Monday, November 22, 2010

Fat Landy's lost weekend

It is less than a week to the state election, but did the fat lazy criminal Andrew Landeryou get off his arse and update his hate blog Poxnews last weekend. Of course not!

He was too lazy when the Sunday Age sprung him for publishing a three month old piece of information 30,000 patriotic unionists were consulted about as "news" to bother to respond until the Monday.

So what did the fat lazy criminal Andrew Landeryou spend the weekend doing? Our cameras braved the Fatcave and here is the exclusive story:

Patriotic people may ask where there are no KFC wrappers scattered around the comatose form of fat lazy criminal Andrew Landeryou. He ate them. He always eats them in case they have soaked up any of the KFC fat.


  1. Were there only 4 casks of Coolibah Slanderyou or were there others under the coffee table and behind the sofa and chairs?

  2. At least El Gordo's hairpiece stayed on when he passed out. He must have invested a sizeable amount of money from his many thefts and frauds to get such a high quality rug.

  3. Neoskosmos, the Melbourne Greek newspaper reported the appeal of the Theo rape case lady.

    A loooong, pregnant silence from kindergarten news blog Vexnews, a long-time supporter of the appalling Theophanous brothers.

  4. Journalism rank amateur Landeryou's 'scoop' about the LHMU's name change was actually TWO YEAR'S old the Sunday Age revealed. The Age trashed the 'famed Vexnews Investigative Unit' which only exists in Landy's fevered mind.

  5. The photo (above) is utterly disgusting. Anyone can see Landeryou is rooting a Coolibah Sherry cask under the blankets.

    I guess Kim Kitchen still isn't playing ball.

  6. I heard Newnham has offered him 50k if he shuts up until after the polls close on Saturday

  7. An ordinary decent personTuesday, November 23, 2010 3:31:00 PM

    I am writing "JAIL LANDERYOU!" on my ballot paper and urge all right-thinking Victorians to follow suit.

  8. El Gordo is in yet deeper shit. His constant failures to update his shabby little blog are now explained. He has been in Sydney committing armed robberies. The fact that this individual has stuck up a bottle shop and a pizza boy proves Landeryou is involved.

    Obese gunman on run

    SYDNEY, Nov 23 - An obese gunman is wanted by police over a spate of armed robberies in Sydney's north and northwest.

    The man, described as overweight by officers, is accused of wielding firearms in five robberies in the past two months.

    Police have released CCTV images of the man following raids at the Vineyard Hotel on September 16, a West Pennant Hills bottle shop on October 2, a Chatswood bottle shop on October 15 and a bottle shop at Willoughby North on October 28, as well as on a pizza delivery driver on Gilroy Street, Turramurra, on October 16.

    The robber armed himself with various firearms during the incidents, including a handgun, double-barrelled shotgun and rifle.

    The suspect is described as being 25 to 30 years old, 175cm tall with an obese build and a tanned complexion.

    Anyone with information is urged to contact Strike Force Realty Detectives via Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

  9. I wonder if they will let Andrew serve his sentence for his NSW crimes in Barwon. Brutus and the lads will be hoping so.

  10. Theo,

    What a huge relief that Andrew hasn't cottoned onto the Greek madwoman's appeal.

    He would have written some supportive nonsense, like the stuff that nearly goosed us last year.

    Andrew wouldn't know what a good root is, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean Boss!

  11. I expect Landeryou will soon be loudly defending these people. He will if he is consistent, anyway, as they are alleged to have committed the same crime as his hero and fellow Labor Right criminal Brian Burke and Landeryou always says he has been unfairly victimised by the CCC.

    Finks bikies face contempt charges
    November 24, 2010 7:13PM

    FIVE members, nominees and associates of the Finks Motorcycle Club are facing court for alleged contempt of Western Australia's corruption watchdog.

    The contempt cases stem from recent organised crime examinations held in private by the Corruption and Crime Commission.

    The five men are facing the Supreme Court over 40 allegations of contempt, the CCC said in a statement today.

    The private examinations were part of an ongoing WA Police investigation, Operation Tri-Star, targeting the Coffin Cheaters Motorcycle Club.

    There are 24 allegations of contempt for refusing or failing to answer questions, two of contempt for refusing to take an oath and 14 of insulting the commission, the CCC statement said.

    Another Finks Motorcycle Club member faces a charge in the Perth Magistrates Court of hindering the commission in the performance of its organised crime function.

