Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The truth doesn't change

This patriotic crime and corruption fighting blog hasn't been updated for a while, for there is no need to. The truth doesn't change and the truth is this:

  • Andrew Landeryou is a thief

  • Andrew Landeryou is a fraudster

  • Andrew Landeryou commits defamation every time he updates his evil blog of sleaze

  • Andrew Landeryou is guilty of contempt of court

  • Andrew Landeryou is guilty of multiple breaches of state and commonwealth electoral law

  • Andrew Landeryou's ill-regarded Vexnews is a semi-literate concoction of lies and bile

  • Andrew Landeryou is fat and bald

  • And so it goes.

It is also important for all hardworking, law abiding patriotic people to remember that Andrew Landeryou's wife Kimberley Kitching is a perjurer who lived a life of luxury on the proceeds of his crimes and it would be an insult to the dedicated supporters of the ALP and the people of Australia if she was ever preselected for office at any level of government, let alone voted in.



  1. Well said Slanders!

    The contents of the hat blog Poxnews are not just lies.

    They are evil and malicious lies.


    Pat Riotte

  2. That should read 'hate blog' not 'hat blog' but like a hat Poxnews covers something: the fact that Andrew Landeryou is a dismal failure at both politics and business.

  3. Landeryou has volunteered to go to Christchurch. He heard that two KFC outlets have been wrecked and wants to help them 'clean up'. Another outlet is offering volunteers free snackboxes.

    Christchurch has suffered enough and doen't need a visit by one-man crime wave Landy.

  4. Andrew has supplied me with so many fake IDs, I could probably get Kim voted in by myself! Kim is a class act and, as Andrew says, she deserves 'to get in amongst it'.

  5. Victoria really needs another lazy, crooked ALP politician - NOT!

    Oh, and Kimmy suffers from amnesia when questioned in court.

  6. SlanderyouNew is faking my identity again. SlanderyouNew is up to its usual tricks as the blog of FILTH.

    Kimberley Kitching is a great person, and as a member of the Melbourne City Council she was the only councillor to never claim any money for expenses. She was good value, and served her city well.

    The defamatory remarks about her on this blog of filth are DISGUSTING.

  7. Just a note to Ken Ray that I'll be thinking of him on his birthday.

    Must admit you've got a really interesting CV.

    Reminds me very much of my old friend Darren Ray - though he would d have had to put in the bit about doing "jail time" for tax fraud

    Check it out:


  8. The evil criminal Landeryou is off looting from the ruins of Christchurch. What have been described as aftershocks are actually tremors caused by his truly disgusting weight.

  9. Creepy Landeryou mouthpiece Cait Catt has a cheek coming here and preaching lies.

    Landeryou and Dim and other family members have question marks over their heads regarding IQ Corp.

  10. breaking news - Another Christchurch MiracleFriday, February 25, 2011 12:59:00 AM

    NSW Rescue teams have revived a man found in a collapsed Christchurch KFC outlet who was "gorging on fat when found" but was extracted with a crane.

    The obese man said he was from Cyprus and had no connections with a person called Landeryou from Melbourne. He was wearing a sign which read "If I appear lifeless, feed me with several family feasts immediately".

    The man had to be released because Christchurch police said they had no cells large enough to accomodate him.

  11. ייִדיש מעלבורןSaturday, February 26, 2011 10:12:00 PM

    Thousands of curses heaped upon betrayer Andrew Landeryou.

  12. Vexnews is evolving into a masterpiece of anti-Jewish propaganda. Gauleiter Landeryou promotes a higher form of artistic expression and freedom by adding fake comments to commentaries about his own blogs. I especially like his constant attacks on clergy and unions.

    In my time, propaganda attacks were made on leftist individuals and organisations, but we did not have the advantage of instant mass communications like the internet.

    As with Herr Landeryou, I too was editor of a newspaper, Berlin’s 'Der Angriff', which was every bit as full of hate and propaganda as Vexnews. I don't really mind that Landeryou stole my phrase that people who lie are liars. He transformed it into (name of subject) 'is a lying liar who lies'.

    I'm off to add more hatred-laden comments on Vexnews myself.

  13. Everyone in Melbourne's Jewish community is talking about the horrible anti-semeticism in Vexnews. Mr Landeryou's forbears were Transylvanian gypsies, but they were also Yiddish. It is abominable that he has turned on his own people! What would his mother think!

    I have been reading here that Mr Landeryou is also a crook. I didn't know this before and will tell all my friends.

    I think he will end up in too much trouble.

  14. The lazy Brumby government turned a blind-eye to Vexnews because of the dirty tricks during the 2008 Kororoit election. Vexnews rubbished candidate Les Twentyman every day for a month, interfering in democracy and telling the most astonishing lies.

    Several members of the Bailleau government don't know what the internet is, or don't know how to log on. 'Choo-Choo' Mulder and 'Big Red' Ted should know exactly who Landeryou and Vexnews are.

    C'mon gentlemen, get rid of this public nuisance blog - and its illiterate, criminal 'editor'!

  15. Literary Club, Barwon GaolSunday, February 27, 2011 2:21:00 PM

    The world's laziest blogger has taken the weekend off AGAIN! Ultra-Nazi tinpot 'editor-in-chief' Andrew Landeryou of the hatefest Vexnews is probably lying trussed up in a cupboard, with a jug of sherry, tossing-off with his tattered copy of "Nympho Gestapo Nurses No. 13".

    I suppose these solitary self-abuse sessions are better than him writing more poorly researched, badly written, drivel blogs...

  16. Actually, Andrew is passed out on the Sarge's bunk. Unfortunately, it is rather obvious he was using a buttplug, and cuddling a flagon before he flaked. He was deported from NZ last night. He told us there was a large crowd at the airport who yelled "And don't come back!" which Andrew thought ungracious when he had simply been visiting 'family'.

  17. Australia is a nation of suckersMonday, February 28, 2011 1:03:00 AM

    No-one in the new Muslim debate in Australia has asked why Islamic people wanted to come to a Christian country in the first place. The present crisis in Libya is a case in point. Our government says that "Australians" in Libya will be repatriated. The huge problem is that Middle Eastern "refugees"
    in Australia often go back to live in their countries.

    They are not "Australians". They are opportunists who have discovered a BOLT HOLE in this country's soft immigration policies. If things go seriously wrong, they can rush back here as Australian citizens.

    Our politicians are idiots.

  18. Deport Landeryou to TripoliMonday, February 28, 2011 1:23:00 AM

    Thank God that Landeryou disqualified himself from standing for election because of his frightful personal record of crime, impersonation, libels, stalking and lies. These are all things that many modern politicians aspire to, but Landeryou took them to unparalleled levels. He is a shonk unacceptable even in Australia's worst parliamentary toilet.

  19. ABC-tv's Q and A has skewed panellists, questions and audiences. Piers Akerman's opinion is as irrelevant as Landeryou's. The same tired old panellists. Too many burqas and climatologists. Unrepresentative opinions and gobblegook; boring and very anti-Australian.

    Nuttier than 44,000 fruitcakes!

  20. The latest, vile criminal libel on VexnewsTuesday, March 01, 2011 12:07:00 AM

    Brother Abbott what joy we had this afternoon with that little blonde choir boy in my Pulpit. He is a feisty young one.

    Posted by Cardinal Pell | February 28, 2011, 23:28

  21. Landeryou is a torn madman. He desires to become a martyr for 'free speech' but is terrified of courts, where he goes to water, develops amnesia and strikes demeaning deals to try and save his phat Ass!

    No wonder Vexnews is such a confusing pastiche of poo!

    Writing hateful libels is not, of course, free speech. It is, in this case, the produce of a spoilt rich kid's idleness and criminal tendencies.

  22. Bill is slightly smarter than your average ALP pollieTuesday, March 01, 2011 12:55:00 AM

    Shortening has been elevated by some as a replacement for JuLiar. But Bill must have told Landeryou to shut up. Landeryou often is quick to support former mates facing criminal charges or involved in multi-billion dollar tech scams. Bill needs Landeryou's support as much as a British Royal needs a dose of the clap!

  23. What happened to media 'balance'Tuesday, March 01, 2011 11:09:00 PM

    SBS Insight has the same problems as ABC-TV's Q and A. Too many middle-Eastern faces. The government says that Muslims make up 1.7% of the population, but census says there are more practicing Muslims than practicing Christians. Skewing of audiences and their questions does not advance debate. It is just spin.

  24. Vexnews is going nowhere fastTuesday, March 01, 2011 11:57:00 PM

    A relatively new trend on Vexnews - now laughably common - are the short comments praising Landeryou's blogs. You know the ones - 'Spot on Andrew... Keep it up', 'Great Article' and so forth.

    I am ashamed to admit that I've been visiting the OC and Vexnews for so long that I can SMELL Landeryou's fake comments even when I'm in the kitchen.

    When you are a sub-standard researcher and writer, I suppose you have to often blow your own high-pitched little Trumpet.

    Recent new blogs on Vexnews, rare as they are, are exceptionally high on mediocrity and irrelevancy. The self-praise fake-comments written by Landeryou are kindergarten newsletter stuff. He is a childish lamebrain.

  25. Frauds, forgery, stalking, AVOs, libels and lies - 'Landy, this is your life'!

    How come a crook is running a news-source blog?

    Where are the overpaid government watchdogs?

  26. The obtuse looney Landeryou is attacking Assange now (so many enemies: so little time). On the plus side he isn't continuing his endless criminal libels on Cardinal Pell or Tony Abbott so far as I could see.

