Thursday, October 27, 2011

The beginning of the end for fat crim Andrew Landeryou

The end is drawing nigh for the morbidly obese criminal Andrew Landeryou and the senior Labor Unity figures and appointees who have protected him during his 20 year plus crime rampage.

The reputable journalists of The Age report a Victorian anti-corruption watchdog is on the way. They says "Victoria will have its first anti-corruption commissioner before the end of the year, following the introduction of landmark legislation creating an overarching corruption watchdog."

Good news for patriotic law abiding citizens. Bad news for Andrew Landeryou.

Things must be already getting desperate at the Fat Cave. On his evil Blog of Sleaze Landeryou today posted a link to information on how to crack a safe.

Putting up the link is a criminal offence, true, but at least now the authorities will know what he and Kimberley have been doing.


  1. I gather there is speculation that Landeryou was involved in this ghastly crime or put his mentally subnormal gimp Sasha Uzunov up to it:

    A frail yet defiant Essendon woman who was mugged while walking in the street has had recurring visions of her attacker.

    But Patricia Smith, 87, has refused to change her usual route despite the terrifying encounter.

    A man kicked her in the leg from behind while she was walking to the doctor in Niddrie on Friday.
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    He stole her handbag, which contained her credit and driver's licence. She was not injured and held on to her walking frame to prevent a fall.

    Ms Smith said she kept seeing images of the man several days after the attack.

    "I kept on seeing his face with large eyes and dark eyebrows," she said.

    But Ms Smith walked the same route on Monday, determined that the attack would not shake her confidence.

    A receptionist at her doctor called triple-0 when she heard Ms Smith screaming.

    Ms Smith said detectives later told her that her credit card was used in Airport West. But Ms Smith fought back tears when she said her driver's licence was more important.

    She passed her driving test aged 68 so she could take a road trip with her husband who had been diagnosed with cancer. He died eight months later.

    "I'd love that card to be found," she said.

  2. Paramount pokies parasite Packer picks poor pensioner's pockets.

  3. Landy and Lewd's online gambling scam, if realised, would have ruined thousands of families.

  4. Theo,

    You better do something fast about that f*ck-up Andrew . He keeps on bringing up that nasty case against us a couple of years ago on Vexnews. WTF is he freaking doing? He is defaming Carolyn Webb of The Age but blogged about "a psychotically disturbed and drug-taking woman who invented rape claims against a Victorian cabinet minister". His blog names US! He has managed to defame three people - Webb, "the raving psycho who peddled her false rape story" and US!

    Mr Beefcake in Barwon could shut him up pronto. It's hard to write a blog with broken fingers while sucking savaloys. Theo, isn't it time to call in a few political paybacks and get rid of Andrew.

  5. The friends of Senator ConroyFriday, October 28, 2011 5:48:00 PM

    Brutus Beefcake better not try anything in Barwon. The screws are after him. He'll never get a chance to anal rape a great man.

    Australia's greatest news site editor is an honest, decent and law abiding citizen. He should be protected from the vile rants that appear on this blog of filth.

  6. Why haven't the police been calledSaturday, October 29, 2011 12:20:00 AM

    Qantas's CEO and Board do not own the airline which they are busily milking to death. They are employees and servants of the company. What part of 'Theft as a servant' don't these crooked carpetbaggers understand? Why hasn't the fraud squad been called in?

    Qantas CEOs - including Mr Joyce and his predecessor Geoff Dixon - over the last five years have received $55 million and the non-executive directors $13 million. Joyce's stewardship lost the company more than $200 million last financial year for international operations. Qantas's estimates that the current industrial dispute has cost it $68 million to date.

    This used to be called white-collar crime.

  7. Senator Conjob doesn't have any friends - just millions of taxpayer debtors to his useless NBN. Juliar's carbon tax bonanza and Conjob's NBN will send the nation and ordinary Australians broke.

  8. Dont't forget the LanderyousSaturday, October 29, 2011 1:50:00 AM

    Landeryou should be doing time. There was a lot of amnesia and perjury, so it would seem, about the MUSU scam and IQ Corp. Dim, Dad and brother in law, among others, screwed up too. Why are they free too, pray tell?

  9. I hear that Conjob and Shorty have told Andrew and the perjurer Dim to forget all about Wills.

  10. I think Kimberley is outstanding. She is a great lady. She is PM material. ALP please endorse her for Wills should Craig's namsake retire.

