Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fat freak flees Shorten shame

Law abiding patriotic people will all know that it is none other than Bill Shorten who is the senior ALP figure facing rape claims.

What few people are aware is that Andrew Landeryou made the claims public when his "friend" became leader.

"Give me 25 per cent of your salary, 25 per cent of the entire opposition staff budget and 25 per cent of the donations the party receives and this will stay private between us, Bill," the fat freak told his priapic pal.

Shorten acceded immediately, but as soon as he tried to implement the plan it fell over.  The opposition leader is now toughing (and sweating) this one out. But he appears to be succeeding. There has been nothing on the story since it first appeared almost a month ago. Even the rapist Theo has avoided publicly high-fiving his fellow sex criminal.

The law abiding are now wondering if fat freak Andrew Landeryou may have bitten off more than he can chew (and that's saying something).

A Super Guppy aircraft arrived at Tullamarine this afternoon. It is will known as the only aircraft in the world that can carry Landeryou's weight and girth.

Both the AFP and ASIS have alerted their counterparts in Costa Rica.


  1. Send them all to Barwon. My cock will sort them out. It is close to two foot long and a full foot in diameter and squirts HIV laden semen more regularly that Old Faithful in Yellowstone National party squirts water.

  2. Cardinal Pell I'm just in confession with the choir boy have you got any more KY?