    The vile nazi swine is still, however, censoring comments he doesn't like.

    I tried to remind the silly wanker about Sophie Mirabella who blew the whistle on his criminal tenure as President of the Melbourne University Students Union, during which millions of dollars in money and assets disappeared.

    So did my comment!

    Sophie is now Liberal Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry and Science.

    Landeryou is a miserable, microscopic media plankton who provides a hateful nazi blag where he libels outstanding Australians with his blogs and thousands of fake comments.

  27. The above comment sort of says it all about Mr Landeryou. He is a pathetic excuse for a human being.

  28. The fat crook is claiming on Vexnews that he exposed Richard Della Riva in 2009, but my copy of his blog updated daily as future "evidence" shows no such thing. The delay in producing his blog today gave Landeryou plenty of time to forge the entry and insert it.

    He thinks that just because noone reads Vexnews, he can get away with it.

  29. Poisoning the Nation with ripoffsFriday, March 04, 2011 11:21:00 AM

    Its the sort of substitution scam that Landeryou would come up with.

    Australia's crooked middle men have done it again. A huge national scandal involving milk diluted by a waste byproduct from cheese making. Coles and Woolworths should be prosecuted for false packaging and false advertising. I suppose we should be grateful that they weren't adding Melamine!

    The Coles 'no added hormones' meat campaign showed that the crooks and the supermarket chains have been selling shoddy meat products for years.

    These are the shonks that brought us ultra thin soft drink cans that are difficult to hold; ever thinner freezer bags and dozens of other products where microcents are saved for better profits not better products.

  30. Mad editor-in-hiding Landeryou is castigating the CFMEU again on Vexnews. When I find him he will be able to wear his bollocks as earrings.

  31. Fellow Patriots,

    I have realised tonight I am probably the dumbest patriot here. For years and years I couldn't figure out who Landeryou was harming with his RDR fake comments -- you know the ones, the bloke who is always offering young ladies a ride home. I had figured the Fatty Doyle-McPerton thing, and Landeryou luckily came here to explain to us recently who Wendy and Boofa were.

    Tonight I discovered on Vexnews that Landeryou's fake 'RDR' comments are supposed to come from Richard Della Riva!

    But the thing that I still don't get is that Vexnews is supposed to be a news source (although Landeryou won't publish his publishing address for service as required by law), yet it presents weird long-running private jokes that are incomprehensible to most surfers.

    I think Landeryou realises, though, that if you have to explain jokes they ain't funny anymore. So all the hilarity about RDR was wasted on me for years. I didn't know who RDR was!

    I suppose that is why Landeryou is still a neophyte in the publishing industry.

  32. I wish I was as good at telling people what the news is and what the news ought to be as good as Mr Landeryou does it. Not.

    I'm sick of reading Cait Catt on this blog. She is a nutcase and we are sick of her silly antics down here in Tasmania. Go away Catt.

  33. Landeryou caught cheating on VexnewsSunday, March 06, 2011 12:05:00 AM

    The Mad Conjurer is always at it in the Vexnews bunker. The second comment appeared first. But then Landeryou later interpolated a fake comment from him, signed 'Observer'. ONLY he could possibly have done this, as he is the webmaster at Vexnews. What a shoddy dirtbag! What a crim! What a pathetic, lying cadet journalist's backside he is!

    RD-R. Now LONG odds on and clear favourite to be the first Baillieu Minister to get the sack. Text messages to under aged girls, and all that stuff, adn now this stuff; a dead set liability to the Baillieu Government. Political dead meat.

    Posted by Observer | March 5, 2011, 10:47

    Boring. If vex is going to spend the next four years crying into its collective keyboards, targeting lib minsters over supposed ‘crimes’ committed nearly 20 years ago and defending the mob we just gave the boot to, i am going to be forced to read the age…

    Posted by Anonymous | March 5, 2011, 16:02

    Why isn't this despicable, lying, scandalous, libellous website being shut down and its criminal idiot 'editor' in court?

  34. Landeryou is a lying liar who liesSunday, March 06, 2011 12:35:00 AM

    As if a neighbour would dob in Richard Della-Riva for using the police LEAP database to check on neighbours as lunatic Landeryou now claims. As if!

    It is far more likely the fat crim at Vexnews got the story from the nasty, undemocratic ALP Dirty Tricks department that underpinned the creepy Bracks/Brumby for years.

  35. Landeryou and the dirty tricks people should be publicly knackered.

  36. Sly editor-in-hiding Landeryou on Vexnews is busy attacking cross-bencher Andrew Wilkie. Andrew has photoshopped a speech bubble with Wilkie saying 'This caper sure beats selling persian rugs'. Like Vic MP Terry Mulder, Wilkie is a carpet salesman attempting to run the country.

    No wonder the nation is going down the tubes.

    But where does this leave delightful Dim, former spouse of Landeryou, and former MCC councillor, she - according to Landeryou - who 'was the only councillor to never claim any money for expenses'. There must be proof of this assertion because Landeryou has mentioned it several times?

    But of course Kimberley is much better known here as the registered company secretary of IQ Corp from October 1999 to February 2000. The company was systematically milked of millions.

    In court Landeryou, his missus, his sister and his Dad all suffered from amnesia. The company records had all disappeared.

    They are all still free!

  37. There is a Hollywood blockbuster in all thisMonday, March 07, 2011 12:04:00 AM

    What about all the rotten Presidents of the Melbourne University Students Union, around Landerderyou's tenure, who sucked money, set up scams, used standover tactics and then attacked the liquidator.

    Only one has done time, thanks to an ATO prosecution. All the rest, including Landeryou, are free as birds!

  38. ABC's Q&A is on again with a tired panel of duds including a female person who has a salary of millions of dollars a year.

    I am fearful that the ABC is sometimes sillier than MTR-radio which hired Andrew for one show (his Wiki says this was the start of his radio career).

    Could be ever end up on Q&A?

  39. I have seen a Super 8 movie of Landeryou dressed in a pig mask monstering female Farrago staff. I don't know if it was him, or someone else, but a porno movie has been tacked on suggesting that willing group sex followed. This was an obscenity piled on obscenity.

  40. I had a minor role in that movie (no pun intended). Those were the good old days when unemployed women were grateful for attention and didn't mind if I got a bit rough!

  41. Sorry Guys! I spent an hour on Vexnews and it is my type of site. Plenty of anti-jewish gnarly comments. Lots of politicians getting disembowled.

    I thought of adding Mr Landeryou to the cast of 'Two and a half men', but realised we would have to change the name to 'Thiry-three and a half men'. No effing disrespect to Big Andrew in saying that.

    I picked up that there may be a female version of Landeryou around. Is this 'Cait Catt' or 'Dim'?

  42. Hey Charlie! Back the F*ck up!

    I've been texting Cait for six days and things are really hotting up.

    I've never f*cked an elephant before!

  43. Been there. Done that!

    Cait has a substance-abuse problem. She loves KFC fat. A teen she ain't. Late thirties-something maybe. But ugly old tarts have to try a lot harder.

  44. The same old enemies. The same old hate rants.

    Same shit, different day.

    Stephen Mayne is getting the bile-laden Vexnews 'treatment' AGAIN! How effing BORING!

    I noticed that Les Twentyman OAM, former Victorian of the Year, is quietly and unassumingly going about his wonderful work for the down and out, and the needy. Real news organisations like Channels Nine and Seven have given acknowledgement to his latest good works on recent news broadcasts.

    Madman Landeryou shafted Les's candidacy during the 2008 Kororoit by-election with a month-long tirade of hate, lies, deceptions and by deliberately misleading voters. This was a full-on attack on democracy. The VEC failed every Victorian by not prosecuting him. The Brumby government betrayed every Victorian by turning a blind eye. The corrupted ALP supported it all. V I L E!

  45. Notwithstanding the above evidence, Vexnews is a little read kindergarten-level personal blog.

    I'm tempted to hang Mr Landeryou anyway because his research skills, such as they are, and his writing style, are embarressingly silly. His added fake comments are criminal in intent, but he can't he hanged twenty or thirty times a day!

    I think the best punishment for Mr Landeryou is to let him continue to publish his evil little blog.

    This is daily proof that he is a sorry imbecile who has ruined his life by crime and, by writing nonsense, he shows all and sundry he is also an illiterate scoundrel.

  46. The Andrew Landeryou Wiki which I visited last night is moribund. The rotten crook obviously has given up trying to defend the indefensible--himself. The site is wrecked and probably irrecoverable.

    Anyone visiting it would be struck by the extensive evidence against him. They would wonder, as we do here, why the nasty sod isn't in jail.

    I'm predicting it will 'disappear' shortly as Andrew can't bear criticism.

  47. Elaine Carbines the GreatWednesday, March 09, 2011 12:44:00 AM

    Craig Langdon was elected to the Olympia Ward of the Banyule Council last Saturday. The now Cr Langdon lost preselection for his seat of Ivanhoe last year in the Legislative Assembly.

    We don't want to speculate why he lost preselection. We'll leave that to Vexnews. The fact that there was no publicity as to why Mr Brumby didn't want him in parliament is also something we can't comment about. Vexnews covered it though.

  48. A Mr Rollins says Langdon will be expelled from the ALP in the local rag out Heidelberg way.

    He isn't very credible. Landeryou refuses to have anything to do with him. That's not always a good sign but in this instance it is.