  11. Qantas grounding, an act of absolute madnessSunday, October 30, 2011 2:03:00 AM

    Qantas is going to be sued into oblivion thanks to the dangerously mad behaviour of the $5 million dollar a year imbecile Irish idiot Alan Joyce. This is what happens when privatisation goes nuts. Dixon was hopeless, endangering safety by outsourcing maintenance. He then did a runner with $13 million. Bits have been coming off the fleet ever since. Daft Al took over. He is a prime example why NO-ONE is worth a million a year. He couldn't run a Leprechauns picnic, let alone OUR (former) National airline. Deport the mad little sod! Confiscate his undeserved millions! Sack the whole crooked board!

    Passengers are probably a lot safer now the airline is grounded. The airline needs to be re-nationalised, the crooks dismissed publicly, and safety concerns urgently fixed.

  12. Daft Qantas CEO Alan Joyce should resign immediately and depart Australia speedily before hundreds of thousands of irate passengers, Qantas ground staff, engineers, pilots, underpaid cabin crews, baggage handlers, and millions of angry Australians skin him alive.

    Bugger off Alan - and don't ever come back.

  13. Kimberley should be elected to the Qantas Board asap. She might even be able to help The National airline to lose its company papers. There needs to be a Royal Commission into the rorts of the Qantas Board.

  14. In what reportedly is the first such use of the Internet authorized by any court in the country, the United Kingdom's High Court has permitted an injunction on an anonymous blogger to be served via Twitter.

    The injunction demands that the unknown blogger stop impersonating on the Internet a well-known lawyer, Donal Blaney, who is a prominent right-wing blogger, reports an IDG News Service article published by PC World. Blaney is the principal of Griffin Law, a firm of solicitors based in Hawkhurst, England.

    The partner's impersonator set up a Twitter account that featured Blaney's own blog photo and links to Blaney's own blog posts. Then he or she tweeted in a writing style that sounds like Blaney's, the tech magazine article recounts.

    Although parody can be legally permissible, the Twitter account was intended to make readers think the tweets were Blaney's, he contends, and his lawyer, barrister Matthew Richardson, objected to the claimed impersonation on copyright grounds, according to the news service and a post on the law firm's website.

    Blaney says he sought the court's permission to serve the injunction via Twitter because he figured this would be faster than waiting for the site's California-based administrators to take down the offending account if he complained directly to them.

    The judge who approved the Twitter service was familiar with the social networking micro blog site, Blaney said, and also noted a 2008 ruling by an Australian court that service could be made via Facebook, the magazine article explains.

    "The rules already allow for electronic service of some documents, so that they can be sent by e-mail, and it should also be possible to use social networks," solicitor Danvers Baillieu tells the BBC News.

  15. IN years to come our children will ask us, "What did you do in the Great Blog War of '10?"

    Well, OK, not really. But last Monday's Media story revealing Canberra public servant Greg Jericho as the writer of the (formerly) anonymous political blog Grog's Gamut certainly triggered a big battle in social media circles.

  16. QANTAS the national disasterMonday, October 31, 2011 12:40:00 AM

    I'm having trouble with this. Qantas Board voted themselves and CEOs $68 million over the past five years. But they are unable to successfully negotiate solutions with their own staff. What use are they? Why are they accepting salaries in the millions of dollars when they aren't performing? Why aren't they paying back misappropriated funds? Why aren't they doing basic management courses?

    Primary schoolchildren could have done a better job than them - Don't wage war on your own staff: Co-opt their expertise; treat them as members of the team; involve them in working out solutions. Obvious.

    It must be very hard for unions to negotiate with a pathetic loon like Alan Joyce on $5 million a year. It would be nearly impossible not to giggle at his nutty pronouncements. An honest Qantas Board would re-emply him as a mailboy.

  17. @Oh oh

    An assumption exists that Landeryou is now solvent and can sue and be sued. People defamed on Vexnews have seemingly accepted past advice that suing Vexnews is a wate of time and money. This advice may no longer be accurate. Moreover, there is a strong case for suing him even if only for 'penny' of damages. He usually goes to water in court.