  12. I may have to join The Finks or The Coffin Cheaters.

    I have supreme contempt for Landy who is a low-life thug and thief. But I also hold politicians, corporate crooks, toothless government 'watchdogs', Australia's army of voracious middlemen, petrol company cheats and crooked councils in total contempt too.

    I have been watching the ABC's Happiness series. But I am so livid with the various groups (above) that I am not expecting happiness anytime soon.

  13. Australia needs a good taxidermistWednesday, November 24, 2010 11:59:00 PM

    Hi Way Beyond Blue!

    You are wrong. All those groups you listed, including The Finks and Coffin Cheaters, are BENEATH CONTEMPT.

    If you are depressed, don't bother ringing Kennett's Beyond Blue. The number is engaged all day.

  14. A good taxidermist has already worked on the Brumby government which is completely STUFFED!

    Landeryou enjoyed the process of being stuffed so much he has gone back again and again...

  15. I'm voting for this unaligned bloke in the Melton electorate on Saturday. His website is hopeless and he doesn't have a clue. But since I just can't vote ALP any more, nor the spoiled kids Libs, or even the looney Greens, Matt started to look like a good guy:

    'Matt DeLeon: Melton District. DeLeon grew up in Colac and later attended Tafe and studied Certificates in Education as well as Youth Work and Counselling. He is a member of the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria and works in Melton as a youth worker. See Contact 0431 282 498,'

    Should Matt ever be elected, he will soon be attacked on Vexnews because he is a youth worker. Landeryou has an extremely low opinion of people that help others like Les Twentyman, OAM and former Victorian of the Year, Phil Cleary and many other golden citizens of our great state. That is another good reason to vote for Matt.

  16. Hang him high (if you can find a big enough crane)Thursday, November 25, 2010 11:45:00 PM

    One man crime wave Landeryou won't be voting on Saturday since, illegally, he isn't registered.

    This brings up the often overlooked criminality of the Vexnews 'news source' blog. Landeryou makes political pronouncements, engineers undemocratic dirty tricks, stalks candidates he doesn't like and makes up outrageous lies about political parties like the Greens and the Libs.

    Of course, this requires BY LAW that he publish his genuine postal address for service. He has never done so for years, during the disgusting OC cesspool period and now the poisonous Vexnews era. His address, illegally, is absent from Vexnews.

    VEC and the other government online watchdogs have been fast asleep during years of Landeryou's libels and electoral misdeeds and frauds.

    Wake up, you useless, lazy Public Servant trash!!!

  17. Will Diane Anderson, former boss of the ALP in Higgins and ex partner of ex-MLC Evan Thornley, be allowed to vote this election? Will she be the subject of a Vexnews investigation now that she seems to have permanently returned to the U S of A?

  18. More to the point, with the polls the way they are, has Fat Andrew Landeryou already gone out and bought the largest dildo he can find and started repeatedly shoving it in and out of his arse as roughly as possible?

    If he hasn't, he should, because I get the feeling tomorrow's election outcome is going to be very bad indeed for the morbidly obese thief and fraud.

  19. El Gordo may be able to get some idea of what prison rape by the Hot Rodders feels liks as Pat Riotte suggested above but unless he can beat the shit out of himself several times a week he will not be able to acclimatise even the slightest bit ahead of his incarceration in Barwon Jail with Brutus Beefcake and Bubba and their friends.

  20. It is luck for the Labor Party that Landeryou is too lazy (and too dunk) to hand out how to vote cards to day. The vote would collapse at any voting place he was at.

  21. Fat criminal Andrew Landeryou of course cannot cast a vote today as in yet another breach of the law he is not on the electoral roll in an effort to hide from creditors/the victims of his defamations, thefts and frauds/process servers/the law.

  22. How many elections is this without El Gordo bring on the electoral roll? Five, six? Who knows? How may process servers are out there with writs for Buddha Boy? Probably not many for Yesterday's Bozo.

  23. Excellent coverage of the election result from Vexnews. Andrew is a brilliant psephologist. Cait Catt must be jealous.

  24. I have scrutineered at state elections since before Big Bent Bill was sacked from the ministry for corruption and have never seen anything like it.

    On ballot paper after ballot paper was writen "Jail Landeryou!" or "Royal Commission now!" or "Turn him over to Brutus and the lads!".

    Victorians are furious at the links between Landeryou and a government that has not only indulged but paid him for his corruption and lawbreaking.

    No wonder Ted Bailleau appears to be set to be our next premier.

    I look forward to Landeryou's charging, arrest, trial, conviction and jailing, along with the subsequent brutal bashings and violent anal rapes.