  49. The above two comments are Landeryou free associating about irrelevant things. Silly oaf!

    Predictably, Les Twentyman and Cardinal Pell have been defamed again by creepy fake comments on Vexnews tonight.

    His Satanic Majesty Landeryou continues to poison the internet with his nazi bile hatefest.

  50. I am maligned as a sharemarket predator for ripping off elderly shareholders at their wits end.

    But I still regard myself as vastly superior to the likes of Landeryou who steal people's reputations.

    I just relieve them (legally) of their money. Landeryou trashes their character. But I hear he used to enjoy lashings of fraud too.

  51. The Landeryous once occupied an opulent Fat Cave. Reading through the description of the building, you can almost imagine Landeryou ringing for the servants from the Fat Study. Butler Uzunov appears and is dispatched to get 20 KFC family feasts and several flagons of burgundy.

  52. It seems Wardlow may have been designed by a bloke called TWENTYMAN.

    If so, it is only fair that The Curse of The Landeryous continued there...

  53. Landeryou keeps coming to this patriotic blog proclaiming that former wannabe Melbourne Lord Mayor Dim 'is a great person, and as a member of the Melbourne City Council she was the only councillor to never claim any money for expenses'.

    That may, or may not, be true. But she is not above telling outrageous 'porkies' as this quote from The Age of 20 April 2005 demonstrated:

    "Ms Kitching said she had not seen her husband since December 6. 'I have no indication of his whereabouts or whether he intends to return'".

    In court, she seems to suffer from IQ disturbances and severe memory loss. But so does Andrew, Bent Bill, and other members of the Landeryou relatives.

    More importantly, can a former insolvent stand for election to the Victorian parliament?

  54. Discharged insolvents, unfortunately in this particular case, can stand.

    ALP preselectors and voters can still give her the flick however.

  55. Dim got deleted from Wikipedia in 2008 as a person 'not notable in an encyclopedic sense'. She is not notable in any sense, unless you think a company secretary who doesn't know what became of the company papers is notable or notorious.

  56. Gambling aaddict Brendan Fevola is the latest big name victim of the scourge that Jeff Kennett unleashed on Victoria during his disgraceful years as premier.

    All the later suicides, family disintegration and personal trauma I lay at his door. When Bracks and Brumby got in they milked addicted gamblers blind too.

    Landeryou and Lew were planning to cash in on this human disaster with online gambling. This is the most verminous form of gambling and is virtually unregulated. You don't see the people you are crippling with debt; you don't see or hear about family disintegration and suicides. You just reap in profits as the victims click themselves into oblivion.

    Politicians, casinos, online gambling companies -- What utter swine! What parasites!

  57. Landeryou will roast for eternity in hellFriday, March 11, 2011 1:05:00 AM

    Vexnews editor-in-hiding Landeryou doesn't realise there is caselaw for libels against Archbishops in Australia. So why does he persist in publishing abominable, anti-Christian, criminal crap like this:

    Brother Abbott what joy we had in my Pulpit this afternoon with all of those young boys wanting to join the Choir. Thanks be to Lord.

    Posted by Cardinal Pell | March 10, 2011, 20:48

    Does Landeryou have proof the Archbishop and the Leader of the Opposition in Canberra are pederasts?

    I think not.

    A smart, real editor would get urgent legal advice pronto.

  58. The Age says 'Australia, which is introducing some of the toughest anti-smoking laws in the world, invested $147.7 million in shares of tobacco companies including British American Tobacco to pay for politicians' retirement'.

    Its almost a good enough reason to quit. I would hate the tax-fixated ratbags to have a moment of rest. I hope they taste penury in their retirement as I have through ruination by the GFC - thanks to them!

    Kevin Rudd, who raised the tobacco tax 25% says 'cigarettes are not cool'. Smokers would love to punch his silly little head in. Prime Minister and National Nanny Julia Gillard says that 'it's a bad thing to smoke.' Smokers say keep your opinions to yourself Julia, you tax-suck! Health Minister and airhead Nicola Roxon says smoking cost the $1.3 trillion annual economy about $31.5 billion each year. Where's the proof, Nicola? There is so much exaggeration, lies and financial fudging about smoking its enough to make smokers insolvent.

    Smokers pay federal excise duty, customs duty and GST. I challenge anyone here to find by Googling how much of the $93.70 I paid today for a carton of cigarettes goes to Wayne Swann.

    After ALL the taxes I've paid to these idiots over forty years, I expect a gold bed, platinum service and world medical experts flown in to to treat me if I get sick.

  59. Sergeant Uzunov once asked Landeryou if he smoked after intercourse.

    The fat crim replied: 'How would I know? I've never looked'!

  60. The lead blog on Vexnews has inexplicably disappeared altogether.

    It has been replaced by another hoary anti-Bob Brown rant.

    Landeryou doesn't normally get rid of evidence without a writ.

    But I just can't remember what the missing blog was about.

    That's the trouble with Vexnews - its sooooo forgetable!

  61. A Japanese nuclear reactor just went POOFSunday, March 13, 2011 12:06:00 AM

    Another weekend... But 'news source' Vexnews is shuttered and closed down while the world's laziest blogger has a few days off. Globalisation is taking a huge battering. Insurance companies are wobbling. The GFC buggered retired Australians who now live in candlelight. No bailouts for them even though Super is l-a-w, LAW nowadays.

    Self-proclaimed editor Landeryou covers state and local government right-wing minutiae, really small inconsequential stuff - except at week-ends when he gets on the turps.

    For God's sake, don't wake the drunken skunk up next week!

  62. The ALP can stick the carbon tax up its klacker! My family needs ANOTHER tax like we need another flood.

    Wake up and Eff off, you woeful twats!

  63. The Japanese Nuclear MeltdownsMonday, March 14, 2011 1:04:00 AM

    The big problem in Japan at the moment is that politicians lie and so do corporate bosses, such as those administering the tottering nuclear power stations.

    Even Blind Freddie could see the rocketing shock wave as Fukushima 1 exploded. The Japanese Prime Minister said this was just the walls falling down. The corporate bosses downplayed the extent of the problem.

    In Australia and around the world there are lying politicians and corrupt corporate bosses.

    The world needs better tnan this, much better than this!

    Politicians need to lose their indemnities. If they lie, they should be made accountable. Vastly overpaid corporate crooks should also tell the truth or face prosecution.

    All the lies and spin are part of the dangerous new chaos facing globalisation where the sharemarket, insurance, banks and petrol are all wobbling towards disaster.

  64. Potassium Iodide tabletMonday, March 14, 2011 1:17:00 AM

    Vexnews has far more spins than a Whirling Dervishes convention.

    Crooked crackpot Landeryou tells so many lies he can't remember a quarter of them.

    He should be dropped on one of the failing Japanese reactors in case KFC fat can somehow slow down the meltdown process. Yes, I know this sounds like pouring petrol on a fire - but noone knows how meltdowns work. KFC fat is so thick it might extinguish nuclear reactions. Who the f*ck knows?

  65. For God's sake 'Potassium Iodide tablet' don't even joke about dropping the madman on the buggared Fukushima reactors.

    Landeryou is so full of shit, angst, bile, hatred and anger. If He was dropped on Fukushima, the world would be destroyed by a catastrophic explosion.

  66. I am willing to be corrected by patriots, but I think Mal Turnbull was the latest idiot politician (on ABC's QandA) to vouch for nuclear power. Nature told Mal to go and scr*w himself. Nuclear has gone back two zillion years.

  67. Other politicians have spoken out in favour of nuclear recently. They should be named so that we can remember them as dangerous imbeciles that should urgently be voted out asap.

  68. On the other hand, nobody would mind 'Noddy' Abbott getting the arse! He is the pits. A weasel Howard remnant who got an unjust second kick.

    Tony! Go and get a real job!

  69. Julia Gillard was ambushed by the ABC and Julian Assange last night. We learned nothing. Only Vexnews gives us real news.

  70. Is that why as Cait Catt (where is the bitch. She's gone silent?)tells us ASIO and the CIA use Vexnews as a prime news site? I think the mad feline is exaggerating on that.

  71. Landeryou's legion of fake commenters allow him to get thousands of dollars a week in welfare payments from Centrelink. That is why honest patriots have to fill out a 900 page questionaire to get a buck from government.

    One-man crime wave and hate blogger Landeryou is a blight on society.

  72. Is Cait Catt receiving a dole payment from Centrelink? Several people have already asked and Centrelink claim that privacy considerations prevent them from revealing details about a client's benefits. I'm sure Centrelink investigated though. Wonder if Cait is still on dole benefits?

  73. The massive continuing failure of globalisation is shown in the panic selling of stocks because of the nuclear meltdown in Japan.

    At a personal level, I lost 60% of my Super in the Global Financial Crash. Now billions more have been lost on the market. My Super has nosedived again.

    The Super funds seem unable to promptly protect themselves against disasters. The pollies are too dim to react. The corporate crooks always get in for a share of the fat.

    I am gradually becoming an inceasingly destitute anarchist.

  74. A nameless millionaire was whingeing in The Age yesterday that seven million wasn't enough to maintain his lifestyle.

    It must have been that crim Landeryou who is forever complaining that he is hard done by.

  75. A Centrelink whistleblower told your correspondent that Cait Catt indeed was investigated. The result was that a Ms Caitlin Catt of Huonville in Tasmania was refused continuation of her benefits, and may face prosecution for defrauding the Australian taxpayer. That's the same lady who, as Cait Catt, writes for The Mercury, the local rag in Hobart Town, saying most people in Hobart Town are descended from convicts and this is reflected in their behaviour. The same Cait Catt writes for this patriotic blog promoting Mr Landeryou, who runs a blog (she calls it a news site that's read by ASIO)called Vexnews.