  18. An overpaid corporate hoon under a microscopeMonday, October 31, 2011 1:55:00 AM

    It will be highly instructive to all Australians to see exactly what a man paid five million dollars a year can actually solve, if anything. So far Alan Joyce and the Qantas Board have behaved like cretins. Can they save the airline, which is not theirs - it is a public company - from total disaster. Can they be personally sued for mismanagement and maladministration? Hmnnn...

  19. Guru vs Google in cyber stalker case

    "Having a win in courts just means we're a couple of steps closer to bringing the person to a form of justice.

    "The content that appeared on that website and (has) been promoted through the website is blatantly defamatory."

    Barrister John Bryson said he thought it was the first time legal action of this kind against Google had been successful in Australia.

    "People need to know that they can take on the big companies, the major players, and get a win," Mr Bryson said.

    The allegedly defamatory website is one of the first listings on a Google search for Mr McIntyre and countless efforts to find the owners, including hiring a private investigator, have so far been unsuccessful.

  20. As a hate blogger, it is lucky for us all that Landeryou is terminally lazy, doesn't work weekends, and concentrates on student union politics and other low level village pump brouhahas.

    People with meaningless lives, with so many hates, are unsuitable as bloggers--especially when, as Landeryou does, he pads out his blogs with his own fake comments.

  21. Andrew and Dim - Dumb and Dumber!

  22. Parliamentary question times on Monday and Tuesday showed that our representatives are a rabble of nincompoops.

  23. The Pokie Machine Industry are greedy parasites that gorge, suck on, and bankrupt vulnerable gamblers.

    In Victoria we can thank former Premier Jeff Kennett for the thousands of rigged machines in low income neighbourhoods robbing citizens, ruining lives and destroying families.

    That was the gravy train Landeryou and Sol Lewd wanted to get aboard.

  24. History will record the vile betrayal of the whole Victorian community by daft idealogue Jeff. The Liberals sold us all into a gambling hell and IR slavery. The ALP also became addicted to gambling dollars. Politicians have sold out and screwed everyone.

  25. CEOs Geoff Dixon and Alan Joyce have ruined Qantas and filled their pockets with millions while doing so. Betraying staff and passengers was the best these overpaid idiots could do. As managers, they were woeful. As multi-millionaires, they made all Australians puke. As human beings, they don't even qualify.

  26. Perhaps stung by an earlier patriotic commenter on this blog for laziness, Landeryou rolled out five new blogs today, but all were rubbish, and one, against Stephen Mayne was a one liner.

  27. Poor old Landeryou is drowning in his own spew.

  28. Creepy brogue and blarney talking Irish idiot Alan Joyce absurdly thinks Qantas belongs to him.

    His knowledge of history is sparse. By claiming yesterday he was treated in a McCarthyist fashion made me laugh out loud. Joyce is accused of far-right union bashing. US Senator Joe McCarthy in the 1940/1950s was exposing communists particularly in the US film industry and other organisations. No-one has accused daft little Alan of being a commo! Insane, yes. A Commo, no.

    If wise, he would resign now before he really gets fried. So should greasy airhead spokesperson Olivia Wirth whose appearances on TV news broadcasts are greeted with groans and abuse in this household. She is uber tatty.

  29. If I was Juliar, I would rather have Maxeen McKew inside my tent p*ssing out, than her ouside my tent busily p*ssing in. But Max is a Rudd fan who can probably urinate for hours given half a chance.

  30. The friends of Senator ConroySunday, November 06, 2011 3:57:00 PM

    Great story on Vexnews, Australia's greatest news site, about the evil Greens. Ex Communist Rhianon (nee Brown)is conducting classes at the WA Green School on how to rig ballots. Vexnews has got it right. Go Vexnews. Let's hope ASIO haven't fallen for SlanderyouNew propaganda and have sent covert agents.

  31. Garbage Grinder Landeryou has churned out a lot of rubbishy blogs in recent days. Most are embarrassing rants, the rest are lite 'fillers'.

  32. As Headmaster of East Kwaziland secondary school no. 27, I allow students to view blogs on Vexnews because they contain execrable English, poor spelling and grammar. The blogger seems to have great difficulty making points and is very rude about great Australians who make him seem like a diseased amoeba! My best female student said last week "Headmaster, why do you make us read this shit day after day? Mr Landeryou is obviously disturbed and should be locked up".

  33. And so say ALL of us!

  34. Old Diggers like me squirm and cringe when politicians heap their insincere comments on the dead. A simple minute's silence is all that is required. We don't want politician's bulldust sprinkled all over their graves.

