunov.

A decent member of the Victorian community.

Friday, December 7, 2012

A big day for patriots; a big day for fat crim Andrew Landeryou

It's been a big day for the patriotic and law abiding and a big day for Andrew Landeryou.

Firstly, we learned this morning from Melbourne's oldest and best loved news source The Age that fat boy has added hit and run driving to his list of crimes.

Later in the day The Age also reported hard working and decent youth worker Les Twentyman has taken out an interim intervention order against the slothful and drunken fat crim Landeryou. Contempt of court proceedings cannot be far behind, along with defamation action given the vile lies and smears Landeryou has posted in the comments thread of this patriotic site and his own sleazy and malware ridden Blog of Sleaze, Poxnews.

There was a third piece in The Age as well, as photo of a lunatic from Melbourne training as a mercenary in the Ukraine dressed in a Bambi costume. Could this be "Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov, we wondered for a minute.

The answer came quickly. The bloke is obviously thick to pose for happy snaps in what could be seen as a terror training camp, but not stupid enough to be photographed committing contempt of court on fat crim Landeryou's orders the way Uzunov was.

We hope there will be more news Landeryou in the papers before Christmas; news finally of his arrest and charging with multiple counts of theft and fraud, slander and perjury.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Andrew Landeryou shame: new claims

A patriot writes:

Dear Slanderyou New

I am a former senior Vice Squad detective from Melbourne. In the late eighties I had sound evidence that proved Big Bent Bill Landeryou had received extravagant sums from pedophiles to watch his morbidly obese "son" rape his ugly "daughter" Anne-Marie. These monies had been used to underwrite illicit activity in the ALP that was both against state and federal electoral laws and the party constitution. I informed my superiors was about to make arrests of persons including several state ministers, a corrupt AWU official by the name of Wilson and his ugly girlfriend, a ranga by the name of Julia, when I was told that I had been reassigned to parking meter duty in Mildura. I stayed there on this beat until earlier this year when I retired back to Melbourne and heard new information that has encouraged me to come forward.

I hear that Big Bent Landeryou is sitting upon a vast sum of wealth he has accumulated through illegal means  despite bankruptcy and the "son" who was actually fathered by one of his fellow criminals through the rape of his wife also raped his alleged "daughter" and now runs a criminal blog of sleaze named Poxnews - but nothing can be done because said ranga is now Prime Minister and has been in receipt of considerable bribes and is supported by two criminals in her cabinet who have also benefitted from said funds by the names of Conjob and Shorty.

May justice prevail!

A law abiding patriot

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Andrew Landeryou in AWU Gillard corruption shock revelations

Law abiding patriots! We bring you the most shocking revelations ever about the morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou, his corrupt and loathsome "father" Big Bent Bill and his female impersonator "wife", the perjurer Dim.

Why is Fat Andrew Landeryou turning a blind eye to the serious allegations surrounding Prime Minister Julia Gillard?

Slanderyou New has documents that show why. Her corrupt and criminal boyfriend Bruce Wilson and the AWU bribed criminal elements in the Victorian ALP, including Big Bent Bill. They used illegally obtained funds to pay for the university tuition fees of... Fat Criminal Andrew Landeryou!!!

PS Fat Thief, Fraudster and Criminal Libeller Fat Andrew Landeryou claims Ralph Blewitt raped his sister. FACT: Fat Thief, Fraudster and Criminal Libeller Fat Andrew Landeryou and his ugly sister Anne-Marie were pimped out to paedophiles from age three by Big Bent Bill Landeryou to raise money to fund illegal and unconstituional branch stacking activites.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Andrew Landeryou in AWU sleaze scandal blunder

Fat thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou has been caught up in a blunder over the AWU sleaze scandal.

Reports in News Limited Sundays referred to his sleazy phishing site Poxnews as a "humorous political website".

Poxnews is not humorous. Instead it is a joke. A sick joke. Like its criminal founder and sole "journalist" fat criminal Fat Andrew Landeryou.

PS Fat cunt Landeryou unselfconciously linked this weekend to a Gawker item entitled What Should You Buy For Someone Who Is Drunk More Often Than Not?: A Gift Guide. Presumably his Rutherglen Rotgut addled brain is telling him his handful of readers should be buying him Christmas presents. Patriots, just how deluded and deranged is this evil criminal?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The fat criminal Andrew Landeryou and the Royal Commission

The morbidly obese thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou - sometime husband of the perjurer Kimberley Kitching - has been in a state of high anxiety since the Prime Minister announced her Royal Commission into sexual abuse last week.

He is constantly on the phone to one of the corrupt members of the Ministry he has bought off with donations of stolen funds, Bill Shorten, as this tape of the Fat Cave end of a conversation given to Slanderyou New by patriotic and law abiding sources tells:

  • Mate, it's Andrew
  • Andrew Landeryou. Don't you remember my donation from the AWU ball just a few weeks ago?
  • Don't you say "Oh fuck" at me. I could get you jailed. Look, have you spoken to your ex yet?
  • Not fucking Debbie Beale. That woofer Roxon.
  • Waddya mean you haven't? This is important. Look, you've got to talk to her about the Royal Commission terms of reference. All that stuff with the Sergeant... He... He likes it. It's just a game. It makes him feel wanted...
  • Hey, c'mon mate! I'm good to him! He's a retard! They don't get any loving from anywhere! Let me say it for the record: Sasha Uzunov is allowed to eat from Ronnie's feed bowl and drink his water anytime. I care for him!

[Mr Shorten hung up his phone]

Our photgraph shows another fat Labor sex pervert, former Tasmanian MP Terry Martin,who escaped prison despite fucking a 12 year old. Landeryou hopes his perverse abuse of the retard "Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov will similarly escape the attention of the law.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Has fat crim Andrew Landeryou discovered irony?

Today on his little-read phishing site Poxnews the morbidly obese drunken criminal Andrew Landeryou posted a link to a story entitled "How to Rack Up Debt and Ruin Your Life".

It is a fact that as a consequence of his criminality, drunkenness and incompetence as a businessman Landeryou:

  • bankrupted his wife, the perjurer Dim;
  • bankrupted his father, Big Bent Bill Landeryou; and
  • bankrupted himself.
Curious to understand the criminal mind, we put the question to several leading psychiatrist: Has Andrew Landeryou discovered irony?