    Great work Centrelink protecting the Australian taxpayer from fraudulent felines.

  76. Of course we don't know yet whether or not Caitlin Catt really does exist. Will have to wait for the prosecution evidence.

  77. Loungeroom reporter and editor-in-hiding of the pathetically idiotic website Vexnews aren't always 'First with Worst'. Landeryou has latched onto a Herald-Sun muckraker about crime victims' advocate Steve Medcraft.

    Landeryou lectures scammer Medcraft about the legalities - 'the serious criminal offence of attempting to obtain financial advantage by deception, under section 82 of the Crimes Act'.

    I bow to Landeryou's personal expertise in these and similar areas of fraud. He is an acknowledged expert forger, stalker and a person who can make millions vanish.

    It is not impossible that the Herald-Sun article which Landeryou has padded out, is true. They had all better hope so... But Landeryou's blog, as usual, is wildly speculative, poorly researched and garbled.

    And it appears that he has illegally named a rape victim in his blog.

    He even got another crack at Les Twentyman who he links to Medcraft. On the face of it, this is a further libel on Les.

    'Lord Twentytonneguts' the fake commenter created by sub-human Landeryou has been busy in Vexnews recently. These are further defamations in clear violation of an AVO issued after Landeryou's stalking of the Twentyman home during his vile month-long attacks on the Twentyman during the Kororoit election, and during which he and the ALP behaved abominably against democracy.

  78. I have to confess that I am one of many fake-commenters on Vexnews manipulated by Andrew Landeryou.

  79. Well, Ok. I am obviously another Landeryou fraud. But I only post here because people seem to miss my sagacious comments. Unfortunately I am just another Landeryou puppet and I really hate how he puts his fat, sweaty hand up my 'glove'!

  80. << 103 similar confessions from fake Landeryou commentators, including 74 who disliked being 'fisted' like Cait Catt - deleted for space reasons >>

  81. The Barwon Gaol Hot RoddersThursday, March 17, 2011 11:14:00 PM

    Landeryou loves borrowing from this site. His latest fake commenter is 'Brutus Bumborer' through whom he threatens Steve Medcraft.

    We doubt Brutus Beefcake (who is going to skewer Landeryou when he gets to Barwon Gaol) will be amused.

  82. Rumours in my Chambers today suggest that Steve Medcraft is as mad as hell and getting advice from a rather nasty SC. He's not interested in Vexnews but, apparently, wants to go 'flower picking' because the HS reporter really fluffed it.

    I'm sitting back expecting a few fireworks shortly. I love pregnant pauses between charge making and the come-uppance.

  83. If the Herald-Sun reporter blew it, Landeryou the plagiarist is gone too.

  84. Mad woman in the attic Julia Gillard and Nutty Professor Ross Garnaut can't wait to get their grubby hands on carbon taxes.

    The whole ETS and Carbon Tax saga is so crazy that taxpayers can't understand a word of it. Corporate crooks do understand it, because they will reap billions from this lunacy.

    I lost 74% of my Super thanks to the GFC and don't expect any cheques from this rotten government anytime soon - least of all Carbon tax offsets.

  85. Current State ALP opposition leader Daniel Andrews has finally admitted what all Melbournians knew for years - Melbourne is full up and infrastructure can't cope.

    The Brumby government was pathetic and can never be forgiven for wrecking what once was the world's most liveable city. It has now become a living hell.

  86. Australia has gone to the dogsFriday, March 18, 2011 11:59:00 PM

    Do we really need the rioters and arsonists on Christmas Island in Australia as new immigrants?

  87. The big problem is that Landeryou illegally hides his address - plenty of 'phone numbers on Vexnews, but no address.

    If he published his address, as required by law, hundreds of people he has defamed would be lining up to alter his flabby physical features.

    I would love to kick his fat arse so hard it would bounce into the office of the indolent telecommunications watchdog.

  88. Fans of Les Twentyman have asked the Japanese government for spent fuel rods from Fukushima.

    I bet noone can guess into which of libellous scammer Landeryou's orifices the rods will end up.

    Patriots may feel that a nuclear Landeryou is going too far. All that extra energy might provoke him into actually providing weekend blogs, albeit dripping with bile and venom.

  89. A thermo-nuclear Landeryou could be dropped on dictator Khaddafi's palace in Tripoli ending the Libyan nightmare.

  90. Fill can ya please pick up another bottle of piss for us? Ta Sir Les

  91. Landeryou better hope that 'experienced clinical psychiatrist' Dr Yvonne Skinner doesn't get him in her clutches. She testified the lunatic who threw his daughter off the West Gate Bridge was not mentally impaired and knew right from wrong.

    Crikey, Andrew! She might get you to confess to the Yorkshire Ripper murders or starting the Libyan war.

  92. Hmnn.

    Landeryou has taken to calling Phil Cleary "Fill" in his illegal and libellous fake comments about greatly loved humanitarian Les Twentyman.

    One of our junior law clerks told me that she heard that a legal entity may have whispered veiled warnings to Landeryou recently about avoiding 'certain' references to Phil Cleary.

    Hence the "Fill' references.

    Weird, Huh?

  93. Sarge,

    Please get me four flagons of Bergundy. I'm celebrating another week of hard-hitting blogs. Its Saturday night, and I am still a bit sober. Dim said she wanted a naughtie but I would rather have a skinful.

  94. Gaddafi tells more lies than Landeryou, but only just.

  95. Decades ago Alcoa secretly exported Australian aluminium to Iceland for smelting thus avoiding Australian mining royalty payments. Today's unelected Bailleau government is falling over itself to reward these nasty corporate crooks.

  96. The Age says Muslims are 'widely distrusted'.

    DISTRUST of Muslims and hostility towards homosexuals and pagans remain widespread in Australia, according to a new Australian Human Rights Commission report to be released today.

  97. Who brought the muslims here in the first place, what for, and why?

  98. That's simple - It was Ali Grassby!

  99. Christopher Pyne, a favourite Landeryou libel victim, is on ABC-TV's QandA.

    Andrew Landeryou isn't.

  100. Send razor gangs to lunatic asylum retirement cellsMonday, March 21, 2011 10:07:00 PM

    Australian goverments are increasingly isolated, mean, predatory and tax driven.

    Bailleau has slashed promised infrastructure projects despite a bursting Treasury.

    The Prime Minister has a bizarre fixation with carbon. In the latest nuttiness, jobs minister Evans is making the unemployed subsist longer on personal savings before being eligible foe Centrelink.

    Margaret Thatcher in 1979 began the process of dismantling core government functions that had been nurtured since the classical philosophers. Left and right Western governments have since then privatised everything, embraced free markets and deregulated financial checks leading to the global financial crash.

    Waht a bunch of useless nongs.

  101. Methane gas is 21 - 25 times worse as a pollutant than carbon dioxide. The Landeryou household is a known mass emitter of methane. Serious damage has been done to sewerage pipes nearby. 96 kgs of human waste a day are common. That is why I am there.

    In practical terms, the release of 1 kg of methane is roughly the equivalent to the carbon dioxide emissions associated with the generation of 20kWh of electricity. If carbon taxes associated with methane gas production in Australia are set at $30.00 a tonne, The Landeryou household with be getting a carbon bill of $805,000 per annum.

    How on earth can the Gillard government possibly compensate the Landeryou household for their share of the Carbon Tax?

  102. As with the Fukushima meltdown, authorities should be considering pumping tonnes of concrete into Andrew Landeryou to shut down his dangerous methane emissions. Dung Beetle did not mention the explosive properties of methane. There is no radiation danger (unless Landeryou has been eating uranium), but a methane explosion could be catastrophic in suburban Melburne.

  103. Got five cookies while slumming on Vexnews today. I am busy disecting them now. These is one I want to post here, but editor-in-hiding Landeryou would be able to identify me. As well, the contents of a couple of the cookies look a lot like malware script.

    Naughty Andy - stalking with cookies. Tsk. Tsk.

  104. I only got three cookies from Vexnews, but I only visited for a short time. I don't know how to identify malware cookies but I will be taking all precautions if I surf there again.

  105. I think the fat crim needs to front the Sunshine court again. He has been flagrantly ratting on his promise to leave the Twentymans alone.

    When in court he feigns contrition then redoubles his libels later. A wiser magistrate would have put so many restrictions on Landeryou that he would have found it hard to breathe.

    I would have stood on his throat.

  106. The 'Twentymans' are only publicity seeking dirt, both often too pissed to know what day it is.

  107. What does Cait Catt think about this?Thursday, March 24, 2011 2:20:00 AM

    I always read Vexnews for my dose of news. It's the only site worth looking at. All the cats at catter8's cattery like it too.

    Only one thing disappoints me. What are the chances of Pauline Hanson winning a position in the New South Wales parliament? I've never read the answer to that question on either Slanderyou or Vexnews.

    Perhaps ASIO are not interested in an election that will be a Coalition walkover.

  108. Politicians -- the mad rabble of amateurs that attempt to run Australia -- degenerated into anarchy this week. The disorderly mad scenes during question time in Canberra were gobsmacking.

    The Mayor of Brisbane wants to be Queensland Premier. The Bailleau government in Victoria is unravelling election promises.

    Everywhere you look, politicians are screwing up the nation.