  35. Juliar dropped in unannouced on the Diggers in Afghanistan. ABC TV News said this was to "improve morale in Afghanistan".

    The soldiers should all have lined up and blown her a huge raspberry.

  36. Great White Shark Greg Norman is no dill, but what part of the words "black" and "arsehole" didn't he understand. These were the words of a caddie referring to Tiger Woods.

    Readers of this blogsite are used to seeing Landeryou's name linked to words like "prolapsed" and "arsehole" and "buttplug". But the fat shonk is all of those things and more.

  37. The ALP has turned to shitTuesday, November 08, 2011 11:57:00 PM

    It would be loverly if the toxic, duplicitous and unrepresentative Gillard government just went away. There will be a loud national scream when the real costs of the nutty carbon tax are realised. All the big corporate players have promised to pass on all costs. We are going to be s q u e e z e d big time.

    The ALP lost my vote when I found Shorty and Conjob were former pals of shady crime czar and internet libeller Landeryou. Juliar is a jackass and Greg Combet disappointed me. He stood up to Patrick's but tamely sold all Aussies into tax slavery. The less said about Penny Nong the better!

  38. Hundreds of thousands of Australian families are lying awake tonight wondering where their thousands of carbon tax dollars are going to come from. They have been told they will get a government cheque of $9.90 a week. This won't even pay for the increase in the price of milk.

    Juliar's carbon tax has been a great, rolling disaster. My family could not undertand what it was. We stopped spending because we knew we would get milked. Howard promised no GST. Juliar promised no carbon tax. They lied. Shonks!

  39. Saw an ABC doco today about gold-mining in Peru which lays waste to increasing square miles of forest where the Amazon River rises. Elsewhere it is chop-chop-chop in Brazil and Asia.

    Julia Dullard wants the tax dollars. Has she bothered to send an email to South American and Asian governments about wholsale deforestation--the real reason for global warming. Her so-called government is stuffed!

  40. Holy Shit! The Global Financual Crash Part II has begun. I don't know about My Landeryou, but I am witdrawing all my funds from the banks and hiding it under my mattress!

  41. Al Joyce and a thousand other OZ multi-millionaire CEOsThursday, November 10, 2011 11:45:00 PM

    Us too!

  42. Globalisation sucks! My Super is gone thanks to the US sub-prime criminals and American banks which on sold toxic debt packages all over the world. Now America is buggared. Europe loved the globalised trillions but is falling over in debt as a result.

    Bloated pollies and public servants are all asking themselves 'how did we get into all this shit - we'll have to tax everyone silly and will probably collapse anyway'.

  43. Mad Juliar threw the carbon tax in just when the next gigantic financial disaster was looming. She, the ALP and the Greens will be long remembered as the people that sank Australia.

  44. Greg Medcraft was hand-picked by the Gillard government earlier this year to chair the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, and took up his powerful, $700,000-a-year post in May. It has since emerged that a bank with which Mr Medcraft held a senior position, Societe Generale, is being pursued in the US over massive transactions involving sub-prime home mortgages in the lead-up to the global economic crisis. The US Federal Housing Finance Agency has alleged in a lawsuit that Societe Generale's securitisation business - which Mr Medcraft oversaw - was negligent, did shoddy due diligence and seriously misled two American loan providers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

  45. Senator Anne McEwan needs help urgentlySaturday, November 12, 2011 12:47:00 AM

    A patriot on this blog worried recently about an obviously distressed female ALP senator who seemed to be having a breakdown in the house. She was identified as sitting behind Senator Conroy.

    I watched Question Time from the Senate on Thursday and tentatively identify SA Senator Anne McEwan as that person. For the early part of Question Time she was joking with another female senator sitting next to her. She even yelled across the chamber and made hand gestures. Then she got a 'phone call and immediately thereafter was morose and making startling facial grimaces. This was really weird. Is she being bullied by the ALP?

    Like the Patriot mentioned above, I do hope she is OK. If anything is badly amiss, I hope she is receiving peer support and mental health backup!

    Another patriot noted the replacement of MHR Yvette D'Ath, who sat behind the PM in the Reps, with the nodding, grinning blond/brunette 'Gumnut Twins'. This demonstrates that the Gillard government is aware of public presentation even during the toxic circus chaos of Question Time.