They replied: No, he simply has no conscience, no self-awareness and is so massively vain he cannot comprehend how hilarious it is for a big fat bankrupt criminal sitting on a stash of stolen loot to put up a link like that.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fat Andrew Landeryou plans prison pig-out

Fat thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou, sometime husband of the perjurer Kimberley Kitching, today tweeted a Herald Sun article outlining all the gourmet delights available at Barwon Jail.

KFC is not on the menu, but with goose, pork belly and beer-battered bad boy chips available, there should be enough fatty food available to keep the criminal happy when he begins his extended stay there.

Landeryou though forgot to mention one item he won't like so much: meat between the buns; the massive man meat of Brutus Beefcake, Bubba and the rest of the Barwon Jail Hot Rodders stuck up between his buns brutally and repeatedly day after days despite his pleas and screaming and the injuries these repeated pack rapes will wreak on his rectum.

The thought of that would put even fat man Landeryou off his food!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's a beautiful sunny day in Melbourne

It's a beautiful sunny day in Melbourne, patriots, so let us not spoil it by thinking too much about the morbidly obese thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou.

No, in keeping with the sunny day let us just offer our congratulations to Stephen Mayne on his election to Melbourne City Council.

For once drunkenness and congenital sloth may not be the reasons why Fat Andrew's Blog of Sleaze (AKA Poxnews) may not have been updated today. Well-placed sources in the Fat Cave (Ronnie the dog) tell us that steam has been arising from the fat man's ears since the results came through.)

Enjoy the weather, patriots.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Geoffrey Edelsten and Andrew Landeryou:

This court case report from the reputable journalists of the ABC reminded us of the criminal Andrew Landeryou and his perjurer wife Kimberley Kitching who lived a life of luxury financed by the proceeds of theft and fraud but lied and lied about it when quizzed in court:

Melbourne businessman Geoffrey Edelsten has successfully taken court action to gag an American woman.

The details of the case cannot be reported due to pre-emptive action taken by Mr Edelsten's lawyers to ensure the matter was suppressed.

Mr Edelsten sought an injunction restraining Stacy da Silva, a saleswoman from New Jersey, from disclosing information that he argued was confidential.

In handing down his judgment, Justice David Beach began with a reference to 17th century perjurer Titus Oates.

"A little over 13 years ago, [Judge Brooking] commenced a judgment with the statement: 'Titus Oates [was] the greatest perjurer that ever lived'," Justice Beach said.

"Self-evidently, his honour was not the trial judge in the present proceeding."

In finding in favour of Mr Edelsten, Justice Beach said Ms da Silva perjured herself and that her evidence "was demonstrably false and could not be believed".

But the judge said Mr Edelsten was no more an impressive witness and also "unbelievable".

"On a number of occasions, there were inappropriately long pauses before an answer was given to a 
straightforward question," Justice Beach said.

"From time to time, Mr Edelsten appeared to be contemplating which of a selection of answers might prove least embarrassing or least destructive to his case."

He added Mr Edelsten was all too willing to say that he could not recall matters before begrudgingly admitting other evidence showed the opposite.

"I found both Mr Edelsten and Ms da Silva to be unsatisfactory witnesses," he said.

How will he find the Landeryous in the perjury stakes if they land in his dock?The Titus Oates quote suggests Mr Justice Beach has never heard of them. There are no worse perjurers in time and/or space than fat cunt and Dim.

Titus Oates. Fat Cunt and Dim
face worse punishment
 - and rightly so.


Monday, October 8, 2012

The comment of the year

Well done to patriot Scaminator for this effort:

"I heard that Landeryou spent most of the $4M he scammed off Sollie Lew on a floor mirror so he could squat over it and look up his own arse."

Need we say any more?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fat Andrew Landeryou: pissant and pisser

Morbidly obese thief and fraudster and sometime bankrupt Andrew Landeryou - husband to the perjurer Kimberley Kitching - in a desperate bid to drive traffic to his failing novelty links site and mal and spyware spreader Poxnews - attempted to steal News Limited's intellectual property by linking to a story about how pop princess Pink took a leak in one of Melbourne's famed laneways after a few coffee martinis.

Nothing was mentioned about Landy's own embarrassment the day he went to relieve himself after a couple of dozen Rutherglen Rotgut in a disabled toilet in the CBD. His retard gimp "Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov was very busy trying to clean up the mess BUT Slanderyou New got the picture.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Revealed: How the law abiding and patriotic will make fat criminal Andrew Landeryou confess

Fat and drunken bum Andrew Landeryou is best known nowadays as the compiler of a blog based around "odd spot" links stolen from dozens of reputable news sites from around the world while he is actually a hardened criminal involved in theft, fraud, perjury, intimidation, criminal defamation and multiple breaches of the companies code and electoral laws.

Landeryou - and his perjurer wife Dim Ditching, who enjoyed a life of luxury on the proceeds of his criminality - denies his evil deeds.

Now, the patriotic and law abiding have an overseas precedent that shows them how to force a confession from fat Andrew Landeryou. All it will take is law enforcement officials who remain uncorrupted by the bribery and blackmail the Landeryou clan and their supporters and lackeys specialised in during the corrupt Bracks and Brumby years, along with a little time and a large tub of KFC.

The original of this inspirational story is available here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fat thief Andrew Landeryou escape criminal charges yet again - patriots demand inquiry

This law abiding and patriotic blog has reported multiple examples of fat thief and fraudster and serial internet defamer Andrew Landeryou - the former Crikey correspondent and "husband" of crossdressing perjurer Kimberley Kitching - spooning down fat from restaurant grease traps and bin-diving outside KFCs.

The morbidly obese criminal engaged in a fascinating bit of projection yesterday. He posted the following link on his comedy relief links and phishing website (that he insists is a news site) Vexnews about the theft of valuable lard from KFCs.