  109. When I saw the recent 'anonymous' and 'What does Cait Catt think' posts, I immediately sprayed my computer with spider killer, Dettol and air freshener.

    It is too horrible to think that the censorious nazi criminal can post here with impunity while censoring patriotic posts on his vile Vexnews blog.

    Blackmumbo was far too kind.

    Pay back the millions you stole, close down nasty libellous Vexnews -- and then go and ____ yourself Andrew!

  110. Human drone PM Julia was once a hit at our house. But the nonsensical carbon tax and the nutty ETS that no-one understood has made us want her to go - and go quickly.

    This subject has hijacked the national agenda for far too long. Peasants in Asia and South America keep on deforesting the planet and the ALP nuts want us to pick up the tab.

    Noone in Australia wants any more freaking taxes. We are strangled by taxes. Taxes on income, petrol, grog, ciggies and taxes; levies and charges on nearly eveything else, and all indexed!

  111. I'm enjoying watching Sophie Mirabella sticking it up Julia on a repeat of parliamentary question time.

    Sophie really stuck it up Landeryou in their Uni days. She smelled a rat. It was Landy!

    Then, as Tony Abbott stood up to chide the government, there was chaos in the public galleries with blowing of whistles and yelling.

    Complete Anarchy!

  112. Landeryou's latest 'blog' is a soliloquy about the Sol Lew pick-up of repulsive touchy-feely Mark McInnes as an overpaid CEO.

    The gigantic problem is that Landeryou did not disclose his past connections with FCUK Lew.

    This is a very nasty story that Landeryou has, as usual, handled badly. It is a story about three blind, rapacious rats. Lew, according to Landeryou narrowly escaped gaol. McInnes is morally bankrupt. But Landeryou himself, is a alleged crook who libels both Lew and McInnes without disclosing his earlier partnership with Lew.

    It would be rather nice to see all three fry.

  113. Landeryou says Lew suffers from backside 'leakage' problems, which places him much closer to Lew's rump than previously understood. Get closer Andrew! You will get sprayed with what you deserve!

  114. Stephen Mayne said today that Pauline Hanson was the most defeated candidate in Australia, and that he was second.

    Will SlanderyouNew tell us the full story? Will Vexnews beat SlanderyouNew to it?

    The mind boggles.

  115. Will SlanderyouNew beat Vexnews for coverage of the NSW elections? Labor seems to have been decimated. Landeryou will be happy at the low votes polled for what he terms the evil Greens. No news yet about Pauline Hanson as the upper house votes have yet to be counted.

  116. Taxpayers deserve Much better than thisSunday, March 27, 2011 12:58:00 AM

    State Labor governments continue to topple over, leaving Liberal ersatz governments that don't have a clue either.

    That's what happens when there is no choice.

    The two-party system divides opinion recklessly and unevenly.

  117. While State Labor governments continue to topple over, PM Juliar is still bleating about a carbon tax. What's wrong with her? What part of 'Aussies don't wan't another freaking tax' doesn't she understand?

    It's time the federal ALP got the arse too. The only problem is that Tony Abbott will screw us up even more badly.

    The country could be better run by the Lake Purrumbeet Primary School.

  118. NSW voters will soon find, as we are in Victoria, that 'new' Liberal governments harbour the same heartless, dollar-driven grubs as have all previous liberal governments. Bailleau and O'Farrell seem a bit daft, harmless enough. But they represent the big end of town not battlers.

    It's like seeing kindly Dr Jeykll turn into slavering madman Mr Hyde all over again.

  119. Stop going though my wallet, WayneMonday, March 28, 2011 1:38:00 AM

    We would not have the vile Liberals in government again but for the corrupt inaction of the smug ALP slackos like the lazy Brumby government in Victoria.

    Taxpayers should be able to launch a class action against political parties which are incompetent to recover part of the excessive taxes they levy.

  120. We want news about Pauline Hanson and neither Vexnews nor SlanderyouNew are providing it. Antony Green just a few minutes ago says that the former Ipswich fish and chip proprietor is in with a chance and could in fact win a spot. If she does it's eight years of entertainment should she win election to the New South Wales Legislative Council, the upper house of the New South Wales Parliament.

  121. Homeless Victorians, and those unable to afford accomodation in packed-to-the-rafters Melbourne, should head up-country to the green acres of former premier John Brumby's vast estate. A tent city there would be a daily reminder to the lackadaisical former premier of his malfeasance. Knocking on his door every morning for porridge or bread would underline the message.

    ...and, if noone is looking, kick his scrawny arse!

  122. I voted for Brumby last time in the unloseable election and ended up with Ted Bailleau who will do an even better job of going through my wallet than Johnnie. Ted is going to screw us all without mercy - thanks to the bungling, inept ALP government which will never be returned in all eternity.

    Thanks for nothing 'little John'!

  123. Back to the drawing boards you ALP idiotsTuesday, March 29, 2011 12:30:00 AM

    All the World's a stage - except for the ALP Right which now has no stage and no players!

    Landeryou's is an increasingly lonely voice in a vacuum.

    Maybe the ALP will have to go back to representing workers and not romancing big business, or selling off the last remaining public assets.

    PM Juliar has shown she can be right of left and still wrong. Landeryou has consistently demonstrated he is right of right (or far right) of left

    You are either left (in favour of your fellow human beings) or right (devoted to dollars, meanspiritedness and throat-cutting the down and outs).

    The ALP will have to go back to basics...

  124. Landeryou was a spoilt rich kid with a bent ALP Dad. His crooked fellow Melbourne University Students Union Presidents had bigtime ALP Dads too. There was a systematic criminal conspiracy.

    That's why this story has Hollywood written all over it.

  125. Casting Director Sol LewTuesday, March 29, 2011 1:38:00 AM

    Magda Szubanski would play Dimberley and Cait Catt; Charles Laughton(Landeryou); Adam Sandler (Darren Ray); Jim Carrey (Ben Cass); James Belushi (the Sarge); John Voight (Dean Mighell); James Dean (Phil Cleary); Orson Welles (Dean McVeigh) and Marlon Brando (Les Twentyman).

    and little Theo as himself.

  126. Bolt and Landeryou should be jailed for racismWednesday, March 30, 2011 12:14:00 AM

    Andrew Landeryou on Vexnews is supporting Andrew Bolt's defence in the racial vilification civil action now in court.

    Herald-Sun's Andrew Bolt could write all he knows about race relations since European settlement in Victoria on the back of a postage stamp.

    The greatest disservice he has done is against 'the Fair Ones' -- people with mixed blood -- shunned by Aborigines AND white people last century, and now shunned and besmirched by him in the modern millenium.

    It is hardly their fault that they carry European genes. What heartless, racist nonsense.

  127. The black-chained dancers cry out against their fateWednesday, March 30, 2011 12:45:00 AM

    The Fair Ones thrown off the Aboriginal reserves last century resided in forest camps and not the huts they grew up in. Creepy Herald-Sun columnist Andrew Bolt knows nothing about this. He simplistically thinks of them as whites masquerading as blacks. If only he could suffer a tenth of their pain over a hundred years, he would resign in shame.

    We need much better, more informed journalism than Bolt's nazi diatribes.

    Andrew Bolt -- go to the state achives and manuscript collection of the State Library -- if you want to BEGIN to understand this issue.

  128. Herald-Sun scribe Andrew Bolt's credentials and credibilty have irretrievably been destroyed. His racist articles were bad enough, but his petulancy and tantrums in the witness box hardly helped. Management must be gobsmacked.

    At least he didn't claim 'Privilege'!

    Bolt is a wanker who writes embarrassing guff -- in this case a direct attack on the indigenous people. Absolutely woeful!

  129. The Andrews (Bolt and Landeryou) should just shut upFriday, April 01, 2011 12:24:00 AM

    Actually he could save himself a lot of time by getting the book 'My Heart is Breaking' which shows what is in the State archives and National archives about the grubby treatment of Aboriginal people since European settlement. Weird views such as Bolt's have been endlessly recycled since 1836 because noone then, and noone now, can figure out a just solution to a problem created--not by Aborigines--but by Europeans.

    Bolt's blame game on people with 'mixed blood', through no fault of their's, who identified with their Aboriginal heritage, is reprehensible.

    Landeryou's blog on this subject overall has been, as usual, hugely unhelpful.

  130. There are, of course, various similarities between Bolt and Landeryou. The journalistic qualities of both have been questioned. Bolt has the gift of the gab although often wayward as shown in the racism case in which he is presently involved.

    Landeryou is a boring village pump gossip who concentrates on trivia rather than the big issues.

    I googled Bolt to find out what gave him the intellectual background to criticise indigenous people. There was none.

    In a matter unrelated to this one, the Victorian Court of Appeal described Bolt's conduct as 'at worst, dishonest and misleading and at best, grossly careless'.

    David Marr, then the presenter of ABC-TV's 'Media Watch' said that Bolt likes dishing out criticism, but could not take it himself. Among other things, Bolt is a nuclear energy proponent, a small club that just shrank as a result of the Fukushima meltdown.

    Bolt and Landeryou should both take long holidays from their 'journalistic' endeavours and get real jobs as street sweepers or toilet attendants.

  131. (Essential reading for 'The Andrews' -- Blot and Landerdud)!

    "The practice of passing — identifying with and presenting oneself as one race while denying ancestry of another — reached its peak during the Jim Crow era. Needless to say, the notion of having to "pass" as white is outdated and offensive, but as sociologists Nikki Khanna and Cathryn Johnson report in a new study, passing is still alive and well today. It just happens in the other direction".