  46. I saw the incident a few weeks ago where Conroy was hassling Senator McEwan. Something is going on. This isn't right.

  47. Andy has lost the plot big timeSaturday, November 12, 2011 1:27:00 AM

    Landernuts is busily churning out blogs all of a sudden. But most are one-liners that sound like joke punchlines rather than reasoned thought. Nazi hate site Vexnews is going down the tubes!

  48. A BLIND man denied entry to a Cairns restaurant unless he left his guide dog at the door said he felt humiliated and angered by the incident.
    Atherton man Geoff Skinner, pictured with his guide dog, Gadget, said the entry refusal yesterday highlighted an ongoing issue faced by the vision-impaired.
    He said some local businesses were ignorant of the state’s guide dogs laws, breaches of which could carry fines of up to $50,000.

  49. The disgusting, crooked directors of ANZ Bank have given $3.15 Million in stock to their slow-minded Scots boss Mike Smith. He didn't have to pay for it out of his multi millions. They gave it to him as motivation. It is obvious to all Aussies and taxpayers that these directors are crooks and that the CEO is a vastly overpaid dunderhead.

    My bet is that the directors and Smithy will do a swift bunk before GFC2 hits.

    Globalisation allowed the white collar criminal corporate thieves to raid 'their' banks, companies and businesses and turn themselves into millionaires.

    We hope they drown in their own gravy.

  50. Globalisation has been a gigantic failure, and its disasters aren't over yet...

    The Age reports a nitwit from CSIRO as predicting the carbon tax will be economically benign. Another buffoon! Hasn't he seen Australia's voracious middlemen on a price jack rampage? Australian familites will be beggared.

  51. Priceless imbecile scribbler Landeryou has smeared the late great cricket writer Peter Roebuck as a pedophile, spanker of coloured sports boys, and all-round scumbag.

    "We’re not certain that pedophile is the right word for him technically", the libellous crook blogged on Vexnews, "as we are only aware of him praying on kids above the age of consent, but his behaviour certainly sounds creepy, exploitative and disturbing and it seems that his employers at Fairfax and the ABC knew his form and knew that it continued until the present day".

    Malevolent smartarse Landeryou quoted from what appeared to be court proceedings in a different matter involving Roebuck--but forgot to provide context or a citation. This is why Landeryou is such a useless, reckless, often criminal defamer.

    On the face of it, by not providing a court citation, Landeryou has defamed Roebuck after he was dead. You are a quality act, Andy!

  52. Mad Andrew actually imagines he is a journalist. He is not. He is cruddy blogger.

    He uses spiteful blogs to draw attention to the fact that he is a libellous crook and fraud in the Jack Pacholli range. Most people manage to ignore his weird rants. Patriots like us want to see him in jail.

  53. On Vexnews, Landeryou writes "A regular theme in those having a go was that we hadn’t had the courage to make these claims while he [Roebuck] was alive. We are hardly a cowardly publication. We take on billionaires [Sol Lew, with whom Landeryou has a compact] and bullies of all sizes, we put our name on the door in big type and have been described by those who hate us (Stephen Mayne) in terms we think rebuts claims we are ‘cowardly’.

    Landeryou claims he puts his name in large letters on his door. The trouble is that noone, including process servers, ATO agents and Victoria Police know where that door is. He is, as a continual defamer, natuarally secretive about where he resides. He does not register on the voters roll for the same reason. He provides a mobile number, which angry suers would be mad to call as he can discern all their 'phone details'. Mr Landeryou is a devoted criminal who has consistently deceived official investigations, disrupted courtcases, and diverts simple attempts to serve him with legal processes.

    A very, very nasty 'little' man with a B I G mouth! Unlike Peter Roebuck, Landeryou could write all he knows about cricket on the back of a postage stamp. What an pathetic Asshole!

  54. Mr Landeryou stalked my family during the 2008 Kororoit election causing fear and was subject to an Apprehended Violence Order. He regularly defames me on Vexnews.

  55. For some inexplicable reason this looney keeps defaming me too. Advisers say he is mad and that it would be silly to tackle him. Luckily, I believe in divine justice.

  56. Roebuck will get Landeryou in Olam Ha Ba.

  57. Juliar Gillard can easily perform backflips but has not mastered 'The Twister' - the bewildering blur of twists and turns leading to two and a half back-somersaults with two and a half twists during the 1.5 seconds between launching herself from the 10 metre platform and entering deep political waters at 40mph. Not all the bubbles are caused by entry.