A delightful grease trap snack of the kind that Andrew Landeryou likes to polish off hourly

As a known thief of fat from restaurants and even tanneries, fat Andrew Landeryou must be rejoicing that the corrupt appointees of the Bracks and Brumby years are still protecting him and that Ted Baillieu's do-nothing government has not removed them.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Andrew Landeryou in sick sex shame - fat crook abuses retard

Earlier this week Andrew Landeryou shocked and sickened the decent, hard working and law abiding readers of this patriotic blog by posting graphic descriptions of sexual perversion in a comments thread:
While anal play may be considered kinky and somewhat taboo, it's a sexual practice that more than a few men and women, regardless of sexual orientation, enjoy. In men, this potent pleasure point is the prostate, which is found inside their anal canal. The prostate's primary function, however, is to aid in reproduction. It does this by secreting a fluid into semen before ejaculation occurs, helping with sperm mobility and prolonging the life of the sperm once it leaves the penis.

Before anal play, it can be helpful for your partner to urinate and/or have a bowel movement before you begin. You can cut and file smooth your fingernails as well, so that there are no rough or jagged edges. Relaxation is also important, minimizing or preventing the possibility of tearing the thin lining of the rectum, and setting the stage for pleasure. Some people relax by taking a warm bath. Others begin by sensuously massaging their partner's body, slowly leading to the butt and inner thighs, using or adding massage oil or lubricant. For safer anal play, you can wear a latex glove with a dab of water-based lubricant on it.

When you are both ready, you can begin massaging your partner's prostate externally. Using your index and middle fingertips, you can touch, rub, stroke, or press his perineum (the area of skin from underneath his testicles to his anus), trying various sensations and pressures. Using your other hand, you can stroke other parts of his body for additional arousal. This is the beginning of the massage, so encourage your partner to communicate with you about what feels good to him.

As your partner begins to enjoy the sensations, using water-based lube, gradually insert your finger(s) into his anus. You may both need to experiment with various positions that allow for easy access. In the meantime, you can begin with him lying on his back. Insert your finger(s) about an inch or so, and when your partner is comfortable, move your finger(s) in an upward motion along the wall of the rectal lining that faces the front of his body. Try to locate a round bulb of tissue — this is the prostate. Once you locate this area, move your finger(s) in a "come here" motion, as if you were asking someone to move closer to you so that you could whisper a secret. Use your finger pad(s) on the tip(s) of your finger(s) to massage the prostate, and be mindful of not using your nail(s). Ask him what feels good and how he wants to be touched. While you are touching your partner in this way, you can ask if he wants more or less pressure, or slower or faster strokes. You can also ask him if he wants you to touch his penis, testicles, or perineum simultaneously. Some men like oral sex or kissing at the same time, too.

Be aware that receiving anal stimulation may cause feelings of having to go to the bathroom. More often than not, this is just a "feeling" that the stimulation causes and may take some getting used to. If your partner indeed does find pleasure from this experience, it might set him over the edge if you rhythmically or irregularly press on his prostate gland before or during ejaculation. It is even possible for men to orgasm through prostate stimulation alone.

Hopefully, you'll hit the jackpot with this rectal rub
 Landeryou's virile member vanished beneath folds of flab when he was just 11. It has not been seen since. Landeryou has never enjoyed the healthy pleasures of sex in a normal or natural way.

Now though Fat Cave sources tell us that not only has he described his sole source of sexual activity in his filthy post and not only does he force his retarded gimp, the self-styled photo journalist and expert on all thing military "Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov to perform these perversions on him, but that a photo exists of the fat crook awaiting the poor brain-dead Sarge's rectal ministrations:

Ugh! Eew! Yuck!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fat crim Andrew Landeryou is full of sh*t

The ABC reports:

Toilet maker showcases poo-powered motorbike
Japan's best-known toilet maker has put a "poop-powered" motorbike on display at its showroom, saying it can drive 300 kilometres on a full load of gas made from animal waste.

Billed as the world's first waste-powered vehicle, the three-wheeler has a toilet in place of a regular seat and huge paper roll at the back.

But manufacturer TOTO was quick to point out that the vehicle's driver would not supply the "gas".

"The biogas it uses as fuel is not made from human waste. It's made from livestock waste and sewage," company spokesman Kenji Fujita said.

"We hope to raise awareness among customers about our green campaign through development of environmentally-friendly products such as water-saving showerheads and water-saving toilets."

The unique motorcycle proved a popular oddity with visitors to TOTO's showroom in a Tokyo suburb on Thursday.

"Customers seem very interested in the vehicle, some are taking photos," a showroom official said.

The company - which makes toilets equipped with an array of features including heated seats, water jets with pressure and temperature controls, and ambient background music - has no plans to commercialise the motorcycle.

Attach Vexnews editor, cross-dresser, "husband" of perjurer Kimberley Kitching, serial defamer and morbidly obese thief, fraud and failure Andrew Landeryou to the bike and it could go to the moon and back 45 times.

Yes, patriots. Fat Andrew Landeryou is that full of shit!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fat criminal Andrew Landeryou inspires crime

"Cross dressing robber charged" a report in Melbourne's oldest and most reputable news source The Age said today. What it did not talk about was Andrew Landeryou's involvement in the crimes.

These are the facts as reported: a sad sack 24 year old male has been charged, appeared in court in Geelong  and is being held on remand after holding up a servo south-west of Melbourne while dressed as woman. But there is more - as Slanderyou New can exclusively reveal.

The charged man is a long-term Vexnews reader. And this is what he told police:

"I love Vexnews and before I read that I always used to read Andrew Landeryou's blog of sleaze, the OC.

"I was impressed by the way fat Andrew always used to boast that he had never even been charged despite stealing $4 million from Solly Lew with a bit of help from his perjurer wife and Ed Dale in the IQ Corporation fraud and at least another million from the students at Melbourne Uni because of his connections with corrupt figures in Labor Unity. I also noted that Fat Andrew often claimed to be a woman called Shirley, Rita Randles or Cait Catt.

"I joined one of Richard Marles branches, mindful of how Fat Andrew had defamed his predecessor Gavan O'Connor for fighting branch-stacking and started committing crimes while dressed en transvesti. I now find myself in jail and it is all because I read Poxnews and Fat Andy's Blog of Sleaze."