  132. Landeryou is laundering the comments on his wacky pro-Bolt blog tonight. He is like Bolt because neither of them likes cricitism.

    What a joke. Both proclaim free speech, but Landeryou censors comments on his blog championing Bolt's revolting racism.

    "Let Freedom Ring"! What a load of crap!

  133. Nincompoop crim Landeryou suddenly diverts commenters he doesn't like to moderation. This is like 'Waiting for Godot'. It destroys dialogue, and means that on Vexnews you are getting a Landeryou approved monologue of censored rubbish.

  134. The friends of Cait CattSaturday, April 02, 2011 1:25:00 PM

    Andrew Bolt is not and never has been a racist. SlanderyouNew continues its campaign of filth. That's what we all expect from the blog of filth.

    Go Andrew Bolt.
    Go Andrew Landeryou.

    Together they are Australia's leading and outstanding journalists.

    ASIO and the CIA regard Vexnews as their Australian news site of choice. For facts, its Andrew Bolt and Andrew Landeryou. For fiction, its SlanderyouNew.

  135. Another creepy, uninvited visit from Landeryou. Ugh!

    Bolt is a columnist not a journo; Andrew has copy boy's fantasies.

    ASIO is advertising for IT and other staff in The Age which Landeryou always says is going down the tubes.

  136. This site lacks metatags which probably explains why it doesn't feature in the search engines. This is a fault that prevents our comments here from reaching the ignoramuses posting on Vexnews.

    The cookies sent out by Vexnews are far more intrusive than I had imagined. Two of them were given highest security warnings because they can completely identify individuals 'over time', including email addresses and passwords.

  137. Treasurer Wayne wonders whether selling the Australian stock exchange to singapore is against Australia's interests. Of course it isn't Wayne, you dud!

    I live outside Melbourne where nearby farms have been sold to Chinese investors. A 50 hectare property just up the road has been bought by an Ethiopian family from England! Powercor - the local electricity supplier - is owned by a Chinese power company.

    Australia's politicians aren't working for their electorates. They are barracking for globalisation, the failed nutty doctrine that ruined my Super and put my family in the poorhouse after the GFC.

    Politicians are protected by indemnities which allow them to sell off Australia, import unwanted refugees through UNHCR, remain silent about million dollar salaries for crooked corporate CEOs.

    Utterly sickening.

    Landeryou would have ticked off all this slime and malfeasance.

  138. My Super was buggared too. I lost $80,000. Now my Super won't support my family much longer. Originally, it would have supported us for another decade if not longer.

    Sub-prime crooks in America are sitting on my hard-earned $80,000. The Australian government and watchdogs have been strangely silent thoughout.

    A bail-out for Aussie Super investors would cost billions--hence the silence.

    So it looks like we will end up at Centrelink filling out a 9000-page questionaire because we will soon be broke.

  139. The ALP is self-destructingThursday, April 07, 2011 1:05:00 AM

    Juliar's carbon tax will sink her and the ALP. ALP state governments have already abdicated to the Libs, abandoning all who originally voted for them. The Bailleau government in Victoria is already tottering. They couldn't run a Teddy Bears' picnic. Thanks Brumby! Now Juliar is handing over government to the gormless Howard remnant Abbott who is sneakier than a bucket of snakes.

  140. Increasingly obese Health Minister Nicola Roxon is screwing tax burdened smokers even more with unbranded packets in hidden cupboards with no 'competitive' prices on display. This is childish, spiteful nonsense from nannies who want to manipulate and engineer every aspect of our lives.

    I'm drowning in silly TV advetising about medical crises, funeral plans and life insurance.

    Stop wasting taxpayers' billions on ludicrous TV campaigns. Stop engineering everyone. Find a way for me to get over my addiction to ciggies that doesn't involve making me insolvent.

  141. This sort of summarises nazi sewer site Vexnews rather well:

    Is Bolano still rooting Carol

    Posted by Willows foreskin | April 7, 2011, 22:49

    Ordinary people wouldn't have a clue who 'Bolano' is or poor old Carol.

    Forties-something rich kid Landeryou still gets a huge hit from his Boofa/Wendy crap, Fatty Doyle, etc.

    I wish Landeryou would grow up; stop wasting his time blogging libels; and get a real job as a chook sexer or a toilet cleaner at The Age.

  142. What does Cait Catt think about this?Friday, April 08, 2011 1:38:00 AM

    Venerable youth worker Les Twentyman OAM, former Victorian of the Year, got robbed of his credit card by youngsters he was helping this week. He got it back after a quick-thinking waiter at a Vietnamese restaurant nabbed the young crooks as they sat down for a good nosh-up.

  143. New Victorian Attorney-General Robert Clark is a numbskull who has already forgotten he wasn't voted in. He is implementing nasty new punishments that would make nazis blush.

    Robert you have no mandate. Your's is a caretaker government because the ALP lost the plot. That doesn't give you the right to make life even more horrible for modern Victorian.

    Go and take a cold shower. Pour a Chablis and C H I L L!

  144. Vexnew's Landeryou in preparing for yet another weekend off has squeezed his head up his arse, curled up, and gone into a sherry induced coma...

    ...No more revolting libels for 48 hours. Yeehah!

  145. The appalling chaos in Australia thanks to unwanted immigration has wrecked the nation. Suddenly state capital cities are clogged, freeways are at a standstill, trains are filled to the rafters like Auschwitz cattle wagons.

    What an absolute disgrace! What were the looney politicians thinking? It's no good saying Australia is signatory to refugee conventions when politicians secretly did so. At none of the recent federal and state elections did political parties seek a mandate to import hundreds of thousands of ignorant peasants into Australia, most of whom can barely read, write or speak English.

    Australia is barely coping with collapsing globalisation let alone the layers of serious problems caused by unrestricted immigration.

    A pox on each and every one of those loathesome political softies who opened the gates to the barbarian hordes!

  146. Landeryou has slipped quietly into the weekend with two new blogs. One is a about a Green lady that he doesn't like, the other is to announce that a hack named Saunderson who once wrote for the Geelong Addie will provide Vexnews with Royal Wedding coverage in London.

    I will be crossing to Vexnews frequently from now on for royal bliss blogs, but with all malware, cookie and antivirus software turned on.

    Saunderson, so far as I know, isn't a stalker, libeller, fraudster or anti-democratic activist like Landeryou. I am looking forward to pro-Royal blogs from London celebrating the regal nuptials!

  147. I too am looking forward to the Vexnews coverage of my grandson's imminent happy event. Mr Landeryou, let alone everyone else, knows I live at Buckingham Palace--so no need for stalking or publishing my address online. Mum and the corgis have been photographed endlessly.

    MI5 have told me they don't follow Vexnews as it is boring, 'everyday nonsense'. They did, however, warn me that Mr Landeryou has 'form' in the criminal sense. I have passed on these warnings to the Princes and Ms Middleton.

    Charles told me he is an avid fan of Vexnews which 'is as wacky as me, Dad'! Mum and I think Charlie is a tosser, but we agree that Vexnews is a bit odd too. Mum thinks it is a nazi hate site. I think Mr Landeryou is a bit unfair to my great Aussie mate Les Twentyman, the wonderful human being who helps youths in the West of Melbourne.

  148. Defence Minister Smith is highly outraged, as only a politician can be, about all the knee-trembling at the Australian Defence Force Rooting Academy. 'A serious error of judgment was made', says Smithy, about the Academy's commandant who had not been present but got given the arse anyway.

    Until recently, ADFA recruits were taught leadership and how to defeat the enemy. Now the force is turning out qualified rooters who understand the command 'Don't shoot till you're chockers'.

    I wouldn't have liked to serve with the 'consensual sex' slut or the treacherous prick who videoed it, or the six wankers who watched. Where do all these repulsive people come from? How did they get into ADF?

    Maybe all recuits should be sterilised!

  149. Senior clerk, Sgt. UzunovTuesday, April 12, 2011 1:01:00 AM

    Andrew loves a good root too. But he didn't volunteer for the ADF. How come?

    My service in Timor as a trusted clerk is well known. Later after uni studies I became a one man media army. I could show those horny gals at ADFA a few new moves!

  150. Jeez! Life is getting very tough in the ADF nowadays.

    Army Tarts want a good bonk with the blokes. But if your back is turned the pooves want a shot too.

    As Andrew would say, put lots more bromide in their tea.

  151. To get into the army years ago you had to have a mental age of 11. Today, you also have to be very horny.

  152. The friends of Cait CattThursday, April 14, 2011 6:19:00 PM

    We should support our defence forces. They are the backbone of this fine country. Sgt Uzunov is making a joke out of some very serious attempts to denigrate our fine fighting men and women.

    We need Bruce Ruxton, a great Australian. May he recover and continue to fight the good fight.

  153. What does Cait Catt think about this?Thursday, April 14, 2011 6:25:00 PM

    SlanderyouNew must be jealous. Vexnews has the
    COMPETITION (that is SlanderyouNew) LICKED: Vexnews scores the Royal Mail stamp of approval

    AUSTRALIAN web patriot Andrew Landeryou will be honoured on a British postage stamp. The VEXNEWS chief, who has been liken to a young Rupert Murdoch or an much older Robert Maxwell, will be seen an a limited edition “first class” stamp soon to be released by the Royal Mail.