  58. Landeryou's online mental breakdownWednesday, November 16, 2011 11:29:00 PM

    Former crime Czar, stalker and cyber libeller Landeryou has reached new lows with his endless mad blogs about cricketing writer Peter Roebuck. On the slim evidence so far produced by Landeryou after scouring every derogatory internet site running down Roebuck he was obviously a bit baffled by it all. Not surprising. Landeryou has very few brain cells left.

    If Landeryou ever had a reputation, which he doesn't, it would be irretrievably ruined after his vile attacks on Roebuck.

    Vexnews suddenly has changed into a circus of one-line blogs which, despite their brevity, are as weird and incomprehensible as his previous long-winded blatherings.

    The fat twit has gone completely nuts!

  59. I will give Andrew a few friendly pats with my bat if he ever gets up here.

  60. The world can't afford idiots like themFriday, November 18, 2011 12:41:00 AM

    Cocquettish PM Juliar welcomed the US President with pecks, smooches, back-patting and touching. It was all a bit disgusting and demeaning.

    In the national parliament all the grubs gathered to groove with the President. In one room were most of the Nutters who brought us Work Choices, Juliar's mad carbon tax, and the man representing sub-Prime nation and banking criminals who have destroyed the global economy.

    Instead of mutual congratulation, they should have been publicly discussing their incompetence, silly ideologies and wicked tax regimes plus indexation.

  61. Tony Abbottobad gave a speech remarkable for its insincerity

  62. Pensioners the forgotten bleedersSaturday, November 19, 2011 12:15:00 AM

    Having lost half my Super thanks to crooks and crooked banks in the US, it is a surprise to find they are all still at it.

    The Age reports: 'US Federal government regulators have shut down dozens of Internet scams that had been paying Google to run deceptive ads promising to help desperate homeowners avoid foreclosure.

    "In an effort to prevent the abuse, the government said Google has suspended its business ties with more than 500 advertisers and agencies connected to the alleged swindlers".

    The CEOs, banks, corporate crooks, scammers and crooked real estate agents won't be happy until every last dollar of my Super becomes theirs.

    I feel I have been robbed by a huge horde of financial thieves. Our PM and Treasurer said everything would be OK. It isn't. I'm quickly going broke while my Superfunds are stolen week after week. Hundreds of thousands of Australian retirees will soon be bust just like my family.

    The crooks seem completely impervious to any form of justice. They are at it again and again. Shoot the sh*ts!

  63. SA Liberal Mary Jo Fisher, unlike hundreds of down and out Aussies in the courts, escaped conviction after her bizarre 'shoplifting' incident in Adelaide. She gets to keep her senator's job, overly generous superannuation and heaps of perks.

    Looks as if the courts are there only for the rich and the privileged. The dopey magistrate deserves a big kick up the arse! The senator should have been sent to the Pokey!

  64. Even though American media had become "corrupt" since Vietnam, film director Oliver Stone said he was "an optimist" and "convinced that (corruption) can change", he said.

    He hasn't seen VEXNEWS! Vexnews is totally corrupt.

  65. TV including Foxtel is becoming unwatchable because of unending Ad breaks that go on and on. Programs are extensively edited and clipped so as to maximise more Ads. Laughable "watchdog" Freeview Australia is a huge joke - and proof that self-regulation never works. Pollies OK's this crap. Commercial TV stations are cashing in.

    My remote is getting a huge workout. 99% of the TV Ads are childish rubbish.

    We now have 33 funeral plans.

  66. I told you so, Halal ChookMonday, November 21, 2011 1:41:00 AM

    SERIOUS health and safety issues have been raised at a major supplier of chickens, with graphic images showing cockroaches, maggots and the inappropriate storage of raw chickens inside a large Victorian processing plant.

    Detective Superintendent Lenny Chux said "We believe we have found the real location of Andrew Landeryou's 'Fat Cave' at Laverton North". He said management including 'One-Man Chook Checker Army Uzunov' had done a bunk.

    Images of the plant show maggots and bits of raw chicken meat strewn about, as well as cockroaches inside empty storage containers.

    Baiada is one of Australia's biggest chicken producers and a major supplier to Coles in Victoria. It owns brands Steggles and Lilydale and also supplies KFC, Aldi and Woolworths. Is anything edible anymore?