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The news... according to Vexnews

Morbidly obese thief and fraudster fat Andrew Landeryou - as this patriotic blog has reported before - is too drunk, too lazy and too busy attempting to keep his disbarred lawyer and perjurer cross dresser "wife" Kimberley Kitching's vain hopes of a political career alive to update his racist hate blog Poxnews.

Slanderyou New always recommends that no one visit Poxnews because of the certainty their internet banking, share trading, PayPal and similar accounts will be immediately be drained by fat man Landeryou's spybots that he created the site for to infect their computers.

There is no news there - because of Andrew Landeryou's gross intemperance.

All he does nowadays is link to other media outlets in the hope of attracting victims, but his news judgement is undermined by his drunkenness.

His main news story links today concerned a "raunchy" new performance by Duran Duran - who were at their prime when fat man Landeryou's corrupt and loathsome father was enjoying his few days as a minister before accusations of criminal conduct forced him to stand down a generation ago - and recycled reports of the "attack" on The Shire stars Vernessa and Sophie. What news?, the patriotic and law-abiding say.

Fat Cunt should give up and either turn himself into the law or suicide.

"Fat cunt Andy's ego and view of his own 'journalistic' skills are both infinitely 
more artificially inflated than even our breasts!"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Greens-bashing story Andrew Landeryou can't report

Top silk Robert Richter QC hopes to spring Julian Knight, the Hoddle Street massacre gunman, from chokey. Andrew Landeryou should be all over the story. Why? Well, Richter's last big case, as fat crook Andrew Landeryou's former Crikey colleague Christian Kerr has reported, was representing Greens leaders Bob Brown and Christine Milne in front of a Senate Privileges Committee Hearing wanting to know if there was a link between their sudden interest in using the Senate to protect the business interests of multi-millionaire founder Graeme Wood - and the fact that he had just given them $1.8 million.

Landeryou would normally be on to a link between the Greens leadership and a mass murdering bastard like Knight like a fly on to shit. Bun't he can't go anywhere near there. Why? Well, look at some of his lawyers.

When the morbidly obese crook was jailed after his blowout on home delivery KFC in Costa Rica with the proceeds of the infamous four million dollar IQ Corporation fraud he perpetrated with Ed Dale and wife (and perjurer) Kimberly Kitching) he chose as his barrister pro-Al-Quaeda terrorist lawyer Rob Stary.

Fat thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou can't talk about Richter because the man he hires has defended supporters of the murders of thousands in the name of Al Quaeda, not just the deaths of seven people in the housing estates of Collingwood.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Andrew Landeryou, the frauster's friend

Morbidly obese criminal and part-time blogger Andrew Landeryou illegally obtained a seven figure sum from his fraudulent activities involving the Melbourne University Student Union. He stole $4 million from wealth and job creator Solly Lew in the infamous IQ Corporation scam (and his wife, disbarred lawyer Kimberley Kitching, perjured herself).

Given this record, it has come as no surprise that Andrew Landeryou has offered support and encouragement to figures such as Craig Thomson MP and Michael Williamson for their rorting of the HSU.

Landeryou, famously, once tried to steal a house, the Parkville mansion Wardlow. This crime was so egregious even his notoriously corrupt Centre Unity allies in the Bracks government were forced to step in.

Our Prime Minister Julia Gillard was also involved in an attempt to steal an abode, an altogether humbler affair only a 25 minute walk away from Wardlow in Kerr St (perhaps named after some worthy ancestor of Landy's Crikey colleague Christian Kerr) Fitzroy.

Brave whistleblower Ralph Blewitt (pictured above outside the property in question) is offering to tell the authorities all he knows about this heinous crime, and this has upset fat Andrew mightily.

Curiously though Landeryou offers no defence. All he does is attack the media outlets that have reported the story of Ms Gillard acting as an accessory in these crimes.Could it be that there is no defence? His friend Bill Shorten's pie shop blow-up yesterday suggests this key figure behind the Gillard Prime Ministership is feeling the strain.

With "journalistic" skills like this, no wonder Landeryou now devotes 95% of the time he spends on his dying sleazeblog Poxnews putting up links to LOL catz.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Andrew Landeryou: the kiss of death

Fat thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou, spouse of the bankrupt and perjurer Kimberley Kitching, was spotted handing out how to votes today at the Melbourne by-election.

He wasn't handing out HTVs for Labor, mind you. He was handing them out for David Nolte, the defacto Liberal candidate.

The Liberals won 28 per cent of the vote in Melbourne at the 2010 poll. Nolte, despite a well promoted campaign where he made it clear he was the Liberal you have when you're not having an official Liberal candidate, had scored less than a fifth of this amount at midnight on Saturday.

Nolte, indeed, had scored less than Stephen Mayne, the man who Landeryou despises for selling his online business for a seven figure sum while Landeryou's web ventures resulted in failure, bankruptcy and public humiliation for himself, his perjurer wife and corrupt and loathsome old man Big Bent Bill Landeryou.

 Where's the candidate Landeryou backed? Off drug dealing? Really?

Labor ignored Landeryou for this campaign and Landeryou ignored them. As a consequence, Labor appears to have won the seat while the candidate the morbidly obese criminal backed has received fewer than one in every twenty votes cast.

Andrew Landeryou's public support is the kiss of death.

Nolte is a pharmacist. Now that Landeryou has been seen supporting him there is already local talk that he supplies Triad gangs with precursor drugs for the manufacture of methamphetamine and is more than lax in his dispensation of benzodiazepenes beloved of addicts, let alone morphine. Have Landeryou, the perjurer Dim and/or Big Bent Bill been involved in criminal ventures with Nolte or, more likely, forced him into criminal misdeed? The men and women sworn to uphold the law are on their trail!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

In case you were confused

The fat guy won't be the guy on top when Andrew Landeryou goes to jail.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Why is Vexnews updated so rarely by the fat crim Andrew Landeryou?

Why does the thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou update Vexnews so rarely? Here's your answer, patriots!

Landeryou has become so fat from all the Rutherglen Rotgut port and all the KFC he has been guzzling down lately as the Gillard government goes down the tubes that he cannot fit his gut under a desk and he is too drunk or too lazy to try doing all that typing on his phone.