  25. For God's sake Theo,

    Does this Bailleau win mean you and I and Landeryou, Conjob, Shortening and others will be consigned to Barwon Gaol there to be ruthlessly buggered by the unwashed battalions led by Beefcake, Bubba and the Geelong Bikers. Theo, I'm told a prolapsed anus is a piteous thing to behold. It means you are wearing your arse on the, ahem, er, outside.

    I think we should do a runner back to Cyprus to be close to your bank accounts and far from being skewered by the Hot Rodders at Barwon. Beefcake has my knees trembling, and my backside puckering.

    For God's sake DO SOMETHING!

  26. Overheard at The Libs celebrations at Sofitel last night:

    Terry Mulder: I am about to announce self-propelled trains, trams and buses that are operated by passengers pushing. This will alleviate obesity and save the state billions of dollars in electricity and diesel costs.

    Big Ted: I am going to put a $8,700 excise tax on every packet of cigarettes, and my government's take on petrol will be $40 a litre. I'm damned if I can't find a way to tax sex too. Why should all those nasty, ordinary ALP voters get cheap thrills while I am struggling with all the problems left me by the useless Brumby dolts?

    Louise Asher: Do I have plans to ruin womens' rights in Victoria? Too right I do! I've been waiting for this for eleven years!

  27. The Libs have devised TOUGH NEW LAWS that will see most Victorians jailed during their lifetimes. These Victorians will also lose their jobs; their relationships will probably be poisoned and ruined, and they will consigned to the scrapheap.

  28. Who also thinks Landeryou got VERY drunk last night and may still be ploughing on?

  29. I think he is already half way to Costa Rica.

  30. A change of government patriots will mean that Dim will be undemployed too. It is lucky the obese pair of criminals have a few million dollars proceeds of theft and fraud stashed offshore to tide them through.

  31. Vexnews through Landeryou has been systematically denigrating 'Red Ted' Bailleau for many years.

    Incoming Premier Bailleau is a forgiving softie but he has ultra-right advisers that would find Andrew on the nose. They have probably already checked whether Guantánamo Bay has any vacancies.

    I'm betting Vexnews will disappear soon.

    So will Landeryou!

  32. Landy and his corrupt Labor mates (Newnham, Theo, Madden, Seitz, all those local government dregs & Co) would all find Guantánamo preferable to Ted Bailleau's new, cleaned up Victoria.

  33. Brumby has just conceded. How long will it be before reality dawns on fat criminal Landeryou and he shuts down his evil Blog of Sleaze?

  34. Premier Brumby will be long remembered as the premier who lost the unloseable election.

    He has delivered Victorians into the clutches of perhaps the biggest bunch of no-hopers the State has ever seen. Big Ted hasn't got a clue, neither do most of his new ministers.

    Brumby's legacy, like his government's eleven years in power, was toxic.

  35. Jefff Kennett and Michael KrogerTuesday, November 30, 2010 12:01:00 AM

    Do we have news for youse lefties!

    When we've finished, all Victorians will be calling BEYOND BLUE. As a commenter here observed recently, don't bother phoning Beyond Blue. The 'phone is always engaged.

    Save time and hang yourselves anyway!

  36. Premier Ted is being bombarded by judicial officers and senior members of the legal profession volunteering to undertake the royal commission into Labor and Landeryou sleaze.

  37. It is almost two in the afternoon and Poxnews has not been updated.

    Does this mean that Landeryou and Kimberley have fled across the border to NSW to seek political asylum with Eddie Obied or Joe Tripodi?

  38. Eddie and Joe will be in prison after March next year. We are going to need to build new jails in two states to house all the Labor criminals, particularly since like Landeryou so many of them are so fat.

  39. The Age says "Victoria's new Liberal premier Ted Baillieu is promising a new era of honest and respectful government."

    Honest AND respectful? Andy won't like that!

  40. No Poxnews updates at all today. El Gordo must be worried.

  41. Fat Cunt has picked up on a story that is a week old today and used it as an excuse to attack Solly Lew, a man he defrauded of several million dollars.

    He is clearly insane and Vexnews is as dead as the Brumby government.

  42. I liked Landy's fake comments tacked onto his codpiece about Sol. They are distinctly defamatory, and would probably test Mr Lew's patience if he had time to read Vexnews.

    Elsewhere in the Vexnews maze of jumbled thinking and libels I found a thinly-veiled attack on ETU's Dean Mighell, calling him 'dean mile' and signed 'SAKS 48K'. I'd pay to read a piece by Landy on that theme. He'd be buried in a snowstorm of writs... Yum!