  67. Landeryou the NecromancerMonday, November 21, 2011 2:16:00 AM

    Sofa journalist Landeryou is still putting the boot into revered cricketing writer Roebuck. The lazy loon imagines he broke the story, but as was evident then, he was simply googling other hate sites for his hideous 'scoop'. Any idiot can do this. It is not journalism. It is a rat rummaging through the entrails of the dead.

  68. Vexnews's spiral into the bowels of obscurity continues with a big collection of irrelevant one line blogs which are unusually brief for the waffling, long-winded self-proclaimed 'journalist' (and former part-time fraud, crook, stalker and internet libeller) Landeryou.

    The tiresome bore used to write pages of meaningless nonsense that were barely understandable, containing spelling and grammar that made readers wince, and which were intellectually empty rants.

    His endless fake commenters were far more entertaining although equally empty-headed.

    Readership and real comments are dwindling. How can they comment on one line blogs that don't make sense?

  69. The undemocratic Gillard government shonksTuesday, November 22, 2011 1:13:00 AM

    How is it that the Gillard 'government', which only enjoys the support of 30% OF Australians (according to opinion polls) imagines it has a mandate to continue to legislate is beyond me. That government is supported by three wacky cross-benchers and, in the senate, by the Greens. None of these people were elected by the nation. The independents don't even represent their own electorates and will be kicked out at the next election. The Greens are also an unrepresentative minor party. The nation is being stiffed as usual. Juliar and her government should resign because they do not represent democracy.

  70. Nanny Nicola Roxon displayed yesterday the ALP's response to its lack of a mandate. She was serving, she said, in a 'peoples's parliament' where votes were representational. Not so Nicola. The Gillard government is still undemocratic. It represents itself and not voters.

    Hurry up and bugger off you useless twats!

  71. The Abbott Opposition's inability to shut down motor-mouth, droning PM Juliar is utterly pathetic. They ask questions in Question Time. She jumps up and harangues them without drawing breath. This is the most vulnerable government for decades, but the Libs couldn't knock a flea off a rice pudding.

  72. The Bland leading the BlindWednesday, November 23, 2011 1:37:00 AM

    I saw an SBS show a couple of days ago where the people of Morrocco seem to detest and distrust their politicians. My wife chimed in and said how much she hated Australia's dumb pollies. So do I. There are no statesmen or women anywhere to be seen. They are a costly bunch of no hopers.

  73. Juliar's Zombie government of the walking dead are finished at the next election. They boast about reforms noone wants. They busily slit throats which revolts voters. They want new taxes. D R E G S!

  74. Instead of getting the sliperry Slipper, Juliar should be given the Royal Order of the Boot. Her ghastly government is corrupt and needs to be electorally trashed. I voted ALP all my life, but not at the last election, or ever again. They are disgusting. Tony Abbott's drongos are no alternative. I'll be voting for Donald Duck!

  75. Victorian Minister for Mental Health Mary Wooldridge needs a hefty kick up her fat butt. Western governments abandoned the mentally ill decades ago. They said the loonies needed to rejoin the community. What they really meant was there were massive savings to be made from closing down mental institutions. It was a vile betrayal of defenceless and vulnerable people. Thirty years later new Minister Wooldridge is still shafting the mentally ill while what little remains of mental health services descend into chaos and crisis. She is ultimately responsible for every human tragedy her underfunding leads to. Shame on you, Minister!

    And what of former fraudster Andrew Landeryou, nowadays a silly cyber libeller, stalker and recipient of numerous AVOs. Why shouldn't he receive help and mental health intervention? Ok, he is a millionaire. But he is also completely nuts. The community needs to be protected from him.

  76. I'll be watching the Walkley Awards tonight on ABC-TV. Vexnews is bound to win an award for its endless derisive rants about cricketing writer Peter Roebuck surely. Vexnews is in the running for nomination as 'Australia's least relevant blog', 'Turgid blog by a wannabe journalist' and 'minor site over-populated by fake commenters traceable to the webmaster'.

    I am reliably informed by an ABC contact that Andrew Landeryou has been strongly nominated to be receipient of of the prestigious Walkley ultra-award - 'Australia's biggest asshole'! He deserves it.

