Saturday, July 13, 2013

Andrew Landeryou linkage = death for Dim

The penny has finally fallen for Bill Shorten. He has suddenly realised that Dim is an even worse candidate for Lalor than Lisa Clusterfuck. Running a fat female impersonator perjurer who lived a life of luxury in Parkville on the proceeds of theft and fraud might not play well in Werribee, hey Bill?

Dim has withdrawn from the preselection race.


Suck shit, you criminal. Here's hoping you and Fat Cunt himself are soon behind bars. Don't worry. You'll have company. Talk says that the AWU fraud investigations mean Billy-boy himself and plenty of your other friends will soon be joining you.


  1. Yes, but... Dim yesterday was on Channel 10's nasty nazi propaganda show - the bolt report - and actually showed some grit standing up to the daft buffoon. Bolt likes guest who backstab. In this case it was Bombs Away on Krudd! To her credit, Dim shucked off Bolt's cues and had her own say. I'm not confident she'll be asked back again.

  2. ABC Lateline's expose of nursing home maltreatment disgusted me. Modern politicians abandoned the mentally ill (long ago) and now the aged and infirm. These sickening betrayals of defenceless people show that politicians are totally morally corrupt.

    The aged need strong responses, not more inaction.

  3. Is Dim getting a place in the Senate though? That would be even worse than a House of Representatives seat as it would make her far harder to get rid of.

  4. Dim is 'polishing' more than one knob just to keep all her support bases overhead.

  5. Bill Shorten's? Andrew's you remember is hidden by folds of flab.

  6. Thugs as bouncers in a gambling hell - no surprises there. Andrew was a standover man at the Melbourne Uni Students Union - and the fat crook threatened to 'Do me Slow'.

  7. Hey Theo,

    Now she is unemployed, I wish Dim would give me an occasional polish too.

  8. Dim is not polishing Little Bill or Softy Theo! But she is 'strategically' polishing a knob to secure her wanted political career!
    God help us she'll be a bigger failure than Cheryl Kernot or Belinda Neal.
    Hope she Listerine's before she kisses Andy Landy!!

  9. Pollies keep referring to 'Urban Congestion' as if it was something that just popped out of the blue. Now they are beavering away on 'solutions'.

    The hordes of peasants, economic refugees, africans and chinese that have changed Australia forever are the legacy of deluded politicians who yearned to create an Australia they wanted - and noone else did.

    Why should people from outside Australia get a better life here at the loss of amenity and expense of locals? As usual, there won't be a word about immigration in the coming election.

    If Dim got in, she would try to import the whole population of Transylvania - including every Landeryou... God save us!

  10. 38 cents a litre on petrolFriday, July 19, 2013 1:08:00 AM

    ABC Landline last week showed how the government gets an average tax of $22 on a bottle of whisky. In the US it's about $2.80.

    The federal government is screwing tax payers stupid.

  11. Andrew Landeryou has no visible means of support. Therefore, it is a fair assumption that Kimberley has been funding his decade-long career as an internet defamer and standover man. She is clearly unsuited to public office.

  12. The Napthine S-q-u-e-e-z-eSunday, July 21, 2013 8:27:00 PM

    The Napthine government of prehistoric no-hopers is resurrecting all the policies that fail - tollways, PPPs, nazi-style enforcement and compliance and, of course, new taxes, levies and charges.

    Tollways are madness when taxpayers have already been bled dry. The Napthine governance is the dead-hand of the Liberal crooks.

  13. I love being back on the farm with all my horny barn yard friends.

  14. Finger-licking good LandyTuesday, July 23, 2013 1:39:00 AM

    With any luck, the boat people sent to PNG will all be eaten by cannibals.

    There's a strong case for sending Aussie softies there too.

    The softies will be unpalitable to native tastes, of course, with too much Toorak streaky fat, the stench of BS, and soured by utopian views.

    World Vision planned to send Landeryou there to feed all the coastal tribes, but the fact he hides gold bars internally could have led to unpredicented Cargo Cult warfare!

  15. Invisible Arts minister Heidi Victoria seems intent on ignoring the takeover of National Gallery Victoria by chums of the present Director, Tony Ellwood (who he?), who hails from Queensland. Staff are spewing over management bastardry, position spills, and banana-benders all over the joint.

    Arts Victoria has a long history of ineptitude, negligence and mistreatment of staff. The Queenslanders inflitrating NGV must feel as if they have entered a privatisation paradise.

    Get up off your butt Heidi and start defending Victorian taxpayer dollars.

  16. Dimberley was a real winner wasn't she?
    If you lie down and mate with dogs it will catch up with you!!

  17. Could you pour me another cuppa Colonel dear?Wednesday, July 24, 2013 12:53:00 AM

    Australia's nannyfied defence force could probably defeat invaders if it came to competitive tea ceremonies. Some past behaviours were not nice, but creating a defence force of Wimps is probably against the national interest too.

    Women in defence are useless. Ask history. Men love a bit of blood. Women love tea ceremonies. Leave it at that, Nannys!