(He has also become so fat he cannot fit into any clothes either, as this shot taken just today by Ronnie the Dog from a secret spy camera he patriotically attached to his collar shows. The photo has been cropped to spare the sensibilities of the hard-working, law-abiding and patriotic. No, we didn't crop out Landeryou's penis. That vanished beneath folds of flab back in late 1978 and has not been seen since. We cropped out most of his face as it is just too disgusting to behold.)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Andrew Landeryou giving up

The morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou has abandoned his media ambitions. At least that's what the experts are divining from his little liked and less read blog of sleaze.

The evil thief and fraudster - sometime husband to the perjurer Kimberley Kitching - has not been arsed to update his evil site this week.

The section of his Poxnews blog labelled as "Poxnews headlines" consists of nothing but links to legitimate media sites.

Slanderyou New understands that even Bill Shorty and Stephen Conjob have abandoned Landeryou as a political apocalypse looms that will leave both the midget bonkrat and philanderer and the impotent 10 pound Pom fighting for their politial lives.

And as the reputable media point out Landeryou's future home for at least a quarter of a century at Barwon Jail is ruled by the law of the jungle.

He may well soon give up per se and suicide.

"Poor Andrew's sole activity over the last week has been following up Noah Carroll's shitsheet from the Melbourne by-election campaign targeting Stephen Mayne," a Poxnews source told Slanderyou New. "Mayne, of course, became a hard cash millionaire from Crikey while Andrew's failures online and in all his other business ventures saw him, his wife and father bankrupted and become the subject of ongoing investigations by the Tax Office and every crime fighting body in the land.

"Make no mistake. Fat Andy's going down."


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fat Andrew Landeryou: a sot in a spot

Morbidly obese criminal, drunkard, cross-dresser, Centre Unity thug and occasional blogger Fat Andrew Landeryou carried this link on his evil, little-liked and less read site of sleaze Poxnews recently: "How to drink all day and not pass out".

The newest material on Poxnews is a week old. Clearly the criminal and drunken sot Landeryou isn't reading his own advice.

Our photo shows Landeryou in his cups from many, many years ago when he only weighed 110 kilos and had not gone bald.

PS He chunders more nowadays too. The poor dumb retard Sarge clears away several bucketfuls in the course of an average afternoon at the Fatcave.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Andrew Landeryou: newshound (not)

Today the Australian media has seen its biggest story since Rupert Murdoch purchased the Herald & Weekly Times a quarter of a century ago.

John Fairfax & Sons, the nation's oldest and most prestigious media company, has suddenly proved to be as much a power as black and white TV.

And fat Andrew Landeryou has carried on his "News has a future: Vexnews" site... absolutely nothing original on the story. He has been preoccupied all day by low level irrelevancies from the federal opposition.

His content consists of nothing but his own lies, smears and bile or student politics and Young Liberal gossip.

Landeryou's own news gathering skills are like those of the bloke below.

At least unlike the morbidly obese drunk crossdresser Landeryou he was honest.

"I know nuffink!"

Friday, June 15, 2012

Andrew Landeryou online: from IQ Corp to cam girl

Fat thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou and his fellow criminal Ed Dale thought they'd become multi millionaires from IQ Corp at the height of the dot com era.

The only multi millions they saw were the multi-millions fat Andrew stole from gullible investor Solly Lew (and that his wife, female impersonator Kimberley Kitching, committed perjury about.)

But Andrew still has dreams of making it big online. No, not though Vexnews. He knows that it is little known and less liked and he is too drunk and too lazy to update it any more than irregularly.

Andrew Landeryou wants to make his fortune as a webcam girl, an online pornographic performer sitting around at home who will do just as instructed by paying customers.

Looking at the screen grab of him below most patriotic, hard working and law abiding citizens would agree he is pushing shit uphill.

"Give me $500 in used notes, rotgut port or KFC and I'll take it all off."


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Andrew Landeryou's lewd and lascivious cavortings

While the hard-working, patriotic and law-abiding readers of Slanderyou New were sleeping the sleep of the righteous last Friday, morbidly obese thief, fraudster and sex pervert Andrew Landeryou was engaging in lewd and lascivious cavortings at Melbourne's inaugural fat burlesque event, held in a seedy underground venue in the inner-city.

Andrew Landeryou weighs more than this bevy of beauties put together

"This unbelievably obese person turned up," an organiser speaking on condition of anonymity told Slanderyou New. "We couldn't work out if it was a he or a she. It was pissed as a parrot, kept wolfing down KFC, but performed three different routines under three different names: Cait 'Pussy' Catt, 'Randy' Rita Randles, the Voodoo Queen, and 'Slut' Shirley.

"The performances were outrageous and exuberant and became steadily more and more obscene. We're not running a porn show and didn't want any trouble with the Vice Squad, so we had to ask the individual to leave, particularly after the act began to involve acts of a sexual nature with a little dog called Ronnie and this weird retard-looking bloke who was wearing Diggers Disposals camos and an Alfoil covered pudding bowl on his head and kept taking pictures.

"The obese person got very angry and aggressive, calling us 'leftards', 'wets', 'Greens' and 'Kathy Jackson lovers' and threatened that ASIO would learn of our activities from Vexnews, whatever that may be.

"It was only after we got he or she out of the premises we noticed that the night's takings from the door had vanished."

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Andrew Landeryou on methamphetamine shock!

Less than 48 hours after a naked, drug addled maniac chewed the face off a homeless man in Miami, authorities fear Andrew Landeryou is hopped up on the same dope.

The Miami crime scene. If Landeryou had been involved the photographer would
have needed to use a very, very wide angle lens indeed.

The morbidly obese lazy drunken criminal updated his hateblog Poxnews not once but TWICE today.

True, both updates were shite - one a cut and paste job, stolen from an international news outlet, the other a "Please, please, please I could be the next Steve Price if I wasn't drunk all the time and as trustworthy and reliable as an Iranian liaison officer with the UN nuclear weapons detection team" sermon from the Reverend "Do as I say, not as I do" Landeryou - but Landeryou's unprecedented productivity levels have amazed and terrified the law abiding and patriotic.