  77. Walkely Awards CommitteeSunday, November 27, 2011 1:27:00 AM

    Obviously we cannot comment on speculation about our awards tonight. All we can say is that should Vexnews or Mr Landeryou receive an award, Mr Landeryou will get a basic journalism course from Swineburne Uni; a dictionary to aid his spelling; and a 'beginner's grammar guide'. Several potential mentors (like Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones) pulled out when they heard Mr Landeryou might receive an award. They said he was an 'illiterate Asshole who can barely string two words together'.

  78. Sunday Herald-Sun copyboySunday, November 27, 2011 1:38:00 AM

    I once thought Vexnews was a great news blog but realised the error of my ways when Editor-in-Chief Andrew Landeryou kept on defaming great Australians like Les Twentyman OAM, Union Boss Dean Highell and dozens of others like Phil Cleary!

    I thought his defence of Theo was very lame.

  79. Shock! Horror! No Vexnews or Editor Landeryou anywhere to be seen! I can't believe that the Walkely's couldn't have included an award for the 'Blogsite that stole the most copyright images from genuine news sources' or an encouragement award for mature 'wannabe journos'.

  80. Landeryou and Dim, had they turned up to the Walkely Awards, even if only washing dishes in the kitchen, would have been lynched on the nearest lampposts by the hundreds of real journos at the glittering gathering. There was no room for libellers, stalkers and criminals at such a wonderful occasion.

  81. I can't figure out how Sasha Uzunov - the self-styled "One Man Media Army" - and Andrew Landeryou's personal driver, didn't get a Giant Walkely Gong. Sash is a Defence guru having served as an ADF clerk in East Timor. He pontificates on his own weird blogsite from time to time about defence matters. No one to date has paid the slightest attention to the dolt.

  82. Vexnews is similarly reviled by thinking readers who regard Vexnews as vacuous nonsense. It provides a rough guide to what extreme right idiots like Conjob and Shorty are thinking. They once shared Landeryou's putrid dream of half-leftist rightism.

  83. Landeryou, despite his disgusting treatment of cricketing writer Peter Roebuck for over a fortnight, must secretly be wondering why Pete didn't get a Walkely Award.

  84. When Mr Landeryou gets a bee in his bonnet about someone like Peter Roebuck be becomes a rabid Pit Bull that can't let go. It's all a bit freakin weird if you ask me!

  85. Vexnews is also attacking Senator Nick Xenophon whose denouncement of the RC Church in Adelaide on behalf of rape victim John Hepworth is righteous. Vexnews praised a coverup Church report quoting interviews with everyone except Archbishop Hepworth.

    Sex cases often seem to confuse Vexnews. Sometimes he is in favour of victims, sometimes in favour of predators. When his mate Theo was charged with rape, Landeryou trumpeted 'foul'. He slammed writer Peter Roebuck as a sexual predator on slender evidence. For no apparent reason he champions the church perverts of Adelaide. Go figure!

    Landeryou is a troubled madman running a blog that is full of silly allegations and criminal libels. As was pointed out above in this blog, politicians have closed down lunatic asylums thus denying help to Landeryou, the world's sickest armchair 'reporter'.

  86. Ballan, Bacchus Marsh and Melton, among other regional centres have been ruined by Minister Matthew Guy and his Department of Planning and Community Development. Without any consultation, all these towns have been packed to the rafters by unwanted development. It is nearly impossible to find parking spaces. Amenity has been destroyed. The heritage and history of the towns have been forsaken. We are becoming the West's most unliveable places. Thanks for nothing Nong Matthew Guy and your overpaid departmental dills. If you had to live here, you wouldn't have let this happen!

  87. We want to get out of this placeWednesday, November 30, 2011 12:59:00 AM

    Bailleau, like all previous Lib premiers in living memory, has comprehensively screwed Melbourne's West. He is a big guy with a small agenda. He likes people with money rather than those who don't! But country people have long memories. He will be humbled in due course.

    Regional centres don't want to be crippled by unwanted refugees and immigrants. Australia used to be a nice place to live.

    Now my family wants to move somewhere overseas without all this tiresome shit.

  88. Every time I drive through Jeff Kennett's vile Trans Urban ripoff toll tunnel I curse his soul.

    It was, and is, the duty of politicians to provide transport amenities for Victorians. Jeff Kennett sold this off to privateers. We have been paying extra charges to his mates ever since.

    One day we will see though the public record how he crookedly got round the law. Who did what will be revealed.

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