  43. Stevie Newnham today was astonished to receive an email signed 'AJCL's 50K' demanding a cheque for that amount 'for single-handedly demolishing The Greens online on behalf of the ALP during the recent election using my army of fake commenters'. Newnham apparently turned to a colleague and said 'Landy is an f*ckin tosser who reached his use-by date after Kororoit'.

  44. The new call for nuclear power driven by 'Big Business lobbyists' who run the ALP these days is just another diversion from genuine democratic debate.

    I am no scientist, of course. I'm simply a well-known ALP 'member'. My plan is to develop a power station relying on Landeryou's prolific output of hot air. Providing the power unit is provided with plenty of KFC family meals, it will power the whole of the Melbourne CBD well into the foreseeable future. I will, from time to time, and as required, stoke Landeryou into productivity.

  45. Vexnews continues to pump out badly written anti-Green blogs that lead nowhere. That turd Landeryou can't accept that Brumby got the arse and that his income just dried up.

  46. I think the Sarge is giving Kim an occasional prod. He has been hanging around here a long time. Andrew thinks he is a military chauffeur. But the other night after Andrew passed out on his bed, I caught the Sarge kissing Kim's ample rear end while they were watching ABC-TV's Lateline Business. I had to avert my eyes because the Sarge was grunting while Kim panted 'Do me hard Sash, you randy bugger'!

    This is all very disgusting. I am the family pet who has seen it all. I am going to complain to RSPCA's Hugh Wirth this morning.

  47. Great coverage on Vexnews of the Andrews ascendancy to the Labor leadership.

  48. 3000 Victoria Police have been diverted into the mad 'One Million Breathtests' by Christmas blitz. This is not good policing. It is community harrassment.

    Breathtests, like speed cameras, are unreliable.

    Criminals like Landeryou escape investigation and court because Victoria Police is out of control, pulling political stunts and not doing its duty. RBT is a very small part of its duty. Taxpayers expect better. We won't feel safer by being pulled over for the rude random breath tests.

    Get real, and get on with the job of catching crooks!

  49. Victoria, the Police StateSunday, December 05, 2010 12:54:00 AM

    If one in three coppers in Victoria are chasing hapless drivers who drink to escape the hell of modern-day Victoria, I will be locking everything and hiding in a cupboard. There, I will drink several litres of plonk to obliterate Ted Bailleau, John Brumby and criminals like Landeryou who, unlike the RBT victims, escape justice altogether.

  50. There is something Landeryou should note in the Herald Sun online today:

    'The S.H.A.R.E prison program - developed after repeated requests by inmates for a support program for gay prisoners - openly promotes sex between inmates, stating: "It's just jail sex, you're not gay (unless you kiss)"."

  51. Random Breath Tests are easy policing where evildoers drive straight to the police and give themselves up. Evildoers provide hefty fines and positive crime statistics. These are results much loved by politicians.

    The legal limit in the UK, most US States and NZ is 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood (.08) The Nanny Nation is out of step with most of the rest of the world.

    Readings depend on many factors including the type of alcoholic drink, your weight, sex, age, food intake and metabolism. These are all factors Victorian magistrates and judges cannot consider thanks to draconian laws.

    Landeryou would get off, of course, because there is no breath test that can measure the misuse of a barrel of fortified wine.

  52. 'Woodie', the Plywood voter and ratepayerTuesday, December 07, 2010 1:09:00 AM

    I'm half-expecting if I need a cop urgently that I will be attended by a plywood Constable Plod, such as the plywood motorbike cop recently stolen from near the Monash Freeway. Victoria is becoming insufferable, ludicrous and laughable. If I get sent to court, will there be a plywood magistrate?

  53. With no mandate, there should be criminal chargesTuesday, December 07, 2010 1:15:00 AM

    John Brumby got out just in time. When voters and ratepayers find out about the electricity smartmeters they will want to lynch the conniving little bugger! Kennett sold off the State Electricity Commission, an asset owned by Victorians, to mates and greedy foreign interests. Brumby went further. He OK'd smartmeters that will bankrupt Victorian families.

  54. Andrew's courtroom amnesia problemTuesday, December 07, 2010 1:23:00 AM

    If Landeryou is ever charged for his extensive earlier frauds (which VicPol and OPP seem to have conveniently forgotten), he will probably front court as a gigantic plywood figure. A tape recorder will yell out 'Privilege'! 'Privilege'! 'Prove it, you twats'!, 'Fcuk you'se All'! etc., etc.