"Landeryou is clearly drugged," an expert told Slanderyou New, "on some demonic form of methamphetamine. For such a notorious bum to do so much work when it will make him no money and will be read by no one as everyone knows Vexnews is nothing but the deranged criminal fantasies of a madman and failure and when all sane people steer clear of the site as they also know it  loaded with malware that steals the credit card and online banking and share trading details of everyone stupid enough to visit the site means he must be high as a kite if not higher.

"He is off his face, but may soon be biting faces off."

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Amazing true facts about Andrew Landeryou and family as revealed by the law abiding and patriotic: Part IV

Hard working, law abiding and honest people often say "God, that Dimberley Ditching looks like a man in drag". Now, here is the real story.

 A man

The noted perjurer and former disgraced Melbourne City Councillor and perpetual candidate of the Tammany Hall faction of the extreme Right of the ALP was born a male.

Dimberley's parents had high hopes for him/her but were incredibly cheap. They made their son sit every scholarship exam there was in the hope he/she would win a top-rank education without them having to part with a zak.

When Dimberley won a scholarship to a leading girls school, that was it. He would be a she.

Puberty etc left Dimberley with dilemmas, but then she heard of Andrew Landeryou, a noted criminal whose own genitals had vanished beneath folds of flab before he was an adolescent. Dim knew she had found a man.

Andrew, despite strange sexual desires of his own, needed to get married in his efforts to cement a role as a powerbroker of the extreme Right of the ALP. He would not be picky about the true gender of his spouse. The pair went through a blasphemous mockery of the sacrament of marriage. Not only did they share the same wedding photographer as Hugh Jackman and Deborra Lee Furnes and Liberal boss Brian Loughnane and Peta Credlin. They refused to pay the bill, let alone the extra charges for breaking the camera because they were so ugly.

It all went like a dream until the night when sex pest Theo Theophanous attempted to rape Dim in the toilets at a fundraiser for the extreeme Right Senator Stephen Conroy. He returned to the table looking most disconcerted.

Landeryou and Dim however blackmailed him into silence. Dimberley's true gender has not been revealed until this law abiding and patriotic blog.

But just as Dim has lied about so many things while under oath, most notably in his egregious perjuries in the IQ fraud case, the fact remains: she is a he. Fat Andrew Landeryou is married to a man in drag.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Holed-up madman taking shots

VicPol has confirmed a holed-up madman is in a house in Strathmore, taking shots at everything decent patriotic and law abiding Australians hold sacred.

They have names the offender as career criminal Andrew Landeryou, known as "Fatness".

"Landeryou blasts away at everything that makes this country great day after day on his blog of sleaze Poxnews," a VicPol spokesman said.

Landeryou is believed to be in the property with an individual of indeterminate sex known as Dimberley Ditching, herself suspected of perjury crimes, a shady figure known only as "Sergeant" Sacha Uzunov and a little dog named Ronnie.

"If it's a toss-up between Ronnie and the Sarge over who's the brightest," police told Slanderyou New, "we go for Ronnie."

Police officials said the Strathmore situation was being treated as a major incident.

"It's far more menacing than that situation a few clicks down the road at Keilor East," one said.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Amazing true facts about Andrew Landeryou and family as revealed by the law abiding and patriotic: Part III

As revealed exclusively by Slanderyou New, Big Bent Bill prostituted his wife to raise funds for illegal and unconstitutional branch stacking activities. He also let his fellow corrupt members of Centre Unity have their way with her. It was in one of these sessions that the prostitute obsessed George Seitz fathered young Andrew.

Not content with pimping out his wife to raise funds for illicit activities Big Bent Bill Landeryou prostituted young Andrew to paedophiles. He bought his son's silence with KFC, creating the intense psycho sexual relationship the sleazy blogger has with the fatty food.

Such was the frequency with which young Andrew was prostituted out and given KFC that he became morbidly obese at an early age. As he became fatter and fatter, he could only be pimped out to the most perverse of paedophiles. More and more KFC followed.

By the age of 11 Andrew Landeryou was so obese that his penis vanished amongst folds of flab. He has not seen it since.

Ever since then Landeryou has had to strip off and stand in a shower to urinate. His micturations come trickling out amongst the flab. He then showers to clean himself.

Naturally, this was a source of great and deep humiliation at both school and university.

Landeryou, now in his mid forties, has not seen his penis in more than 30 years. He has never experienced an orgasm or used his virile member in any erotic or sensual way.

The lower reaches of Andrew Landeryou before his most recent weight gain

The more he turns to the bottle in his failure the worse his becomes. Fatcave sources say that Landeryou now pisses himself where he sits and forces his mentally subnormal gimp "Sergeant" Sascha Uzunov to attempt to towel the crevices clean.

Landeryou's three decade long disconnect from his manhood may also explain why he went through an evil parody of the sacrament of marriage with the notorious female impersonator Kimberley Kitching, but that will have to wait until the next extract in this patriotic and law abiding series. 


Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Peter Slipper scandal snares Andrew Landeryou

If you blinked you would have missed it, but the News Limited Sundays contained a fascinating factoid on the Peter Slipper/James Ashby case today:

"Mr Ashby has now lodged a formal complaint of victimisation against a website, denying allegations he was paid or politically motivated in his claims" Samantha Maiden wrote. "On Friday, Mr Ashby lodged a complaint of victimisation under the Sex Discrimination Act with the Australian Human Rights Commission. His move followed allegations -- which cannot be detailed for legal reasons -- on an internet gossip site"

It has to be Poxnews. The News Limited lawyers have obviously told Maiden the stuff is toxic. Landeryou and Maiden have happily played Twitter tag together in the past. Today she won't mention him or point to his site or even offer a hint about what the allegations are or where they might be found because they mean nothing but big, big trouble.

 Fat crim Andrew Landeryou is in for a white knuckle ride at Barwon and his lies about James Ashby have just brought jail closer!

Fat boy is in a pickle. Forget Sex Discrimination complaints. He will soon be experiencing indiscriminate sexual assault at the hands of Brutus Beefcake and the lads from Barwon Jail.
Fat boy is in a pickle. Forget Sex Discrimination complaints. He will soon be experiencing indiscriminate sexual assault at the hands of Brutus Beefcake and the lads from BarwJail..