    The stamp will honour Landeryou for his unrelenting promotion of freedom and merciless upholding of public morals and standards through his popular VEXNEWS.com web site. This is a reward that makes the inaugural Walkley Blog Award pale into insignificance. Go Andrew. Go VEXNEWS

  154. Landy looks lots younger and less corpulent on the alleged stamp.

  155. Landeryou has just passed out after another week blogging shite. He's snoring in a sherry stupor massaging Dimberley's ample thighs. Ronnie is growling as his mistress is crudely fondled. Sgt Uzunov is frigging in his room as the Landeryou bed creaks and groans.

    Somewhere in the beyond, Dean McVeigh stares down on all this crap and winces.

  156. I'm re-reading Michael Cannon's 'The Land Boomers' which, among other things, shows where the Ted Bailleau family millions originally came from. Of the early 1890s, Cannon shows that 'an aristocracy of criminals' were involved in property speculation which ruined thousands.

    The Landeryous didn't feature because they hadn't, as yet, arrived.

    But another land boom is underway for all the unwelcome hordes now infesting Australia with political connivance.

  157. I'm learning Swahili so I can tell my new neighbours 'Sitaki awe na mawazo haya'. As an old Aussie, I never imagined I would have darkie neighbours that can't speak English.

  158. Catholic Coalition LawyersWednesday, April 20, 2011 1:45:00 AM

    I noticed on Vexnews tonight that there were lots of fake comments posted by the webmaster. Among them was the vile continuing smear campaign against Archbishop Pell. 99% of potential jurors would find this very defamatory:

    Brother Abbott don’t forget noon tomorrow with the latest Choir Boy to induct.

    Posted by Cardinal Pell | April 19, 2011, 21:21

    Brother Orkopoulos, your skills in depravity are required.

    Posted by Cardinal Pell | April 19, 2011, 23:54

  159. Landeryou is a constant critic of The Age. But The Age is today offering people like Landeryou great help in increasing the length of their dicks.

    Traction is the answer and, apparently, Landy has taken to tying several bricks onto his appendage. If you have a penis one centimetre long, you will try anything.

    The Age advises 'Among the non-invasive methods, tested on 109 subjects, so-called penile extenders which stretched the phallus through traction were shown to be most effective.

    'One study reported an average increase of 1.8 centimetres, while another measured an extra 2.3 centimetres in a flaccid state, and 1.7 centimetres when erect.

    'But the regimen for achieving these gains was arduous: six hours of daily traction over four months in the first case, and four hours every day over six months in the second.

    'Another device, known as a "penis pump," used a manual or motorised pump to create a vacuum inside a hard cylinder sheath, stretching the phallus.

    In Landy's case, this means that after several month's of treatment, his dick might be 2.7 centimetres long--or just over an inch in imperial measurements.

    Landy, go and jump in the Yarra. This will treble your dick size while you drown.

  160. I told Theo to tie me to his car and give it a good rev. For a few seconds I was over seven metres long. Ouch! But I have since returned to my normal size of 2.3 centimetres.

    Theo and I have been out stalking unemployed sluts again now that things have quietened down. Rita still gives us the wooden spoon from the fridge treatment, but Theo and I are as horny as ever and don't let her spoil our fun.

  161. I don't give a damn how Andrew increases his manhood size.

    The more the merrier, I say!

  162. Landeryou, former crime boss at Melbourne Uni's student union and IQ Corp loss leader turned to 'journalism' on Vexnews. Now that its Easter he has retired for the weekend with 40 dozen oysters; 30 KFC family feasts; ten crays; 90 litres of sherry; three tattered copies of 'Gestapo Teenage Nympho Nurses'; and two large tubes of KY lubricating gel. Yes, this is frightening stuff that the Bailleau government is too frightened to tackle.

    Apart from anything else, Landeryou will probably create five tons of carbon tax flatulence.

    If only I had a match.

  163. SlanderyouNew is lazy. He or she can't be bothered updating. It won't be long before there are 300 posts on this site, most of them fake commentators promoting the filth and lies of SlanderyouNew.

  164. Ted Bailleau will need to send in the SAS to curb the rioting Sudanese war orphans that the looney politicians have placed in Melbourne communities.

    What a crazed, mad, backstab to ordinary Aussies. Send the Sudanese rioters back to THEIR war!

  165. Vexnews stinks No. 302 blogWednesday, April 27, 2011 2:22:00 AM

    Landeryou worries about this site being updated.


    The story here is always the same. It is wanting Landeryou to be punished for fraud, real or literary. It is being constantly updated by commenters who think he absolutely stinks.

  166. What does Cait Catt think about this?Wednesday, April 27, 2011 2:46:00 PM

    Who has all the goss on the Royal Wedding? Vexnews of course. Read on:

    RUFF TIMES: Monsters battle for Our Kate’s soul
    By David Saunderson ⋅ April 21, 2011

    POP sensation Justin Bieber will mediate between feuding UK vampire and werewolf factions in the hope of averting a supernatural war that could unhinge the Royal Wedding in London next week.

    VEXNEWS’ London Investigations Unit can exclusively reveal a centuries old pact between British vampires and werewolves could be broken by the upcoming marriage of Prince William to alleged lycanthrope Kate Middleton.

    Vampire sources claims Miss Middleton is a full-blooded werewolf and by marrying the heir to the throne will violate a 500-year old agreement.

    “After the disastrous reigns of Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, it was agreed no vampire or werewolf would seek the throne of England,” a leading expert in monster relations revealed this week.

    Werewolf sources say Kate Middleton, 29, is a non-practising lycanthrope and therefore should not be stopped from marrying into the Windsor dynasty.

    But many vampires are unconvinced, with one bloodsucker suggesting that Miss Middleton may attempt to “transform into a mighty flesh-craving wolf beast on her wedding night and plunge the kingdom into centuries of bestial darkness”.

    Those in the know say tensions between the supernatural communities are at their highest since 1937 when King Edward VIII was forced to abdicate over his relationship with American-born vampire Wallis Simpson.

    The need for intervention increased this week when a dissident – yet influential – wolf pack leader claimed that Prince William had “experimented with recreational vampirism” during his college days at St Andrews.

    Justin Bieber will mediate between leaders of The League of British Vampires and Ancient Lycanthropic Society at an undisclosed location this weekend to seek a compromise.

    Vampire and werewolf sources welcomed the intervention, saying the Canadian teen sensation was a widely-respected figure in both communities.

    Clarence House or the Home Office have yet to officially comment on the issue, however, a leading pundit lamented today: “We wouldn’t be having this problem if Wills married one of his cousins and kept it in his own bloodline.”

    NOTE: While the Crimes Act does not ban being a vampire or werewolf, the feasting on human flesh and the non-consensual drinking of blood from the necks of the living is illegal under UK law.

  167. Excellent story on Vexnews by David Saunderson, who I believe is a highly respected City of Greater Geelong Councillor. Why publish it here? People should be looking at Vexnews first so that they can get the latest news before anyone else. I suspect it's published here to titillate the SlanderyouNew readership so that they will be educated to try new things, like Vexnews, as Cait Catt tells us the news site of choice of both ASIO and the CIA. Me thinks our spooks will look at Vexnews as part of their intelligence gathering and then claim all the credit.

    I'd like to see the pussy (no. They don't give Brazilians to cats) contribute more on this blog. Her contributions are always worth reading and they're free. No where else have I ever been so entertained.

  168. Buffy the vampire slayerThursday, April 28, 2011 1:10:00 AM

    Oh, lovely!

    More unwanted visits from wannabe Herald-Sun toilet cleaner Landeryou. He was very slack over Easter not updating his 'news' blog.

    Why am I not surprised? Andrew is a slacko that loves doing as little as possible. The OC and Vexnews were vehicles to attack his enemies but the OC ground to a halt. Vexnews is like finding an abandoned 1956 Austin A30 illegally parked in your driveway.

    If only getting rid of the Vexnews open sewer of nazi hate was as easy as calling the council to remove ab old wreck!

  169. I am frantically brushing up on conciliatory Sudanese phrases in case I run into a riot by a thousand of them on the way home. I have a body-armour waistcoat and carry a steel helmet in a laptop case to try and avoid being hit over the head by a bottle or being glassed.

    Since softy Ausyralian governments are busy importing all these useless black buggers, and the coppers are hamstrung, I figure I'm on my own.

    And I hate smearing myself in kiwi boot polish everyday so that I can 'fit in'.

  170. What a dummy I am. I thought the Landeryou post here about vampires, the Royal wedding, Justin Beiber shit, was a joke. I checked on Vexnews and there it is. Holy Cow!

    The article proves that Saunderson and Landeryou are mad. What a load of jumbled crap. There is nothing funny about Will and Kate. There is nothing funny about Justin Beiber who needs a personality. The references to vampirism just reminded me of Landeryou's Transylvanian background--and there is certainly nothing funny about that.

    Saunderson sounds like an escaped mental patient.

  171. By judicious TV channel surfing I managed to avoid even the slightest glimpse of a wedding overnight. I started off enraged because the analog channels had coverage--all five channels covering exactly the same thing--what a bunch of wankers.

    OK I had to go into the unholy bowels of FreeTV, the ten or so free advertising digital channels, there to frequently see grinning Olympic dud Matt Shirvington trying to sell Foxtel as 'amazing entertainment'. Anyone who has Foxtel knows it is shit, but I happily watched 'Return of the Seven' with unlikely cowboy Yul Brynner.

  172. After getting rid of Osama, US Forces are now seeking internet media terrorist Andrew Landeryou.

    Upon disposal, he won't be dumped in the ocean as this would create a major shipping and fisheries hazard. His fat carcase will be dropped on the Fukushima nuclear meltdown.