  55. Channel Nine's dozy Executive Director Jeffrey Browne in Sydney needs a huge kick up the butt! Under his slack management it has all been about 'Weekend at Bernie's' where the bosses' dead hand waves at people on the end of a string.

    Jeff, don't buggar around. Get rid of the toxic Betfair account pronto. There will be trouble about this. The vultures are gathering. They are circling over you. People are complaining to Gillard. You are Channel Nine's big knob. DO SOMETHING!

  56. The Betfair parasites should be given a few hearty puffs of 'Raid'.

  57. Online gambling is unsupervised. People can gamble away their homes, families, incomes etc in the privacy of their own (former) homes.

    As usual politicians and their sleepy watchdogs just ignore the human costs of gambling.

    For God's sake shut down shonky organised crims like Betfair asap!

  58. I'm loving Wikileaks which demonstrates that politicians and bureaucrats in China, the US, Britain and Australia are embarrassingly dumb and rarely batting for democracy.

    Australia relies on the much revised Westminster system of government which recent governments have proved is no longer usable or viable in the new millenium. The two party system eventually represents noone.

    There needs to be a huge revision of Australia's political system NOW!

  59. I was disgusted to find while making a complaint to Powercor that it is owned by a Chinese company - CHEDHA Holdings. So Kennett sold SEC to his mates. They in turn have sold our former public asset to the Chinese. Now all the power charges are skyrocketing.

    Kennett and other politicians have stolen public assets and should be jailed.

  60. The millionaire CEOs should be publicly stoned. They are vile white-collar crims who scoff at the rest of us.

  61. Walkley Awards tonight. Is Stephen Mayne a contender again? Is Andrew Landeryou a contender for the big one rather than the little one? The inaugural blog award very few people believe he won (the CIA and ASIO do) is the little one.

    If he wins a big one people will know he's joined the ranks of Australia's most respected journalists, as I once read on Wikipedia before Rebecca from WA deleted it. Then again I might have read in on a comment by a Ms Cait Catt (the lady with a sister named Fatt who works at the Daily Planet, a brothel in Elsternwick). Go Andrew.

  62. Looks like you lose again, Andrew.

    The Walkleys dont have a 'Piss and Wind' Award!

  63. The Walkleys do have an online journalism award, so Vexnews is clearly eligible, but lobbying by SlanderyouNew and other enemies of truthseeking ensured that Vexnews missed out this year. Below are the finalists this year. Vexnews is not among them.

    Best Online Journalism
    Proudly Sponsored by August
    Andrew Meares, and, “Phonearoids@mearesy”
    A series of irreverent phone-camera images from the election campaign. They had the look of old-fashioned Polaroids, but were processed through an app and instantly uploaded to Twitter.
    Paola Totaro, Robert Wainwright, Simon Rankin,, “Pheasant Wood - The Lost Diggers of Fromelles”
    Stories, photographs and graphics vividly brought to life many of the 200 Australian soldiers found in a World War I mass grave in northern France.
    ABC News Online team,, “Election night coverage”
    A flexible and fast-paced publishing model that delivered comprehensive live results, multimedia and up-to-the-minute coverage as the federal election night unfolded.
    Drew Ambrose, Priscilla Davies, Richard Kendall, Aimee Lipscombe, Bruce Belsham,, “Black Saturday”

  64. I see that Landeryou nemesis Michael Batchelard got a Walkley, as did several other Age specialists last night.

    Stop wasting our time. Go and write more grubby nonsense on Vexnews - the news source for nincompoops!

  65. Australia increasingly is becoming a crappy country. Its not just the unwanted new immigrant hordes, the overcrowding and the destruction of our culture. Its the shonky pollies, the corporate crooks, the 'developers', the banks, the petrol companies and the vast undercurrent of greed and anything goes.

    Nothing works anymore. The new trick is 1300 numbers so you can't get through to complain.

    Then when you sit down to relax and watch TV, you will see 30 ads for funeral plans that remind you that you will die soon.

    Its something to look forward to, I suppose!

  66. Andrew is having problems on Vexnews with comments he doesn't agree with. His answer, as usual, is censorship:

    Ongoing problems with the comments here are a worry. There are several dozen comments by the Darebin/HSU/Batman ALP FEA mafia of a sufficiently unpleasant/defamatory/stalkerish quality that we have decided to ban the lot. We’ll also be blocking the IPs associated with these comments in an attempt to maintain decorum.

    We again remind those indulging in such behaviour that the assumption that online activities are anonymous is quite incorrect. The laws of the land apply here just like everywhere else.

    Posted by VEXNEWS | December 11, 2010, 13:54

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