Monday, April 30, 2012

Why Andrew Landeryou HATES Miss Phryne Fisher

The entire world knows that Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure who sits at home in a darkened room on a stash of stolen loot guzzling KFC and bulk buy wine publishing bitter lies and distortions on his little-read Blog of Sleaze and watching television.

But there is one program he will never watch: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries on the ABC.

Why? Because the house Ms Fisher lives in in the series is Wardlow, the Parkville mansion Landeryou tried to steal.

Fat boy thought because his father had been a minister for about 45 minutes (until poor old John Cain discovered he was on the take) that he could thieve from Solly Lew. Sol had other ideas. He asked for his money back.

The perjuring Landeryou clan had already told the Federal Court in dodgy evidence they didn't owe Lew anything. Officialdom thought otherwise. Wardlow was seized and sold for a bargain basement price, the proceeds going to Lew. You can see the sign saying "Mortgagee Auction" in the photo of the big day below.

It was a massive humiliation for Landeryou and Dim. The perjurer was not seen anywhere near the auction, but given Landeryou's reputation for threatening behaviour before the bidding began auctioneer Glen Morley warned the crowd who had turned up to laugh at the fat crook and his perjuring missus getting their comeuppance that any disruption of the auction would be against the law.

The true bully he is, Landeryou was too gutless to do anything. Instead he was spotted a couple of blocks away standing around looking sorry for himself as he pretended to walk Ronnie the dog.

So that's why the fat bent bum never watches Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, but here for the law abiding and the patriotic is a picture of the one thing fat cunt didn't get away with stealing, the mansion Wardlow, as it appears in the series.

You can view more of Miss Fisher and the house Fat Boy and Dim were booted from here.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mal Brough sues: will Andrew Landeryou be next?

"Former Howard government minister Mal Brough is suing a Sunshine Coast mayoral candidate who accused him of trying to interfere in the outcome of Saturday's election," The Australian reports.

Sleaze merchant Andrew Landeryou has been featuring a stolen and heavily embroided story on his ugly blog all day. Will Brough sue him too? We can only hope so patriots!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fat crim Andrew Landeryou in double Anzac shame

Morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou has doubly shamed this most holy of days and the memories of those who made the supreme sacrifice.

The drunken criminal bum was raised from a stupor on the floor of the Fat Cave by a bugle blowing the last post at a nearby dawn service. Infuriated, Landeryou called the police, his council and corrupt VCAT officials appointed by Labor demanding immediate action under noise pollution laws.

The previous evening Landeryou had instructed his mentally retarded gimp "Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov to attend as many dawn services as possible and steel food and alcohol from the breakfasts that followed.

Uzunov, who spent two and a bit days as the boy in the Defence Careers Centre under a public service "employ a spazmo" scheme before filing a claim for post-traumatic stress, believes he is a military man.

Faithful to his master's command he dressed in a uniform of mismatching army surplus store boots and camo. He placed an Alfoil covered colander on his head and several rows of Loyal Order of Oddfellows medals on his chest, them wrapped himself from head to toe in camo netting.

He arrived at the first dawn service and attempted to steal the sausage sizzle while claiming to be a veteran of the 1885 Australian contingent to the Soudan. Old diggers beat him unconscious with their walking sticks.

This was repeated several times at several services.

When the Sarge arrived back home empty-handed, an infuriated Landeryou locked him in Ronnie the dog's kennel.

Lest we forget: Andrew Landeryou is a thief and fraudster and serial defamer and his fat and ugly wife Kimberley Kitching is a perjurer.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning we shall remember this.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Andrew Landeryou: a lying liar who lies

Morbidly obese thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou came late to the Peter Slipper party last weekend, but when he did he claimed to have broken the latest allegations back in 2010. That is very interesting, as the man behind them, James Ashby, did not join Slipper's staff until late last year.

Landeryou is even fuller of shit now than he will be full of Hot Rodder cock when he goes to jail (and that, Patriots, is saying something).

What things would look like when Andy goes to jail if he weighed 460 kilos less.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Amazing true facts about Andrew Landeryou and family as revealed by the law abiding and patriotic: Part II

Not content with pimping out his wife to raise funds for illicit activities Big Bent Bill Landeryou prostituted young Andrew to paedophiles.

He bought his son's silence with KFC, creating the intense psychosexual relationship the sleazy blogger has with the fatty food.

Such was the frequency with which young Andrew was prostituted out and given KFC that he became morbidly obese at an early age. As he became fatter and fatter, he could only be pimped out to the most perverse of paedophiles.

"Andrew Landeryou was subjected to the grossest and most bizarre abuse imaginable," Bravehearts founder Hetty Johnston told Slanderyou New. "No wonder he is one of the grossest and most bizarre people in this land. It is a tragic case."

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Unprecedented sleaze and perversion from fat crim Andrew Landeryou

Citizens! We bring you a break from the series "Amazing true facts about Andrew Landeryou and family as revealed by the law abiding and patriotic" to alert those with families or of a delicate disposition to a series of perverse pornographic pictures of himself the fat man posted on his Blog of True Sleaze last night while in his cups.

Bells rang in Interpol and child protection services and across security agencies globally when a series of explicit images appeared on Vexnews at 7:30 am on Saturday morning Victorian time, the time Landeryou is most in his cups.

It appears that Landeryou paid a top erotic photographer to show him in er... all his glory out of his deranged and deluded vanity.

The pictures were taken down within minutes of the law officers' strike but we here at Slanderyou new managed to grab screen caps of them all.

Here is the least offensive of them all. In all the rest fat Andrew in being rimmed by either the Sarge or Ronnie the dog. Look closely in the background and one can see Kim Kitching reciting perjuries.



The site was scrubbed clean within hours of this gross perversion being posted.

Canberra sources say that Stephen Conroy, who has long been blackmailed by Landeryou into doing his will, made his senior public servants come in and work Saturday to cover his former donor's perverse tracks.

Quizzed about the outrage perjurer Kimberly Kitching said "Andrew loves stamp collecting. That's his hobby. He works full time nowadays teaching macrame to thalidomide babies. And my name isn't Kimberly by the way. I am called Queen Zorg of the Seventeenth Quadrant, or Milly Molly Mandy for short."