  173. Tony Abbott was strangely silent about Bin Laden's demise. Why?

  174. Abbottabad may be wrong. If Cait Catt is correct in her claim that the CIA and ASIO regard Vexnews as their news site of choice for Australian news then the US CIA backed forces may be after Slanderyou. After all, if Brutus and his gang of criminals were able to do what SlanderyouNew wanted them to do there would be no Vexnews. The CIA and ASIO would regard that as a sad day for Australian journalism. RIP

  175. Saturation TV advertising--self-governed by the corrupt 'Free TV Australia' folk--continues to allow ever more advertising. Ordinary Australians are drowning in this incessant, disruptive drivel. Sometimes it is hard to find a programme to watch because they are constantly being truncated and edited to squeeze in one more ad. Many of the ads themselves are obvously fraudulent.

    The current Medibank TV adverts are a case in point. By digitally exaggerating the smiles of actors pretending to be happy customers, Medibank is indulging in obviously fraudulent advertising. It is one thing for actors to be paid to pretend to be happy customers. It is another to digitally alter and exaggerate their smiles. That is an obvious fraud. Free TV Australia, unsurprisingly, has OK'd this.

    Self-regulation by the TV industry constantly has been shown to be corrupt and not in the public interest.

    As usual our useless politicians gaze the other way.

  176. Australian governments and oppositions have been mute since 2008 about the global financial crash and its ruinous effects on Superannuants. Thanks to Paul Keating, Super became mandatory for taxpayers. Most Super funds were said to be MANAGED but when the crash came the fund managers were all fast asleep. The Finance Industry and goverments need to get together to develop a response. Otherwise Australia will become reknowned for having abandoned its superannuants altogether. Otherwise, many embarrassments lie ahead. We pensioners are all going broke. Thanks for nothing Paul!

  177. Landeryou the Crook planned to loot everyone's wallet with his online gambling scam.

    Online gambling is unsupervised which allows the vulnerable to be be scammed by one and all. The only thing we haven't heard about is the standover tactics to get the dough.

    Andrew, as Melbourne Uni student president was pretty heavy in his thuggish activities - just ask the gals at Farrago of the time.

  178. It is rather shocking to find that when accessing the internet that there may be federal and state police, and heaps of public servants looking over your shoulder.

    What part of the simple word 'privacy' don't these creeps understand?

    A police search of your home would require a search warrant signed by a judge. Sneaky internet surveillance apparently does not.

    Rein in this criminality and malfeasance!

  179. Nasty, nasty stuff.

    Internet usage is supposed to be private. But the Federal government wants internet records kept for years so prosecutions can be unending. Police weirdly have been allowed unfettered access into people's homes via the net.

    Child porn is abominable, and there is a strong argument to stamp it out. Where surveillance identifies people accessing this material, a duty exists to notify such people they are being monitored. To not do so and then prosecute them is reprehensible.

    A police state is in noone's interest.

  180. Landeryou's computer records would keep AFP's and VicPol's vast internet surveillance squads busy for years. The criminal cretin keeps on posting libellous comments on his blogs. Many of them are criminal libels.

    All will be revealed when the lazy coppers finally catch up with him.

  181. What does Cait Catt think about this?Saturday, May 07, 2011 1:38:00 PM

    Landeryou for Prime Minister?

  182. More badly-written Vexnews piffleSunday, May 08, 2011 12:24:00 AM

    Vexnews continues its waffling, long-winded attacks on Liberal MP David Davis. In what seems like the longest (most irrelevant and boring) blog in a while, mad editor-in-chief, far-right ALP apologist and former fraudster Landeryou managed to give many scurillous opinions about current government members, recommend a return to the Kennett years, extol the virtues of nasty former ALP State Secretary Newnham, and to demonstrate he is still actively stalking Les Twentyman who has an AVO out against Landeryou who published details of Twentyman's private address, scared his wife and provided a month-long hate campaign against Candidate Twentyman during the execrable, undemocratic, dirty-tricks filled Kororoit election in 2008.

  183. And throw away the keysSunday, May 08, 2011 12:34:00 AM

    Why isn't the fat crook doing time for continually evading his Twentyman AVO orders and publishing ever more gross, bizarre defamations based on stalking? Gaol Landeryou NOW!

  184. I am beginning to agree that Andrew is a tiresome serial pest, a boring blogger with poor writing skills, and a person to be avoided at all costs. His frotteur mate Theo kept on asking me if I was unemployed. A bloke Landy called 'Conjob' invited me back to his Williamstown pad to view his NBN etchings...

    Why do people here keep on asking for my opinion when I am just a figment of Andrew Landeryou's imagination? Another of his hundred or so fake commenters.

  185. Q & A just gets weirderMonday, May 09, 2011 11:11:00 PM

    It can't be long before ABC TV's Q & A has a panel of muslims and no Aussies. The audience is choked with ethnic elements who all clap enthusiastically when panel members champion Australia's 'softie' immigration policies for 'refugees'.

    Q & A does not reflect the views of ordinary, everyday Aussies. It is highly politicised, social engineering. Even the tweets are suspect.

    Most Australians are aghast about being overrun and squeezed by hundreds of thousands of unwelcome immigrants who don't share their language, religion, values or culture.

  186. Mr and Mrs Sam West from Goondawindi would get censored on Vexnews too. Andrew doesn't like hearing from ordinary Aussies either.

  187. Run-down and moribund nazi propagandist blog Vexnews is grinding down for the weekend.

    Who ever has heard of a 'news site' that shuts down each and every weekend?

    Landeryou is a person with no visible means of support and a questionable past. Now would be a grand time to retire permanently you crashing bore!

  188. Dumbo immigration minister Chris Bowen thinks 'fair dinkum' Aussies will support the ALP's latest dumb immigration antics.

    None of the pollies have got the message. 'Fair dinkum' Aussies don't want any more immigrants, refugees or skilled temporaries who are turning the country into a bursting sardine tin.

    Bowen is a complete t*rd only slightly less objectionable than the oafish former immigration minister Senator Evans whose decisions in that portfolio were consistently appalling.

  189. I notice Buddha Boy hasn't rated a mention in the Oz since July 1, 2008, or in the Herald Sun since July 17, 2008. Both were items about Twentyman's intervention order. I also notice vexnews had slipped to the 20,657th most popular site in Australia as "visitors to the site spend roughly two minutes per visit to the site". Another Landeryou success!

  190. Mandy is another nut in the global fruitcakeMonday, May 16, 2011 1:16:00 AM

    Amanda Vanstone's weird article in The Age in favour of Africans in Australia is laughable. African 'refugees' belong in Africa, as do Muslims in the Middle East. Vanstone is another former immigration minister and architect of the worsening racial chaos now being felt in Australia. Politicians are protected by indemnities. They march to a different drum, and do not represent popular opinion.

  191. Yikes!

    Vexnews, the nazi hate site, has labelled Lionel Rose a pedophile based on an old police investigation long ago closed without a prosecution or a conviction.

    Lionel Rose was given a State Funeral today, besmirched by Andrew Landeryou's mad hatred and asinine logic.

    The commentary is repleat with Andrew's fake and defamatory comment from 'Archbishop Pell' favouring pedophilia.

  192. Q & A weirder and weirderTuesday, May 17, 2011 12:03:00 AM

    ABC's Q & A had many fewer sable or burqa-clad members of the audience than usual. Theoretically it was a more Aussie-centric throng.

    But Landeryou's former mate Bill Shorten was a glib political voice. Landeryou also would have approved Tasmanian Neanderthal Liberal, Senate Liberal leader Erik Abetz whose uncle was, apparently, a convicted nazi war criminal.

  193. My master Andrew watched Q & A last night, but disgusted me by siddling under the TV and tonguing it underneath whenever Shorten, Abetz or the Judge were featured. Disgusting. He is a real pig!

  194. If only Andrew had a longer tongue, he might have electrocuted himself while rimming his TV last night.

  195. Vexnews--the Prime Criminal Blog in AustraliaThursday, May 19, 2011 12:32:00 AM

    Sub-human crim and internet stalker and libeller Landeryou has had a busy week on his nazi hate blog Vexnews. He declared Lionel Rose, Archbishop Pell and Les Twentyman to be pedophiles.

    Landeryou is a madman.

    Now he has turned his attention to an ALP State MP Craig Langdon who Landeryou has for months suggested is a rampant poove. Now he has written a blog teeming with defamation and hate about Langdon. For some unfathomable reason Landeryou thinks Langdon a turncoat but as usual there is no evidence ever presented on Vexnews for Landeryou's scurrilous criminal libels.

    WTF is the government internet watchdog doing about Vexnews's vile criminal libels??????

  196. Woeful government internet watchdogsFriday, May 20, 2011 12:51:00 AM

    Snore. Snore. Snore!

    (Dream 'Luckily, we don't have to do anything because our legislation, like the Gillard government, is pathetic and inadequate).

  197. Woolies say (through cretinous PR people) they didn't sack staff for planking--but for OH & S issues. What abject imbecility. They are the same thing!

    CEO millionaires, and even the US President, now hide behind itiotic spokespersons who, as shown above, talk shit.

    At least Vexnews has no pretensions. It is a blog that promotes shite. So does Woolies!

  198. I'm loving Free TV Australia's saturation funeral plans, life insurance and olympic dud Matt Shirvington's long-winded ads for Foxtell, TV's recycling network for repeats of forgettable viewing. It is all rather tiresome crap television.