The question however remains. How long can Landeryou and his criminal protectors remain at large? Particularly when Ed Dale hyper tagged his perverted post to guarantee it appealed most to children under five.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Amazing true facts about Andrew Landeryou and family as revealed by the law abiding and patriotic: Part I

Morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou's corrupt and loathsome father Big Bent Bill Landeryou forced his wife into prostitution to fund his illegal and immoral branch stacking activities.

Big Bent Bill also forced his wife to engage  in sex with his cronies for which he did not charge as a reward for their services and loyalty.

One of these was his fellow corrupt figure from the Right, George Seitz. Seitz sired Andrew as a result of a squalid liaison with the poor Mrs Landeryou.

Seitz is hypersexualised and has been obsessed with sex with prostitutes all his life. A forced liaison he had with a drug addicted and addled Aboriginal street worker from St Kilda resulted in the birth of another character in these amazing true stories about the Landeryou clan: Brutus Beefcake.

Coming soon to Slanderyou New - more amazing patriotic revelations on this squalid man and his squalid clan

Friday, April 6, 2012

How fat failure Andrew Landeryou failed forgery 101

Fat failure Andrew Landeryou has been talking about forgery on his little read phishing site Poxnews this week.

It really is a subject he should pay more attention to.

The fat thief and fraudster, you see, forged his brother in law's name on company documents but got the spelling of his name wrong.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Andrew Landeryou: a bigger loser than Anna Bligh

Queensland Labor will have about eight members when the new state parliament sits.

Deluded and derange fat thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou has no stories on the Queensland election outcome on his little-liked and less read Blog of Sleaze.

QED: Andrew Landeryou is a bigger lose than Anna Bligh.

Presumably Landeryou is still speechless with admiration for Bill Ludwig's corrupt AWU regime in Queensland that first gave the world Wayne Swan and now Saturday's outcome.

And so we patriotic people present the picture below.

De Nile is a river in Egypt, fat cunt!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lies, smears, hate, envy and gluttony from fat crook Andrew Landeryou

Fat thief and fraudster Andrew Landeryou has a new enemy! Yes, the morbidly obese drunk and criminal is using his little liked and less read Blog of Sleaze to attack his fellow Liberal, pollster Mark Textor.

It is easy to see why Landeryou hates Textor. Textor has been successful in both business and politics. Landeryou's record in both has been beyond embarrassing. Textor also has a column in one of Australia's oldest and most respected journals of record, The Sydney Morning Herald, while Landeryou's sole brush with the world outside hateblogging was a brief involvement with a low-powered, short lived radio station that was shut down as it had no listeners.

Landeryou appears to have accused Textor of a bizarre crime. "Solly Lew was at my wedding," he Tweeted in response to a gibe from Textor.

Landeryou appears to be accusing Textor of stealing millions of dollars from his wedding guests, just as he defrauded Lew of millions (his wife Dimberley subsequently committed multiple counts of evidence and contempt of court when she lied and lied again in the court actions that followed).

In other news this week, has introduced us to Jordan Tirekidis, a Sydney man who weighs 300 kilos.

"For breakfast it's 10 hash browns and two large coffees, lunch is two Big Macs with fries and dinner time usually serves up four Whopper burgers," it reports.

"And if that's not enough, there's custard tarts and lamingtons to fill the gaps between meals - and it's all washed down with almost a litre of Coke."

Andrew Landeryou weighs 750 kilograms. For breakfast it's usually eighteen Zinger burgers washed down with a flagon of Rutherglen Rotgut port. Lunch is five Family Feast tubs of KFC and more port, but on the hour, every hour, it's at least one of the Colonel's Super Variety Buckets, more KFC burgers and more Rotgut port.

As he becomes increasingly intoxicated during the day, Landeryou steadily devours more and more KFC burger boxes.

To permit this gluttony, he vomits frequently. He is also given industrial-duty enemas by a mentally retarded minion, "Sergeant" Sasha Uzunov. His duties also involve cleaning the regurgitation away. Landeryou has convinced the subnormal Uzunov that this is SAS training.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Andrew Landeryou: first with the worst

Vexnews' reporting is as truthful as the evidence Kimberley Kitching gives under oath.

Take the morbidly obese thief and fraudster's claim earlier this year that the Premier's chief of staff Michael Kapel was going to get the seat of Kew. Days later it was announced he was off to San Francisco.

This week the fat crook has announced Australia Post boss Ahmed Fahour was going to become chairman of the Future Fund, Wrong, wrong and wrong.

Vexnews is as full of shit as its KFC-stuffed editor in chief, sole reporter and copy boy.

First with the worst? First with the least accurate, anyway,

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bruce Hawker: patriot, hero

"Everybody who knows Vexnews know that it has no credibility whatsoever" Bruce Hawker told the media on Sunday, announcing his intention to take legal action against the liar Andrew Landeryou. "It's not a good source of information."

Bruce has been a member of the ALP since 1978. He has worked on more than 30 federal, state and territory campaigns, most of them successful.

Andrew Landeryou, in contrast, is a thief and a fraudster. His wife Kimberley Kitching is a perjurer who lived a life of luxury on the proceeds of his criminality, then lied about it all when quizzed in court, who plans to have a political career based on his and his colleagues corruption. If either of them are allowed anywhere near the Wills campaign, there will be a double digit swing to the Greens. If Kitching is the candidate, the seat will be theirs.

Bruce's mobile number is 0411 743 32-*. Patriots should give him a call to pass on their congratulations on his decision to head to court and ask if they can join him in a class action.

Our picture below shows Vexnews being published and the fate of anybody who takes its contents seriously.

* Sorry patriots. We got cold feet at the last moment. We just wanted to show that unlike Andrew Landeryou who just swallows shit from the ShorCons and a few dumb young Liberals, we have some genuine party connections. You can however contact Bruce here to pass on your congratulations. Big Bent Bill Landeryou is supposed to be out of the bankruptcy imposed on him thanks to his son's criminality and incompetence as a businessman (almost as big as his incompetence as a 'journalist'). It will be funny for Da to emerge from bankruptcy only for Junior to be forced back in. As Andrew has obviously had help from Kimberley to keep his head above board Bruce should sue her too. Her (second) bankruptcy will preclude her from running for parliament and help our party no end in Wills.